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草书创作如何发展?——访中国书协理事胡抗美先生 被引量:2
作者 本刊记者 《中国书法》 CSSCI 北大核心 2005年第7期14-21,共8页
当今是改革开放的时代,是生长草书的年代,是成就草书大师的年代,然而草书创作多年来一直显得平静甚至有些沉闷,这就说明发展草书需要更新观念,解放思想。草书创作是个大题目,有关论述十分丰富,但古往今来理论与实践相脱节的问题一直不... 当今是改革开放的时代,是生长草书的年代,是成就草书大师的年代,然而草书创作多年来一直显得平静甚至有些沉闷,这就说明发展草书需要更新观念,解放思想。草书创作是个大题目,有关论述十分丰富,但古往今来理论与实践相脱节的问题一直不能得到很好的解决,许多玄妙的理论由于不具备实际操作性,从而昙花一现,或逐渐淡出人们的视野。当代书家胡抗美一直致力于草书的创作与研究,成就显著。本刊记者郑培壳受《中国书法》编辑部的委托,于二○○五年五月拜访胡抗美先生,并就草书的创作与研究进行了连续的访谈。胡抗美先生在继承传统的同时,以发展的眼光,结合自己数十年来的创作体会,对当前的草书创作提出了一系列的个人看法,鞭辟入里,深入浅出,富有真知灼见,颇具启示价值。现将访谈内容整理发表,以飨读者。 展开更多
关键词 草书 时间特征 书家 书体 狂草 胡抗 书法艺术 先生 中国书协
追本溯源 穷理寻根——胡抗美、曾翔、李相国导师工作室教学侧记
作者 杨沛沛 《中国书法》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第10X期112-117,共6页
2014年9月29日上午10时,"墨海寻根—中国国家画院第四届、北京大学首届胡抗美·曾翔·李相国导师工作室毕业作品联展暨杨根喜书法展",在北京国艺美术馆开幕。展览为期三天,共展出导师、助教、学员及杨根喜个人作品总... 2014年9月29日上午10时,"墨海寻根—中国国家画院第四届、北京大学首届胡抗美·曾翔·李相国导师工作室毕业作品联展暨杨根喜书法展",在北京国艺美术馆开幕。展览为期三天,共展出导师、助教、学员及杨根喜个人作品总计240余件。此次展览集中反映了三位导师工作室一年来的教学成果,也是90余位学员经过一年的努力学习之后,向书法界的成绩汇报展。近年来胡抗美、曾翔。 展开更多
关键词 书法艺术 中国国家画院 书法教学 曾翔 胡抗 李相 导师工作室
作者 薇紫 《创作评谭》 2012年第2期55-56,共2页
青黄扉页,凿刻花岗岩的质感,放在书架上绝不起眼;一如当下式微的古典诗词。"式微",也许并不确切,当周杰伦的《青花瓷》《菊花台》一次次打动娱乐审美的时候,也冥冥中触动了传统血脉的汩汩暗流。传统诗词,本就是以音乐为载体的... 青黄扉页,凿刻花岗岩的质感,放在书架上绝不起眼;一如当下式微的古典诗词。"式微",也许并不确切,当周杰伦的《青花瓷》《菊花台》一次次打动娱乐审美的时候,也冥冥中触动了传统血脉的汩汩暗流。传统诗词,本就是以音乐为载体的,但是脱掉格律体赋束缚的"镣铐"之舞,却总是不禁让人想追本溯源。 展开更多
关键词 传统诗词 格律体 古典诗词 菊花台 周杰伦 胡抗 终南别业 诗作者 写景状物 凌霜
作者 郑培亮 《中华文化画报》 2006年第12期64-71,129,共9页
胡抗美先生一直是我十分敬畏的当代书家之一。敬.是因为其人清新刚健.质朴厚重.没有浮躁轻慢.没有油滑虚伪.没有功利作祟.没有狭隘保守。历经沧桑.他却充满了微笑、和善和宽容.他的目光里还可以依稀窥见孩童般的天真澄静.他的言语依旧... 胡抗美先生一直是我十分敬畏的当代书家之一。敬.是因为其人清新刚健.质朴厚重.没有浮躁轻慢.没有油滑虚伪.没有功利作祟.没有狭隘保守。历经沧桑.他却充满了微笑、和善和宽容.他的目光里还可以依稀窥见孩童般的天真澄静.他的言语依旧保持着襄阳农民淳朴的本色。 展开更多
关键词 胡抗 真澄 孙过庭 章法布局 沉著痛快 书谱 意在笔前 论书 隶楷 怀素
作者 胡抗美 肖文飞 《东方艺术》 2008年第8期70-85,共16页
关键词 胡抗 帖学 艺术人才 胡老师 人生走向 军人出身 碑学 吴门书派 沈鹏 怀素
The Attraction of Mou Yaowu's Calligraphy
作者 Xu Rongzi 《China's Foreign Trade》 2016年第1期56-57,共2页
关键词 收藏协会 政协委员 画院副院长 名夏 翰林院 艺术家协会 艺术简历 艺术顾问 中国书协 胡抗
笔从造化 书成墨香——罗鸣书法欣赏
作者 姜寿田 《食品安全导刊》 2014年第3X期76-77,共2页
罗鸣,河南潢川人,出生于1969年。现为中国书法家协会会员、河南省书法家协会行书委员会委员、河南省青联书法家协会副主席、郑州市书法家协会理事、北大名家工作室胡抗美导师班学员。罗鸣的书法作品曾多次参加全国、省、市专业书法大展... 罗鸣,河南潢川人,出生于1969年。现为中国书法家协会会员、河南省书法家协会行书委员会委员、河南省青联书法家协会副主席、郑州市书法家协会理事、北大名家工作室胡抗美导师班学员。罗鸣的书法作品曾多次参加全国、省、市专业书法大展。书法作品入选全国第四届楹联展,篆刻作品入选全国中青年篆刻展,书法论文入选全国第七届书法篆刻展,书法作品获河南省千人临书大赛优秀奖、河南省青年书法作品精品展优秀奖,张家界旅游杯全国书画大赛三等奖。硬笔书法获全国钢笔书法大赛三等奖,入选《中国硬笔书法百家》。 展开更多
