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河南省沿黄稻茬小麦高产潜力探讨 Ⅰ不同耕播方式稻茬小麦的生态环境及生育生理特性 被引量:4
作者 臧秀旺 周阳 +1 位作者 王汉芳 金先春 《华北农学报》 CSCD 北大核心 1998年第3期30-35,共6页
关键词 小麦 稻茬小麦 高产 耕播 生态环境 生育生理
水稻抛秧栽培的生育生理特性 被引量:4
作者 毛璧君 罗家镏 +3 位作者 刘怀珍 卢德成 张万巧 杨江 《广东农业科学》 CSCD 1994年第2期11-15,10,共6页
水稻抛秧栽培的生育生理特性毛璧君,潘玉 ,罗家镏,刘怀珍,卢德成,张万巧,杨江(广东省农科院水稻所广州510640)1抛秧栽培早期的生长特点纸筒秧抛掷下田后,由于纸筒和带土的重力而接触泥表,比人工插秧显著浅植、无植伤... 水稻抛秧栽培的生育生理特性毛璧君,潘玉 ,罗家镏,刘怀珍,卢德成,张万巧,杨江(广东省农科院水稻所广州510640)1抛秧栽培早期的生长特点纸筒秧抛掷下田后,由于纸筒和带土的重力而接触泥表,比人工插秧显著浅植、无植伤,因此能早生快发。1987年早、晚... 展开更多
关键词 水稻 抛秧 栽培 生育生理特性
作者 毛璧君 罗家镏 +3 位作者 刘怀珍 卢德成 张万巧 杨江 《广东农业科学》 CSCD 1994年第2期7-10,共4页
纸筒秧苗的生育生理特性分析毛璧君,潘玉 ,罗家镏,刘怀珍,卢德成,张万巧,杨江(广东省农科院水稻所广州510640)1播种量与大田拔秧相比,纸筒育秋首先是具有限定性的营养空间。一般筒高2.4或2.6cm,直径1.78... 纸筒秧苗的生育生理特性分析毛璧君,潘玉 ,罗家镏,刘怀珍,卢德成,张万巧,杨江(广东省农科院水稻所广州510640)1播种量与大田拔秧相比,纸筒育秋首先是具有限定性的营养空间。一般筒高2.4或2.6cm,直径1.78cm。1986年早、晚稻进行不同播... 展开更多
关键词 水稻 纸筒秧苗 生育生理特性
多效唑对旱地小麦一些生理、生育特性及产量的影响 被引量:65
作者 吕双庆 李生秀 《植物营养与肥料学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第1期92-98,共7页
采用田间试验研究了两种密度条件下不同时期和不同浓度多效唑以及多效唑+GA3对旱地小麦一些生育、生理特性及产量影响。结果表明,多效唑显著增加了小麦分蘖数,降低了株高和叶面积,降低程度随浓度提高和次数增加而更显著;GA3减轻了多效... 采用田间试验研究了两种密度条件下不同时期和不同浓度多效唑以及多效唑+GA3对旱地小麦一些生育、生理特性及产量影响。结果表明,多效唑显著增加了小麦分蘖数,降低了株高和叶面积,降低程度随浓度提高和次数增加而更显著;GA3减轻了多效唑的抑制作用。多效唑对越冬期叶绿素含量无影响,但提高了拔节期的含量;抑制了越冬期硝酸还原酶活性,而对拔节期硝酸还原酶活性、铵、硝态氮含量及总量无效果。三叶期喷施多效唑,同时在拔节期喷施多效唑+GA3增加了收获穗数,减少穗粒数,保持和提高了粒重,增产5.8%。多效唑的效果因喷施时期和密度而不同,可能与水肥条件的差异有关。 展开更多
关键词 多效唑 小麦 生育生理特性 密度 产量
作者 刘铨义 冯杨 +3 位作者 王国平 王文博 曾庆涛 蔡晓莉 《农业科技通讯》 2015年第3期140-143,共4页
进行了DPC(缩节安)对新陆早36号、993和新陆中26号棉花品种的生理生育特性的影响的研究,结果表明:在生理上DPC可以促使叶绿素合成,增加叶绿素含量和光全效能强;在生育上DPC可以有效地降低果枝始节、始节高和株高,增加有效果台数、单株... 进行了DPC(缩节安)对新陆早36号、993和新陆中26号棉花品种的生理生育特性的影响的研究,结果表明:在生理上DPC可以促使叶绿素合成,增加叶绿素含量和光全效能强;在生育上DPC可以有效地降低果枝始节、始节高和株高,增加有效果台数、单株成铃和铃重,减少脱落。打顶后喷施缩节安,可以塑造棉花理想株型,对倒二枝果枝长度影响最大,其次是倒三枝,最小是倒一枝。 展开更多
关键词 棉花 DPC 生理生育特性 SPAD值 叶片氮含量N% 光化学效率Fv/Fm
作者 胡丽萍 毛斌 《中国社区医师(医学专业)》 2010年第29期257-258,共2页
目的:探求上海真如长征两镇女性居民生理生育因素的特点,为乳腺癌的防治提供依据。方法:对上海市普陀区长征真如两镇2302名妇女进行问卷调查。结果:初潮年龄<12岁的占0.8%,绝经年龄>55岁占2.6%,生育年龄>35岁占0.8%,有流产引... 目的:探求上海真如长征两镇女性居民生理生育因素的特点,为乳腺癌的防治提供依据。方法:对上海市普陀区长征真如两镇2302名妇女进行问卷调查。结果:初潮年龄<12岁的占0.8%,绝经年龄>55岁占2.6%,生育年龄>35岁占0.8%,有流产引产史者占30.1%。结论:合理营养、避免早孕及流产引产史适龄生育应成为目前防治乳腺癌的社区手段之一。 展开更多
关键词 生理生育因素 乳腺癌 危险 因素
烯效唑干拌种对冬小麦生理·形态特征及产量的影响 被引量:8
作者 石在臣 刘宗亮 《安徽农业科学》 CAS 北大核心 2007年第12期3508-3509,共2页
采用田间试验研究了烯效唑干拌种对冬小麦生理、形态特征及产量的影响。结果表明,与对照相比,烯效唑显著增加了小麦次生根的数量和单株干重,小麦次生根数量的增加以抽穗期最为显著;植株干重的增加以拔节期和抽穗期最为显著;烯效唑能显... 采用田间试验研究了烯效唑干拌种对冬小麦生理、形态特征及产量的影响。结果表明,与对照相比,烯效唑显著增加了小麦次生根的数量和单株干重,小麦次生根数量的增加以抽穗期最为显著;植株干重的增加以拔节期和抽穗期最为显著;烯效唑能显著降低株高,随浓度增加而更显著;烯效唑能显著增加小麦叶片叶绿素含量,越冬期高于拔节期;烯效唑能显著增加粒位叶叶面积;烯效唑能显著增加小麦分蘖数,以增加冬前分蘖最为显著;烯效唑提高了产量,同时小麦单位面积穗数和千粒重均有不同程度的增加,其增加顺序为:单位面积穗数>千粒重;烯效唑可导致每穗粒数降低,随浓度提高而更明显。烯效唑的使用浓度以20 mg/kg为佳。 展开更多
关键词 烯效唑 小麦 生育生理特征 产量
早期子宫内膜癌手术治疗进展 被引量:7
作者 徐云 张小玲 盛修贵 《现代妇产科进展》 CSCD 北大核心 2006年第10期785-787,共3页
子宫内膜癌确诊时多数为早期,子宫外播散及远处转移的发生率低,且近年来年轻患者发病率逐渐增高,这些都为该肿瘤的治疗策略提出了新的要求,也为减少手术创伤、保留生育或生理功能的手术方式提供了依据。本文在三个方面综述如下:(1)腹腔... 子宫内膜癌确诊时多数为早期,子宫外播散及远处转移的发生率低,且近年来年轻患者发病率逐渐增高,这些都为该肿瘤的治疗策略提出了新的要求,也为减少手术创伤、保留生育或生理功能的手术方式提供了依据。本文在三个方面综述如下:(1)腹腔镜手术的优势、疗效及并发症;(2)保留生育或生理功能的子宫内膜癌的处理;(3)子宫内膜癌前哨淋巴结检测的可行性及临床意义。 展开更多
关键词 子宫内膜肿瘤 手术 腹腔镜 保留生育生理功能 前哨淋巴结
西宁市妇女生理生育因素与乳腺疾病的现况研究 被引量:2
作者 汪海静 张玉秀 +2 位作者 何荷 杜文琪 李斌 《中国妇幼保健》 CAS 2019年第16期3798-3801,共4页
