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计东《上太仓吴祭酒书》涉及的若干史实考释 被引量:2
作者 李忠明 《南京师范大学文学院学报》 CSSCI 2008年第4期86-91,共6页
康熙九年(1670),计东两次写信给吴伟业,先对吴氏《复社纪事》一文提出严厉批评,认为该文为小人提供了"坐复社诸公以党人亡国之罪"的借口,再对《梅村集》的编排体例表示不同看法。从该信涉及的有关史实来看,吴伟业对复社地位... 康熙九年(1670),计东两次写信给吴伟业,先对吴氏《复社纪事》一文提出严厉批评,认为该文为小人提供了"坐复社诸公以党人亡国之罪"的借口,再对《梅村集》的编排体例表示不同看法。从该信涉及的有关史实来看,吴伟业对复社地位、价值、历史影响的认识,远远超过了计东。但计东对《梅村集》编排体例的批评,则被吴伟业虚心接受。 展开更多
关键词 吴伟业 计东 《上太仓吴祭酒书》
作者 于金苗 《励耘学刊》 CSSCI 2018年第2期307-326,共20页
计东一生行迹遍及南北,交游广泛,创作丰富,是清初重要的古文家和诗人。他和友人吴伟业、汪琬、王时敏、宋实颖、宋德宜等是奏销案影响下个人心态、人生轨迹、文学创作等方面发生不同程度转变的江南文人代表,而其独特的游幕经历折射出了... 计东一生行迹遍及南北,交游广泛,创作丰富,是清初重要的古文家和诗人。他和友人吴伟业、汪琬、王时敏、宋实颖、宋德宜等是奏销案影响下个人心态、人生轨迹、文学创作等方面发生不同程度转变的江南文人代表,而其独特的游幕经历折射出了清初文人生存状态的真实面目。本文拟对有清三百余年以来关于计东的研究进行述评,以期为计东研究的进一步展开提出可行的路径和策略。 展开更多
关键词 计东 清初文学 文坛生态
作者 于金苗 《明清文学与文献》 2021年第1期134-151,共18页
明清易代,反思与批评晚明以来空疏文风,呼吁文本六经,提倡实学,重视实用性一度成为清初文学思潮的主流,在此背景下发生了多次颇有影响的古文论争。而其中几次是以古文家计东参与而串联起的古文论争:与汪琬、陈僖关于以崇法、明道、重法... 明清易代,反思与批评晚明以来空疏文风,呼吁文本六经,提倡实学,重视实用性一度成为清初文学思潮的主流,在此背景下发生了多次颇有影响的古文论争。而其中几次是以古文家计东参与而串联起的古文论争:与汪琬、陈僖关于以崇法、明道、重法为中心的论争,与汪琬、梁熙就经道文关系的论争,与汪琬、魏禧、施闰章关于醇肆之辨与文法说的论争,或激烈或平和,正是清初追求文道合一的创作理念和经世致用文风的文坛主流影响下的产物,显示了计东及一众古文家对古文发展的忧虑与思考,所涉及的话题为文学思潮在每个个体手中如何嬗变提供了丰富而生动的细节,充实了古文创作的相关理论,为创作提供了可供借鉴的程式,一定程度上呈现了清初文学思潮发展变化轨迹,推动了清初古文的发展。 展开更多
关键词 计东 古文观 古文论争 清初文坛
作者 于金苗 《明清文学与文献》 2019年第1期116-141,共26页
“努力振衰宗”作为一种自然的伦理传统,可以说是文人积极入世时所秉负的责任和使命。清初文人计东秉承这一准则,缔结姻亲,乃至用心科第、游走晋谒。而在与姻亲友人交往过程中,诸多姻友对他的人生行迹、文学趣尚、声名功业都产生了重要... “努力振衰宗”作为一种自然的伦理传统,可以说是文人积极入世时所秉负的责任和使命。清初文人计东秉承这一准则,缔结姻亲,乃至用心科第、游走晋谒。而在与姻亲友人交往过程中,诸多姻友对他的人生行迹、文学趣尚、声名功业都产生了重要的影响。同时,透过计东与姻亲友人“荻上三吴”“延陵三凤”“长洲三宋”“嘉兴三严子”的交往,几代人交相师友,互携互助,往来唱和,我们也能了解和审视彼时江南文人的生存状态、文学趣尚以及在应举路上的种种艰难与挣扎。 展开更多
关键词 计东 姻亲关系 江南士人 文坛生态
作者 于金苗 《励耘学刊》 2020年第1期158-175,共18页
清初著名古文家、诗人计东命运坎坷多难,入清后仅十年的科场生涯便经历了四次影响其一生的"大事件":"不再立副榜""丁酉科场案""‘蔭’字违式""辛丑奏销案"。他得中举人复被褫革,后... 清初著名古文家、诗人计东命运坎坷多难,入清后仅十年的科场生涯便经历了四次影响其一生的"大事件":"不再立副榜""丁酉科场案""‘蔭’字违式""辛丑奏销案"。他得中举人复被褫革,后半生十余年为衣食奔波,游谒公卿显贵之门,行迹遍及南北,诗文亦因游走而益工。计东生平依然存在诸多存疑和舛误之处,如十年科场生涯波折多难的原因、晚年游谒行迹及乞食动因等,亟待结合相关文献资料做深入探讨。 展开更多
关键词 计东 清初文坛 奏销案 游谒
计东与康熙初年文风 被引量:1
作者 張則桐 《古典文献研究》 CSSCI 2010年第1期145-158,共14页
计东是清代康熙初年的古文作家,当时颇有文名,长期以来流行的文学史和散文史著作卻少有提及。当我们重新考察清代散文的发展历程和演变轨迹时,计东的人生经历和古文创作展示了清初散文演变的另外一个被湮没的侧面和路径,他是应该进入散... 计东是清代康熙初年的古文作家,当时颇有文名,长期以来流行的文学史和散文史著作卻少有提及。当我们重新考察清代散文的发展历程和演变轨迹时,计东的人生经历和古文创作展示了清初散文演变的另外一个被湮没的侧面和路径,他是应该进入散文史的作家。本文试对这一问题作一初步探索。 展开更多
关键词 计东 散文史 古文创作 甫草 侯方域 徐作肃 学史 改亭 魏禧 周亮工
作者 于金苗 《学术交流》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第3期175-185,共11页
清初文人计东因长子计准早逝,悲不自禁,久而不忘,遂构思子亭并遍请友人为诗作文以纪爱子,由此引发了题词者关于"情与礼"的论争,内容大致分为三类:逾礼越情、逾礼悖情和合礼合情。参与题词者如汪琬、魏禧、董以宁、秦松龄、冒... 清初文人计东因长子计准早逝,悲不自禁,久而不忘,遂构思子亭并遍请友人为诗作文以纪爱子,由此引发了题词者关于"情与礼"的论争,内容大致分为三类:逾礼越情、逾礼悖情和合礼合情。参与题词者如汪琬、魏禧、董以宁、秦松龄、冒襄、王崇简、雷士俊、金作霖、金之俊等皆是清初重要的古文家,而由构亭思子主题引发的关于"情与礼"的论争背后,可以说是清初文人呼吁恢复文本六经古文传统的具体而集中的呈现。 展开更多
关键词 计东 思子亭 情与礼 文本六经
The Kuroshio Transport East of Taiwan and the Sea Surface Height Anomaly from the Interior Ocean 被引量:4
作者 LIUWei LIUQinyu JIAYinglai 《Journal of Ocean University of China》 SCIE CAS 2004年第2期135-140,共6页
The relationship between the Kuroshio transport to the east of Taiwan and the SSHA (Sea Surface Height Anomaly) field is studied based on the World Ocean Circulation Experiment (WOCE) PCM-1 moored current meter array ... The relationship between the Kuroshio transport to the east of Taiwan and the SSHA (Sea Surface Height Anomaly) field is studied based on the World Ocean Circulation Experiment (WOCE) PCM-1 moored current meter array observation, the satellite altimeter data from the MSLA (Map of Sea Level Anomaly) products merged with the ERS and TOPEX/POSEIDON (T/P) data sets, and the WOCE satellite-tracked drifting buoy data. It is confirmed that the Kuroshio transport across PCM-1 array highly correlates with the SSHA upstream (22°-24°N, 121.75°-124°E). The SSHA is not locally generated by the developed Kuroshio meandering but is from the interior ocean and is propagating westward