关键词 书法欣赏 书法作品 篆刻作品 罗鸣 书法篆刻 中国书法家协会 胡抗 张家界旅游 书画大赛 淳化阁帖
作者 陈焱 《中国民族博览》 2015年第11期6-9,共4页
赵望来,1990年生于甘肃礼县,中共党员,字:雅卿,号:陇上逸人,室名:怀古斋,逸贤堂。进修于中国人民大学胡抗美书法工作室,中国国家画院曾翔书法工作室,。现为中国书法家协会会员,中国人民大学,中国国家画院胡抗美,曾翔高研班学员,中央国... 赵望来,1990年生于甘肃礼县,中共党员,字:雅卿,号:陇上逸人,室名:怀古斋,逸贤堂。进修于中国人民大学胡抗美书法工作室,中国国家画院曾翔书法工作室,。现为中国书法家协会会员,中国人民大学,中国国家画院胡抗美,曾翔高研班学员,中央国家机关书法家协会创作委员会委员,北京洪海翰墨书画院青年委员,签约职业书法家,终生院委,甘肃省书法家协会会员,陇南市书法家协会会员,礼县青年书法家协会主席,永兴书画协会常务副主席,逸世书社秘书长,被评为"全国90后书坛领军书家"之一,2014年度中国书画家500强。 展开更多
关键词 书法家协会 中国国家画院 曾翔 创作委员会 中国人民大学 胡抗 书画协会 逸贤 书画院 中央国家机关
作者 胡抗美 《中国民族博览》 2015年第10期2-5 1,共5页
白锐,女,文学硕士、美学博士,副研究员,就职于中国文联。毕业于中国人民大学艺术学院,导师郑晓华教授。毕业后进入国家画院沈鹏书法课题班学习,师从沈鹏先生和胡抗美先生。现为中国书法家协会会员,中国文艺评论家协会会员、中国书法家... 白锐,女,文学硕士、美学博士,副研究员,就职于中国文联。毕业于中国人民大学艺术学院,导师郑晓华教授。毕业后进入国家画院沈鹏书法课题班学习,师从沈鹏先生和胡抗美先生。现为中国书法家协会会员,中国文艺评论家协会会员、中国书法家协会妇女委员会委员,北京书协理事、中国国家画院沈鹏书法创研班助教、北京大学、中国人民大学胡抗美书法工作室助教,北京市青联委员。 展开更多
关键词 沈鹏 中国书法家协会 郑晓华 中国人民大学 中国国家画院 胡抗 文艺评论家 中国文联 书协 青联委员
《中国书画》 2016年第4期46-49,共4页
三春之季,岁惟嘉时。2月24日上午,由中国艺术研究院主办的"人民形象中国精神"中国艺术研究院名家系列——陈忠康精品展在中国国家博物馆展出。中国艺术研究院院长王文章,中国国家博物馆馆长吕章申,中国书法家协会分党组书记... 三春之季,岁惟嘉时。2月24日上午,由中国艺术研究院主办的"人民形象中国精神"中国艺术研究院名家系列——陈忠康精品展在中国国家博物馆展出。中国艺术研究院院长王文章,中国国家博物馆馆长吕章申,中国书法家协会分党组书记、副主席陈洪武,中国艺术研究院副院长吕品田,牛根富、刘宏昌等领导参观了展览。参加当天活动的还有中央美术学院博士生导师邱振中,中国书法家协会顾问胡抗美、王家新。 展开更多
关键词 中国艺术研究院 中国书法家协会 中央美术学院 分党组书记 王文章 陈洪武 博物馆馆长 胡抗 书法创作 王家新
Exogenous Pre-Harvest Treatment with Methyl Jasmonate and Chitosan Elicits Lycopene Biosynthesis in Tomato Plants
作者 Anne Osano Norman Fultang Jarrett Davis 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(A)》 2017年第11期561-568,共8页
In this study, exogenous pre-harvest treatment of tomato plants with MeJA (Methyl Jasmonate) and chitosan was used to elicit lycopene biosynthesis and stimulate plant growth. Lycopene is a bright red carotene and ca... In this study, exogenous pre-harvest treatment of tomato plants with MeJA (Methyl Jasmonate) and chitosan was used to elicit lycopene biosynthesis and stimulate plant growth. Lycopene is a bright red carotene and carotenoid pigment found in tomatoes, carrots and other red fruits and vegetables. It is a