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作者 谢静 张峰 +7 位作者 周泽圆 于海群 韩艺 杨春欣 蒋薇 刘进祖 刘博恩 刘鹤 《林业科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第9期12-17,共6页
【目的】干旱、半干旱环境中人工林生态系统碳吸收与水分损失之间的平衡关系尚不明确,阐明森林生态系统水分利用效率(WUE)应对环境因子的响应机制有助于量化城市人工林碳、水通量的平衡关系。【方法】应用涡度协方差技术,结合微气象观... 【目的】干旱、半干旱环境中人工林生态系统碳吸收与水分损失之间的平衡关系尚不明确,阐明森林生态系统水分利用效率(WUE)应对环境因子的响应机制有助于量化城市人工林碳、水通量的平衡关系。【方法】应用涡度协方差技术,结合微气象观测系统,获取北京奥林匹克森林公园内油松人工林生态系统碳、水通量和环境因子数据,运用统计和模拟方法,分析人工林碳、水通量在季节尺度的平衡关系以及在干旱、半干旱环境条件下碳吸收与水分损失之间的平衡关系。【结果】研究期2012—2014年降水少,均发生季节性土壤干旱情况,年降水量低于过去60年均值,且逐年降低,2014年降水总量仅271 mm。WUE年均值为2.2~2.9 g·kg^(-1),2012年最小(2.2 g·kg^(-1))、2013年最大(2.9 g·kg^(-1))。生长季WUE主要受植被指数(NDVI)、净辐射(Rn)、气温(Ta)、土壤水分含量(SWC)和饱和水汽压差(VPD)的影响。在季节尺度,调控WUE的主要环境因子有所不同,春季NDVI的影响最大(P<0.05),可解释春季WUE变异的48%;夏季Rn和Ta的影响较强(P<0.05),可分别解释夏季WUE变异的52%和57%;秋季SWC和VPD的影响较强(P<0.05),可分别解释秋季WUE变异的44%和54%。在生长季,WUE和Ta呈线性负相关(P<0.01),WUE与VPD和R_n呈非线性负相关(对数曲线关系),WUE与SWC呈线性正相关(P<0.01);然而在极端干旱月份,如2014年5、6和8月,WUE与SWC呈负相关(P<0.01),WUE降至最低。2012和2013年7月均出现连续无雨的干旱期,WUE达最低值3.7 g·kg^(-1)。相较而言,在生长季的连续降水期,随着SWC增加,WUE达最大值10.3 g·kg^(-1)。【结论】干旱、半干旱环境中人工林生态系统碳、水通量是相互耦合的,季节性干旱和炎热降低碳吸收量和水分损失量,导致WUE降低。生长季的干旱期,在Ta较高的环境下,随着SWC降低,WUE降至最低。在生长季不同气温条件影响下,人工林可利用的土壤有效水与干旱特性(干旱强度和持续时间)相结合共同影响生态系统碳、水通量的季节变化,从而导致人工林WUE应对干旱事件的年际响应差异。 展开更多
关键词 生态系统水分利用效率 碳、水通量 干旱 人工林
不同土壤水分条件下杨树人工林水分利用效率对环境因子的响应 被引量:32
作者 周洁 张志强 +6 位作者 孙阁 方显瑞 查同刚 张燕 王小平 陈俊崎 陈吉泉 《生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第5期1465-1474,共10页
运用涡度相关(Eddy covariance,EC)开路系统和微气象观测系统,于2007年对位于北京市大兴区永定河沙地杨树(Populus euramericana)人工林与大气间碳、水和能量交换进行了连续测定。通过分析总生态系统生产力(GEP)、蒸发散(ET)以及水分利... 运用涡度相关(Eddy covariance,EC)开路系统和微气象观测系统,于2007年对位于北京市大兴区永定河沙地杨树(Populus euramericana)人工林与大气间碳、水和能量交换进行了连续测定。通过分析总生态系统生产力(GEP)、蒸发散(ET)以及水分利用效率(WUE=GEP/ET)随相对土壤含水量(REW)的变化趋势,探讨杨树人工林不同土壤水分条件下水分利用效率对气象因子以及下垫面因素的响应,为杨树人工林经营管理提供理论依据。研究结果表明:当REW<0.1时,GEP和ET受到严重水分胁迫的影响维持在较低水平,环境因子对GEP、ET和WUE的影响较小;当0.1<REW<0.4时,GEP和ET随着土壤体积含水量(VWC)的增加而增大,WUE随VWC的增大而减小;REW>0.4时,气象因子是影响碳固定和水分损耗的主要原因,由于ET对气象因子变化的响应较GEP更为敏感,因此,WUE随空气饱和水汽压差(VPD)的增大而减小。沙地土壤保水能力较差,不能保证土壤水分被植物有效利用,因此当VWC处于5.2%—8.8%(0.1<REW<0.4)范围时,碳固定与水分消耗达到最高效率。研究表明杨树人工林WUE随降水变化而变化,未来气候变化和变异有可能影响杨树林耗水和生产力之间的关系。 展开更多
关键词 总生态系统生产力 生态系统蒸发散 生态系统水分利用效率 涡度相关 土壤相对含水量 杨树人工林
基于涡度相关法的长江中下游稻田水分利用效率变化规律 被引量:10
作者 时元智 时红 +2 位作者 崔远来 洪大林 朱寒 《农业工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第4期130-139,共10页
