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水解胶原质,一种增强骨健康、改善皮肤保湿性能的功能添加剂 被引量:3
作者 王正平 《中国食品工业》 2007年第5期48-49,共2页
一.水解胶原质的基础知识定义 胶原质(collagen)又称胶原蛋白、骨胶原等,是动物体内含量最多、分布最广的蛋白质。胶原蛋白具有多样性及组织分布特异性的特点,是与组织和器官功能有关的功能性蛋白,主要分布在哺乳动物的结缔组织... 一.水解胶原质的基础知识定义 胶原质(collagen)又称胶原蛋白、骨胶原等,是动物体内含量最多、分布最广的蛋白质。胶原蛋白具有多样性及组织分布特异性的特点,是与组织和器官功能有关的功能性蛋白,主要分布在哺乳动物的结缔组织中,对人体和动物的皮肤、血管、骨骼、筋腱、牙齿和软骨的健康都十分重要,是结缔组织的主要基础物质。 展开更多
关键词 胶原质 功能添加剂 保湿性能 水解 健康 皮肤 基础知识 原蛋白
《食品科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第5期240-240,共1页
波兰农业大学的研究人员发现:往肉里注射胶原质可保持肉类营养,抑制碘和VB1的流失。研究者发现在储存和烹饪肉制品时,猪肉肉丸可能失去一定百分比的碘和VB1。英文《农业与食品科学杂志》报道,通过增加胶原纤维和胶原质水解产物可以... 波兰农业大学的研究人员发现:往肉里注射胶原质可保持肉类营养,抑制碘和VB1的流失。研究者发现在储存和烹饪肉制品时,猪肉肉丸可能失去一定百分比的碘和VB1。英文《农业与食品科学杂志》报道,通过增加胶原纤维和胶原质水解产物可以使肉里的碘化钾得到饱和,这种方法比使用精制碘盐的方法更加有效。胶原质能使鲜肉保持一定的营养,它也适合被用作冷冻储存的肉类。 展开更多
关键词 胶原质 肉类 营养 波兰 农业大学 冷冻储存 碘化钾 研究人员
《饲料工业》 2007年第10期16-16,共1页
关键词 胶原质 肉类 营养 波兰 维生素B1 研究人员 农业大学
《水产科技情报》 北大核心 2007年第2期93-93,共1页
日前,日本再生医学会北海道研究小组宣布,他们从大马哈鱼的表皮中抽取骨胶原质制成人造血管,将其移植到实验鼠的大动脉中,并使之存活了两周以上。据称,用海洋生物的骨胶原质来制造人造血管,并使它在别的生物体内产生机能,在世界... 日前,日本再生医学会北海道研究小组宣布,他们从大马哈鱼的表皮中抽取骨胶原质制成人造血管,将其移植到实验鼠的大动脉中,并使之存活了两周以上。据称,用海洋生物的骨胶原质来制造人造血管,并使它在别的生物体内产生机能,在世界上尚属首例。 展开更多
关键词 人造血管 胶原质 日本 鱼骨 家用 科学 大马哈鱼 海洋生物
《湖南畜牧兽医》 2007年第3期47-47,共1页
关键词 胶原质 肉类 营养 波兰 维生素B1 研究人员 农业大学 注射
作者 申沈 《山西农业(畜牧兽医版)》 2007年第6期54-54,共1页
关键词 胶原质 肉类 营养 波兰 维生素B1 研究人员 农业大学
作者 陈丹 《发明与创新(大科技)》 2003年第2期46-46,共1页
关键词 胶原质 人造血管 搭桥手术 心脏病
美合成人造胶原质血管 可用于心脏搭桥手术
《新材料产业》 2003年第2期58-58,共1页
关键词 心脏搭桥手术 微型血管 人造胶原质血管
药用明胶质量对胶囊安全性的影响 被引量:16
作者 姚龙坤 《明胶科学与技术》 CAS 2006年第4期203-207,共5页
关键词 安全性 质量 药用 蛋白质制品 部分水解 胶原质
明胶在医药、食品行业中的广泛应用及其安全性问题 被引量:6
作者 刘刚 《明胶科学与技术》 CAS 2002年第4期169-170,共2页
明胶是一种取自于动物的皮、骨、腱、经酸法或碱法处理后,通过热水提炼的一种纯天然胶原质蛋白.它富含(除色氨酸以外)人体所需的21种氨基酸,其可被人体完全吸收的蛋白含量高达92%,远远地超过鱼翅、燕窝等的蛋白含量.医药界和科学界公认... 明胶是一种取自于动物的皮、骨、腱、经酸法或碱法处理后,通过热水提炼的一种纯天然胶原质蛋白.它富含(除色氨酸以外)人体所需的21种氨基酸,其可被人体完全吸收的蛋白含量高达92%,远远地超过鱼翅、燕窝等的蛋白含量.医药界和科学界公认长期食用明胶产品有益于人体骨节组织的接合,减少膨胀,加强连接组织的新陈代谢,有助于头发和指甲的生长,以及保持皮肤的润滑.尤其是骨胶中含有高达13%的羟基脯氨酸、15%的脯氨酸、22%的氨基乙酸和8%的精氨酸,更是保持人类健康、精力充沛的最有效的营养品.由于明胶可在体温状态下很快地被溶解,并被人体完全地吸收,迅速地帮助人们恢复体力,它已被医药行业广泛地采用,如硬胶囊和软胶囊.明胶的同系蛋白给人体带来人体中分布最广和必不可少的多种可吸收性氨基酸,甚至可以用来生产血浆的代用品. 展开更多
关键词 人体 胶原质 蛋白含量 医药界 水提 处理 鱼翅 燕窝 食用
铁缺乏症对人体影响的研究进展 被引量:3
作者 宁小春 张爱芳 《中国现代医生》 2008年第16期50-52,共3页
铁是人体中最丰富的微量元素,目前的研究发现缺铁不仅对血液系统有影响,而且还使单胺氧化酶的合成减少引起认知障碍,影响胶原质的合成,使血管支架不稳定、骨骼密度和硬度下降;缺铁还会引起RhoA和活性一氧化氮表达的增加,引起线粒体功能... 铁是人体中最丰富的微量元素,目前的研究发现缺铁不仅对血液系统有影响,而且还使单胺氧化酶的合成减少引起认知障碍,影响胶原质的合成,使血管支架不稳定、骨骼密度和硬度下降;缺铁还会引起RhoA和活性一氧化氮表达的增加,引起线粒体功能异常、肌小节不规则形成,从而导致心脏的异常肥厚增大,铁缺乏引起呼吸链中含铁酶的含量和活性降低,使ATP的合成减少,导致大鼠耐力下降。铁的缺乏对人体的影响是巨大而多面的。 展开更多
关键词 含铁酶 胶原质 肌小节 铁缺乏
紫外分光光度法测定食用菌中维生素C 被引量:7
作者 楚红英 《理化检验(化学分册)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第2期255-257,共3页
食用菌中含有大量的无机质、维生素、蛋白质等丰富的营养成分,且热量很低[1],作为一种绿色食品深受人们的喜爱。现代医学证明,食用菌能增强人体的免疫机能,具有抗肿瘤、降血脂等作用,是一种有良好开发前景的药用资源[2]。维生素C是人体... 食用菌中含有大量的无机质、维生素、蛋白质等丰富的营养成分,且热量很低[1],作为一种绿色食品深受人们的喜爱。现代医学证明,食用菌能增强人体的免疫机能,具有抗肿瘤、降血脂等作用,是一种有良好开发前景的药用资源[2]。维生素C是人体不可缺少的成分,当人体缺乏维生素C的时候,组织中胶原质会变的不稳定而无法正常发挥功能。研究表明食用菌中含有丰富的维生素C。 展开更多
关键词 医学证明 胶原质 营养成分 药用资源 液料比 吸光度 正交试验 白玉菇 真姬菇 杏鲍菇
作者 王承南 叶小施 彭吉安 《经济林研究》 1996年第S2期181-184,共4页
杜仲皮在我国传统医学上是一种不可缺少的名贵药材,它之所以名贵不仅仅是杜仲在历经漫长的岁月中生长量有限,更主要的是它具有独特的医疗和保健作用,倍受人们的青睐,但有限的杜仲皮价格相当昂贵,而大量的杜仲叶并没有充分地被社会认识... 杜仲皮在我国传统医学上是一种不可缺少的名贵药材,它之所以名贵不仅仅是杜仲在历经漫长的岁月中生长量有限,更主要的是它具有独特的医疗和保健作用,倍受人们的青睐,但有限的杜仲皮价格相当昂贵,而大量的杜仲叶并没有充分地被社会认识和充分利用。近年来,人们开始了以叶代皮的研究,研究结果表明:杜仲皮和杜仲叶的药用成分基本一致,能够以叶代皮。在日本、韩国及台湾等地方已开始收购杜仲叶,并对叶的研究作了大量工作,我国尽管作了一些工作,但对杜仲叶综合利用的研究、宣传没有给予应有的重视,本文主要谈杜仲叶的综合开发利用及建议。 展开更多
