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作者 王明 李皎皎 +2 位作者 张永军 李逸川 徐璐平 《Applied Geophysics》 SCIE CSCD 2024年第2期372-383,421,422,共14页
北部海岸带(台州以北)横跨华北地块、下扬子地块和华夏地块三个构造单元,区域地质构造复杂,岩浆活动强烈,断裂发育。本文以最新编制的航磁资料为主,结合航空重力、区域地质和实测岩石物性资料等,对区内的岩浆岩航磁异常特征及分布规律... 北部海岸带(台州以北)横跨华北地块、下扬子地块和华夏地块三个构造单元,区域地质构造复杂,岩浆活动强烈,断裂发育。本文以最新编制的航磁资料为主,结合航空重力、区域地质和实测岩石物性资料等,对区内的岩浆岩航磁异常特征及分布规律、断裂进行划分和研究;圈定各类侵入岩和火山岩数百处,岩浆活动主要集中于中新生代,以燕山期为主,受深大断裂控制;断裂主要以NE向、NNE向及NW向为主,间有SN向、EW向及弧形断裂存在,前者对区域构造、岩浆活动等有明显的控制作用;并利用天然地震震中分布和GPS速度场等信息初步探讨了断裂活动性。研究成果为服务于国家重大战略需求和海岸带综合地质调查,解决重大地质问题,实现海陆统筹的目标和服务于北部海岸带(台州以北)经济区规划、城市群规划选址、重大工程建设等提供了参考依据。 展开更多
关键词 航重 磁场特征 岩浆岩 断裂构造 北部海岸带
作者 王明 李皎皎 +2 位作者 张永军 李逸川 徐璐平 《Applied Geophysics》 SCIE CSCD 2024年第1期55-68,204,共15页
北部海岸带(台州以北)横跨华北地块、下扬子地块和华夏地块三个构造单元,区域地质构造复杂,岩浆活动强烈,断裂发育。本文以最新编制的航磁资料为主,结合航空重力、区域地质和实测岩石物性资料等,对北部海岸带(台州以北)进行了航磁综合... 北部海岸带(台州以北)横跨华北地块、下扬子地块和华夏地块三个构造单元,区域地质构造复杂,岩浆活动强烈,断裂发育。本文以最新编制的航磁资料为主,结合航空重力、区域地质和实测岩石物性资料等,对北部海岸带(台州以北)进行了航磁综合解释。依据化极航磁ΔT反映的东西分带和南北分块的特点,详细分析了磁场面貌、特征及其与区域构造的对应关系,展现了不同特征的磁场是构造、岩浆活动以及地层分布等信息的综合体现,并进一步对基底岩相构造进行了划分和研究。郯庐断裂带以西的渤海海岸带,以团块状正磁异常为特征,基底由太古宇迁西群、鞍山群、泰山群及古元古界变质岩构成,以东为变化负磁异常区,磁场由鞍山群、胶东群、辽河群及粉子山群变质岩系及部分中酸性岩浆岩引起;南黄海海岸带的团块状正磁异常与太古宇变质岩有关,基底由元古宇变质岩构成;苏南-勿南沙和浙闽沿海地区的剧烈变化磁异常带,是被中新生代岩浆岩强烈改造了的元古宇弱磁性变质基底;东海海岸带是以北北东向展布的正负相间磁异常带为特征,变质基底由元古宇陈蔡群的变质岩构成,正磁异常带主要是岩浆岩带的反映。基底岩相构造在航空重磁场上的特征,对区内构造单元划分及地质演化具有重要的参考价值。 展开更多
关键词 航重 磁场特征 基底岩相 北部海岸带
全国航空物探工作现状及未来工作重点浅析 被引量:6
作者 万建华 熊盛青 +1 位作者 范正国 贺颢 《中国矿业》 北大核心 2011年第S1期151-154,166,共5页
关键词 磁测量 放测量 电测量 航重测量 “十二五”
航空重磁在山东齐河厚覆盖区圈定隐伏岩体的方法及效果 被引量:1
作者 吴成平 于长春 +4 位作者 周明磊 张迪硕 于洪涛 汝亮 朱裕振 《地质通报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第2期398-406,共9页
山东齐河地区被大面积巨厚的新生代地层覆盖,但富铁矿资源潜力大,隐伏岩体的圈定对于提高厚覆盖区基础地质研究程度和矿产勘查具有重要意义。通过航空重磁数据处理提高解释的准确性,利用航磁△T化极垂向一阶导数、归一化总水平导数垂向... 山东齐河地区被大面积巨厚的新生代地层覆盖,但富铁矿资源潜力大,隐伏岩体的圈定对于提高厚覆盖区基础地质研究程度和矿产勘查具有重要意义。通过航空重磁数据处理提高解释的准确性,利用航磁△T化极垂向一阶导数、归一化总水平导数垂向导数、航空重力剩余异常等实现隐伏岩体范围圈定,在研究区共圈定6处中基性岩体,并利用航磁切线法、航空重磁剖面联合反演,结合地面电法、钻孔等资料,获取隐伏岩体的顶面埋深,编制了李屯、潘店、大张岩体的顶面深度三维立体图。在厚覆盖区利用航空重磁并结合地面物探和钻探进行综合研究、圈定隐伏岩体,为今后该地区继续开展地质研究、找矿、钻探等提供了重要信息。 展开更多
关键词 山东齐河 厚覆盖区 隐伏岩体 航重 地质调查工程
基于频域稀疏压缩感知的星载SAR稀疏重航过3维成像 被引量:7
作者 田鹤 于海锋 +5 位作者 朱宇 刘磊 张润宁 袁莉 李道京 周凯 《电子与信息学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2020年第8期2021-2028,共8页
星载合成孔径雷达(SAR)稀疏重航过3维成像技术通过交轨向的多次飞行观测,获得观测场景的第3维分辨。该文给出了单颗卫星SAR稀疏重航过轨道分布,为有效缩短重访时间,同时给出了编队双星SAR轨道分布,对应的交轨向等效孔径长度为20 km。提... 星载合成孔径雷达(SAR)稀疏重航过3维成像技术通过交轨向的多次飞行观测,获得观测场景的第3维分辨。该文给出了单颗卫星SAR稀疏重航过轨道分布,为有效缩短重访时间,同时给出了编队双星SAR轨道分布,对应的交轨向等效孔径长度为20 km。提出了一种基于干涉处理和频域压缩感知(CS)的稀疏3维成像方法,利用稀疏重航过中的部分回波形成参考3维复图像,对待重建SAR 3维图像信号进行干涉处理,使信号在频域具备稀疏性。在大轨道分布范围下,建立频域距离向-交轨向线性测量矩阵,利用CS理论联合求解稀疏表征下的图像频谱,避免交轨向和距离向的回波信号耦合。将求解所得频谱逆变换至空间域,可得到观测场景的3维图像重建结果。仿真结果表明,该文方法在稀疏采样率74.4%条件下,仍可获得与满采样成像性能相当的结果,验证了干涉处理频域稀疏方法在星载SAR 3维成像中的有效性。 展开更多
关键词 星载SAR 稀疏 编队卫星 压缩感知 干涉处理
稀疏重航过阵列SAR运动误差补偿和三维成像方法 被引量:8
作者 田鹤 李道京 《雷达学报(中英文)》 CSCD 北大核心 2018年第6期717-729,共13页