powerful antioxidant that protects cells from damage and blocks cancerous cell growth. Many studies suggest eating lycopene-rich foods may be directly linked to reducing risk of several cancers, heart disease and stroke, hence there is a need to enhance its levels in tomatoes. Tomato seeds were soaked in MeJA and chitosan solutions of varying concentrations and then planted. The resulting plants were irrigated with the solutions used to soak the seeds, accordingly. The heights of the plants were recorded on a tri-weekly basis and HPLC (High Performance Liquid Chromatography) was used to analyze the effects of the MeJA and chitosan solutions on lycopene yields in the tomato fruits. Analysis of chromatograms obtained from tomato samples in the MeJA and chitosan-treated groups showed enhanced levels of lycopene. Plant growth was not significantly affected by treatment ofMeJA. Chitosan, however, noticeably increased plant growth over 7 weeks. 展开更多
Synthesis and Antibacterial Activity of Juglone Derivatives 被引量:1
作者 Daniel Teoh Chuan Tan Hasnah Osman +1 位作者 Suriyati Mohamad Azlina Harun Kamaruddin 《Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering》 2012年第1期84-89,共6页
Nitro and halogen substituted derivatives of the juglone naphthoquinone were synthesized and assayed for their antibacterial activity. 8-Nitrojuglone was obtained as the exclusive product from the direct nitration of ... Nitro and halogen substituted derivatives of the juglone naphthoquinone were synthesized and assayed for their antibacterial activity. 8-Nitrojuglone was obtained as the exclusive product from the direct nitration of juglone with nickel (Ⅱ) nitrate and p-toluenesulphonic acid. In addition, a series of five 8-halojuglone derivatives were synthesized via a solvent-free Friedel-Crafts acylation reaction. One of the acylation reactions afforded an anthraquinone-type derivative as the minor product. The 8-nitrojuglone derivative displayed the most notable activity against S. aureus. However, all of the 8-halojuglone derivatives were found to be less active than juglone against the bacteria assayed. 展开更多
关键词 NAPHTHOQUINONE NITRATION Friedel-Crafts acylation ANTHRAQUINONE antibacterial activity.
