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作者 任家玄 王卫成 +2 位作者 潘艳花 汤玲 黄蓉 《寒旱农业科学》 2024年第10期902-907,共6页
芍药是中国传统名花,花朵大、花色丰富,极具观赏价值。为了阐明芍药在生长发育和花质调控中的分子机理,综述了芍药在花发育与遗传、花色形成、茎强度调控、休眠与萌发、水分平衡、代谢调控和衰老方面的分子机理研究。明确了芍药在有关... 芍药是中国传统名花,花朵大、花色丰富,极具观赏价值。为了阐明芍药在生长发育和花质调控中的分子机理,综述了芍药在花发育与遗传、花色形成、茎强度调控、休眠与萌发、水分平衡、代谢调控和衰老方面的分子机理研究。明确了芍药在有关花期调控和保鲜方面研究的现状和局限性,从而为后续芍药的栽培育种以及切花保鲜技术提供一定参考。 展开更多
关键词 芍药 花质 生长发育 分子机理
糯米糍荔枝末次秋梢抽生期对花期、花质及着果的影响 被引量:4
作者 李建国 陈华 《中国南方果树》 1998年第4期24-25,共2页
糯米糍荔枝末次秋梢抽生期对花期、花质及着果的影响*李建国陈华(华南农业大学园艺系广州510642)(广东省珠海市果树科学研究所)荔枝的花和果穗都是在结果母枝上抽生的,结果母枝的质量(长度、粗度、叶片数和充实程度等)是... 糯米糍荔枝末次秋梢抽生期对花期、花质及着果的影响*李建国陈华(华南农业大学园艺系广州510642)(广东省珠海市果树科学研究所)荔枝的花和果穗都是在结果母枝上抽生的,结果母枝的质量(长度、粗度、叶片数和充实程度等)是影响着果的重要因素,末次秋梢抽生期... 展开更多
关键词 糯米糍荔枝 抽生期 花期 花质 着果
人参花质量标准的研究 被引量:4
作者 郭颖 侯玉兵 《人参研究》 2004年第4期41-43,共3页
利用常规方法 ,检测人参花制品中的水分、灰分、总砷、总铅、总铜和六六六、滴滴涕残留量。分析结果表明 ,其各项指标均符合国家食品卫生标准。
关键词 人参 残留量 总砷 质量标准 分析结果 六六六 常规方法 花质 水分 利用
PP_(333)、磷、钾和镁的混合物对水仙叶片和花质的影响 被引量:1
作者 陈剑平 《肇庆学院学报》 1997年第2期61-63,共3页
1、前言 水仙(N.tazeta var chinensis Beem)属百合科(Liliaceae),是一种多年生的草本花卉,鳞茎呈卵球形,叶从鳞茎顶部抽出,狭长、剑状,原产我国浙江和福建,栽培历史悠久,有“凌波仙子”之美誉,素为我国人民所喜爱。水仙的花期为1... 1、前言 水仙(N.tazeta var chinensis Beem)属百合科(Liliaceae),是一种多年生的草本花卉,鳞茎呈卵球形,叶从鳞茎顶部抽出,狭长、剑状,原产我国浙江和福建,栽培历史悠久,有“凌波仙子”之美誉,素为我国人民所喜爱。水仙的花期为1~2月,正值春节,因而绝大多数人都喜欢在室内用盆水养,显得格外清雅高洁,增添了节日气氛。但常规栽培法,水仙花的叶片狭长下垂,穗小花的数量少,本试验试图用PP<sub>333</sub>和磷、钾、镁的混合物处理,以抑制叶片和花穗。 展开更多
关键词 混合物处理 叶片长度 水仙花 花质 花朵数 纵向生长 促花作用 草本花卉 光合产物 单独处理
《中国纤检》 2004年第10期5-5,共1页
关键词 进口棉花 美元 货物 质量状况 批次 中国 上半年 花质 品质 重量
《今日科技》 2004年第11期52-52,共1页
关键词 进口棉花 中国 检验检疫部门 上半年 质量检验 问题 品质 花质 时期 重量
半年索赔三千万美元 我国进口棉花质量堪忧
《江苏纺织》 2004年第10期55-55,共1页
关键词 美元 进口棉花 中国 进口货物 索赔 金额 上半年 花质 国家质量监督检验检疫总局 质量问题
棉花晋A及其保持系酯酶过氧化物酶PAGE电泳分析 被引量:3
作者 李成奇 石跃进 +3 位作者 潘转霞 袁钧 刘巷禄 任雪峰 《华北农学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2004年第4期11-13,共3页
采用聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳(PAGE)方法,对晋A棉花质核雄性不育系及其保持系作了酯酶过氧化物酶同工酶分析。结果表明,晋A及其保持系两种同工酶在所有器官上均具有一些共同的基本酶带,在营养器官上无较大差别,说明它们具有基本一致的遗传背... 采用聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳(PAGE)方法,对晋A棉花质核雄性不育系及其保持系作了酯酶过氧化物酶同工酶分析。结果表明,晋A及其保持系两种同工酶在所有器官上均具有一些共同的基本酶带,在营养器官上无较大差别,说明它们具有基本一致的遗传背景。受育性基因的影响,进入生殖阶段,在造孢细胞增殖时期的花蕾上,晋A较其保持系明显缺少特征谱带,表明在此阶段雄性不育基因调控了同工酶的合成,导致花粉粒发生败育。 展开更多
关键词 保持系 棉花 酯酶 过氧化物酶 败育 花质 质核雄性不育 PAGE电泳 雄性不育基因 同工酶
邬1号早熟蜜柚疏花试验 被引量:1
作者 周碧容 梁军 +1 位作者 刘岩 邱继水 《广东农业科学》 CAS CSCD 2001年第2期28-28,39,共2页
关键词 邬1号蜜柚 早熟品种 疏花 树势 花质 座果率 产量
螺旋环剥对早熟荔枝白蜡、白糖罂的效应 被引量:1
作者 吕庆芳 李洪波 《中国南方果树》 北大核心 2001年第3期30-30,共1页
关键词 白蜡荔枝 白糖罂荔枝 螺旋环剥 花量 花质 着果率 果实性状 熟期
阜阳市西兰花产业解惑破局之策 被引量:1
作者 赵贵云 邓国庆 +5 位作者 张祥明 葛三建 朱培蕾 刘才宇 徐颖 李崇光(主持) 《长江蔬菜》 2019年第1期4-7,共4页
导读:西兰花质脆嫩、味清香、营养丰富,兼具食药功能,有“蔬菜皇冠”、“防癌蔬菜”的美誉。对阜阳市西兰花产业发展中存在的问题进行了深度剖析,找到了破解难题之良策,为处在困顿疑惑的当地西兰花种植大户增收致富解除了心头之患,坚定... 导读:西兰花质脆嫩、味清香、营养丰富,兼具食药功能,有“蔬菜皇冠”、“防癌蔬菜”的美誉。对阜阳市西兰花产业发展中存在的问题进行了深度剖析,找到了破解难题之良策,为处在困顿疑惑的当地西兰花种植大户增收致富解除了心头之患,坚定了助力阜阳西兰花产业发展的决心。 展开更多
关键词 兰花产业 阜阳市 营养丰富 深度剖析 种植大户 西兰花 蔬菜 花质
作者 陈国菊 陈日远 +2 位作者 吴筱颖 黄定华 何穗华 《华南农业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第1期28-30,共3页
观测研究了4种不同基质对小鸟花生长、切花产量及叶片组织结构、细胞超微结构的影响.结果表明:黄泥+泥炭作基质最理想,大田土次之,两者表现为叶片绿色,切花产量较高,叶肉细胞排列疏松,叶绿体多且发育正常;泥炭+黄泥+菇渣和黄泥+菇渣+沙... 观测研究了4种不同基质对小鸟花生长、切花产量及叶片组织结构、细胞超微结构的影响.结果表明:黄泥+泥炭作基质最理想,大田土次之,两者表现为叶片绿色,切花产量较高,叶肉细胞排列疏松,叶绿体多且发育正常;泥炭+黄泥+菇渣和黄泥+菇渣+沙作栽培基质的植株叶片有不同程度的失绿现象,叶肉细胞排列紧密,叶绿体遭到不同程度的破坏,切花产量受到影响,花质较差. 展开更多
关键词 切花产量 栽培基质 花生 生长 叶肉细胞 花质 叶片组织结构 影响 正常 细胞超微结构
作者 林燕腾 《中国果业信息》 2006年第9期38-38,共1页