关键词 杜仲叶 综合开发利用 杜仲茶 杜仲 杜仲皮 饲料添加剂 中性脂肪 胶原质 药用成分 保健作用
Transforming growth factor-β and fibrosis 被引量:113
作者 Franck Verrecchia Alain Mauviel 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第22期3056-3062,共7页
Transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β), a prototype of multifunctional cytokine, is a key regulator of extracellular matrix (ECM) assembly and remodeling. Specifically, TGF-β isoforms have the ability to induce the e... Transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β), a prototype of multifunctional cytokine, is a key regulator of extracellular matrix (ECM) assembly and remodeling. Specifically, TGF-β isoforms have the ability to induce the expression of ECM proteins in mesenchymal cells, and to stimulate the production of protease inhibitors that prevent enzymatic breakdown of the ECM. Elevated TGF-β expression in affected organs, and subsequent deregulation of TGF-β functions, correlates with the abnormal connective tissue deposition observed during the onset of fibrotic diseases. During the last few years, tremendous progress has been made in the understanding of the molecular aspects of intracellular signaling downstream of the TGF-β receptors. In particular, Smad proteins, TGF-β receptor kinase substrates that translocate into the cell nucleus to act as transcription factors, have been studied extensively. The role of Smad3 in the transcriptional regulation of typeⅠcollagen gene expression and in the development of fibrosis, demonstrated both in vitro and in animal models with a targeted deletion of Smad3, is of critical importance because it may lead to novel therapeutic strategies against these diseases. This review focuses on the mechanisms underlying Smad modulation of fi brillar collagen expression and how it relates to fi brotic processes. 展开更多
关键词 胶原质 结缔组织生长因子 β-转移生长因子 纤维化
Inhibition on the production of collagen type Ⅰ, Ⅲ of activated hepatic stellate cells by antisense TIMP-1 recombinant plasmid 被引量:42
作者 Wen-Bin Liu Chang-Qing Yang Wei Jiang Yi-Qing Wang Jing-Sheng Guo Bo-Ming He Ji-Yao Wang Division of Gastroenterology, Zhongshan Hospital, Fudan University, Shanghai 200032, China 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2003年第2期316-319,共4页
AIM: To investigate the inhibition effects on the productionof collagen type I, Ⅲ secreted by activated rat hepatic stellatecells (rHSCs) by antisense tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinase1 (TIMP-1) recombinant plas... AIM: To investigate the inhibition effects on the productionof collagen type I, Ⅲ secreted by activated rat hepatic stellatecells (rHSCs) by antisense tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinase1 (TIMP-1) recombinant plasmid through elevating interstitialcollagenase activity.METHODS: rHSCs were extracted from normal rat liverby pronase and collagenase digestion and purified bycentrifugal elutriation, and were cultured on plastic dishesuntil they were activated to a myofibroblastic phenotypeafter 7-10 days. RT-Nest-PCR and gene recombinanttechniques were used to construct the rat antisense TIMP-1 recombinant plasmids which can express in eucaryoticcells. The recombinant plasmid and the pcDNA3 emptyplasmid