揭示水稻生态系统水分利用效率(WaterUseEfficiency,WUE)的变化规律,有助于动态评价稻田水碳循环过程和农业用水效益。该研究利用涡度相关法得到中国长江中下游双季稻田的3年通量数据,研究生态系统尺度的稻田WUE季节变化规律及其年际差... 揭示水稻生态系统水分利用效率(WaterUseEfficiency,WUE)的变化规律,有助于动态评价稻田水碳循环过程和农业用水效益。该研究利用涡度相关法得到中国长江中下游双季稻田的3年通量数据,研究生态系统尺度的稻田WUE季节变化规律及其年际差异,揭示生态系统夜间呼吸消耗对稻田水分利用的影响,阐明WUE与净生态系统生产力(Net Ecosystem Productivity,NEP)和ET的关系。结果表明:双季稻WUE季节尺度变化特征与NEP基本一致,呈现出先增大、后减小的趋势,表明其季节变化由NEP主导,取决于作物自身以生育期为尺度的生长发育规律。早、晚稻日均WUE均在拔节孕穗期达到峰值,且在生长中期均维持较高水平,日均WUE分别达到5.8、5.5g/kg。早、晚稻全生育期WUE均值分别为(3.3±0.3)、(3.4±0.4)g/kg,生态系统夜间呼吸消耗使WUE下降40%以上。不同稻季WUE的年际差异达到9.2%~12.4%,其中抽穗开花期差异最大。不同纬度的稻田WUE存在差异,该研究得到的中国长江中下游稻田WUE高于菲律宾、巴西等热带地区稻田,但低于中国东北辽河三角洲稻田,与小麦、玉米等农田生态系统相比,稻田WUE也较低。研究结果可为评价中国长江中下游稻作区农业用水效率以及优化水碳管理模式提供依据。 展开更多
关键词 生态系统水分利用效率 生态系统生产力 蒸发蒸腾量 碳通量 涡度相关法 稻田
废气再循环系统在增压柴油机上的应用 被引量:2
作者 江冰 《拖拉机与农用运输车》 北大核心 2003年第2期14-17,共4页
概述了废气再循环技术 (EGR)在增压柴油机上的应用状况 ,通过两种EGR方式对柴油机性能影响的结果分析了在增压柴油机上应用EGR技术存在的问题 ,提出了提高EGR系统利用效率的措施。
关键词 废气再循环系统 增压柴油机 EGR方式 性能特点 系统利用效率
青海海北高寒嵩草草甸系统水分利用效率特征 被引量:9
作者 宋成刚 李红琴 +3 位作者 王军邦 张法伟 杨永胜 李英年 《干旱区资源与环境》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2017年第6期90-96,共7页
系统水分利用效率(WUE)是高寒草甸生态系统碳水耦合及植被演替的重要指标,但其时间格局和主要环境因素仍不清楚。基于青藏高原东北隅高寒嵩草草甸的涡度相关仪器观测的CO_2和H_2O通量数据,分析了2015年植被生长季(4月-10月)的系统水分... 系统水分利用效率(WUE)是高寒草甸生态系统碳水耦合及植被演替的重要指标,但其时间格局和主要环境因素仍不清楚。基于青藏高原东北隅高寒嵩草草甸的涡度相关仪器观测的CO_2和H_2O通量数据,分析了2015年植被生长季(4月-10月)的系统水分利用效率(总初级生产力/植被蒸腾)的变化特征和主要环境影响因子。结果表明,总初级生产力(GPP)和植被蒸腾具有显著的单峰季节趋势,与群落叶面积指数(LAI)显著相关。生长季日均WUE为3.24g C·kg H_2O^(-1),没有显著的季节动态,呈现出"保守型"的特征。增强回归树的结果表明光合光量子通量密度(PPFD)、饱和水汽压差(VPD)和净辐射(Rn)是其主要调控因素,与WUE显著指数负相关(r^2>0.40,p<0.001)。 展开更多
关键词 系统水分利用效率 高寒草甸 增强回归树 总初级生产力 植被蒸腾
Comparison of two schemes for district cooling system utilizing cold energy of liquefied natural gas 被引量:1
作者 王弢 林文胜 顾安忠 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2010年第2期316-319,共4页
Two schemes(scheme Ⅰ and scheme Ⅱ)for designing a district cooling system(DCS)utilizing cold energy of liquefied natural gas(LNG)are presented.In scheme Ⅰ,LNG cold energy is used to produce ice,and then ice i... Two schemes(scheme Ⅰ and scheme Ⅱ)for designing a district cooling system(DCS)utilizing cold energy of liquefied natural gas(LNG)are presented.In scheme Ⅰ,LNG cold energy is used to produce ice,and then ice is transported to the central cooling plant of the DCS.In scheme Ⅱ,return water from the DCS is directly chilled by LNG cold energy,and the chilled water is then sent back to the central plant.The heat transportation loss is the main negative impact in the DCS and is emphatically analyzed when evaluating the efficiency of each scheme.The results show that the DCS utilizing LNG cold energy is feasible and valuable.The cooling supply distance of scheme Ⅱ is limited within 13 km while scheme Ⅰ has no distance limit.When the distance is between 6 and 13 km,scheme Ⅱ is more practical and effective.Contrarily,scheme Ⅰ has a better economic performance when the distance is shorter than 6 km or longer than 13 km. 展开更多