目的了解西宁市乳腺疾病的分布及有关的生理生育因素与乳腺疾病的关系,为乳腺疾病的一级预防提供理论依据.方法通过现况研究的方法对西宁市城西区、城北区参加乳腺癌筛查的女性进行相关的问卷调查,对调查数据在单因素分析的基础上采用... 目的了解西宁市乳腺疾病的分布及有关的生理生育因素与乳腺疾病的关系,为乳腺疾病的一级预防提供理论依据.方法通过现况研究的方法对西宁市城西区、城北区参加乳腺癌筛查的女性进行相关的问卷调查,对调查数据在单因素分析的基础上采用二分类Logistic回归进行多因素分析.结果调查参加筛查妇女719例,平均年龄(45.67±8.77)岁,其中患病286例,乳腺疾病检出率为39.78%,其中患乳腺增生的女性最多占74.13%.经Logistic回归分析显示:年龄和受教育程度是危险因素,绝经、分娩次数与职业满意度是保护因素.结论西宁市妇女乳腺疾病检出率较高且与多种因素有关,对于已绝经、文化程度较高且对职业满意度较低的女性应作为乳腺疾病检查的重点对象. 展开更多
关键词 乳腺疾病 生理生育因素 现况调查
氮素在甜椒等蔬菜作物方面的研究进展 被引量:11
作者 鲜开梅 王彦波 +1 位作者 苑育文 刘慧英 《现代农业科技》 2006年第07S期6-7,9,共3页
关键词 氮素 蔬菜 生育生理 品质 甜椒
Physio-Biochemical Changes in Jujube Fruits(Zizyphus jujuba Mill. cv. Lingwuchangzao) at Mature Stage 被引量:1
作者 魏天军 窦云萍 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2008年第2期18-22,共5页
The changes of physiological and biochemical indices in jujube fruits during the late development were investigated from 6-year-old jujube trees (Zizyphus jujuba Mill. cv. Lingwuchangzao). The results showed that th... The changes of physiological and biochemical indices in jujube fruits during the late development were investigated from 6-year-old jujube trees (Zizyphus jujuba Mill. cv. Lingwuchangzao). The results showed that the flesh firmness decreased slowly from white-green stage to full-red stage, being significantly related with the developmental maturity of jujube fruits negatively, the correlation coefficient reached -0.980 3^**. The contents of ascorbic acid and titratable acid in jujube fruits were significantly related with the developmental process of jujube fruits negatively or positively, the correlation coef- ficients were -0. 973 1^**and + 0. 974 6^ * * , respectively. The contents of soluble solids, total sugar, and sucrose increased with jujube ripening, while the relative sweetness of jujube fruits showed the same variation pattern, the correlation coefficients were 0. 996 6 ^* * , 0. 988 0^** , and 0. 982 8 ^* * , respectively. Before white-green stage during fruit development, the accumulation of monosaccharide was predominant in jujube fruits, following a fast accumulation of sucrose, indicating that the main component of sugars is sucrose at the crisp-ripe stage. Furthermore, the starch content of the flesh reached the peak at about thirty percentage of jujube maturity, being 51,54 mg/100 g.FW. The respiratory rates varied between 10 mg/( kg.h) and CO2 26 mg/( kg.h) after fruit turning red and before softening, indicating a non-climacteric respiratory type. 展开更多
关键词 ‘Lingwuchangzao' jujube Fruit development FIRMNESS Sugar and acid Ascorbic acid PECTIN Respiratory rate
Effects of Water Deficit and Increased Nitrogen Application in the Late Growth Stage on Physiological Characters of Anti-aging of Leaves in Different Hybrid Rice Varieties 被引量:1
作者 李木英 王竹青 +3 位作者 曾蕾 石庆华 潘晓华 谭雪明 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2012年第11期2311-2322,共12页