were transfected in rHSCs by Effectene (QIAGEN)separately. Cells were selected after growing in DMEMcontaining 400 μg/ml G418 for 2-3 weeks. Expression ofexogenous gene was assessed by Northern blot, andexpression oflIMP-1 in rHSCs was determined by Northernblot and Western blot. We tested the interstitial collagenaseactivity with FITC-labled type I collagen as substrate.Ultimately, we quantified the type Ⅰ, Ⅲ collagen byWestern blot.RESULTS: The exogenous antisense TIMP-1 recombinantplasmid could be expressed in rHSCs well, which couldblock the expression of TIMP-1 greatly, the ratio of TIMP-1/GAPDH was 0.67, 2.41, and 2.97 separately at mRNAlevel (P<0.05); the ratio of TIMP-1/β-actin was 0.31, 0.98and 1.32 separately at protein level (P<0.05); It mightelevate active and latent interstitial collagenase activity,the collagenase activity was 0.3049, 0.1411 and 0.1196respectively. (P<0.05), which led to promotion thedegradation of type Ⅰ, Ⅲ collagen, the ratio of collagen I/β-actin was 0.63, 1.78 and 1.92 separately (P<0.05); andthe ratio of collagen Ⅲ/β-actin was 0.59, 1.81 and 1.98separately (P<0.05).CONCLUSION: These data shows that the antisense TIMP-1 recombinant plasmid has the inhibitory effects on theproduction of type Ⅰ, Ⅲ collagens secreted by activatedrHSCs in vitro. It could be a novel method to reverse hepaticfibrosis in the future. 展开更多
关键词 胶原质 肝星形细胞 细胞因子 反义金属蛋白酶-1 重组质粒 原酶 肝纤维化
Synergistic effect of a novel oxymatrine-baicalin combination against hepatitis B virus replication, a smooth muscle actin expression and typeⅠcollagen synthesis in vitro 被引量:32
作者 Yang Cheng Jian Ping +2 位作者 Huai-Dong Xu Hai-Jun Fu Zhao-Hui Zhou 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2006年第32期5153-5159,共7页
AIM: To study the effect of oxymatrine-baicalin combination (OB) against HBV replication in 2.2.15 cells and a smooth muscle actin (αSMA) expression, typeⅠ, collagen synthesis in HSC-T6 cells. METHODS: The 2.2.15 ce... AIM: To study the effect of oxymatrine-baicalin combination (OB) against HBV replication in 2.2.15 cells and a smooth muscle actin (αSMA) expression, typeⅠ, collagen synthesis in HSC-T6 cells. METHODS: The 2.2.15 cells and HSC-T6 cells were cultured and treated respectively. HBsAg and HBeAg in the culture supernatants were detected by ELISA and HBV DNA levels were determined by fluorescence quantitative PCR. Total RNA was extracted from HSC-T6 cells and reverse transcribed into cDNA. The cDNAs were amplified by PCR and the quantities were expressed in proportion to p actin. The total cellular proteins extracted from HSC-T6 cells were separated by electrophoresis. Resolved proteins were electrophoretically transferred to nitrocellulose membrane. Protein bands were revealed and the quantities were corrected by p actin. RESULTS: In the 2.2.15 cell culture system, the inhibitory rate against secretion of HBsAg and HBeAg in the OB group was significantly stronger than that in the oxymatrine group (HBsAg, P=0.043; HBeAg, P=0.026; respectively); HBV DNA level in the OB group was significantly lower than that in the oxymatrine group (P = 0.041). In HSC-T6 cells the mRNA and protein expression levels of a SMA in the OB group were significantly lower as compared with those in the oxymatrine group (mRNA, P = 0.013; protein, P-0.042; respectively); The mRNA and protein expression levels of typeⅠcollagen in the OB group were significantly lower as compared with those in the oxymatrine group (mRNA, P<0.01; protein, P<0.01; respectively). CONCLUSION: OB combination has a better effect against HBV replication in 2.2.15 cells and is more effective against a SMA expression and typeⅠcollagen synthesis in HSC-T6 cells than oxymatrine in vitro. 展开更多
