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作者 李丽 《出版与印刷》 2024年第4期31-38,共8页
探讨人工智能时代数字出版人才应具备的核心素养及其培养路径,以应对新兴技术发展给数字出版人才培养带来的机遇与挑战。文章界定人工智能时代数字出版人才应具备的核心素养为系统素养、数据素养、伦理素养,分析数字出版人才核心素养培... 探讨人工智能时代数字出版人才应具备的核心素养及其培养路径,以应对新兴技术发展给数字出版人才培养带来的机遇与挑战。文章界定人工智能时代数字出版人才应具备的核心素养为系统素养、数据素养、伦理素养,分析数字出版人才核心素养培养面对的现实困境,包括:传统学科教育制约系统素养发展;“生硬植入”制约数据素养发展;职业理想缺失制约伦理素养发展。提出人工智能时代数字出版人才核心素养的培养路径:搭建两个平台,推动学科产业深度交融;实施三类融合,推动核心素养理念落地生根;提升四项能力,确保核心素养培养见行见效。 展开更多
关键词 人工智能时代 数字出版人才 核心素养 系统素养 数据素养 伦理素养 培养路径
系统论视域下学术期刊编辑素养的三重维度 被引量:3
作者 王育英 《传播与版权》 2023年第2期32-34,38,共4页
无论出版环境如何变化,编辑素养对提升学术期刊出版质量始终具有重要作用。学术期刊编辑素养并非静止、封闭和彼此独立。文章基于系统论视角,尝试构建学术期刊编辑素养的三重维度系统模型。笔者认为,学术期刊编辑素养的系统构成涉及政... 无论出版环境如何变化,编辑素养对提升学术期刊出版质量始终具有重要作用。学术期刊编辑素养并非静止、封闭和彼此独立。文章基于系统论视角,尝试构建学术期刊编辑素养的三重维度系统模型。笔者认为,学术期刊编辑素养的系统构成涉及政治导向、编辑业务和学术科研三重维度,是一个目标明确、要素聚合、层次分明、内涵丰富的有机整体,具有整体性、开放性、适应性的特点,学术期刊编辑应明确新时代学术期刊的目标导向,增强学术期刊编辑素养的要素耦合,培育学术期刊编辑的主体意识,从而提升自身的编辑素养。 展开更多
关键词 学术期刊 编辑素养 编辑素养系统 系统
职业经理人创新素养系统观 被引量:3
作者 吴启勇 《社会科学家》 CSSCI 2005年第5期112-117,共6页
知识经济时代最重要的本质特征是创新;“创新”不仅是通过科学研究创造新的科学知识、文化和新的生产技术,而且“创新更应是一种组织功能”。企业组织只有形成了创新功能系统,才能获得企业独特的竞争优势并维持企业可持续发展。支持、... 知识经济时代最重要的本质特征是创新;“创新”不仅是通过科学研究创造新的科学知识、文化和新的生产技术,而且“创新更应是一种组织功能”。企业组织只有形成了创新功能系统,才能获得企业独特的竞争优势并维持企业可持续发展。支持、驱动企业组织创新行为系统的核心是职业经理人的创新素养系统。本文就职业经理人创新素养系统的基本构成要素、具体构成要素及其内涵进行了系统分析,提出了结构化、动态发展及层级驱动的创新素养系统观,为培养和选拔杰出的职业经理人提供了创新素养方面的理论依据,也为进一步研究职业经理人创新理论,开辟了新的视野。 展开更多
关键词 职业经理人 创新 创新素养系统 系统结构分析 系统要素内涵
居民健康素养评估学习系统与现场调查评估居民健康行为形成率的结果差异分析 被引量:1
作者 高涵昌 郭海健 +2 位作者 茆汉梅 潘耀东 李小宁 《中国健康教育》 北大核心 2015年第8期731-734,共4页
目的了解通过居民健康素养评估学习系统与现场调查评估居民健康行为形成率的结果差异,初步建立居民健康素养网上评估学习系统健康行为形成率评估的调整系数。方法 2014年通过专家法设计现场调查问卷,采用整群随机抽样与Kish表相结合的... 目的了解通过居民健康素养评估学习系统与现场调查评估居民健康行为形成率的结果差异,初步建立居民健康素养网上评估学习系统健康行为形成率评估的调整系数。方法 2014年通过专家法设计现场调查问卷,采用整群随机抽样与Kish表相结合的方法抽样,将现场调查结果与2013年苏州市15~69岁居民通过居民健康素养评估学习系统测试的健康行为形成率结果标化后进行对比,得到两者的结果差异。结果 2013年苏州市居民通过网上系统测试的健康行为形成率为87.34%,现场调查的健康行为形成率为72.10%,网上测试的调整系数为0.81,回归方程为y=-1.54+2.50x。结论通过建立网上健康行为测试的调整系数或回归方程,可以初步建立较为真实的网上健康行为评估方法。现场调查中,良好的问卷设计也可得到真实可靠的健康行为评价结果。 展开更多
关键词 居民健康素养评估学习系统 健康行为形成率 调整系数 回归方程
信息素养生态系统构建及其对信息素养作用机理研究 被引量:1
作者 张必兰 吴诗贤 《新世纪图书馆》 CSSCI 2017年第1期32-35,共4页
关键词 信息素养 信息素养生态系统 信息素养结构模型
作者 高涵昌 茆汉梅 +3 位作者 曲晨 潘耀东 李小宁 郭海健 《健康教育与健康促进》 2020年第1期34-36,共3页
目的 介绍健康素养评估学习系统微信端功能及其应用结果分析.方法 收集2019年1月1日-10月25日健康素养评估系统微信端的应用数据,进行分析.结果 健康素养评估系统微信端的使用比例维持在25%左右.测试结果呈现:苏南高于苏中,苏中高于苏北... 目的 介绍健康素养评估学习系统微信端功能及其应用结果分析.方法 收集2019年1月1日-10月25日健康素养评估系统微信端的应用数据,进行分析.结果 健康素养评估系统微信端的使用比例维持在25%左右.测试结果呈现:苏南高于苏中,苏中高于苏北;工人、农民及服务业从业者的得分低于其他人群;女性高于男性;得分随文化程度的升高而升高,但硕士及以上学历出现例外;不同年龄人群得分有差异(P<0.05).结论 健康素养评估系统微信端应用接受度较高,年龄输入变量需要改进,其与非微信端测试结果的差异需进一步研究. 展开更多
关键词 健康素养评估学习系统 微信 应用结果
作者 方玉微 《新作文(教研)》 2020年第10期0079-0079,共1页
新课程改革将培养学生的核心素养列为重要教学目标。如何在语文教学中渗透核心素养培养,成为教师着力考虑的重要问题和研究的教改课题。本文以教学实践为例,从三个方面阐述如何借“助学系统”之力,扬语文素养之帆:1、设计阅读任务,渗透... 新课程改革将培养学生的核心素养列为重要教学目标。如何在语文教学中渗透核心素养培养,成为教师着力考虑的重要问题和研究的教改课题。本文以教学实践为例,从三个方面阐述如何借“助学系统”之力,扬语文素养之帆:1、设计阅读任务,渗透策略指导,培养学生阅读能力;2、统整外化输出,聚焦思辨过程,发展学生思维能力;3、挖掘审美意蕴,加强薰染浸润,提升学生审美情趣。以期通过借助“助学系统”,介入适当的阅读策略,开展相应的学习活动,切实有效培养学生语文核心素养。 展开更多
关键词 助学系统语文素养 思考探究 积累拓展
作者 曾宏葡 《科技情报开发与经济》 2011年第24期134-136,共3页
影音文件服务系统是大学生信息素养专题学习系统的重要且必要的子系统,为学习者提供丰富的不可替代的专题学习内容和相关学习资源,是提高学习者信息素养的重要保障之一。分析了流媒体技术在大学生信息素养专题学习系统中的优势及不足,... 影音文件服务系统是大学生信息素养专题学习系统的重要且必要的子系统,为学习者提供丰富的不可替代的专题学习内容和相关学习资源,是提高学习者信息素养的重要保障之一。分析了流媒体技术在大学生信息素养专题学习系统中的优势及不足,对流媒体资源的构建与实现进行了探讨。 展开更多
关键词 流媒体技术 信息素养专题学习系统 大学生
作者 曾宏葡 《科技情报开发与经济》 2011年第23期80-82,共3页