该文针对机载交轨阵列SAR下视3维成像模型,采用以巴克码伪随机序列为准则的稀疏重航过采样方式,利用较少飞行次数提高交轨向分辨率。针对重航过采样方式存在的运动误差,利用修正均匀冗余阵列(Modified Uniformly Redundant Arrays, MURA... 该文针对机载交轨阵列SAR下视3维成像模型,采用以巴克码伪随机序列为准则的稀疏重航过采样方式,利用较少飞行次数提高交轨向分辨率。针对重航过采样方式存在的运动误差,利用修正均匀冗余阵列(Modified Uniformly Redundant Arrays, MURA)编码空间调制和3维后向投影(Back Projection, BP)算法获得各航过3维复图像对,基于干涉处理和频域压缩感知(Compressed Sensing, CS)等效实现各航过阵列形变误差补偿。将MURA反码对应回波形成的3维复图像相位作为参考,对各单航过复图像进行相位补偿,以恢复各航过间复图像相位关系。根据单航过阵列SAR3维复图像具备频域稀疏的性质,对各个复图像相干累加,实现稀疏重航过阵列SAR高分辨率下视3维成像。仿真和暗室试验数据处理结果验证了方法的有效性。 展开更多
关键词 SAR3维成像 稀疏 干涉处理 频域稀疏 压缩感知 运动误差补偿
作者 寇秀丽 陈杰 +2 位作者 王志锐 冯亮 李军 《现代雷达》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第10期39-43,共5页
在重航过飞行条件下,由于机载平台飞行高度和姿态不稳定导致实际飞行航迹偏离理想航迹,使得多航过影像对之间存在相对形变,尤其是在沿航线方位存在伸缩,导致同名点对应位置存在较大偏差;另外由场景地形起伏带来的图像距离向伸缩形变,也... 在重航过飞行条件下,由于机载平台飞行高度和姿态不稳定导致实际飞行航迹偏离理想航迹,使得多航过影像对之间存在相对形变,尤其是在沿航线方位存在伸缩,导致同名点对应位置存在较大偏差;另外由场景地形起伏带来的图像距离向伸缩形变,也使得实现重航过图像高精度配准困难。而在相干变化检测、重轨干涉等应用中,要求对两幅或多幅图像进行亚像素级配准,以保证检测效果和后续干涉处理要求。文中首先从SAR成像精准几何关系出发,利用地理高程信息,生成高定位精度的多航过复图像,然后通过计算和二维拟合产生主辅图像同名点位移矢量,最后将辅图像在空间开展二维重采样实现重航过SAR图像精确配准。飞行试验结果证明了该方法的有效性。 展开更多
关键词 合成孔径雷达 图像配准
Data processing method for aerial testing of rotating accelerometer gravity gradiometer
作者 QIAN Xuewu TANG Hailiang 《中国惯性技术学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2024年第8期743-752,共10页
A novel method for noise removal from the rotating accelerometer gravity gradiometer(MAGG)is presented.It introduces a head-to-tail data expansion technique based on the zero-phase filtering principle.A scheme for det... A novel method for noise removal from the rotating accelerometer gravity gradiometer(MAGG)is presented.It introduces a head-to-tail data expansion technique based on the zero-phase filtering principle.A scheme for determining band-pass filter parameters based on signal-to-noise ratio gain,smoothness index,and cross-correlation coefficient is designed using the Chebyshev optimal consistent approximation theory.Additionally,a wavelet denoising evaluation function is constructed,with the dmey wavelet basis function identified as most effective for processing gravity gradient data.The results of hard-in-the-loop simulation and prototype experiments show that the proposed processing method has shown a 14%improvement in the measurement variance of gravity gradient signals,and the measurement accuracy has reached within 4E,compared to other commonly used methods,which verifies that the proposed method effectively removes noise from the gradient signals,improved gravity gradiometry accuracy,and has certain technical insights for high-precision airborne gravity gradiometry. 展开更多
关键词 airborne gravity gradiometer data processing band-passing filter evaluation function
Study on rate azimuth platform inertial navigation system 被引量:5
作者 蔡体菁 叶米里扬采夫 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2005年第1期29-32,共4页