or northwestward. During the period from October 1992 to January 1998, two events of the northwestward propagating negative SSHA occurred, during which the SSHA merged into the Kuroshio and caused the remarkable low transport events in contrast to the normal westward propagating negative SSHA. It is also shown that the lower Kuroshio transport event would be generated in different ways. The negative anomaly in the upstream of PCM-1 array can reduce the Kuroshio transport by either offshore or onshore Kuroshio meandering. The positive anomaly, which is strong enough to detour the Kuroshio, can cause an offshore meandering and a low transport event at the PCM-1 array. 展开更多
关键词 KUROSHIO MEANDERING SSHA (Sea Surface Height Anomaly) PCM-1 satellite altimeter
作者 金荣花 李维京 +2 位作者 闫彩霞 李艳 张博 《Journal of Tropical Meteorology》 SCIE 2011年第4期345-351,共7页
In order to understand the role of East Asian subtropical westerly jet (EASWJ) in forecasting summer precipitation in East China,interseasonal pentad characteristics of the EASWJ and their relation to summer precipita... In order to understand the role of East Asian subtropical westerly jet (EASWJ) in forecasting summer precipitation in East China,interseasonal pentad characteristics of the EASWJ and their relation to summer precipitation in East China are analyzed with the daily reanalysis data provided by National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP,USA) and daily precipitation data from 714 Chinese meteorological stations during the period 1960-2009.In addition,the daily evolution of the EASWJ and objective quantification of the EASWJ are investigated for the Meiyu season over the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River valley.It is found that the EASWJ and summer precipitation bands in East China move simultaneously.Especially,the stationary state and northward shift of the EASWJ are closely associated with the beginning,ending and stabilization of the annually first raining season in South China and Meiyu over these reaches.Analysis on the characteristics of the EASWJ in typical (atypical) Meiyu years over these reaches shows that the EASWJ swings steadily around its climatological position in meridional orientation (with large amplitude).Numerical experiments on an example in 2005 shows that indexes proposed in this study can depict the EASWJ well and should be valuable for application in the operation. 展开更多
关键词 medium-range characteristics statistical analysis East Asian subtropical westerly jet
A new method for the estimation of oceanic mixed-layer depth using shipboard X-band radar images 被引量:3
作者 吕海滨 何宜军 +2 位作者 申辉 崔利民 窦长娥 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第5期962-967,共6页
Shipboard X-band radar images acquired on 24 June 2009 are used to study nonlinear internal wave characteristics in the northeastern South China Sea.The studied images show three nonlinear internal waves in a packet.A... Shipboard X-band radar images acquired on 24 June 2009 are used to study nonlinear internal wave characteristics in the northeastern South China Sea.The studied images show three nonlinear internal waves in a packet.A method based on the Radon Transform technique is introduced to calculate internal wave parameters such as the direction of propagation and internal wave velocity from backscatter images.Assuming that the ocean is a two-layer finite depth system,we can derive the mixed-layer depth by applying the internal wave velocity to the mixed-layer depth formula.Results show reasonably good agreement with in-situ thermistor chain and conductivity-temperature-depth data sets. 展开更多
关键词 internal waves X-band radar radon transform MIXED-LAYER
Estimation of the Distribution of Global Anthropogenic Heat Flux 被引量:5
作者 Chen Bing Shi Guang-Yu 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 2012年第2期108-112,共5页