大学生信息素养专题学习系统的开发遵守面向对象的软件开发思想,整个开发过程包括需求分析、系统设计、系统实现和测试等阶段。大学生信息素养专题学习系统在分析与设计过程中,通过详细地分析各种用户对系统的功能需求,确定了系统的主... 大学生信息素养专题学习系统的开发遵守面向对象的软件开发思想,整个开发过程包括需求分析、系统设计、系统实现和测试等阶段。大学生信息素养专题学习系统在分析与设计过程中,通过详细地分析各种用户对系统的功能需求,确定了系统的主要功能模块,对各功能模块进行了详细的设计,并绘制了各功能模块的模型图,从而实现了系统设计的正确性与完整性。大学生信息素养专题学习系统的建立为大学生学习信息素养知识与提高信息素养提供了帮助。 展开更多
关键词 大学生信息素养专题学习系统 系统设计 系统实现 功能模块
职业经理人创新素养实证研究 被引量:3
作者 吴启勇 刘波 《社会科学家》 CSSCI 2006年第1期162-168,共7页
基于职业经理人创新素养系统观,选择典型的有创新文化特色和突出创新业绩的成长性企业中的成熟的创新型职业经理人为调查对象,以实证研究方法获得职业经理人创新素养基本要素和具体要素序列标准,作为职业经理人创新素养实际状况的对比... 基于职业经理人创新素养系统观,选择典型的有创新文化特色和突出创新业绩的成长性企业中的成熟的创新型职业经理人为调查对象,以实证研究方法获得职业经理人创新素养基本要素和具体要素序列标准,作为职业经理人创新素养实际状况的对比参照体系,以寻测当今职业经理人创新素养缺陷,为培养和提升职业经理人创新素养,为选拔优秀的创新型职业经理人,提供借鉴或依据。 展开更多
关键词 职业经理人 创新素养系统 系统要素序列标准 创新素养缺陷 实证研究
数学教学落实学科核心素养的思考 被引量:2
作者 盛晓红 《大连教育学院学报》 2017年第3期38-40,共3页
学科素养作为核心素养与教育实践的纽带,其内涵包含核心素养观照下对学科教育本质的理解和学科素养的结构系统。发展学生数学核心素养要注重学生对基础知识、基本技能的理解和掌握;落实核心素养教师应将数学情感作为发展学生数学思想方... 学科素养作为核心素养与教育实践的纽带,其内涵包含核心素养观照下对学科教育本质的理解和学科素养的结构系统。发展学生数学核心素养要注重学生对基础知识、基本技能的理解和掌握;落实核心素养教师应将数学情感作为发展学生数学思想方法的核心助力;落实数学核心素养要切实发挥课堂主渠道作用。 展开更多
关键词 学科素养内涵 数学学科教育本质 数学学科素养结构系统
作者 朱丹 《河南科技学院学报(社会科学版)》 2016年第12期79-81,共3页
学习自主性是学生在学校学习过程中表现出的一种知、情、意、行的系统素养。它包含情意自主性、认知自主性和行为自主性三个内在联系的子系统。学生的个体差异、教师的教学模式和领导方式以及学习环境都是学生学习自主性的重要影响因素... 学习自主性是学生在学校学习过程中表现出的一种知、情、意、行的系统素养。它包含情意自主性、认知自主性和行为自主性三个内在联系的子系统。学生的个体差异、教师的教学模式和领导方式以及学习环境都是学生学习自主性的重要影响因素。未来研究可从概念界定、测量工具制定、评价机制、干预措施等方面对学生学习自主性展开进一步探索。 展开更多
关键词 学生 学习自主性 系统素养
Contextualizing physical literacy in the school environment: The challenges 被引量:3
作者 Darla M.Castelli Jeanne M.Barcelona Lynne Bryant 《Journal of Sport and Health Science》 SCIE 2015年第2期156-163,共8页
The intent of this paper is to conceptualize physical literacy in the school environment within the United States educational system. Evolution of physical literacy from both a general education and disciplinary focus... The intent of this paper is to conceptualize physical literacy in the school environment within the United States educational system. Evolution of physical literacy from both a general education and disciplinary focus is overviewed. The challenges of transitioning from a physically educated to a physically literate person as the primary learning outcome of physical education may inhibit progress. Five prioritized recom- mendations are made to assist teachers in overcoming such barriers: (a) whole of school approach, (b) effective, differentiated pedagogy, (c) integration of technology for individualized tracking of progress, (d) supportive school climate, and (e) alignment of local efforts with national initiatives. 展开更多
关键词 Differentiated instruction Physical activity Physical literacy Whole of school approach
Spatiotemporal pattern of bacterioplankton in Donghu Lake 被引量:4
作者 张翔 颜庆云 +1 位作者 余育和 代梨梨 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2014年第3期554-564,共11页
Bacterioplankton play key roles in the biogeochemical cycle and in organic contaminant degradation. The species richness and abundance of bacterial subgroups are generally distinct from each other, and this is attribu... Bacterioplankton play key roles in the biogeochemical cycle and in organic contaminant degradation. The species richness and abundance of bacterial subgroups are generally distinct from each other, and this is attributed to their different functions in aquatic ecosystems. The spatiotemporal variations of eight phylogenetic subgroups (Actinobacteria, Bacteroidetes, Cyanobacteria, Firmicutes, Planctomycetes, alpha-, beta-, and gamma-Proteobacteria) derived from Donghu Lake were investigated using PCR-DGGE fingerprinting, to explore their responses to environmental factors. Results