关键词 氧化苦参碱 黄芩苷 乙型病毒肝炎 胶原质
Effects of endothelin-1 on hepatic stellate cell proliferation,collagen synthesis and secretion,intracellular free calcium concentration 被引量:14
作者 Chuan-YongGuo Jian-YeWu +2 位作者 Yun-BinWu Min-ZhangZhong Han-MingLu 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2004年第18期2697-2700,共4页
AIM: To explore the effects of endothelin-1(ET-1) on hepatic stellate cells (HSCs) DNA uptake, DNA synthesis,collagen synthesis and secretion, inward whole-cell calcium concentration ([Ca^2+]i) as well as the blocking... AIM: To explore the effects of endothelin-1(ET-1) on hepatic stellate cells (HSCs) DNA uptake, DNA synthesis,collagen synthesis and secretion, inward whole-cell calcium concentration ([Ca^2+]i) as well as the blocking effect of verapamil on ET-l-stimulated release of inward calcium(Ca2+) of HSC in vitro.METHODS: Rat hepatic stellate cells (HSCs) were isolated and cultivated. ^3H-TdR and ^3H-proline incorporation used for testing DNA uptake and synthesis, collagen synthesis and secretion of HSCs cultured in vitro;, Fluorescent calcium indicator Fura-2/AM was used to measure [Ca^2+]i inwardHSCs.RESULTS: ET-1 at the concentration of 5×10^-8 mol/L,caused significant increase both in HSC DNA synthesis (2 247+344 cpm, P<0.05) and DNA uptake (P<0.05) when compared with the control group. ET-1 could also increase collagen synthesis (P<0.05 vs control group) and collagen secretion (P<0.05 vscontrol group). Besides, inward HSC [Ca^2+]i reached a peak concentration (422±98 mol/L, P<0.001)at 2 min and then went down slowly to165+51 mol/L(P<0.01) at 25 min from resting state (39±4 mol/L)after treated with ET-1. Verapamil (5 mol/L) blocked ET-1-activated [Ca^2+li inward HSCs compared with control group(P<0.05). Fura-2/AM loaded HSC was suspended in no Ca^2+ buffer containing 1 mol/L EGTA, 5 rain later, 10^-8 mol/L of ET-1 was added, [Ca^2+]i inward HSCs rose from resting state to peak 399±123 mol/L, then began to come down by the time of 20 min. It could also raise [Ca^2+]i inward HSCs even without Ca^2+ in extracellular fluid, and had a remarkable dose-effect relationship(P<0.05). Meanwhile,verapamil could restrain the action of ET-1(P<0.05).CONCLUSION: Actions of ET-1 on collagen metabolism of HSCs may depend on the transportation of inward wholecell calcium. 展开更多
关键词 内皮素-1 肝星状细胞 分芽繁殖 胶原质 ET-1 分泌物 细胞内 钙浓度 HSCS
Effects of fibril- or fixed-collagen on matrix metalloproteinase-1 and tissue inhibitor of matrix metalloproteinase-1 production in the human hepatocyte cell line HLE 被引量:14
作者 Makoto Nakamuta Kazuhiro Kotoh +1 位作者 Munechika Enjoji Hajime Nawata 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第15期2264-2268,共5页
