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金代文士刘长言家世生平考 被引量:4
作者 聂立申 《泰山学院学报》 2016年第4期85-90,共6页
金代女真统治时期,泰山地区文化昌达、名家辈出,对金代政治、经济、思想文化产生了重要影响。刘长言是宋金时代杰出的名儒和著名文学艺术家,为金朝名士的杰出代表,辑录《南荣集》,他交游广泛,深受时人和后世尊崇。然因历史、民族等缘故... 金代女真统治时期,泰山地区文化昌达、名家辈出,对金代政治、经济、思想文化产生了重要影响。刘长言是宋金时代杰出的名儒和著名文学艺术家,为金朝名士的杰出代表,辑录《南荣集》,他交游广泛,深受时人和后世尊崇。然因历史、民族等缘故,学界对他关注和研究不多,这与历史事实和其影响、地位不符,系统开展该人物的系列研究必将有助于今人加深对宋金社会和文士群体的认识,亦有利于中国传统文化的传承。 展开更多
关键词 金代 长言 生平
一种特殊的联绵词探源 被引量:3
作者 张小平 《古籍整理研究学刊》 2003年第4期74-82,共9页
本文通过对近代汉语中“嵌1词”的考查,企图探讨这种联绵词的来源,认为它是单音词的扩展,包括两种途径:一是单音词的缓读,即把一个单音词以反切的原理扩展为双音节词,也就是这个双音节词前一个字的声母和这个单音词的声母相同,后一个字... 本文通过对近代汉语中“嵌1词”的考查,企图探讨这种联绵词的来源,认为它是单音词的扩展,包括两种途径:一是单音词的缓读,即把一个单音词以反切的原理扩展为双音节词,也就是这个双音节词前一个字的声母和这个单音词的声母相同,后一个字的韵母、声调和这个单音词的韵母、声调相同;一是单音词的长言,即在一个单音词之后加上一个与之语音相关的字。“嵌1词”是双音词和联绵词产生的重要途径。它们又常扩展为多音节词。 展开更多
关键词 嵌1词 扩展 缓读 长言
歌唱的极境——论“声中无字,字中有声” 被引量:2
作者 罗良琏 《音乐探索》 1987年第2期11-13,共3页
在歌唱艺术中“字”与“声”的关系问题历来为人们争论不休。有的人单纯追求美的“声”忽略了字,而有的人则片而地强调“字”而忽视“声”,其结果都不能使歌唱进入一个完美的境界。虽然从历史的眼光来看,人类原始的歌唱可追溯到语言出... 在歌唱艺术中“字”与“声”的关系问题历来为人们争论不休。有的人单纯追求美的“声”忽略了字,而有的人则片而地强调“字”而忽视“声”,其结果都不能使歌唱进入一个完美的境界。虽然从历史的眼光来看,人类原始的歌唱可追溯到语言出现之前,但在人类进入文明期后,严格意义上的歌唱艺术毕竟通常总是和语言结合在一起的。《诗人序》说“情动于中而形于言,言之不足故嗟叹之, 展开更多
关键词 审美距离 长言 一代大师 商声 民族声乐艺术 善歌者 人说 拉赫玛尼诺夫 圣母颂 文学本体
体态语社会职能刍议 被引量:3
作者 耿二岭 《语文建设》 1988年第1期34-40,共7页
一人们在自然的言语交际中,并不是总用纯粹的语言手段,而是常常省略某些语言手段而采用“其他手段”,或用“其他手段”相辅助来弥补言谈表达之不足。正如《礼记·乐记》所云:“说之,故言之;言之不足,故长言之;长言之不足,故嗟叹之;... 一人们在自然的言语交际中,并不是总用纯粹的语言手段,而是常常省略某些语言手段而采用“其他手段”,或用“其他手段”相辅助来弥补言谈表达之不足。正如《礼记·乐记》所云:“说之,故言之;言之不足,故长言之;长言之不足,故嗟叹之;嗟叹之不足,故不知手之舞之,足之蹈之也。”不独“手”“足”,所谓语言之外的“其他手段”,包括通常统称为“姿态”的手势、身势、面部表情和眼色,以及发声的生理—— 展开更多
关键词 体态语 语言手段 身势 长言 面部表情 伴随语言学 《礼记·乐记》 语言学科 吻手礼 心理语言学家
骚体渊源新证 被引量:1
作者 李华年 《贵州民族大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 1990年第4期47-53,共7页