Efficiency of Antioxidant Compounds from Macro Edible Algae
作者 Wilailak Suanmali Surachai Moonmaun Pakao Phoomyai 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2017年第3期173-178,共6页
Antioxidant efficiency was studied in fresh edible algae: Cladophora, Microspara and Nostochopsis spp. from Nan River, Nan province. The samples were collected from Pua and Tha-Wang-Pha district, studied antioxidant ... Antioxidant efficiency was studied in fresh edible algae: Cladophora, Microspara and Nostochopsis spp. from Nan River, Nan province. The samples were collected from Pua and Tha-Wang-Pha district, studied antioxidant activity and compared the antioxidant efficacy of the extracts from the three fresh edible algae with a standard solution, 3-tert-butyl-4-hydroxyanisole (BHA). This study found that an extract ofNostochopsis spp. was the highest antioxidant activity to DPPH free radical between 32.1 and 87.5, the highest amount of beta-carotene was 4.71-7.09 mg/g and the highest amount of phenol in fresh edible algae extracts from Microspora was between 9.37 and 37.02 mg/g. The highest vitamin C in Microspora was between 110.41-138.53 mg/100 g. 展开更多
关键词 Efficiency ofantioxidant macro algae edible algae.
Low Pressure Cold Plasma as an Alternative Method for Black Pepper Sterilization
作者 Maciej Grabowski Agnieszka Strzelczak Waldemar Dabrowski 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2014年第12期931-939,共9页
It was found out that spices straight from the package are not sterile. The only way to receive sterile spices is to use radiation technology which means to irradiate spices with ionizing radiation. However, this meth... It was found out that spices straight from the package are not sterile. The only way to receive sterile spices is to use radiation technology which means to irradiate spices with ionizing radiation. However, this method is quite expensive and raises great resistance of public. And this is the reason why we are interested in implementing plasma technology. The first step of the research was to choose the most appropriate spice. The range of available spices is nearly unlimited, however, we took into account the following ones: sweet paprika, basil, rosemary, saffron, marjoram, thyme and black pepper. Finally, we chose black pepper because it is most often used by butchers to make meat products. It is also called the "King of Spices" or the "Black Gold". Black pepper is one of the most often used spices in the United States and in Europe. It is important to have sterile black pepper when we aim at ripening products for example ripening sausages or some kinds of cheeses. What is more, it was found out that black pepper has antimicrobial properties, antioxidant effects and also antipyretic and analgesic properties. The aim of the research was to receive sterile spices using low pressure cold plasma with oxygen, nitrogen, air, argon and hydrogen peroxide. 展开更多
关键词 Black pepper cold plasma STERILIZATION
In vitro antioxidant activity of callus culture of carrot (Daucus carom)
作者 Tadhani Manish Patel vinayak Rema Subhash 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology》 2009年第12期19-24,62,共7页