关键词 district cooling system liquefied natural gas(LNG) cold energy utilization system efficiency
作者 吕进 杨茉 郑东林 《能源工程》 2018年第6期51-55,共5页
通过对上海地区6家医院的热、电负荷调研和分析,结合医院用能特点,提出了医院建筑CCHP系统选型的步骤和方法,建议可将医院空调冷热负荷作为CCHP系统设计的部分负荷,提高其整体利用效率和满负荷利用小时数。同时,以某医院为例,利用热电... 通过对上海地区6家医院的热、电负荷调研和分析,结合医院用能特点,提出了医院建筑CCHP系统选型的步骤和方法,建议可将医院空调冷热负荷作为CCHP系统设计的部分负荷,提高其整体利用效率和满负荷利用小时数。同时,以某医院为例,利用热电负荷延时曲线,进行了CCHP系统容量选型和节能效益分析。 展开更多
关键词 医院建筑 CCHP系统 空调冷热负荷 系统能源利用效率
Improving Water Use Efficiency for a Sustainable Productivity of Agricultural Systems Using Subsurface Drip Irrigation 被引量:1
作者 B. Douh A. Boujelben 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(B)》 2011年第6期881-888,共8页
The sustainability of agricultural production depends on conservation and appropriate use and management of scarce water resources especially in arid and semi-arid areas where irrigation is required for the production... The sustainability of agricultural production depends on conservation and appropriate use and management of scarce water resources especially in arid and semi-arid areas where irrigation is required for the production of food and cash crops. The objective of this paper was to evaluate the effects of surface and subsurface drip irrigation (SDI) at 5, 20 and 35 cm depths on water's dynamic in soil (Soil moisture distribution, water's stock in soil and irrigation water use efficiency) to produce maize in semiarid climates. Field study was conducted at the Higher Institute of Agronomy of Chott Meriem, Tunisia. The results indicated that soil moisture content under subsurface drip irrigation at 35 cm (T3) depth was more uniform compared to 5 cm (T1) and 20 cm (T2). Moreover, irrigation water use efficiency was higher in this treatment. Indeed, it increased about 18%, 14% and 7% for T3, T2 and T1, respectively when compared with surface drip irrigation. The results of the present study showed that SDI allows uniform soil moisture, minimize the evaporative loss and delivery water directly to the plant root zone and consequently increases use efficiency. Further research is needed in order to determine whether corn production with SDI is feasible in the arid region. 展开更多
关键词 SUSTAINABILITY arid region soil moisture irrigation water use efficiency maize.