The radiance lights data in 2006 from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Air Force Defense Meteorological Satellite Program/Operational Linescan System (DMSP/OLS) and authoritative energy data distrib... The radiance lights data in 2006 from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Air Force Defense Meteorological Satellite Program/Operational Linescan System (DMSP/OLS) and authoritative energy data distributed by the United State Energy Information Administration were applied to estimate the global distribution of anthropogenic heat flux.A strong linear relationship was found to exist between the anthropogenic heat flux and the DMSP/OLS radiance data.On a global scale,the average value of anthropogenic heat flux is approximately 0.03 W m 2 and 0.10 W m 2 for global land area.The results indicate that global anthropogenic heat flux was geographically concentrated and distributed,fundamentally correlating to the economical activities.The anthropogenic heat flux concentrated in the economically developed areas including East Asia,Europe,and eastern North America.The anthropogenic heat flux in the concentrated regions,including the northeastern United States,Central Europe,United Kingdom,Japan,India,and East and South China is much larger than global average level,reaching a large enough value that could affect regional climate.In the center of the concentrated area,the anthropogenic heat flux density may exceed 100 W m 2,according to the results of the model.In developing areas,including South America,Central and North China,India,East Europe,and Middle East,the anthropogenic heat flux can reach a level of more than 10 W m 2 ;however,the anthropogenic heat flux in a vast area,including Africa,Central and North Asia,and South America,is low.With the development of global economy and urban agglomerations,the effect on climate of anthropogenic heat is essential for the research of climate change. 展开更多
关键词 anthropogenic heat flux global distribution ESTIMATION
The Contribution of Opal-Associated Phosphorus to Bioavailable Phosphorus in Surface and Core Sediments in the East China Sea 被引量:2
作者 LI Huanxin HE Huijun +4 位作者 YANG Shifeng LIU Yanli CHE Hong LI Mujian ZHANG Jing 《Journal of Ocean University of China》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2018年第3期571-580,共10页
To improve the burial flux calculations of bioavailable phosphorus (P) and study opal-associated P (Opal-P) in the East China Sea (ECS), surface and core sediments were collected in the Changjiang Estuary (CE)... To improve the burial flux calculations of bioavailable phosphorus (P) and study opal-associated P (Opal-P) in the East China Sea (ECS), surface and core sediments were collected in the Changjiang Estuary (CE) and the south of the Cheju Island. In this study, sedimentary P was operationally divided into seven different forms using modified sedimentary extraction (SEDEX) technique: LSor-P (exchangeable or loosely sorbed P), Fe-P (easily reducible or reactive ferric Fe-bound P), CFA-P (authigenic carbonate fluorapatite and biogenic apatite and CaCO3-bound P), Detr-P (detrital apatite), Org-P (organic P), Opal-P and Ref-P (refractory P). The data revealed that the concentrations of the seven different P forms rank as Detr-P 〉 CFA-P 〉 Org-P 〉 Ref-P 〉 Opal-P 〉 Fe-P 〉 LSor-P in surface sediments and CFA-P 〉 Detr-P 〉 Org-P 〉 Ref-P 〉 Fe-P 〉 Opal-P 〉 LSor-P in core sediments. The distributions of the total phosphorus (TP), TIP, CFA-P, Detr-P are similar and decrease from the CE to the south of the Cheju Island. Meanwhile, Org-P and Opal-P exhibit different distribution trends; this may be affected by the grain size and TOM. The concentrations of potentially bioavailable P are 9.6-13.0 μmol g^-1 and 10.0-13.6 μmol g^-1, representing 61%-70% and 41%?64% of the TP in surface and core sediments, respectively. The concentrations of Opal-P are 0.6-2.3 μmol g^-1 and 0.6-1.4 μmol g^-1 in surface and core sediments, ac-counting for 5.3%?19.8% and 4.2%?10.6% of bioavailable P, respectively. The total burial fluxes of Opal-P and bioavailable P are 1.4×10^9 mol y^-1 and 1.1×10^10 mol yr^-1 in the ECS, respectively. Opal-P represents about 12.7% of potentially bioavailable P, which should be recognized when studying P cycling in marine ecosystems. 展开更多