Carrot (Daucus carom) is a valuable source of health promoting ingredients such as anthocyanin, carotenes, phenolic compounds etc. These substances are important to man as a source of pharmaceuticals, fragrance, agr... Carrot (Daucus carom) is a valuable source of health promoting ingredients such as anthocyanin, carotenes, phenolic compounds etc. These substances are important to man as a source of pharmaceuticals, fragrance, agrochemicals as well as food additives and used for prevention of many chronic diseases. Since these activities may be correlated with the presence of antioxidant compounds, extract of carrot and carrot callus were evaluated for their anthocyanin, flavonoids and total phenolic content as well as total antioxidant activity. Anthocyanin content was measured by spectrophotometric method. Total phenols and flavonoids were analyzed according to the Folin-Ciocalteu method and total antioxidant activity was assessed by ferric reducing/antioxidant power (FRAP) assay. Anthocyanin, flavonoids and total phenolic content were estimated to be 9.36 mg%, 46.96 mg% and 57.01 mg% for callus and 6.82 mg%, 32.96 mg% and 42.69 mg% for carrot, respectively, on fresh weight basis. The total antioxidant activity for the callus and carrot was found to be 51.13 mg, 118.77 mg, 91.08 mg and 140.08 mg equivalent and 79.40 mg, 184.44 mg, 141.43 mg and 217.52 mg equivalent to gallic acid, vitamin C, butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA) and trolox, respectively, when expressed per 100 g on fresh weight basis. The antioxidant activity of fresh carrot was found to be higher compared to its callus. 展开更多
关键词 CARROT CALLUS ANTHOCYANIN FLAVONOIDS phenoliccompounds antioxidant activity
Physiological Response of Hydrilla verticillata (I.f.) Royle Exposed to Cadmium Stress
作者 Sibanarayan Mohapatra Surjendu Kumar Dey 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2012年第1期55-60,共6页
Hydrilla verticillata (I.f.) Royle twigs were exposed to CdCI2 (50, 100, 200 and 500 BM) under continuous light for 48 hrs and the physiological parameters like photosynthetic pigment (chlorophylls a, b and carot... Hydrilla verticillata (I.f.) Royle twigs were exposed to CdCI2 (50, 100, 200 and 500 BM) under continuous light for 48 hrs and the physiological parameters like photosynthetic pigment (chlorophylls a, b and carotenoids) contents, activities of antioxidative enzymes like superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT) and peroxidase (POX) along with lipid peroxidation level were determined. With respect to increase in Cd concentration in the medium and exposure duration, decrease in pigment contents, and decrease in the activities of SOD, CAT and POX were found. The increased levels of lipid peroxidation indicated the prevalence of oxidative stress situation in the tissues which might be one of the reasons behind Cd induced toxicity in Hydrilla verticillata. Since there was significant decrease in the activities of key antioxidative ezymes, the study suggests that Hydrilla verticillata may not be effective for phytoremediation of cadmium in these concentration ranges. 展开更多
关键词 Photosynthetic pigments antioxidative enzymes lipid peroxidation cadmium stress.
