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中国重金属污染区耕地轮作休耕制度试点进展、问题及对策建议 被引量:36
作者 赵其国 沈仁芳 +1 位作者 滕应 李秀华 《生态环境学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2017年第12期2003-2007,共5页
土壤重金属污染严重威胁农产品质量安全和人体健康,开展重金属污染区耕地轮作休耕制度试点工作对重金属污染农田土壤治理修复和保障农业绿色发展具有重要意义。文章在实地调研考察和专题研讨的基础上,系统地总结了湖南省重金属污染地区... 土壤重金属污染严重威胁农产品质量安全和人体健康,开展重金属污染区耕地轮作休耕制度试点工作对重金属污染农田土壤治理修复和保障农业绿色发展具有重要意义。文章在实地调研考察和专题研讨的基础上,系统地总结了湖南省重金属污染地区耕地轮作休耕制度试点工作进展和成效,分析了存在的问题,并提出相应的对策建议,为开展中国重金属污染地区耕地轮作休耕制度试点工作提供决策依据。试点工作取得如下的进展:2016年长沙、株洲、湘潭等3市13县区实施治理式休耕面积10.01万亩(0.667 3×10~4 hm^2),2017年以整村推进方式新增并落实10万亩(0.666 7×10~4 hm^2)中度至重度重金属污染休耕耕地。通过治理式休耕,大面积水稻(Oryza sativa)镉含量达标,农产品降镉效果明显,土壤酸化得到有效缓解,土壤有效态镉含量总体上呈现降低的趋势。建立了轮作休耕模式,包括实行分区治理,形成"休治培"三融合技术模式,建立以农艺调控为主、边生产边修复的非工程性技术路径,探索了水稻与绿肥的轮作模式。建立了建设机制与体制:突出政府责任主体,强化绩效管理;突出补贴政策保障,强化资金落实;突出农民自愿休耕,强化过程监管;突出组织模式探索,强化产业培育。试点工作中也发现了若干问题:农产品质量安全与耕地质量下降的矛盾仍然十分突出;重金属污染区休耕制度的科技支撑明显不足,体制机制还不够完善。文章提出了若干对策建议:加强重金属污染区轮作休耕制度顶层设计;加强重金属污染区轮作休耕的科学技术研究;加快推进重金属污染区轮作休耕制度的体制机制建设,如资金保障机制、生态补偿制度和管理机制等。 展开更多
关键词 重金属污染区 轮作休耕 植物移除 体制机制 对策建议
重金属污染区与非污染区鸡眼草幼苗对锰胁迫的生理生化响应 被引量:4
作者 李欣航 肖泽华 刘文胜 《北方园艺》 CAS 北大核心 2020年第14期118-128,共11页
为探明鸡眼草(Kummerowia striata)对锰胁迫适应的理化机制,以重金属污染区(湖南湘潭锰矿)与非污染区(中南林业科技大学校园)的鸡眼草种子为研究对象,采用培养皿滤纸法,比较研究了不同浓度锰胁迫对2个居群种子发芽、幼苗生长及幼苗生理... 为探明鸡眼草(Kummerowia striata)对锰胁迫适应的理化机制,以重金属污染区(湖南湘潭锰矿)与非污染区(中南林业科技大学校园)的鸡眼草种子为研究对象,采用培养皿滤纸法,比较研究了不同浓度锰胁迫对2个居群种子发芽、幼苗生长及幼苗生理生化特性的影响。结果表明:1)随着锰浓度的升高,2个居群鸡眼草种子的发芽率、发芽势均呈逐渐降低的趋势,幼苗生长则呈现"低促高抑"现象,非污染区幼苗生长受到锰胁迫抑制作用高于污染区;2)随着锰浓度的升高,2个居群幼苗可溶性糖、可溶性蛋白质和脯氨酸含量均呈现先增加后下降的变化趋势;超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性基本无变化,过氧化物酶(POD)活性呈先增加后下降的变化趋势,丙二醛(MDA)含量则呈逐渐升高的趋势;3)根据抗锰隶属函数值的比较,鸡眼草对锰胁迫具有较强的耐性,污染区居群比非污染区居群具有更强的锰耐受性。 展开更多
关键词 锰胁迫 重金属污染区 污染区 鸡眼草 种子萌发 生理生化
重金属污染区耕地轮作休耕治理农户参与意愿实证研究 被引量:3
作者 邓志英 黄毅 +3 位作者 魏勇军 王染 黄玉屏 黎博 《土壤通报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第6期1295-1303,共9页
【目的】研究我国农村重金属污染区耕地轮作休耕治理农户参与意愿,分析影响农户参与重金属污染区耕地轮作休耕治理影响因素,为我国重金属污染耕地长期治理的有效实施提供参考依据。【方法】基于343户的调查数据,构建累积logistic回归模... 【目的】研究我国农村重金属污染区耕地轮作休耕治理农户参与意愿,分析影响农户参与重金属污染区耕地轮作休耕治理影响因素,为我国重金属污染耕地长期治理的有效实施提供参考依据。【方法】基于343户的调查数据,构建累积logistic回归模型,探究我国重金属污染区耕地轮作休耕治理农户参与意愿及其影响因素。【结果】相比于男性,女性更愿意参与重金属污染轮作休耕治理(-0.1341);农户参与意愿与受教育程度(-0.098)、家庭收入(0.2591)正相关,但与年龄(0.2036)负相关;农户参与意愿与轮作休耕治理政策了解程度(0.3049)、治理过程评价(0.0985)正相关,参与意愿受亲朋好友(-0.1110)影响较大,由于信任度原因现阶段农村基层组织政策宣传对农户参与意愿影响较小;农户参与意愿与轮作休耕后家庭收入变化(0.4851)正相关;农户参与意愿与自有耕地污染程度(-0.3995)负相关,与农户对环境关注度(-0.1953)呈负相关。【结论】农户个体特征及基本情况、参与后的家庭收入变化、耕地污染特征及对环境感知、政策宣讲及实施过程对农户参与意愿具备实质性影响。因此,要提高基层村组在政策宣讲和政策执行过程在农户心中的信任度;提高农业从业人员的受教育水平,降低农业从业人员平均年龄;增加农户家庭收入,拓宽农户收入来源渠道;从环境保护和收入层面加强治理的预期效应宣传,逐步消除农户污染治理与自身收入平衡的矛盾心理。 展开更多
关键词 重金属污染区 轮作休耕治理 累积logistic模型 参与意愿