[Objective] This study aimed to explore the effects of water and fertilizer regulation on the function of leaves in the filling stage. [Method] Six hybrid rice vari- eties including prematurely aged types and non-prem... [Objective] This study aimed to explore the effects of water and fertilizer regulation on the function of leaves in the filling stage. [Method] Six hybrid rice vari- eties including prematurely aged types and non-prematurely aged ones were selected as experimental materials. Limiting water treatment (with soil water potential of about -25 kpa) and increasing nitrogen treatment (additional 10% of granular nitrogen fertiliz- er in addition to limiting water treatment) were applied after heading to analyse the rates of aging and physiological responses of anti-aging in different hybrid rice vari- eties under water deficit and increased nitrogen conditions taking regular water and fertilizer as control. [Result] The results showed that water deficit accelerated the leaf senescence, and prematurely aged types-'Zhongyou838', 'Tianyou998' and 'Long- ping601 '-were more markedly affected by water deficit, of which the rates of chloro- phyll degradation were 6%-8% higher compared to that in another three hybrids. In- creasing nitrogen treatment raised chlorophyll content and slowed down its degrada- tion. Water deficit caused the increase of abscisic acid (ABA) content to obviously varying degrees in leaves of six hybried rice varieties. Responses of ABA content in six hybried rice varieties to increased nitrogen fertilizer were not consistent. Except in 'Zhongyou838', ABA content in the other five hybrids had varying degrees of in- crease. The responses of the activity of antioxidant enzymes in different hybried rice varieties were inconsistent. In response to increased nitrogen fertilizer in combination with water deficit, the activity of each antioxidant enzyme changed differently. Water deficit enhanced the accumulation of malondialdehyde (MDA) in leaves of each hybrid rice. The correlation analysis showed that chlorophyll content was extremely signifi- cantly positively correlated to the resistance of each antioxidant enzyme; SOD activity in leaves also positively related to ABA content. [Conclusion] The rate of leaf aging, physiological activity of anti-aging, and response to water deficit varied in different hy- bried rice varieties. The activity of antioxidant enzymes were not all induced to improve by ABA. SOD activity can be an indicator of resistance to stress. Increasing nitrogen ap- plication significantly postponed leave senescence in the late growth stage of rice. 展开更多
关键词 Hybrid rice Leaf senescence Abscisic acid(ABA) Antioxidant enzymes
Occurrence and Development of Spontaneous Firings in the Telencephalon Neurons of Hynobius leechii
作者 郑妍 王丽文 +2 位作者 李丽妍 孙敏 梁传成 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2014年第8期1359-1363,共5页
This study aimed to probe into occurrence and development of spontaneous firings in the telencephalon neurons of Hynobius leechi . [Method] Mi-croelectrode technique was used to record extracellular spontaneous electr... This study aimed to probe into occurrence and development of spontaneous firings in the telencephalon neurons of Hynobius leechi . [Method] Mi-croelectrode technique was used to record extracellular spontaneous electrical activi-ties of the telencephalon neurons of H. leechi in occurrence and development. [Re-sult] There were three discharge types in the occurrence of telencephalon