Non-equilibrium State Salt-forming Phase Diagram:Utilization of Bittern Resource in High Efficiency 被引量:3
作者 周桓 陈亚东 +4 位作者 康启宇 张建波 张红丽 袁建军 沙作良 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2010年第4期635-641,共7页
Salt-forming regions for a complex salt-water system in non-equilibrium state of evaporation process are usually different from those in solubility diagrams.To understand the solid-forming region of NaCl and improve t... Salt-forming regions for a complex salt-water system in non-equilibrium state of evaporation process are usually different from those in solubility diagrams.To understand the solid-forming region of NaCl and improve the utilization of bittern resources,experiments were carried out to evaporate 20 representative mixture solution samples of Na ^+,Mg ^2+ //Cl^-, SO4^2--H2O system with an average evaporation intensity of(1.4±0.4) g·L^-1 ·min^-1(water) at boiling temperature 348 K,and determine the NaCl solid-forming regions in non-equilibrium state.Because of the complexity of salt-forming region,a maximal region and a minimal region were proposed to express the non-equilibrium state salt-forming region with different crystal seed,and a conditional salt-forming region was proposed to present the characteristic region of non-equilibrium salt-forming phase diagram.The areas of the maximal and minimal regions are 2.00 and 1.56 times those in solubility diagram,so it is possible to utilize bittern resources in high efficiency.The recovery rates of NaCl were 99.65%,93.14%,88.57%,72.76%,and 83.68%for six typical bittern sources from Tulantai Salt Lake(China),Dongtai Salt Lake(China) ,Jilantai Salt Lake(China),Qarun Salt Lake(Egypt) and seawater,respectively.It is testified that the non-equilibrium state salt-forming phase diagram can be used in industrial processes. 展开更多
关键词 phase diagram non-equilibrium state EVAPORATION salt-forming BITTERN
A Neuro-Fuzzy Based Adaptive Set-Point Heat Exchanger Control Scheme in District Heating System
作者 Liang Huang Zaiyi Liao Zhao Lian 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2012年第11期1584-1588,共5页
The control of heat exchange stations in district heating system is critical for the overall energy efficiency and can be very difficult due to high level of complexity. A conventional method is to control the equipme... The control of heat exchange stations in district heating system is critical for the overall energy efficiency and can be very difficult due to high level of complexity. A conventional method is to control the equipment such that the temperature of hot water supply is maintained at a set-point that may be a fixed value or be compensated against the external temperature. This paper presents a novel scheme that can determine the optimal set-point of hot water supply that maximizes the energy efficiency whilst providing sufficient heating capacity to the load. This scheme is based on Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inferential System. The aim of this study is to improve the overall performance of district heating systems. 展开更多
关键词 District heating system NEURO-FUZZY inferential sensor energy efficiency CONTROL
Effect of Drip Irrigation Intervals and Some Antitranspirants on the Water Status, Growth and Yield of Potato (Solanum tuberosum L,)
作者 Abdel-Monnem Sadalaha Khalel 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(B)》 2015年第1期15-23,共9页
In order to reduce the quantity of water applied by irrigation, increase the water use efficiency and determine the appropriate period for irrigation potato crop, a field experiment was implemented at vegetables field... In order to reduce the quantity of water applied by irrigation, increase the water use efficiency and determine the appropriate period for irrigation potato crop, a field experiment was implemented at vegetables field, Department of Plant Production, Agriculture Technical College, Mosul, Iraq, during spring season of 2014. This study involved four irrigation intervals (3, 4, 5 and 6 d) under drip irrigation system, with spraying by five antitranspirant substances (control, kaolin 5 g/L, MgCO3 3 g/L, liquid paraffin 2% and Nu-film 17 1%), which subjected in a factorial experiment within split plot system in a randomized complete block design with three replications. The results showed that increasing irrigation intervals from 3 d to 6 d decreased the total water content of the leaves from 83.59% to 81.81%, the rate of relative transpiration from 0.174% to 0.162%, stomata area from 1.620 lam2/stomata to 0.921 ~m2/stomata, plant yield from 542.22 g to 425.80 g, total yield of tubers from 25.808 tons/ha to 20.253 tons/ha and marketable yield of tubers from 24.471 tons/ha to 18.822 tons/ha, whereas caused an increase in the leaf water deficit from 19.19% to 23.86% and water use efficiency from 8.63 kg/m3 to 13.32 kg/m3. Spraying potato plants with liquid paraffin 2% led to the highest total water content 83.37%, stomata area 1.466 ~tm2/stomata, the lowest relative transpiration 0.152%, the lowest leaf water deficit 20.33%, the highest plant yield 509.22 g, total yield 24.236 tons/ha, marketable yield 22.770 tons/ha and water use efficiency I 1.83 kg/m3. On the other hand, the interaction treatments between irrigation intervals and antitranspirants resulted in a significant effect in many studied parameters. 展开更多
关键词 POTATO drip irrigation antitranspirants TUBER STOMATA KAOLIN liquid paraffin.