作者 陆红霞 《甘肃冶金》 2023年第3期132-134,共3页
对肃北县条湖沟废弃砂金矿采坑、渣堆现状及其矿山地质环境问题进行调查的基础上,提出通过渣堆处置、采坑回填、地质灾害防治等一系列工程措施,对无序采矿遗留矿坑及弃渣潜在的地质灾害隐患进行治理,有效解决废弃金矿对区域地质环境和... 对肃北县条湖沟废弃砂金矿采坑、渣堆现状及其矿山地质环境问题进行调查的基础上,提出通过渣堆处置、采坑回填、地质灾害防治等一系列工程措施,对无序采矿遗留矿坑及弃渣潜在的地质灾害隐患进行治理,有效解决废弃金矿对区域地质环境和地形地貌造成的破坏问题。 展开更多
关键词 废弃金矿 矿坑 弃渣 重金属污染区
长坡尾矿坝植物修复过程中土壤脲酶活性变化 被引量:8
作者 刘旭辉 曾艳兰 +3 位作者 覃勇荣 农柳燕 张康 陈燕师 《河南农业科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2009年第5期65-69,共5页
采集广西南丹县长坡矿尾矿坝0~20 cm表土,测定了土壤pH、有机质、碱解N含量和脲酶活性。采用数理统计的相关分析方法,探究重金属污染区的植被自然恢复和植物修复过程中,土壤脲酶活性与土壤肥力水平的关系,为重金属污染区土壤的生态恢复... 采集广西南丹县长坡矿尾矿坝0~20 cm表土,测定了土壤pH、有机质、碱解N含量和脲酶活性。采用数理统计的相关分析方法,探究重金属污染区的植被自然恢复和植物修复过程中,土壤脲酶活性与土壤肥力水平的关系,为重金属污染区土壤的生态恢复提供理论依据。结果表明:长坡尾矿坝土壤有机质含量较低,土壤肥力状况仍然较差。土壤脲酶活性与土壤碱解氮含量之间呈正相关,与土壤有机质含量相关性不大。在尾矿坝植被自然恢复过程中,五节芒、苔草、割鸡芒等植物根际土脲酶活性的平均值相对较高,而狗牙根、类芦根际土的脲酶活性相对较低。如果不引进外来物种,只选择该尾矿坝上自然生长的植物作为生态恢复的物种,五节芒、割鸡芒和苔草等植物应作为优先选择的物种,类芦、狗牙根等植物可作为第2阶段修复的物种。 展开更多
关键词 长坡尾矿坝 重金属污染区 植物修复 土壤脲酶活性
不同生态区土壤溶磷微生物的分布特征及影响因子 被引量:13
作者 易艳梅 黄为一 《生态与农村环境学报》 CAS CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2010年第5期448-453,共6页
研究了盐渍区、重金属污染区和磷矿区土壤中溶磷微生物的数量、组成及与部分土壤化学因子的关系。结果表明,溶磷微生物在不同生态区土壤中的分布各不相同,磷矿区土壤中溶磷微生物数量和种群丰度普遍高于重金属污染区和盐渍区,但优势种... 研究了盐渍区、重金属污染区和磷矿区土壤中溶磷微生物的数量、组成及与部分土壤化学因子的关系。结果表明,溶磷微生物在不同生态区土壤中的分布各不相同,磷矿区土壤中溶磷微生物数量和种群丰度普遍高于重金属污染区和盐渍区,但优势种属间数量差异不明显。重金属污染土壤中溶磷细菌比例较高,但种群单一,主要以巨大芽孢杆菌(Bacillus megaterium)为优势种,重金属污染区溶磷细菌比例与土壤重金属综合污染指数呈显著正相关(P<0.01),溶磷细菌丰度与有机质含量呈显著正相关(P<0.05)。盐渍土中溶磷细菌比例小,优势种群为巨大芽孢杆菌、假单胞杆菌属(Pseudomonassp.)和黄单胞杆菌属(Flavobacteriumsp.),其数量和种群丰度分别与有机质和有效磷含量呈显著相关关系(P<0.05)。 展开更多
关键词 溶磷微生物 土壤生态类型 分布 盐渍区 重金属污染区 磷矿区
锰胁迫下鸡眼草的富集特征及生理响应 被引量:7
作者 李欣航 肖泽华 +3 位作者 匡雪韶 王悟敏 罗亮宇 刘文胜 《草业学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2021年第7期139-147,共9页
为探明植物对锰胁迫的耐受性机制,以采自重金属污染区与非污染区的鸡眼草为试验材料,在不同锰浓度胁迫下[0(对照)、1000、5000、10000、15000、20000μmol·L^(-1)]开展盆栽试验,比较研究锰胁迫对两种来源鸡眼草表型、生理生化特性... 为探明植物对锰胁迫的耐受性机制,以采自重金属污染区与非污染区的鸡眼草为试验材料,在不同锰浓度胁迫下[0(对照)、1000、5000、10000、15000、20000μmol·L^(-1)]开展盆栽试验,比较研究锰胁迫对两种来源鸡眼草表型、生理生化特性及锰积累特征的影响。结果表明:随着锰浓度的升高,1)两种来源鸡眼草的根干重、芽干重、根冠比均呈降低的趋势;当锰浓度达5000~20000μmol·L^(-1)时,与对照相比,污染区、非污染区鸡眼草的芽干重分别下降4.34%~27.71%与16.33%~49.77%,根干重分别下降19.00%~66.06%与27.90%~77.54%,污染区下降幅度均较非污染区的小;2)两种来源鸡眼草的叶绿素、可溶性糖、脯氨酸含量及超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化物酶(POD)活性均呈先升后降的趋势,可溶性蛋白含量逐渐下降,丙二醛(MDA)含量则逐渐升高;3)两种来源鸡眼草根、茎、叶的锰含量均增加;锰浓度为20000μmol·L^(-1)时,污染区和非污染区鸡眼草的叶锰含量分别为对照的16.53和13.41倍。因此,污染区鸡眼草锰耐受能力及富集能力均较非污染区鸡眼草高,较高的抗氧化酶活性是其耐受高锰胁迫的重要生理机制。 展开更多
关键词 锰胁迫 重金属污染区 鸡眼草 生理生化 富集特征
Soil Environmental Quality Evaluation for Wasteland of Coalmine Tailing Polluted by Heavy Metals in Mingshan of Guangdong 被引量:1