一《楚辞》的句式与《诗经》有明显的区别,游国恩先生把这种句式的特点归纳为“长言短咏,托体兮猗。”后世一般把用这种句式写的诗称为“骚体”诗。在探讨这种句式的渊源时,游先生首先注意到《诗经》,他把《诗经》中“在句尾或句中一律... 一《楚辞》的句式与《诗经》有明显的区别,游国恩先生把这种句式的特点归纳为“长言短咏,托体兮猗。”后世一般把用这种句式写的诗称为“骚体”诗。在探讨这种句式的渊源时,游先生首先注意到《诗经》,他把《诗经》中“在句尾或句中一律用一个助词——‘兮’字” 展开更多
关键词 先秦诗 游国恩 长言 诗传 句尾 离别相去辞 《吴越春秋》 特点归纳 汉五言诗 《战国策》
关于治学问和做文章 被引量:1
作者 俞平伯 《求知导刊》 2015年第12期1-1,共1页
我曾想做一组文章,谈谈做文章的问题,就叫《文章四论》。一是文无定法:文章没有一定之法,比如天上之云,地上之水,千姿百态;文章就象行云流水。别人问我"文法",我说我不懂文法。二是文成法立:行云流水看来飘逸不可捉摸,实际上有一定... 我曾想做一组文章,谈谈做文章的问题,就叫《文章四论》。一是文无定法:文章没有一定之法,比如天上之云,地上之水,千姿百态;文章就象行云流水。别人问我"文法",我说我不懂文法。二是文成法立:行云流水看来飘逸不可捉摸,实际上有一定之规,万变不离其宗。后两句我认为更重要。其三是声入心通:《诗大序》:"情动于中而形于言,言之不足,故嗟叹之(《礼记》作"故长言之");嗟叹之不足,故咏歌之。"长言、嗟叹、咏歌,皆是声音。《虞书》:"诗言志,歌永言。"六字尤为概括。 展开更多
关键词 声入心通 文成法立 长言 《诗大序》 歌永言 文无定法 诗言志 虞书 一定之法 《典论·论文》
作者 李冬梅 《黑龙江教育(高教研究与评估)》 1994年第9期41-41,共1页
批改学生习作总要给习作写评语,因为教师批改习作的目的就是正确地指出其优缺点,使学生看到长处和不足.一则好的评语能启发学生思考,触发学生写作的热情;而一则较差的评语,不仅达不到批改的目的,而且有可能引起学生的不满.请看下面三则... 批改学生习作总要给习作写评语,因为教师批改习作的目的就是正确地指出其优缺点,使学生看到长处和不足.一则好的评语能启发学生思考,触发学生写作的热情;而一则较差的评语,不仅达不到批改的目的,而且有可能引起学生的不满.请看下面三则习作评语. 展开更多
关键词 作文评语 学生习作 请看 思想健康 反感情绪 迁怒于人 长言 上乘之作 基本功训练 写头
开展实用技术教育 巩固扫盲和初等教育的成果
作者 王良 《成人教育》 北大核心 1989年第2期13-13,共1页
开展实用技术教育是巩固扫盲和初等文化教育的好办法。目前,扫盲和初等文化教育仍是农村成人教育的一项重要而艰巨的任务。是提高全民族文化素质的关健和难点。分析农村中文盲、半文盲和未达小学毕业程度的农民的特点,不难看出,这些人... 开展实用技术教育是巩固扫盲和初等文化教育的好办法。目前,扫盲和初等文化教育仍是农村成人教育的一项重要而艰巨的任务。是提高全民族文化素质的关健和难点。分析农村中文盲、半文盲和未达小学毕业程度的农民的特点,不难看出,这些人多数是由于工作忙、家庭负担重或其它因素的影响,给他们的学习带来了一定的困难。其中一部分人受读书无用论的影响,根本就不安心学习,即使是参加学习了也是很勉强。有的选到脱盲或小学毕业程度,也还会因记忆力减退,遗忘率高而回生,甚至出现复盲的理象。 展开更多
关键词 农村成人教育 读书无用论 民族文化素质 家庭负担 小学毕业 教学效果 私犯 长言 持久性 技术教育
《船山学报》 1984年第2期4-,共1页