indicate that Actinobacteria and beta-Proteobacteria were the two largest bacterial subgroups detected. These two groups and Bacteroidetes showed clear seasonal patterns in composition of the operational taxonomic unit. Results also suggest that the bacterioplankton subgroups in Donghu Lake were significantly correlated with different environmental factors. In brief, the total nitrogen was one of the major factors regulating all the bacterioplankton except for Actinobacteria. However, total phosphorus, another important eutrophication factor, contributed to the two largest bacterial groups (Actinobacteria and beta-Proteobacteria), as well as to the Cyanobacteria and Firmicutes. Therefore, the responses of bacterioplankton subgroups to environmental factors were different, and this should be attributed to the differences in the fimctions of different groups. 展开更多
关键词 BACTERIOPLANKTON PCR-DGGE group-specific primers multivariate analysis
Sex Determination Mechanisms in Fish 被引量:2
作者 ZHANG Quanqi SUN Xiaohua QI Jie WANG Zhigang WANG Xinglian WANG Xubo ZHAI Teng 《Journal of Ocean University of China》 SCIE CAS 2009年第2期155-160,共6页
In fish,sex determination(SD) system shows high variation. The SD mechanisms include environmental and genetic regulation. The research on SD system and related genes in intensively studied fish species was reviewed. ... In fish,sex determination(SD) system shows high variation. The SD mechanisms include environmental and genetic regulation. The research on SD system and related genes in intensively studied fish species was reviewed. Although some genes have been described as sex-related,only DMRT1bY can be considered as a master sex determination gene and none of them has been utilized in aquaculture. The variation of fish SD system,the importance of sex-related genes in evolution research and the relations between environmental factors and sex-related genes were also discussed. The fish sex determination mechanism remains largely unknown. Further research needs to be done considering the significance of fish SD studies in basic and applied aspects. 展开更多
关键词 sex determination environmental factors sex-related gene FISH
Micronutrient input into a mangrove ecosystem in Jobos Bay,Puerto Rico,by the exotic green iguana Iguana iguana
作者 Lindsey Noele SWIERK Tracy LANGKILDE 《Current Zoology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第6期435-438,共4页
Biological invasions are an important and growing component of global environmental change (Vitousek et al., 1996). Hundreds of billions of dollars are lost each year to invasive species damage and management (Pime... Biological invasions are an important and growing component of global environmental change (Vitousek et al., 1996). Hundreds of billions of dollars are lost each year to invasive species damage and management (Pimentel et al., 2001). Scientists have responded by conducting research to understand the biology of the invasive species itself, in the hope that such information will allow effective control, and examining the impact of the invader on native taxa to determine the nature and magnitude of its effect. 展开更多
作者 张琳 许军鹏 《大观周刊》 2013年第11期47-47,共1页
近年来,传统警察人力工作模式已不能满足新时期公安工作发展,对此,基层治安信息管理的发展与完善显得尤为重要,响应中国金盾工程而建立的治安信息管理系统便在公安工作中发挥出重要作用,基层治安民警亦在提高自身素养,切实地为人... 近年来,传统警察人力工作模式已不能满足新时期公安工作发展,对此,基层治安信息管理的发展与完善显得尤为重要,响应中国金盾工程而建立的治安信息管理系统便在公安工作中发挥出重要作用,基层治安民警亦在提高自身素养,切实地为人民服务。然而,由于相关机制不完善、不健全,治安信息管理过程中出现了一系列的问题。本文旨在讨论治安信息管理系统与基层治安民警信息管理中的问题与解决措施。 展开更多