作者 王玉池 《中国书法》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第7期76-79,共4页
五月十九日,王玉池书法展暨学术研讨会在北京师范大学京师美术馆开幕,胡抗美、张同印、张道兴、王镛等出席。展览展出王玉池章草、篆隶等多种书体近作几十幅,是其数十年学术生涯的浓缩和呈现。王玉池以八十四岁高龄举办这场展览,引起书... 五月十九日,王玉池书法展暨学术研讨会在北京师范大学京师美术馆开幕,胡抗美、张同印、张道兴、王镛等出席。展览展出王玉池章草、篆隶等多种书体近作几十幅,是其数十年学术生涯的浓缩和呈现。王玉池以八十四岁高龄举办这场展览,引起书坛的关注。长期以来,王玉池一直致力于"王学"及古代碑帖译注等方面的学术研究,并取得了丰硕的学术成果。他曾连续两届获得中国书法兰亭奖理论奖,出版的《"二王"书艺论稿》《王献之书法艺术》《古代碑帖译注》等专著及《是治学严谨的典范还是不够严谨》《<万岁通天帖>的启示》《粱武帝对书学的贡献》等论文,有着重要的学术价值和社会意义。王玉池还提出构建"二王学",还"二王"书法本来面目。其深厚的学养和扎实的理论基础,终形成其个性鲜明的书风。 展开更多
关键词 王玉池 二王 张道兴 张同印 书学 书风 书艺 胡抗 姨母帖 篆隶
《中国书法》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第12期63-64,共2页
胡抗美:吕金光的书法作品很有个性,在几万件作品中,一眼看去就知道哪件是他的。个性是天然的知识产权,不需要注册,别人是抢不走的。金光的艺术个性是用他自己极为认真的态度铸造的,也是他自己用极为认真的态度始终捍卫的。当今这股认... 胡抗美:吕金光的书法作品很有个性,在几万件作品中,一眼看去就知道哪件是他的。个性是天然的知识产权,不需要注册,别人是抢不走的。金光的艺术个性是用他自己极为认真的态度铸造的,也是他自己用极为认真的态度始终捍卫的。当今这股认真劲太少了,最根本的原因就是审美观、价值观方面出现了问题。 展开更多
关键词 书法集 倪元璐 书法作品 胡抗 艺术个性 侯开嘉 涨墨 豪迈不羁 书道 元气淋漓
作者 白煦 《中国书法》 CSSCI 北大核心 1998年第3期69-71,共3页
应新加坡书法家协会邀请,以刘正成为团长,白煦、胡抗美为团员的中国书法家代表团于今年十一月五日至十一月十一日访问了新加坡,一周时间,使我们得以更多地走访、参观这座美丽的花园城市,借此以随记的方式记录些观感,以为纪念。一、高速... 应新加坡书法家协会邀请,以刘正成为团长,白煦、胡抗美为团员的中国书法家代表团于今年十一月五日至十一月十一日访问了新加坡,一周时间,使我们得以更多地走访、参观这座美丽的花园城市,借此以随记的方式记录些观感,以为纪念。一、高速发展的飞机场人在异国他乡旅行,一下飞机首先映入眼帘的就是飞机场。经过六个小时的空中飞行,原以为下飞机还有过海关、取行李两种麻烦,但履行海关手续不过两三分钟,然后拐弯下楼就到了行李厅,英文指示牌清楚地印出CA957行李轨道号码,趋步上前一看。 展开更多
关键词 海关手续 刘正成 新加坡人 白煦 书法家协会 胡抗 花园城市 书协 中国书法 趋步
《中国书法》 北大核心 2012年第12期195-196,共2页
十一月二十九日至十二月二日,第四届中国书法兰亭奖评审工作在浙江绍兴举行,共评出艺术奖十人;佳作奖入展作品二百三十二件,一等奖五件、二等奖十件、三等奖十三件;理论奖一等奖三篇、二等奖七篇、三等奖九篇。在十一月二十九日第四届... 十一月二十九日至十二月二日,第四届中国书法兰亭奖评审工作在浙江绍兴举行,共评出艺术奖十人;佳作奖入展作品二百三十二件,一等奖五件、二等奖十件、三等奖十三件;理论奖一等奖三篇、二等奖七篇、三等奖九篇。在十一月二十九日第四届中国书法兰亭奖评审预备会上,中国书协主席张海希望评审专家要进一步认识兰亭奖的意义,按程序办事,强化意识。 展开更多
关键词 兰亭 胡抗 中国书法 张业法 吴善璋 何应辉 聂成文 陈振濂 陈洪武 中国书协 苏士澍 言恭达 吴东民
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