The cost of the gravity passive inertial navigation system will be lower witha rate azimuth platform and gravity sensor constituting a gravity measurement and navigationsystem. According to the system performance char... The cost of the gravity passive inertial navigation system will be lower witha rate azimuth platform and gravity sensor constituting a gravity measurement and navigationsystem. According to the system performance characteristics, we study the rate azimuth platforminertial navigation system (RAPINS), give the system navigation algorithm, error equations of theattitude, velocity and position of the rate azimuth platform, and random error models of theaccelerometer and gyro. Using the MATLAB/Simulink tools, we study the RAPINS and RAPINS withvelocity damping. Simulation results demonstrate that the RAPINS with velocity damping has smallerrors in platform attitude and position and satisfies gravity measurement and navigationrequirement. 展开更多
关键词 rate azimuth platform GRAVIMETER inertial navigation system gravitypassive navigation system
Novel gravity passive navigation system 被引量:10
作者 蔡体菁 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2006年第1期59-63,共5页
According to the characteristics of gravity passive navigation, this paper presents a novel gravity passive navigation system (GPNS), which consists of the rate azimuth platform (RAP), gravity sensor, digitally st... According to the characteristics of gravity passive navigation, this paper presents a novel gravity passive navigation system (GPNS), which consists of the rate azimuth platform (RAP), gravity sensor, digitally stored gravity maps, depth sensor and relative log. The algorithm of rate azimuth platform inertial navigation system, error state-space equations, measurement equations and GPNS optimal filter are described. In view of the measurements made by an onboard gravity sensor the Eotvos effect is introduced in the gravity measurement equation of a GPNS optimal filter. A GPNS is studied with the Matlab/Simulink tools; simulation results demonstrate that a GPNS has small errors in platform attitude and position. Because the inertial navigation platform is the rate azimuth platform in the GPNS and gravity sensor is mounted on the rate azimuth platform, the cost of the GPNS is lower than existing GPNS's and according to the above results the GPNS meets the need to maintain accuracy navigation for underwater vehicles over long intervals. 展开更多
关键词 gravity passive navigation system rate azimuth platform GRAVIMETER gravity map
Airborne gravimetry data sparse reconstruction via L1-norm convex quadratic programming
作者 杨亚鹏 吴美平 唐刚 《Applied Geophysics》 SCIE CSCD 2015年第2期147-156,273,共11页
In practice, airborne gravimetry is a sub-Nyquist sampling method because of the restrictions imposed by national boundaries, financial cost, and database size. In this study, we analyze the sparsity of airborne gravi... In practice, airborne gravimetry is a sub-Nyquist sampling method because of the restrictions imposed by national boundaries, financial cost, and database size. In this study, we analyze the sparsity of airborne gravimetry data by using the discrete Fourier transform and propose a reconstruction method based on the theory of compressed sensing for large- scale gravity anomaly data. Consequently, the reconstruction of the gravity anomaly data is transformed to a Ll-norm convex quadratic programming problem. We combine the preconditioned conjugate gradient algorithm (PCG) and the improved interior-point method (IPM) to solve the convex quadratic programming problem. Furthermore, a flight test was carried out with the homegrown strapdown airborne gravimeter SGA-WZ. Subsequently, we reconstructed the gravity anomaly data of the flight test, and then, we compared the proposed method with the linear interpolation method, which is commonly used in airborne gravimetry. The test results show that the PCG-IPM algorithm can be used to reconstruct large-scale gravity anomaly data with higher accuracy and more effectiveness than the linear interpolation method. 展开更多
关键词 Compressed sensing interior-point method sub-Nyquist sampling airborne gravimetry Fourier transform
Basin structure and multiresource potential based on high-precision airborne gravity and magnetic data 被引量:2
作者 Liu Yan-Xu Li Wen-Yong +4 位作者 Cao An-Qi Gao Shan Wang Ning Wang Li-Jie Yang Cheng 《Applied Geophysics》 SCIE CSCD 2022年第3期433-446,472,共15页
In this paper,we use high-precision airborne gravity and magnetic data to study the geophysical characteristics of the western slope of the Songliao Basin and its adjacent areas and evaluate the resource potential.We ... In this paper,we use high-precision airborne gravity and magnetic data to study the geophysical characteristics of the western slope of the Songliao Basin and its adjacent areas and evaluate the resource potential.We performed an in-depth analysis of three aspects of the basin characteristics:the characteristics of residual strata,the development characteristics of faults,and the distribution characteristics of magmatic rocks.Next,we analyzed the forming background of organic(oil and gas)resources and inorganic(uranium ore and hot dry rock)resources.The results showed that the new Upper Paleozoic strata have significant differences in different regions of the study area(with a thickness of 0–8000 m),mainly distributed in the eastern and northern regions but absent in the middle eastern and western regions.Furthermore,the thickness and depth of the Mesozoic layer varied between the eastern and western regions;it was thicker and deeper in the middle eastern region but thinner and shallower in the western region,and it is absent in most western regions.The main faults in the region are in the north–northeast(NNE)direction.Faults in the NE–NNE and NW directions jointly controlled the morphology of the secondary structural units.Magmatic rocks are relatively developed in the middle and eastern parts of the region.Most magmatic rocks are distributed along the faults and their sides,clearly reflecting the control of the faults on magmatic activities.The western slope of the Songliao basin and its surroundings have a favorable geological setting for the accumulation(mineralization)of oil,gas,shale oil,hot dry rock,and uranium ore.It is conducive to oil and gas exploration of deep new strata and collaborative exploration of multiple resources. 展开更多
关键词 Airborne gravity airborne magnetism basin structure multiple resources Songliao basin resource potential.