AIM: Matrix metalloproteinase-1 (MMP-1) and tissue inhibitor of matrix metalloproteinase-1 (TIMP-1) are central to the spontaneous resolution of liver fibrosis. The mechanisms involved have been investigated in hepati... AIM: Matrix metalloproteinase-1 (MMP-1) and tissue inhibitor of matrix metalloproteinase-1 (TIMP-1) are central to the spontaneous resolution of liver fibrosis. The mechanisms involved have been investigated in hepatic steilate cells (ISC), but not in hepatocytes. We investigated the effects of fibril- and fixed-collagen on MMP-1 and TIMP-1 production in hepatocytes, using the HLE cell line.METHODS: Fibril type T and Ⅳ collagen were prepared by HCl digestion of type T and Ⅳ collagen, respectively.For fixed-collagen, culture dishes were coated with fibril type Ⅰ or Ⅳ collagen and fixed by ultraviolet. Type Ⅰcollagenase activity was measured using fluorescein isothiocyanate-labeled type Ⅰ collagen. MMP-1 and TIMP-1 in HLE cells were measured by a one-step sandwich enzyme immunoassay.RESULTS: Both fibril type Ⅰand Ⅳ collagen significantly increased type Ⅰ coilagenase activity about two-fold compared with no fibril collagen. The effects of the fibril collagen were not affected by the coating condition. There was no significant difference in the effects on collagenase activity between cells cultured in medium containing fibril type Ⅰ collagen and those cultured in the presence of type Ⅳ collagen. Both types of fibril collagen significantly increased MMP-1 production, and showed more than 10-fold higher levels of MMP-1 than the control. The enhanced MMP-1 production by fibril collagens was unaffected by the coating condition. By contrast, TIMP-1 production was not changed by the addition of fibril type Ⅰ or Ⅳ collagen,and neither was it affected by the coating conditions.Coating with type Ⅰ collagen significantly suppressed MMP-1production by almost one-tenth compared with no coating.By contrast, lIMP-1 production was not affected by either the absence of a collagen coat or by increasing the concentration of the coating collagen.CONCLUSION: These results indicated that, in HLE cells,fibril- and fixed-collagen have opposite effects on MMP-1production without affecting TIMP production. Fibril collagen induced collagenase activity by up-regulation of MMP-1 production without affecting TIMP-1 production.By contrast, fixed collagen reduced MMP-1 production.Our results suggest that hepatocytes might also play an important role in the regulation of the hepatic fibrosis alongside HSC. 展开更多
关键词 纤维胶原质 金属蛋白酶-1 组织抑制剂 肝细胞 肝纤维化
Effects of pentoxifylline on the hepatic content of TGF-β1 and collagen in Schistosomiasis japonica mice with liver fibrosis 被引量:18
作者 Li-JuanXiong jian-FangZhu +2 位作者 Duan-DeLuo Lin-LanZen Shu-QingCai 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2003年第1期152-154,共3页
AIM: To study the effects of pentoxifylline (PTX) on thecontent of hepatic TGF-β1, type Ⅰ and type Ⅲ collagen inschistosomiasis japonica mice with liver fibrosis and itsmechanism of anti-fibrosis.METHODS: Forty mic... AIM: To study the effects of pentoxifylline (PTX) on thecontent of hepatic TGF-β1, type Ⅰ and type Ⅲ collagen inschistosomiasis japonica mice with liver fibrosis and itsmechanism of anti-fibrosis.METHODS: Forty mice with schistosomiasis were dividedinto four groups: one group as control without anytreatment, other three were treated with Praziquantel 500mg/(kg.d)for 2 d, high dose PTX 360 mg/(kg.d) for 8 wk,and low dose PTX 180 mg/(kg.d) for 8 wk respectively.Immunohistochemical