省道官九线(安溪县官桥至平和县九峰)平和山格路段一到晚上变成灯的世界。原来是入秋以来,开始开花、着果的枣园夜夜都有五万多盏日光灯“相伴”到天明。点灯后,花质好,花量多,可以引来大量昆虫,增加传粉,提高着果率。枣农蔡建... 省道官九线(安溪县官桥至平和县九峰)平和山格路段一到晚上变成灯的世界。原来是入秋以来,开始开花、着果的枣园夜夜都有五万多盏日光灯“相伴”到天明。点灯后,花质好,花量多,可以引来大量昆虫,增加传粉,提高着果率。枣农蔡建龙说,点灯每667m^2要花费400多元,但每667m^2可以增收几千元。据统计,山格镇今年青枣种植面积达666.67hm^2,夜间点灯的占一半。由于每667m^2果园只需点10盏灯,投资不大但收效明显,因此,在山格镇得到较快推广,预计今年枣农可收入2000万~3000万元。 展开更多
关键词 日光灯 平和县 枣园 种植面积 着果率 安溪县 点灯 花质
作者 庄聪鹏 《农业科技通讯》 2005年第3期22-23,共2页
关键词 鹤望兰 切花生产 花质 天堂鸟 栽培技术措施 花形 极乐鸟 花卉消费 花卉市场 旺季
Influence of Different Processing Methods on Honeysuckle Quality 被引量:2
作者 赵金娟 彭延弟 +3 位作者 周建永 王玲玲 林慧彬 林建强 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2015年第4期803-805,831,共4页
Processing method is one of the maln factors affecting the quality of hon-eysuckIe herbs, which is directIy reIated to economic benefits of farmers. This paper compares various processing methods of honeysuckIe to pro... Processing method is one of the maln factors affecting the quality of hon-eysuckIe herbs, which is directIy reIated to economic benefits of farmers. This paper compares various processing methods of honeysuckIe to provide some references for deveIoping a suitabIe processing procedure that can be used in Iarge-scale pro-duction and improve herb quality. 展开更多
关键词 HONEYSUCKLE Processing methods QUALITY
The Relation between Anther's Nutrient Metabolism and Pollen Abortion of Male Sterile Lines in Lycium barbarum L. 被引量:1
作者 徐青 秦恳 +1 位作者 张炎 祁建钊 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2009年第5期147-150,170,共5页
[ Objective] This study deals with the relation between anther nutrient metabolism and pollen abortion of male sterile lines in Lycium barbarum L., and provides some theoretical references for the pollen abortion mech... [ Objective] This study deals with the relation between anther nutrient metabolism and pollen abortion of male sterile lines in Lycium barbarum L., and provides some theoretical references for the pollen abortion mechanism of male sterile lines in Lyciurn barbarurn L.. [Method] By using semi-thin section and cytochemistry technology, the accumulation and distribution of anther nutrient of male sterile and fertile lines in Lycium barbarum L. were observed and compared. [ Result] The result showed that after meiosis, starch grains in the connective parenchyma of anther decreased sharply, and starch grains in epidermis and endothecium were also greatly decreased, while nearly no lipid accumulated in tapetal cells in male sterile lines compared with the fertile lines. The tapetal cells and tetraspore had vacuoles appear successively, and then entered the degenerate process. During the degeneration stage of tapetal cells and tetraspore, starch grains in epidermis and endothecium were still in a smell number and in the connective parenchyme as well. [ Conclusion] The decrease of polysaccharide supplying in anther vascular leads to the disorder of mechanism of glycelipid transforming in tapetal ceils, which triggers the tapetal cells degenerating ahead of time, and the latter gives rise to callus wall failing to degenerate in time. Therefore, the tetrads disintegrate and disappear ultimately due to lack of nutrition. 展开更多
关键词 Lycium barbarum L. Male sterility NUTRIENT Pollen abortion
On the Identification and Evaluation of Salt Tolerance of Peanut Germplasm 被引量:1
作者 陈志德 刘永惠 沈一 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2015年第12期2624-2628,2631,共6页