Path planning for UAVs formation reconfiguration based on Dubins trajectory 被引量:7
作者 CHEN Qing-yang LU Ya-fei +3 位作者 JIA Gao-wei LI Yue ZHU Bing-jie LIN Jun-can 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2018年第11期2664-2676,共13页
Multiple UAVs are usually deployed to provide robustness through redundancy and to accomplish surveillance,search,attack and rescue missions.Formation reconfiguration was inevitable during the flight when the mission ... Multiple UAVs are usually deployed to provide robustness through redundancy and to accomplish surveillance,search,attack and rescue missions.Formation reconfiguration was inevitable during the flight when the mission was adjusted or the environment varied.Taking the typical formation reconfiguration from a triangular penetrating formation to a circular tracking formation for example,a path planning method based on Dubins trajectory and particle swarm optimization(PSO)algorithm is presented in this paper.The mathematic model of multiple UAVs formation reconfiguration was built firstly.According to the kinematic model of aerial vehicles,a process of dimensionality reduction was carried out to simplify the model based on Dubins trajectory.The PSO algorithm was adopted to resolve the optimization problem of formation reconfiguration path planning.Finally,the simulation and vehicles flight experiment are executed.Results show that the path planning method based on the Dubins trajectory and the PSO algorithm can generate feasible paths for vehicles on time,to guarantee the rapidity and effectiveness of formation reconfigurations.Furthermore,from the simulation results,the method is universal and could be extended easily to the path planning problem for different kinds of formation reconfigurations. 展开更多
关键词 unmanned aerial vehicles formation reconfiguration path planning Dubins trajectory particle swarm optimization
Rapid Texture Mapping from Image Sequences for Building Geometry Model 被引量:1
作者 ZHANGZuxun WUJun ZHANGJianqing 《Geo-Spatial Information Science》 2003年第3期8-15,31,共9页
An effective approach, mapping the texture for building model based on the digital photogrammetric theory, is proposed. The easily-acquired image sequences from digital video camera on helicopter are used as texture r... An effective approach, mapping the texture for building model based on the digital photogrammetric theory, is proposed. The easily-acquired image sequences from digital video camera on helicopter are used as texture resource, and the correspondence between the space edge in building geometry model and its line feature in image sequences is determined semi-automatically. The experimental results in production of three-dimensional data for car navigation show us an attractive future both in efficiency and effect. 展开更多
关键词 image sequences video camera on helicopter 3D reconstruction texture mapping digital photogrammetry
Reconfiguration of Spacecraft Cluster Based on Distributed Local Information
作者 YU Binggu WANG Shuquan 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI CSCD 2021年第4期704-712,共9页
The reconstruction of spacecraft cluster based on local information and distributed strategy is investigated.Each spacecraft is an intelligent individual that can detect information within a limited range and can dete... The reconstruction of spacecraft cluster based on local information and distributed strategy is investigated.Each spacecraft is an intelligent individual that can detect information within a limited range and can determine its behavior based on surrounding information.The objective of the cluster is to achieve the formation reconstruction with minimum fuel consumption.Based on the principle of dual pulse rendezvous maneuver,three target selection strategies are designed for collision avoidance.Strategy-1 determines the target point’s attribution according to the target’s distance when the target point conflicts and uses a unit pulse to avoid a collision.Strategy-2 changes the collision avoidance behavior.When two spacecraft meet more than once,the strategy switches the target points of the two spacecraft.In Strategy-3,the spacecraft closer to the target has higher priority in target allocation.Strategy-3 also switches the target points when two spacecraft encounter more than once.The three strategies for a given position,different completion times,and random position are compared.Numerical simulations show that all three strategies can accomplish the spacecraft cluster's reconfiguration under the specified requirements.Strategy-3 is better than Strategy-1 in all simulation cases in the sense of less fuel consumption with different completion times and given location,and it is more effective than Strategy-2 in most of the completion time.With a random initial position and given time,Strategy-3 is better than Strategy-1 in about 70%of the cases and more stable. 展开更多