作者 刘德良 杨期和 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2014年第10期1759-1763,共5页
ln order to appraise scientifical y the heavy metal contamination in waste-land of coalmine tailing in Mingshan of Guangdong, the 5 soil samples in wasteland of coalmine tailing were col ected in November 2010 to Marc... ln order to appraise scientifical y the heavy metal contamination in waste-land of coalmine tailing in Mingshan of Guangdong, the 5 soil samples in wasteland of coalmine tailing were col ected in November 2010 to March 2011. The 7 heavy metals content in the contaminated soil was measured by atomic absorption spec-trophotometry. The results showed the pH of the wasteland soil ranged from 2.87 to 6.16, and the soil was relatively infertile. The soil was mainly pol uted by Cd and Mn. The Cd content in wasteland soil ranged from 0.759 mg/kg to 3.109 mg/kg with an average content of 2.052 mg/kg, which was much higher than the standard content. The Mn content ranged from 387.057 to 488.660 mg/kg with an average content of 421.215 mg/kg, which was much higher than the standard content. The Nemerow integrated pol ution indexes showed the sample 1, sample 4 and sample 5 were of heavy pol ution, and sample 2 and sample 3 were of moderate pol ution. 展开更多
关键词 Heavy metal pol ution Wasteland of coalmine tailing Environmental quality evaluation Coalmine in Mingshan of Guangdong
Heavy metal pollution and potential ecological risk in reclaimed soils in Huainan mining area 被引量:27
作者 YAO Duo-xi MENG Jun ZHANG Zhi-guo 《Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)》 2010年第3期316-319,共4页
In order to determine the environmental quality condition of reclaimed soils inHuainan mining area, soil samples were collected from three representative mines, suchas Panyi Mine, Xinzhuangzi Mine and Datong Mine.The ... In order to determine the environmental quality condition of reclaimed soils inHuainan mining area, soil samples were collected from three representative mines, suchas Panyi Mine, Xinzhuangzi Mine and Datong Mine.The total concentration of Cd, Hg, Cu,Pb and As in the samples were analyzed.The potential ecological risk was used to evaluatethe heavy metals pollution.The investigation reveals that the reclaimed soils are contaminatedto a certain degree and the trace elements in coal gangue transferred to thesurface soil.The order of potential ecological risk is Cd>Hg>Cu>Pb>As; the pollution degreeof each sampling site is arranged in the following order: Xinzhuangzi Mine>DatongMine>Panyi Mine, and the multiform of heavy metals of potential ecological risk index is at357.35~484.62. 展开更多