For screening out salt tolerance germplasm and providing materials for ge- netic research of peanut, based on the indexes including relative germination poten- tial, relative germination rate, relative germination ind... For screening out salt tolerance germplasm and providing materials for ge- netic research of peanut, based on the indexes including relative germination poten- tial, relative germination rate, relative germination index and salt-injury rate, 128 peanut germplasms were selected for salt-tolerant identification and estimation under 2.5% NaCI. We found significant but various depressing levels of germination rate under salt stress among different germplasms, and only 5% of 128 germplasms were highly resistant to salinity. We also found that the relative germination index was a useful evaluation index for salt tolerance besides salt damage rate and rela- tive germination rate. After all, we comprehensively screened out 7 materials (JS011, JS024, JS125, JS491, JS523, JS524 and JS525) as salt tolerance germplasms for further research. Key 展开更多
关键词 words Peanut Germplasm resources Salt tolerance Identification and evaluation
Effects of Microbial Fertilizer and Compound Feritlizer Mixed Application on Yield and Fruit Quality and Flowering and Fruit Setting of Following Year of Apple 被引量:2
作者 杨素苗 杜纪壮 +4 位作者 徐国良 石海强 尼群周 俎文芳 秦立者 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2016年第3期642-644,共3页
In order to study the application effect of microbial fertilizer and compound fertilizer mixed application on microirrigation apple, three types of fertilizers were applied in spring which were urea(CK, 15 kg/plant)... In order to study the application effect of microbial fertilizer and compound fertilizer mixed application on microirrigation apple, three types of fertilizers were applied in spring which were urea(CK, 15 kg/plant), microbial fertilizer(5.0 kg/plant),microbial fertilizer and compound fertilizer mixed(each 2.5 kg/plant) to study the effect of different fertilizer treatments on yield, fruit quality, flowering and fruit setting of Xinshijie apple. The results showed that application of microbial fertilizer could increase the yield, fruit weight and fruit shape index, significantly increase the flowering rates and inflorescence fruit setting rate of following year, while reduce the fruit hardness and soluble solids content, and the effect of microbial fertilizer and compound fertilizer mixed application on increasing fruit weight and yield was higher than that of microbial fertilizer separate application, the effect of the two was not obvious in other aspects. Therefore, microbial fertilizer could be used instead of some chemical fertilizer and organic fertilizer in apple production to reach the aim of increasing yield and efficiency, and the effect of microbial fertilizer and compound fertilizer mixed application was best. 展开更多
关键词 Microbial fertilizer APPLE YIELD Fruit quality Flowering and fruit setting
Comparative Assessment of Genetic Diversity of Peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.)Genotypes with Various Levels of Resistance to Bacterial Wilt Through SSR and AFLP Analyses 被引量:12
作者 姜慧芳 廖伯寿 +4 位作者 任小平 雷永 Emma Mace 傅廷栋 J.H.Crouch 《Journal of Genetics and Genomics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第6期544-554,共11页