关键词 spacecraft cluster formation reconstruction relative Lambert problem two-impulse rendezvous distributed maneuver
The Research on Key Technologies of Chinese Heavy-Lift Launch Vehicle Control System 被引量:2
作者 SONG Zhengyu 《Aerospace China》 2017年第2期13-22,共10页
This paper reviewed the development of control technology in domestic and foreign launch vehicle(LV), and based on which, the key technologies of control system for Chinese heavy-lift launch vehicles were proposed. A ... This paper reviewed the development of control technology in domestic and foreign launch vehicle(LV), and based on which, the key technologies of control system for Chinese heavy-lift launch vehicles were proposed. A dynamic on-line trajectory planning technique was discussed to meet the demand of guidance control under complex constraints, and model based identification and adaptive control technology was suggested to deal with the control problems caused by model uncertainty and disturbance, and an integrated avionics system based on high speed communication was put forward for module integration and distributed control, and FBG based real time flight control was also discussed. Moreover, other key technologies, such as wireless interconnection, wireless power transfer, and temporal and spatial partitioning operating system, are both briefly introduced for the application in control systems. These studies will lead to breakthroughs in autonomous flight control in LV, and provide technical support for more long-term deep space explorations. 展开更多
关键词 Dynamic trajectory planning on-line identification MPC integrated avionics system heavy-lift launchvehicle technical margin
Surgical simulation and evaluation in anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction with image-free navigation
作者 王田苗 《High Technology Letters》 EI CAS 2009年第1期32-37,共6页
A surgical simulation and evaluation method in the anterior cruciate ligament(ACL)reconstructionwith image-free navigation was presented.Firstly,video tracking module,bone surface reconstructionmodule and virtual simu... A surgical simulation and evaluation method in the anterior cruciate ligament(ACL)reconstructionwith image-free navigation was presented.Firstly,video tracking module,bone surface reconstructionmodule and virtual simulation module of this system were discussed.Secondly,the coordinate relations ofseveral surgery objects(including surgical instrument,anatomical,camera and screen)in the surgicalenvironment,the tracking based on MicronTracker with two cameras and the bone surface real-time recon-struction based on the Delaunay algorithm were introduced in detail.Finally,experiments of anisometrymeasurement and virtual simulation on two plastics were carried out to verify the validity of the proposedmethod.The anisometry value of reconstructed ACL was 8.970039mm.The effectiveness of ACL recon-struction has been proved by preliminary evaluation trials. 展开更多
关键词 MicronTracker monitoring anisometry ACL reconstruction virtual simulation EVALUATION
Breeding and Evaluation of New Iron Yam (Dioscorea opposita Thunb) Varieties
作者 Sufang DUAN Jianjun LI +3 位作者 Meiling REN Jun WANG Guolun JIA Shuwu SUN 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2015年第10期2121-2125,共5页
[Objective] This study was conducted to develop some new iron yam (Dioscorea opposita) varieties with excellent cooking, eating and nutritional qualities. [Method] The fresh weight per plant, drying rate, dry weight... [Objective] This study was conducted to develop some new iron yam (Dioscorea opposita) varieties with excellent cooking, eating and nutritional qualities. [Method] The fresh weight per plant, drying rate, dry weight per plant, yield, allan- toin content, water soluble extract content and disease resistance of seven new iron yam cultivars (No.1, No.2, No.4, No.6, No.8, No.9 and No.10) obtained through spaceflight mutation breeding were measured and compared with control (No.11). Then, the nutrition quality of two elite cultivars No. 6 and No.10 was determined by comparing with the control. [Result] The eight iron yam cultivars ranked in descend- ing order of their fresh weight per plant as follows: No.6(0.255 kg)〉No.10(0.254 kg)〉 No.4(0.242 kg)〉No.9(0.237 kg)〉No.1(0.233 