关键词 heavy metal pollution potential ecological risk reclaimed soils
Spatial distribution,sources and ecological risk assessment of heavy metals in Shenjia River watershed of the Three Gorges Reservoir Area 被引量:10
作者 WANG Yong-yan WEN An-bang +2 位作者 GUO Jin SHI Zhong-lin YAN Dong-chun 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2017年第2期325-335,共11页
Surface soil/sediment samples were collected from the Water-Level Fluctuation Zone(WLFZ), cultivated land and forest land at 50 different grid points from Shenjia watershed, the Three Gorges Reservoir area in August 2... Surface soil/sediment samples were collected from the Water-Level Fluctuation Zone(WLFZ), cultivated land and forest land at 50 different grid points from Shenjia watershed, the Three Gorges Reservoir area in August 2013. The spatial distribution, sources and ecological risk assessment for Arsenic(As), Cadmium(Cd),Chromium(Cr), Copper(Cu), Nickel(Ni), Lead(Pb)and Zinc(Zn) were analyzed in this study. The results showed all tested metals had similar distribution patterns except Ni and Cr, with areas of high concentrations distributed in the southwest(WLFZ and watershed outlet) of the study area. Ni and Cr,which were highly positively correlated and present in high concentrations, were primarily distributed in the south and middle zones of the study area. Lower concentration areas of all metals were uniformly distributed west of the high-elevation zones and forest land. Factor analysis(FA) and factor analysismultiple linear regression(FA-MLR) showed that the major sources of Cd were fertilizer and traffic sources,which together accounted for 87% of Cd. As, Zn and Cu levels were primarily supplied by industrial and domestic sources, accounting for 76% of As, 75% of Cu and 67% of Zn. Surface soils/sediments of the study watershed contaminated by Cd represent a high ecological risk, whereas other metals represent low ecological risks. The potential ecological risk index(PERI) analysis indicated that it had a low(widerange) ecological risk and a moderate(small-range)ecological risk primarily distributed in the outlet of the study watershed. Fertilizers and traffic are the primary sources of Cd pollution, which should be more closely controlled for the purposes of water quality and ecological conservation. 展开更多
关键词 Spatial distribution Ecological risk assessment Water-level fluctuation zone Heavy metals Three Gorges Reservoir
Characteristics of heavy metals in soils under different land use in a typical karst area, Southwest China 被引量:3
作者 Yang Tang Guilin Han 《Acta Geochimica》 EI CAS CSCD 2017年第3期515-518,共4页