in H. leechi , with single spontaneous firing and consecutive single spontaneous firing being main-ly apparent. And among the five types in the development of telencephalon, the main discharge type was single spontaneous firing. Along with the occurrence and development of telencephalon, the extracellular discharge intensity enhanced gradual-ly, the discharge duration increased, and the spontaneous firing frequency accelerat-ed, al of which reached the maximum in the adult phase. Fol owing the process of occurrence and development, other discharge types appeared successively. [Conclu-sion] Along with the occurrence and development of the telencephalon in H. leechi , the neuronal excitability increases step by step and the neuronal electrical activities diversify gradual y. 展开更多
关键词 Hynobius leechi TELENCEPHALON OCCURRENCE DEVELOPMENT Sponta-neous firings
Isolation and Characterization of a Methomyl-Degrading Paracoccus sp.mdw-1 被引量:2
作者 XU Jing-Liang WU Jun +5 位作者 WANG Zhi-Chun WANG Kun LI Meng-Ying JIANG Jian-Dong HE Jian LI Shun-Peng 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第2期238-243,共6页
Methomyl, an extremely toxic pesticide, is widely used in agriculture. A strain named mdw-1 capable of degrading methomyl rapidly was successfully isolated from activated sludge in this study. It could utilize methomy... Methomyl, an extremely toxic pesticide, is widely used in agriculture. A strain named mdw-1 capable of degrading methomyl rapidly was successfully isolated from activated sludge in this study. It could utilize methomyl as the sole carbon or nitrogen source. The optimal temperature and medium pH for its growth and methomyl biodegradation were 30℃ and 7.0, respectively. It was identified as a Paracoccus sp. according to its morphological features, physiological and biochemical characteristics, and phylogenetic analysis based on the sequence of 16S rDNA. Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) analysis showed that methomyl could be completely transformed to S-methyl-N-hydroxythioacetamidate in 10 h of incubation with the isolate mdw-1. 展开更多
关键词 methomyl degradation Paracoccus sp. S-methyl-N-hydroxythioacetamidate 16S rDNA strain mdw-1
Effects of Drought Stress on Morphological and Physiological Indices of New Coix Varieties in Yunnan 被引量:4
作者 FANG Zi-song LONG Hua +1 位作者 JIN Long-ying YANG Zhi-qing 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2019年第1期22-29,共8页
In order to study the effects of drought stress on the morphological and physiological indexes of Yunnan Coix at different growth stages, two new varieties of Yunnan Coix Wenyi 4 and Wenyi 5 were used as experimental ... In order to study the effects of drought stress on the morphological and physiological indexes of Yunnan Coix at different growth stages, two new varieties of Yunnan Coix Wenyi 4 and Wenyi 5 were used as experimental materials, potted and compared with CK by normal irrigation. Morphological indices such as plant height, stem diameter and physiological indices such as protein, soluble sugar, chlorophyll content and relative conductivity (REC) of the two varieties under drought stress at seedling stage, tillering stage and