kg)〉No.11(0.206 kg)〉No.2(0.191 kg)〉No.8 (0.157 kg). There was no significant difference in fresh weight per plant between No.6 and No.10, but extremely significant difference between No.6 and the control, No.10 and the control. The eight iron yam cultivars ranked in descending order of their drying rate as follows: No.2 (32.641%)〉No.10 (32.230%)〉No.9 (28.223%)〉No.6 (25.174%)〉No.8(25.122%)〉No.11 (25.043%)〉No.1 (24.291%)〉No.4(20.234%). The dry- ing rate of both No.6 and No.10 was higher than that of the control. The eight iron yam cultivars ranked in descending order of their dry weight per plant as follows: No.10(0.082 kg)〉No.9(0.067 kg)〉No.6(0.064 kg)〉No.2(0.062 kg)〉No.1(0.056 kg)〉No.11 (0.052 kg)〉No.4 (0.049 kg)〉No.8 (0.039 kg). The dry weight per plant of both No.6 and No.10 is higher than that of the control. The eight iron yam cultivars ranked in descending order of their allantoin content as follows No.6 (0.484%)〉No.4 (0.467%)〉 No.10 (0.399%)〉No.ll (0.386%)〉No.9 (0.378%)〉No.8 (0.350%)〉No.2 (0.342)〉No.1 (0.325%). The allantoin content of No.6 was significantly higher than that of No.10 and the control. There was significant difference in allantoin content between No.6 and No.10, but no significant difference between No 10 and the control. The eight iron yam cultivars ranked in descending order of their extract content as follows No. 6(20.49%)〉No.2(16.01%)〉No.4(15.54%) 〉No. 10(15.35%)〉No. 1 (14.48%)〉No. 11 (14.10%) 〉No.9(13.88%)〉No.8(11.87%). The extract content of No.6 exhibited extremely sig- nificant difference with that of No.10 and the control, and the extract content of No. 10 was also significantly different from that of the control. The taste of No.10 was dry, soft, floury, sweet and fragrant, better than that of the other seven cultivars. No.6 had the strongest resistance to Gloeosporium pestis and Cylindrosporium dioscoreae. No.10 had a middle resistance to G. pestis and a strong resistance to C. dioscoreae. No.6 and No.10 had higher contents of starch, reducing sugar, pro- tein and ash, lower water content and better nutrition quality than the control. [Conclusion] No.10 can be popularized as a new variety of edible iron yam, and No.6 as a new variety of medicinal iron yam. 展开更多
关键词 Iron yam New cultivar BREEDING Production Medicinal ingredients Nu- trition quality
Improved Repetitive Control for High-Precision Satellite Rendezvous
作者 ZHANG Yi QI Ruiyun 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI CSCD 2022年第2期201-218,共18页
This paper is focused on control design for high-precision satellite rendezvous systems.A relative motion model of leader-follower satellites described by relative orbit elements(ROE)is adopted,which has clear geometr... This paper is focused on control design for high-precision satellite rendezvous systems.A relative motion model of leader-follower satellites described by relative orbit elements(ROE)is adopted,which has clear geometric meaning and high accuracy.An improved repetitive control(IRC)scheme is proposed to achieve high-precision position and velocity tracking,which utilizes the advantage of repetitive control to track the signal precisely and conquers the effects of aperiodic disturbances by adding a nonsingular terminal sliding mode(NSTSM)controller.In addition,the nonlinear state error feedback(NLSEF)is used to improve the dynamic performance of repetitive controller and the radial basis function(RBF)neural networks are employed to approximate the unknown nonlinearities.From rigorous Lyapunov analysis,the stability of the whole closed-loop control system is guaranteed.Finally,numerical simulations are carried out to assess the efficiency and demonstrate the advantages of the proposed control scheme. 展开更多
关键词 satellite rendezvous relative orbit elements repetitive control sliding mode control radial basis function(RBF)neural network
山东齐河—禹城地区深部地质构造特征——来自大地电磁的证据 被引量:3
作者 侯征 陈雄 +3 位作者 于长春 王天意 周明磊 李永浩 《地球物理学进展》 CSCD 北大核心 2021年第3期1070-1081,共12页
近年来,山东齐河—禹城地区矽卡岩型铁矿找矿工作取得重大进展,有望成为山东省内重要的富铁矿基地.但该地区覆盖层厚,深部异常信息难以获取,因此对控矿岩体的研究仍然相对薄弱.为此在该区布设了4条大地电磁剖面,采用夜间12 h采样时长、... 近年来,山东齐河—禹城地区矽卡岩型铁矿找矿工作取得重大进展,有望成为山东省内重要的富铁矿基地.但该地区覆盖层厚,深部异常信息难以获取,因此对控矿岩体的研究仍然相对薄弱.为此在该区布设了4条大地电磁剖面,采用夜间12 h采样时长、G-B阻抗张量分解法、二维非线性共轭梯度反演技术措施,并与航重、航磁、钻孔资料,联合反演获得了各剖面厚覆盖层之下侵入岩体的顶界面、岩体的侵入边界、地层结构及断层位置.依据所推断的岩体边界和断层位置处磁异常Tilt梯度特征,重新圈定了研究区内岩体的边界和断层位置,共圈定隐伏岩体5个,断层9条.断层间相互关系表明在岩体侵入之后,本区地质构造运动仍然比较显著,要重视后期构造作用对区内铁矿体的改造,区内构造活动剧烈部位是今后重点研究对象.通过研究发现,在厚覆盖区,利用大地电磁、航重、航磁、钻探资料综合反演解释,进行隐伏地质构造研究,是一种有效的方法组合. 展开更多
关键词 齐河—禹城地区 大地电磁 矽卡岩型铁矿 航重 Tilt梯度
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