关键词 phosphorus speciation opal-associated P burial flux SEDIMENTS East China Sea
Integration Level for the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Economic Community 被引量:2
作者 Sylvia Cristina Alvarado Navas 《Chinese Business Review》 2016年第2期55-63,共9页
The time has come for the constitution of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) economic community and many facts have been analyzed regarding this topic. This paper presents the results of the statisti... The time has come for the constitution of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) economic community and many facts have been analyzed regarding this topic. This paper presents the results of the statistical analysis applied to several economic parameters which firstly show how their integration pattern adjusts with a considerable good fitting to the optimum currency area model and to its extended version by Behrens; and secondly how the 10 members of this group are moving at relatively same speed in spite of their differences, that are also inferred for ranging. 展开更多
关键词 Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) regional integration ASEAN members' economicdifferences and similarities currency harmonization optimum currency area (OCA)
Statistical Downscaling of FGOALS-s2 Projected Precipitation in Eastern China
作者 DAI Yi-Feng LIU Yi-Min JIN Ji-Ming 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 CSCD 2014年第5期388-394,共7页
A statistical regression downscaling method was used to project future changes in precipitation over eastern China based on Phase 5 of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIPS) the Representative Concentrati... A statistical regression downscaling method was used to project future changes in precipitation over eastern China based on Phase 5 of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIPS) the Representative Concentration Pathway (RCP) scenarios simulated by the second spectral version of the Flexible Global Ocean- Atmosphere-Land System (FGOALS-s2) model. Our val- idation results show that the downscaled time series agree well with the present observed precipitation in terms of both the annual mean and the seasonal cycle. The regres- sion models built from the historical data are then used to generate future projections. The results show that the en- hanced land-sea thermal contrast strengthens both the subtropical anticyclone over the western Pacific and the east Asian summer monsoon flow under both RCPs. However, the trend of precipitation in response to warming over the 21 st century are different across eastern Chi- na under different RCPs. The area to the north of 32°N is likely to experience an increase in annual mean precipitation, while for the area between 23°N and 32°N mean precipitation is projected to decrease slightly over this century under RCP8.5. The change difference between scenarios mainly exists in the middle and late century. The land-sea thermal contrast and the associated east Asian summer monsoon flow are stronger, such that precipitation increases more, at higher latitudes under RCP8.5 compared to under RCP4.5. For the region south of 32°N, rainfall is projected to increase slightly under RCP4.5 but decrease under RCP8.5 in the late century. At the high resolution of 5 km, our statistically downscaled results for projected precipitation can be used to force hydrological models to project hydrological processes, which will be of great benefit to regional water planning and management. 展开更多