jointing stage were determined, and data statistics and variance analysis were performed for each index. The results showed that the morphological indices, plant height of Wenyi 4 and Wenyi 5 were significantly affected by drought stress at seedling stage, while the stem diameter was significantly affected by drought stress at seedling and jointing stage. In terms of physiological indices, the relative conductivity, protein and soluble sugar contents of Wenyi 5 increased at a higher degree, whereas chlorophyll content decreased at a higher degree, indicating that Wenyi 5 was greatly affected by drought stress. Through the analysis of drought resistance of the tested materials at different stages by polar ordination method, the results were as follows: jointing stage of Wenyi 5>jointing stage of Wenyi 4>seedling stage of Wenyi 4>seedling stage of Wenyi 5>tillering Stage of Wenyi 4>Tillering Stage of Wenyi 5. For the growth period, the drought resistance was as follows: jointing stage>seedling stage>tillering stage. In conclusion, Wenyi 4 has strong drought resistance and is suitable for droughtresistant cultivation. 展开更多
关键词 COIX Growth period Drought stress Morphological index Physiological index
Seminal, adventitious and lateral root growth and physiological responses in rice to upland conditions
作者 杨玲 郑炳松 +4 位作者 毛传澡 易可可 吴运荣 吴平 陶勤南 《Journal of Zhejiang University Science》 EI CSCD 2003年第4期469-473,共5页
Understanding the growth and physiological responses of rice to upland conditions would be helpful for designing treatments to improve the tolerance of rice under a rainfed system. The objective of this study was to i... Understanding the growth and physiological responses of rice to upland conditions would be helpful for designing treatments to improve the tolerance of rice under a rainfed system. The objective of this study was to investigate the initiation,elongation and membrane stability of seminal, lateral and adventitious roots of upland rice after 9 d upland condition treatment. Compared with control roots under waterlogged conditions, upland water deficiency conditions favor seminal and lateral root growth over adventitious root growth by accelerating seminal root elongation, promoting lateral root initiation and elongation, and reducing the elongation and number of adventitious roots. Enhanced total root number and length resulted in increase of total root dry weight and thereby increasing the root to shoot ratio. Organic compound leakage from seminal root tips and adventitious roots increased progressively to some extent with upland culture duration, while significant increases in seminal root tips were the consequence of loss of membrane integrity caused by the upland condition enhanced growth. 展开更多
关键词 Oryza sativa L. Root growth Upland conditions
Recent Research Progress in Foxtail Millet(Setaria italica)
作者 冯小磊 赵治海 +6 位作者 王晓明 邱风仓 宋国亮 王德权 苏旭 张晓磊 王峰 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2014年第4期564-570,575,共8页