This study investigated the distribution of six pollutant elements(Cr, Cu, Pb, Zn, Cd, and As), and their relationship to soil organic carbon(SOC) in five soil profiles in the Puding area. Results show SOC content dec... This study investigated the distribution of six pollutant elements(Cr, Cu, Pb, Zn, Cd, and As), and their relationship to soil organic carbon(SOC) in five soil profiles in the Puding area. Results show SOC content decreased exponentially to the depth of soil profiles; the vertical distribution patterns of SOC in soil profiles were partially controlled by land use. The concentrations of these pollutant elements in most soils were lower than background values, indicating that the local soil was less likely to be contaminated by foreign inputs. Geo-accumulation index values of these elements in most soil samples were less than 1, suggesting that the soil of this area may not be polluted. The concentrations of Cr, Cu, As, and Zn in soils from all land use types were significantly negatively correlated with SOC contents. Geochemical approaches confirmed that the soil of this area was less influenced by pollutant elements. 展开更多
关键词 Heavy metals Soil organic carbon Land use KARST Southwest China
Study on environmental impact of coal mining subsided water area in Huainan mining area
作者 XU Liang-ji YAN Jia-ping +1 位作者 GAO Yong-mei LIU Yu-ling 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering》 2007年第1期25-28,38,共5页
The subsided water areas with different times of subsidence are chosen to monitor the physicochemical indexes and heavy metal elements. The results indicate that subsided water areas are polluted in different degree. ... The subsided water areas with different times of subsidence are chosen to monitor the physicochemical indexes and heavy metal elements. The results indicate that subsided water areas are polluted in different degree. Some physicochemical indexes of subsided water areas are increased with the development of the subsidence and are changed with the changing of the season. The concentration of As, Cd, Cu, Pb, Se, Zn of subsided water areas is less than national fishery, and surface water quality standards of China , except Hg. And the quality of subsided water hasn't been polluted by heavy metal seriously. Analyzing and appraising the quality of the subsided water can give a reasonable data as basis in using the subsided water resource. 展开更多
关键词 subsided water area physicochemical characteristics heavy metal reasonable usage of water resource Huainan mining area
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