Hedgerow Intercropping Maize or CowpealSenna for Drymatter Production in Semi-Arid Eastern Kenya
作者 J. M. Kinama C. K. Ong +2 位作者 C. J. Stigter J. K. Ng'ang'a F. N. Gichuki 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(B)》 2011年第3期372-384,共13页
In a long term study photosynthetically active radiation was monitored for three rainy seasons to measure the effects of hedgerow intercropping in rotation with maize and cowpea in a senna/siamea and panicum/grass str... In a long term study photosynthetically active radiation was monitored for three rainy seasons to measure the effects of hedgerow intercropping in rotation with maize and cowpea in a senna/siamea and panicum/grass strip on biomass yield and light use efficiency. Maize/cowpea intercropped with senna siamea or grass stripped were compared with sole maize and cowpea. A ceptometer was applied to measure PAR interception by sole maize or cowpea or crop/tree and grass/crop interfaces and separation of PAR used by each plant or tree/grass component. Hedgerow intercropping increased PAR interception and biomass formation. C4 plants had higher LUE than C3 plants while combining C4 and C3 in the agroforestry system lowered LUE. The tree/crop interfaces increased PAR interception than at 1 m and 2 m away from the hedgerow. The row of maize or cowpea at lm intercepted more PAR than the row at 2 m from hedgerow while the cowpea row next to the hedgerow was depressed compared to the rows in the middle rows which had higher yields. The maize or cowpea row next to the grass strip was more stressed than the rows in the middle of the alley. 展开更多
关键词 Hedgerows intercropping maize/cowpea yield light use efficiency.
Control strategies and hardware-in-the-loop simulation for bus signal priority
作者 Ren Gang Lu Jian Zhou Zhuping 《Engineering Sciences》 EI 2010年第1期59-63,70,共6页
It is considered as an important and effective means to give priority to the development of public transit which can improve the efficiency of transportation resources utilization and alleviate traffic jams. Public tr... It is considered as an important and effective means to give priority to the development of public transit which can improve the efficiency of transportation resources utilization and alleviate traffic jams. Public transit signal priority belongs to the "time priority" among the right-of-way priorities. After reviewing the existing bus priority signal control strategies and the advances in related technologies at home and abroad, this article analyzed the breakthrough direction of the bus signal priority design technologies suitable for China's conditions, and then proposed the hardware and software systems and the modules for the bus priority signal control system. Finally, the hardware-in-the-loop simulation (HILS) was introduced to evaluate bus priority signal control programs in order to optimize the control strategies. 展开更多
关键词 bus priority signal control strategy hardware-in-the-loop simulation
Nitrogen Balance and Loss in a Greenhouse Vegetable System in Southeastern China 被引量:93
作者 MIN Ju ZHAO Xu SHI Wei-Ming XING Guang-Xi ZHU Zhao-Liang 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第4期464-472,共9页
High rates of fertilizer nitrogen (N) are applied in greenhouse vegetable fields in southeastern China to maximize production;however,the N budgets of such intensive vegetable production remain to be explored.The goal... High rates of fertilizer nitrogen (N) are applied in greenhouse vegetable fields in southeastern China to maximize production;however,the N budgets of such intensive vegetable production remain to be explored.The goal of this study was to determine the annual N balance and loss in a greenhouse vegetable system of annual rotation of tomato,cucumber,and celery at five N (urea) application rates (0,348,522,696,and 870 kg N ha-1 year-1).Total N input to the 0-50 cm soil layer ranged from 531 to 1 053 kg ha-1,and N fertilizer was the main N source,accounting for 66%-83% of the total annual N input.In comparison,irrigation water,wet deposition,and seeds in total accounted for less than 1% of the total N input.The fertilizer N use efficiency was only 18% under the conventional application rate of 870 kg N ha-1 and decreased as the application rate increased from 522 to 870 kg N ha-1.Apparent N losses were 196-201 kg N ha-1,of which 71%-86% was lost by leaching at the application rates of 522-870 kg N ha-1.Thus,leaching was the primary N loss pathway at high N application rates and the amount of N leached was proportional to the N applied during the cucumber season.Moreover,dissolved organic N accounted for 10% of the leached N,whereas NH3 volatilization only contributed 0.1%-0.6% of the apparent N losses under the five N application rates in this greenhouse vegetable system. 展开更多