Foxtail millet (Setaria italica L. Beauv.), as a significant food and fodder cereal crop, was widely cultivated in the Yellow River Valley and is still a kind of farming tradition of millet in Northern China. With t... Foxtail millet (Setaria italica L. Beauv.), as a significant food and fodder cereal crop, was widely cultivated in the Yellow River Valley and is still a kind of farming tradition of millet in Northern China. With the development of agriculture and the improvement of people's living standards, foxtail millet's planting area has be- come less and less in arid and semi-arid region now. However, because of its small diploid genome (1C genome size=420 Mb) and self-pollination, foxtail millet is very suitable for whole genome sequence and is used as an experimental model plant for C4 photosynthesis and biofuel research. In 2012, the completed genome sequence of foxtail millet had been successfully produced by the Beijing Genomics Institute (BGI) and US Department of Energy Joint Genomic Institute (JGI), respec- tively. It will be used as an experimental crop to explore many aspects of plant ar- chitecture, physiology and biochemistry, comparative and functional genomics studies in the bioenergy grasses. To systematically understand the recent research progress in foxtail millet; we summarize the following aspects in this study: germplasm, tradi- tional breeding, physiology and biochemistry, molecular marker, construction of genet- ic linkage map, gene localization, genome sequencing and comparative genome. This may be a door to open for the further development of foxtail millet in the future. 展开更多
关键词 Foxtail millet BREEDING Physiology and biochemistry Genetic marker Genome sequencing
Physiological and Biochemical Responses of Wheat Subjected to Water Deficit Stress at Different Phenological Stages of Development 被引量:3
作者 J. M. Lemos E. C. G. Vendruscolo +1 位作者 I. Schuster M. F. dos Santos 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(B)》 2011年第8期1116-1124,共9页
Proline has been proposed to be an osmoprotector and scavenger of reactive oxygen species in plants subjected to water deficit. The aim of this work was to study the effects of drought on each wheat phenological stage... Proline has been proposed to be an osmoprotector and scavenger of reactive oxygen species in plants subjected to water deficit. The aim of this work was to study the effects of drought on each wheat phenological stage (tillering, booting, heading, flowering and grain-filling) using stress parameters such as the relative water content (RWC), membrane stability index (MSI), lipid peroxidation through malondialdehyde levels (MDA) and determination of proline content (PRO). The Brazilian commercial elite cultivar Triticum aestivum cv. CD 200126 was submitted to eight days of water deficit stress at each stage. The perception of stress was low at tillering and high at the final stages of growth, as verified by the reduction in the MSI and RWC. However, an increase in the MDA was clearly observed. We observed a high proline accumulation when stress was applied, although it was not sufficient to prevent damages. These results indicate that the relevant stages to evaluate the effect of water shortage during wheat plant development are booting, heading and flowering. 展开更多
关键词 DROUGHT phenological cycle PROLINE stress parameters Triticum aestivum L.