关键词 regional precipitation projection statistical downscalin eastern China
Experimental 15-day-lead statistical forecast of intraseasonal summer monsoon rainfall over Eastern China 被引量:2
作者 LI Jian-Ying MAO Jiang-Yu 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 CSCD 2016年第1期66-73,共8页
This study utilizes daily Asian Precipitation–Highly-Resolved Observational Data Integration Towards Evaluation(APHRODITE)gridded rainfall and the U.S.National Centers for Environmental PredictionDepartment of Ener... This study utilizes daily Asian Precipitation–Highly-Resolved Observational Data Integration Towards Evaluation(APHRODITE)gridded rainfall and the U.S.National Centers for Environmental PredictionDepartment of Energy reanalysis II products to examine the intraseasonal oscillations(ISOs)of rainfall over Eastern China during each summer of 1996,2002,and 2006.These three cases represent three typical spatial patterns of intraseasonal rainfall anomalies over Eastern China,with the strongest intraseasonal rainfall occurring over the middle and lower Yangtze Basin,southern Yangtze Basin,and Southeast China,respectively.The intraseasonal rainfall anomalies over Eastern China are dominated by both 30–60-and 10–20-day ISOs in each summer and are further modulated by the boreal summer ISOs(BSISOs)over the entire Asian summer monsoon region.The objective of this study is thus to apply the Bayesian wavelet-banding(WB)scheme to predicting intraseasonal rainfall over Eastern China.Several key factors associated with BSISOs are selected as predictors to experimentally develop a 15-day-lead statistical forecast.The forecast results show promise for the intraseasonal rainfall anomalies over Eastern China.Correlations generally greater than or equal to 0.6 are noted between the observed and predicted ISOs of rainfall over the major intraseasonal activity centers during each of the three summers.Such a high forecasting skill on intraseasonal timescales over various areas in Eastern China demonstrates the general usefulness of the WB scheme. 展开更多
关键词 Intraseasonal oscillations Bayesian wavelet-banding(WB)scheme 15-day-lead forecast
GOCE kinematic orbit adjustment for EGM validation and accelerometer calibration
作者 徐天河 孙张振 +2 位作者 江楠 陈康康 李敏 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第6期2397-2403,共7页
The main principle and mathematical model of GOCE kinematic orbit adjustment for Earth gravity field model (EGM) validation and accelerometer calibration are presented. Based on 60 days GOCE kinematic orbits with 1-... The main principle and mathematical model of GOCE kinematic orbit adjustment for Earth gravity field model (EGM) validation and accelerometer calibration are presented. Based on 60 days GOCE kinematic orbits with 1-2 cm accuracy and accelerometer data from 2009-11-02 to 2009-12-31, the RMS-of-fit (ROF) of them using EGM2008, EIGEN-SC, ITG- GRACE2010S and GOCO01S up to 120, 150 and 180 degree and order (d/o) are evaluated and compared. The scale factors and biases of GOCE accelerometer data are calibrated and the energy balance method (EBM) is performed to test the accuracy of accelerometer calibration. The results show that GOCE orbits are also sensitive to EGM from 120 to 150 d/o. The ROFs of EGMs with 150 and 180 d/o are obviously better than those of EGMs with 120 d/o. The ROFs of GOCO01S and ITG-GRACE2010S are almost the same up to 120 and 150 d/o, which are about 3.3 cm and 1.8 cm, respectively. They are far better than those of EGM2008 and EIGEN-SC with the same d/o. The ROF of GOCO01S with 180 d/o is about 1.6 em, which is the best one among those EGMs. The accelerometer calibration accuracies (ACAs) of ITG-GRACE2010S and GOCO01S are obviously higher that those of EGM2008 and EIGEN-SC. The ACA of GOCO01S with 180 d/o is far higher than that of EGMs with 120 d/o, and a little higher than that of ITG-GRACE2010S with 150 d/o. I t is suggested that the newest released EGM such as GOCO01S or GOCO02S till at least 150 d/o should be chosen in GOCE precise orbit determination (POD) and accelerometer calibration. 展开更多