关键词 基层治安信息管理治安信息管理系统公安工作民警素养
Periphyton response to nitrogen and phosphorus enrichment in a eutrophic shallow aquatic ecosystem
作者 张修峰 梅雪英 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2013年第1期59-64,共6页
We examined changes in biomass and species dominance of periphyton in response to nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) enrichment in 12 mesocosms representing eutrophic aquatic ecosystems. The 100-L mesocosms consisted of ... We examined changes in biomass and species dominance of periphyton in response to nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) enrichment in 12 mesocosms representing eutrophic aquatic ecosystems. The 100-L mesocosms consisted of lake water and pond sediment, and N and P were applied weekly. Periphyton samples were taken to assess the biomass (as estimated by the concentration of chlorophyll a (chl a)) and to determine which species were dominant. The mean periphyton biomass (chl a) in the P-enriched treatment did not differ from that in the control group, but increased with N enrichment. Compared with that in the control group, the chl a concentration increased with N+P enrichment in the early stages of the experiment, but decreased in the later stages. The decline in periphyton biomass at the later stages of the experiment was due to limited light availability, which resulted from the increased phytoplankton density in the experiment. The nutrient enrichment treatments resulted in changes in the dominant algal species in the periphyton, suggesting that various algal species showed different responses to different nutrients. The results of this study have implications for nutrient management in aquatic ecosystems. 展开更多
Functional Role of Neuropeptide Leucokininll in Growth Inhibition of Red Palm Weevil Rhynchophorus ferrugineus 被引量:1
作者 Mona Mohammed Saleh A1-Dawsary 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2012年第8期988-996,共9页
Peptides are known to on act to discourage the growth of insects. In this perspective, authors studied the biological and physiological effects of LeucokininlI on the growth of Red Palm Weevil through adult insect fee... Peptides are known to on act to discourage the growth of insects. In this perspective, authors studied the biological and physiological effects of LeucokininlI on the growth of Red Palm Weevil through adult insect feeding of the sugar cane treated with different concentrations (0.05%, 0. I%, 0.25%, 0.4%) and biological effects on the number of eggs, the percentage of hatching, the length of the generation and the proportion of deformation, Results showed that there is a significant reduction in the number of eggs laid by the insects as the average number of eggs/female 75.7, 63.5, 59.4, 55.1 egg for each of the concentrations, respectively, compared with the average 140.2 egg in the control group, and reduction of percentages of hatching in all treatment as 71.4%, 64.6%, 70% and 71.5% respectively, compared with 79.3% of the control group. The percentage of deformations in egg densities included 44.4%, 15.4%, 22.6%, 27.8% compared to the control group. The results showed that there are a number of large deformations in the resulting larvae for different treatments. The conclusion is drawn that this study using LeucokininlI confirmed inhibition growth and caused an imbalance in the development stages of different insects due to its effect on the hormones that control molting of insects. This conclusion is furthermore apparent in the larval stage, as it appeared that Leucokininll prevents the insect from completing its life cycle. Test results using LeucokininlI are encouraging, and its future potential use in reducing Red Palm Weevil deserves broader studies. If the spread of currently known that this LeucokininlI is without prejudice to the work of the hormonal system. 展开更多