Bacterial wilt (BW) caused by Ralstonia solanacearum is an important constraint to peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) production in several Asian and African countries, and planting BW-resistant cultivars is the most fe... Bacterial wilt (BW) caused by Ralstonia solanacearum is an important constraint to peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) production in several Asian and African countries, and planting BW-resistant cultivars is the most feasible method for controlling the disease. Although several BW-resistant peanut germplasm accessions have been identified, the genetic diversity among these has not been properly investigated, which has impeded efficient utilization. In this study, the genetic relationships of 31 peanut genotypes with various levels of resistance to BW were assessed based on SSR and AFLP analyses. Twenty-nine of 78 SSR primers and 32 of 126 AFLP primer combinations employed in this study were polymorphic amongst the peanut genotypes tested. The SSR primers amplified 91 polymorphic loci in total with an average of 3.14 alleles per primer, and the AFLP primers amplified 72 polymorphic loci in total with an average of 2.25 alleles per primer. Four SSR primers (14H06, 7G02, 3A8, 16C6) and one AFLP primer (P1M62) were found to be most efficient in detecting diversity. The genetic distance between pairs of genotypes ranged from 0.12 to 0.94 with an average of 0.53 in the SSR data and from 0.06 to 0.57 with an average of 0.25 in the AFLP data. The SSR-based estimates of the genetic distance were generally larger than that based on the AFLP data. The genotypes belonging to subsp, fastigiata possessed wider diversity than that of subsp, hypogaea. The clustering of genotypes based on the SSR and AFLP data were similar but the SSR clustering was more consistent with morphological classification ofA. hypogaea. Optimum diverse genotypes of both subsp, hypogaea and subsp.fastigiata can be recommended based on this analysis for developing mapping populations and breeding for high yielding and resistant cultivars. 展开更多
关键词 PEANUT bacterial wilt resistance genetic diversity SSR AFLP
Dwarfing effects of plant growth regulators on narcissi 被引量:3
作者 任旭琴 梁宏伟 +1 位作者 陈伯清 季美云 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2003年第4期339-341,共3页
The effects of four kinds of plant growth regulators with different concentrations on narcissi were studied in 2001. The results showed that the regulators could inhibit the growths of height and leaves of narcissi. O... The effects of four kinds of plant growth regulators with different concentrations on narcissi were studied in 2001. The results showed that the regulators could inhibit the growths of height and leaves of narcissi. Of the four regulators, the dwarfing effects of paclobatrazol (PP333) and uniconazole (S3307) on narcissi were better than those of chlorocholine (CCC) and dimethyl amino-sussinamic acid (B9). All of the regulators did not have significant effect on the root length. Moreover, the time of flowering was later for the narcissi treated with regulators than that of the control to a certain extent, and the range delayed was from 2 days to 19 days. The correlation analysis results showed that there was a significant correlation between the time of flowering and the concentrations of regulators. The ornament value of narcissi was obviously improved by using the regulators. 展开更多
关键词 Narcissus tuzetta var. chinesis Roem Plant growth regulators PP333 S3307 B9 CCC
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