关键词 GOCE orbit adjustment Earth gravity field model kinematic orbit accelerometer calibration
Spatiotemporal Variation of Riverine Nutrients in a Typical Hilly Watershed in Southeast China Using Multivariate Statistics Tools 被引量:2
作者 NIE Xiao-fei LI Heng-peng +2 位作者 JIANG Jia-hu DIAO Ya-qin LI Peng-cheng 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2015年第4期983-998,共16页
The water quality of lakes can be degraded by excessive riverine nutrients.Riverine water quality generally varies depending on region and season because of the spatiotemporal variations in natural factors and anthrop... The water quality of lakes can be degraded by excessive riverine nutrients.Riverine water quality generally varies depending on region and season because of the spatiotemporal variations in natural factors and anthropogenic activities.Monthly water quality measurements of eight water quality variables were analyzed for two years at 16 sites of the Tianmuhu watershed.The variables were examined using hierarchical cluster analysis(HCA) and factor analysis/principal component analysis(FA/PCA) to reveal the spatiotemporal variations in riverine nutrients and to identify their potential sources.HCA revealed three geographical groups and three periods.Two drainages comprising towns and large villages were the most polluted, six drainages comprising widely distributed tea plantations and orchards were moderately polluted, and eight drainages without the factors were the least polluted.The river was most polluted in June when the first heavy rain(daily rainfall > 50 mm) occurs after fertilization and the number of rainy days is most(monthly number of rainy days > 20 days).Moderate pollution was observed from October to May, during which morethan 60% of the total nitrogen fertilizer and all of the phosphorus fertilizer are applied to the cropland, the total manure is applied to tea plantations and orchards, and a monthly rainfall ranging from 0 mm to 164 mm occurs.The remaining months were characterized by frequent raining(i.e., number of rainy days per month ranged from 5 to 24) and little use of fertilizers, and were thus least polluted.FA/PCA identified that the greatest pollution sources were the runoff from tea plantations and orchards,domestic pollution and the surface runoff from towns and villages, and rural sewage, which had extremely high contributions of riverine nitrogen, phosphorus,and chemical oxygen demand, respectively.The tea plantations and orchards promoted by the agricultural comprehensive development(ACD) were not environmentally friendly.Riverine nitrogen is a major water pollution parameter in hilly watersheds affected by ACD, and this parameter would not be reduced unless its loss load through the runoff from tea plantations and orchards is effectively controlled. 展开更多
关键词 Nitrogen Phosphorus Chemical oxygen demand Spatial variation Temporal variation Water quality FERTILIZATION Tianmuhu watershed
Statistical Characteristics of ENSO Events in CMIP5 Models 被引量:1
作者 RAO Jian REN Rong-Cai 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 CSCD 2014年第6期546-552,共7页