关键词 R. ferrugineus NEUROPEPTIDE HATCHING DEFORMATION treatment HORMONES LeucokininlI.
A Strategy to Strengthen the US Economy
作者 Khalid Mehtabdin Greg Hayes 《Chinese Business Review》 2011年第3期168-172,共5页
For decades, the United States' competitive position in global manufacturing has steadily declined. Analysts point to increasingly automated manufacturing processes, changing domestic demand factors, outsourcing, and... For decades, the United States' competitive position in global manufacturing has steadily declined. Analysts point to increasingly automated manufacturing processes, changing domestic demand factors, outsourcing, and over confidence in service export surplnses. However, Asian and European competitors, undergoing the same pressures, have been able to maintain a healthy percentage of their GDP in manufacturing by growing high techjobs while the United States continues to fall behind, Perhaps the most flmdamental and overlooked contribution to this decline is the lackluster performance of the United States education system. After comparing the performance of US students to that of the other G-8 nations in the critical disciplines of math and science literacy, US students rank last. Furthermore, the most recent PISA test results show US students rank in the bottom half of 30 participating nations in the ability to apply math and science concepts to real world problems. This is particularly troubling when one considers that among the compared nations, the US spends the most on math and science teacher compensation. If the US intends to successfully compete in the global manufacturing arena, significant changes to the education system must be enacted. A new strategy aligning the system with real world demands should begin with a national initiative to increase Pre-K enrollments, a paradigm shift from liberal arts to math, science, problem solving and critical thinking, standardized policies aligning high school graduation requirements with college and work place expectations, and standardized college and career readiness assessment programs. These steps combined with more rigorous secondary education teacher certifications, continued education and involvement with universities and manufacturing f'mns within the community, should more adeq^tely prepare high school students for further study or to enter the skilled workforce. At the post secondary level, federal and state funding should be targeted to R&D programs specificly to industrial design, engineering, and alternative energy. Industry investment in such programs should be federally incentivized to foster cooperative relationships between business and academia. Such relationships will ensure faculty spend time focusing on how their discipline relates to manufacturing and instilling the necessary skill sets, knowledge and abilities which graduates will need to compete in the global market. Such a revised system will position the US to create and keep high paying manufacturing positions on its way to sustainable economic growth. 展开更多
关键词 JOBS TECHNOLOGY research/development
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