关键词 ammonia volatilization intensive production N input N leaching N use efficiency
Recovery and Leaching of ^(15)N-Labeled Coated Urea in a Lysimeter System in the North China Plain 被引量:9
作者 LI Gui-Hua ZHAO Lin-Ping +2 位作者 ZHANG Shu-Xiang Y. HOSEN K. YAGI 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第6期763-772,共10页
The effectiveness of polyolefin-coated urea (Meister-5 and Meister-10; CU) in a wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)-maize (Zea mays L.) rotation system was studied in lysimeter plots located in the North China Plain fo... The effectiveness of polyolefin-coated urea (Meister-5 and Meister-10; CU) in a wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)-maize (Zea mays L.) rotation system was studied in lysimeter plots located in the North China Plain for three consecutive maizewheat-maize cropping seasons. An isotopic method was used to compare the fate of CU to that of non-coated urea (NCU), and N application rates of 0, 100, 150 and 225 kg N ha-1 were evaluated. The results showed that the nitrogen use efficiency (15NUE) of CU was 13.3%-21.4% greater than that of NCU for the first crop. Alternatively, when the difference method was applied (apparent NUE), no significant variations were observed among treatments in all three seasons. Although inorganic N leached from the 1.3 m layer was less than 1% of the total applied N, unidentified losses of 15N (losses of 15N = 15N applied as fertilizer - 15N absorbed by crops - 15N remaining in the 0-0.2 m layer - 15N leached from the 1.3 m layer) in CU-treated plots were 24.2%-26.5% lower than those of NCU-treated plots. The nitrate concentration in the 0-1.3 m layer of CU plots at the end of the experiment was 53% lower than that of NCU-treated plots. Thus, CU increased crop N uptake from fertilizer and reduced unidentified losses of applied N, which can reduce the risk of groundwater pollution. 展开更多
关键词 15N fertilizer nitrogen use efficiency polyolefin-coated urea residual N wheat-maize rotation system
Entransy dissipation analysis and optimization of separated heat pipe system 被引量:3
作者 QIAN XiaoDong LI Zhen +1 位作者 MENG JiAn LI ZhiXin 《Science China(Technological Sciences)》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第8期2126-2131,共6页
Seperated heat pipe systems are widely used in the fields of waste heat recovery and air conditioning due to their high heat transfer capability,and optimization of heat transfer process plays an important role in hig... Seperated heat pipe systems are widely used in the fields of waste heat recovery and air conditioning due to their high heat transfer capability,and optimization of heat transfer process plays an important role in high-efficiency energy utilization and energy conservation.In this paper,the entransy dissipation analysis is conducted for the separated heat pipe system,and the result indicates that minimum thermal resistance principle is applicable to the optimization of the separated heat pipe system.Whether in the applications of waste heat recovery or air conditioning,the smaller the entransy-dissipation-based thermal re-sistance of the separated heat pipe system is,the better the heat transfer performance will be.Based on the minimum thermal resistance principle,the optimal area allocation relationship between evaporator and condenser is deduced,which is numeri-cally verified in the optimation design of separated heat pipe system. 展开更多
关键词 separated heat pipe system entransy-dissipation-based thermal resistance minimum thermal resistance principle area allocation optimization
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