By applying the historical-run outputs from 24 Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5(CMIP5) models and the NOAA Extended Reconstructed SST V3 b dataset(ERSST), the characteristics of different types of ENSO in... By applying the historical-run outputs from 24 Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5(CMIP5) models and the NOAA Extended Reconstructed SST V3 b dataset(ERSST), the characteristics of different types of ENSO in the selected CMIP5 models, including cold-season-matured Eastern Pacific(C-EP) ENSO, warmseason-matured EP(W-EP) ENSO, cold-season-matured Central Pacific(C-CP) ENSO, and warm-season-matured CP(W-CP) ENSO, were examined in comparison with those in the ERSST dataset. The results showed that, in general, consistent with observations, EP ENSO events in most of the model runs were relatively much stronger than CP ENSO events, and cold-season-matured ENSO events were relatively much more frequent than warm-season-matured ENSO events for both EP and CP ENSO events. The composite amplitudes of ENSO events in most of the models were generally weaker than in observations, particularly for EP El Ni?o and CP La Ni?a. Moreover, most of the models successfully reproduced the amplitude asymmetries between El Ni?o and La Ni?a for cold-season-matured EP and CP ENSO events, exhibiting an average stronger/weaker EP El Ni?o/La Ni?a regime and a weaker/stronger CP El Ni?o/La Ni?a regime. Most of the models, however, failed to reproduce the observed regimes of stronger/weaker W-EP El Ni?o/ La Ni?a and weaker/stronger W-CP El Ni?o/La Ni?a. 展开更多
关键词 CMIP5 ENSO eastern Pacific central Pacific
作者 吴志权 陈明先 陈创买 《Journal of Tropical Meteorology》 SCIE 2005年第2期213-219,共7页
With the series of annual and seasonal temperature during 1957 – 2001 in Dongguan, Guangdong, the statistical characteristic and power spectrum and secular trend and sudden change phenomena are computed in this paper... With the series of annual and seasonal temperature during 1957 – 2001 in Dongguan, Guangdong, the statistical characteristic and power spectrum and secular trend and sudden change phenomena are computed in this paper. From the results it is known that (1) the temperatures have obvious characteristics of monsoon climate but do not have normal distribution, showing biased distribution of high or low kurtosis; (2) over the recent half- century, the temperatures tend to rise, specially in the last 10 years, in which mean temperature have quickly ascended by about 1.5°C, and except for the spring, there were sudden change of seasonal temperature rising from the 1980’s to 1990’s, which really reflected the influence of developing and opening and urbanization on Dongguan temperature; (3) except for the spring, the temperature of other seasons show some oscillatory periods in Dongguan and some of them also include long-term variation trends. 展开更多
关键词 characteristics of temperature change statistical analysis Dongguan
Analysis on the Level of Intra-industry Trade for ASEAN's Economy
作者 Thanet Wattanakul 《Chinese Business Review》 2016年第5期215-223,共9页
This paper aims to examine and analyse the level of intra-industry trade on economy of ASEAN. These data obtained from the accurate and reliable source of ASEAN Trade Statistics databases. The importance of intra-indu... This paper aims to examine and analyse the level of intra-industry trade on economy of ASEAN. These data obtained from the accurate and reliable source of ASEAN Trade Statistics databases. The importance of intra-industry and measurement is also described. Moreover, the linkage of intra-industry trade and investment liberalization under the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) is also explained. The effective enhancement schemed to increase the competitiveness of specific industries had been proposed to enhance ASEAN to be efficient production hub and network of region that lead to the ultimate goal of single market. The further studies can be applied to construct and estimate the econometric model and forecasting technique to confirm the empirical results. 展开更多
关键词 intra-industry trade ASEAN AEC trade and investment liberalisation
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