technique and multimedia colorpathographic analysis system were applied to observe thecontent change of hepatic TGF-β1, type Ⅰ and type Ⅲcollagen in schistosomiasis japonica mice with liver fibrosisbefore and after PTX treatment.RESULTS: Effects of PTX on the content change of hepaticTGF-β1, type Ⅰ and type Ⅲ collagen in schistosomiasis japonicamice with liver fibrosis were related to the dosage of PTX,high dose PTX treated group could significantly reduce thecontent of TGF-β1 (0.709±0.111), type Ⅰ (0.644±0.108) andtype Ⅲ (0.654±0.152) collagen compared with those ofcontrol group (0.883±0.140, 0.771±0.156, 0.822±0.129)with statistical significance (P<0.05). Low dose PTX couldalso reduce the hepatic content of TGF-β1 (0.752±0.152),type Ⅰ (0.733±0.117) and type Ⅲ (0.788±0.147) collagen,but without statistical significance (P>0.05). Both high doseand low dose PTX groups have significant differences onthe content of TGF-β1, type Ⅰ and type Ⅲ collagen (P<0.05,P<0.05, P< 0.01,respectively).CONCLUSION: High dose of PTX treatment could reducethe content of hepatic TGF-β1, type Ⅰ and type Ⅲ collagensignificantly in schistosomiasis japonica mice with liverfibrosis, and thus plays its role of antifibrosis. 展开更多
关键词 日本血吸虫病 肝纤维化 动物模型 转化生长因子-β 胶原质 已酮可可豆碱 药理作用
Effect of caffeic acid phenethyl ester on proliferation and apoptosis of hepatic stellate cells in vitro 被引量:12
作者 Wen-Xing Zhao Jing Zhao Chong-Li Liang Bing Zhao Rong-Qing Pang Xing-Hua Pan Medical Laboratory of Kunming General Hospital,Chengdu Command,Kunming 650032,Yunnan Province,China 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2003年第6期1278-1281,共4页
AIM: To investigate the role of nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB)inhibitor caffeic acid phenethy1 ester (CAPE) in the proliferation, collagen synthesis and apoptosis of hepatic stellate cells (HSCs) of rats. METHODS: The HS... AIM: To investigate the role of nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB)inhibitor caffeic acid phenethy1 ester (CAPE) in the proliferation, collagen synthesis and apoptosis of hepatic stellate cells (HSCs) of rats. METHODS: The HSCs from rats were isolated and cultured in Dulbecco's Modified Eagle's Medium (DMEM) and treated with CAPE. The proliferation and collagen synthesis of HSCs were determined by 3H-TdR and 3H-proline incorporation respectively, and the expression of type Ⅰ, Ⅲ procollagen genes was further explored byin situ hybridization. Apoptosis cell indices (AIs) were examined using terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase- mediated DIG-dUTP nick end labeling (TUNEL). RESULTS: Tn activated HSC in culture, CAPE significantly inhibited 3H-TdR and 3H-proline incorporation by HSCs at concentrations of 5 μmol/L and 10 μmol/L respectively. CAPE also reduced the type I procollagen gene expression (P<0.05)at higher concentration. Apoptosis of HSC was induced by CAPE and the AIs were time-and dose-dependently increased from 2.82+0.73 % to 7.66±1.25 % at 12 h (P<0.01) and from 3.15±0.88 % to 10.6L±2.88 % at 24 h (P<0.01). CONCLUSION: CAPE inhibits proliferation and collagen synthesis of HSC at lower concentration and induces HSC apoptosis at higher concentration. 展开更多
关键词 肝星状细胞 核因子-ΚB抑制剂 咖啡酸苯乙基酯 胶原质 细胞增殖
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