Effect of Integrated Nutrient Management on Growth and Productivity of Hybrid Rice
作者 Spurti Mondal Malavathu Mallikarjun +2 位作者 Mainak Ghosh Dulal Chandra Ghosh Jagadish Timsina 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(B)》 2015年第5期297-308,共12页
Sustaining rice (Oryza sativa L.) productivity at high level is a great challenge, particularly in areas where rice productivity declines in spite of following recommended nutrient management practices. Nutrient man... Sustaining rice (Oryza sativa L.) productivity at high level is a great challenge, particularly in areas where rice productivity declines in spite of following recommended nutrient management practices. Nutrient management by integrating organic manures, inorganic fertilizers and biofertilizers may play an important role in improving and sustaining rice productivity. In this study, the authors tried to evaluate the suitable proportion of organic manures and inorganic fertilizers along with biofertilizer to maximize growth and productivity of hybrid rice on sandy-loam lateritic soils of West Bengal, India. The crop having 50% recommended dose of fertilizer (RDF) + 50% recommended dose of nitrogen (RDN) through mustard oil cake (MOC) and 75% RDF + 25% RDN through MOC + biofertilizer significantly increased plant height, number of tillers/m2, leaf area index (LAI), dry matter accumulation (DMA) and crop growth rate (CGR) at initial and vital period of grain growth over those of 25% RDF + 75% RDN through MOC and 100% RDN through MOC. The former two treatments also increased number of panicles/m2 and number of grains/panicle over those of only organic manuring (100% RDN) or only chemical fertilization (100% RDF) or 25% RDF + 75% RDN through MOC. Crop with 75% RDF + 25% RDN through MOC + biofertilizer or 50% RDF + 50% RDN through MOC produced 20.2%-33.8% higher grain yield and 11.0%-33.3% greater straw yield, and paid higher gross and net returns over other treatments. This study suggests growing hybrid rice with 75% RDF + 25% RDN through MOC + biofertilizer or 50% RDF + 50% RDN through MOC for better growth, higher productivity and greater profit. 展开更多
关键词 Hybrid rice BIOFERTILIZER imegrated nutrient management.
Modeling of Organ Morphology and Biomass Dynamics in Rice
作者 D. Yan L. T. Wilson +5 位作者 Y. Yang J. Lv J. C. Medley L. Zhu Y. Guo S. O. P. B. Samonte 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(B)》 2011年第7期1013-1024,共12页
Physiological processes governing rice plant light capture and subsequent crop growth and development are intimately tied to canopy architecture. Conversely, the production and spatial orientation of organs are depend... Physiological processes governing rice plant light capture and subsequent crop growth and development are intimately tied to canopy architecture. Conversely, the production and spatial orientation of organs are dependent on the underlying physiological processes. An integrated functional-architectural modeling system would allow greater refinement of intra- and inter-plant interactions, facilitate the incorporation of additional mechanistic processes, allow greater integration of processes across multiple structural scales, and improve the accuracy of predictions. The objective of this study is to quantify the physiological bases for organ morphological development of 3 rice cultivars (Banks, IR68886B, and their hybrid Banks × IR68886A). Detailed organ morphological data were obtained through repeated field observations and destructive samplings over the growing season, including leaf length, width, area, mass, and leaf phyllochron; sheath length, diameter and mass; internode length, diameter and mass; panicle length; stem and tiller number. The result showed that the plant age (GDD, 〉 10 ℃ d) at the first full leaf initiation (node = 2) was 147.92, 154.35, 166.23 for Banks, IR68886B, and Banks × IR68886A respectively. Banks × IR68886A produced 18 nodes, while IR68886B produced 17 nodes, and Banks 16 nodes. The Specific Leaf Weight (SLW, mg cm2) was fairly constant (about 6 mg cm2) during the growing season for the 3 cultivars, and appears to slowly increase for the latter nodes. The leaf length and SLW of Banks × IR68886A was more than Banks and IR68886B. Specific internodes weight of Banks x IR68886A was higher than IR68886B ×and Banks. Growing duration for Banks × IR68886A is longer than Banks and IR68886B. Banks × IR68886A shows positive heterosis,, and the mid-parent heterosis (MPH) for panicle length was 26.74% and that for stem and tiller number was 135.00%. Results from the experiments were used to parameterize a rice functional-architectural model that simulates organ dynamics and renders organ growth in a 3-dimensional space over the rice growing season. 展开更多
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