躬园子哀其哲子无适,甫而长言之,皆诚语也.徒其言屡及于老夫,则适以增愧憾,而于无适也,无足为重,夫余何所禅益于无适乎?读书而善悟者,其天牖也;迪躬而必慎者,其天植也。余何裨于无适哉.且余即有曼衍之狂言,欲荐之无适④者而十不能尽一二... 躬园子哀其哲子无适,甫而长言之,皆诚语也.徒其言屡及于老夫,则适以增愧憾,而于无适也,无足为重,夫余何所禅益于无适乎?读书而善悟者,其天牖也;迪躬而必慎者,其天植也。余何裨于无适哉.且余即有曼衍之狂言,欲荐之无适④者而十不能尽一二;所已言者,立志而已.投老荒废,合喙则鸣,喋喋之言,枝纠蔓萦,闻之而不我厌者,亦不乏人.而择涂自蹈,拣贞邪之分,当念自惩,争义利之界,或一言及,则无不倦而欲卧。盖外厌其迂,知心固曰:是不利于我者。夺其处心积虑之所营。 展开更多
关键词 子文 长言 夫余 天牖 义利 帖括 已寒 无己 浙西 八年
作者 杨长春 《新闻爱好者》 1991年第5期29-30,共2页
(一) 对敏感多思的新闻记者采说,新闻稿也许只能表现出他们在采访中的部分观感。限于篇幅和主题要求,他们不得不把好多思考和感受排除在文章之外。于是,为了更充分地表现自己对生活的全面理解。
关键词 马新朝 写作方式 双刃 新闻写作 新闻活动 纪实文学 独特感悟 社会问题 长言 就这样
作者 王宇明 《党政干部论坛》 北大核心 1994年第5期47-47,共1页
领导下乡,就餐吃什么?自带干粮,不现实;到机关食堂排队买饭吃,行不通;吃四菜一汤的客饭,容易走样.到底应该怎么办?浠水县县长杜章均同志下乡,首先就跟基层讲:“我就餐,你们搞一、两条小鲫鱼煮点面条或炒碗鸡蛋饭,我最爱吃!”杜县长言出... 领导下乡,就餐吃什么?自带干粮,不现实;到机关食堂排队买饭吃,行不通;吃四菜一汤的客饭,容易走样.到底应该怎么办?浠水县县长杜章均同志下乡,首先就跟基层讲:“我就餐,你们搞一、两条小鲫鱼煮点面条或炒碗鸡蛋饭,我最爱吃!”杜县长言出必行.笔者曾多次随杜县长在基层就餐,吃的都是这种“水陆饭”——煮面条和炒干饭.杜县长吃“水陆饭”事虽小,但意义和作用不可低估.首先,基层普遍反映,这种伙食办起来挺容易,挺经济。 展开更多
关键词 小鲫鱼 长言 炒干 浠水县 县委办公室 王宇明 三条
作者 王正明 《丽水学院学报》 1989年第1期1-5,22,共6页
关键词 《广韵》 高诱注 周祖谟 古今学者 长言 小雅 叔于田 颜氏家训 世室 汉魏六朝
作者 张文生 《渤海大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 1982年第4期61-65,共5页
李贺(790——816),字长吉,河南福昌(今河南宜阳县)人,是我国唐代中期杰出的青年诗人。他一生不得志,只活了二十七岁。但在短促的一生中,却写作了不少独具特色的诗篇。《新唐书》本传说他“辞尚奇诡,所得皆警迈,绝去翰墨畦径,当时无能效... 李贺(790——816),字长吉,河南福昌(今河南宜阳县)人,是我国唐代中期杰出的青年诗人。他一生不得志,只活了二十七岁。但在短促的一生中,却写作了不少独具特色的诗篇。《新唐书》本传说他“辞尚奇诡,所得皆警迈,绝去翰墨畦径,当时无能效者。”《沧浪诗话》说:“长言之瑰诡,天地间自欠此体不得”。 展开更多
关键词 李贺诗歌 青年诗人 《沧浪诗话》 唐代中期 《新唐书》 长吉 金铜仙人辞汉歌 长言 瓦棺篆鼎 宜阳县
作者 赵纯伟 《鞍山师范学院学报》 1991年第1期43-45,共3页
诗歌、音乐、舞蹈在古代是三位一体的综合性艺术.《墨子·公孟》篇说:“诵诗三百,弦诗三百,歌诗三百,舞诗三百.”诗可诵、可弦、可歌、可舞.诗、乐、舞三者的性质及其关系是:故歌之为言也,长言之也.说之故言之,言之不足故长言之,长... 诗歌、音乐、舞蹈在古代是三位一体的综合性艺术.《墨子·公孟》篇说:“诵诗三百,弦诗三百,歌诗三百,舞诗三百.”诗可诵、可弦、可歌、可舞.诗、乐、舞三者的性质及其关系是:故歌之为言也,长言之也.说之故言之,言之不足故长言之,长言之不足故嗟叹之,嗟叹之不足,故不知手之舞之,足之蹈之也.《礼记·乐记·师乙》诗者,志之所之也,在心为志,发言为诗.情动于中而形于言,言之不足故嗟叹之,嗟叹之不足故咏歌之;咏歌之不足,不知手之舞之、足之蹈之也.《毛诗正义·诗大序》 展开更多
关键词 诗三百 诗大序 长言 志之所之 在心为志 发言为诗 简兮 武王 万舞 内心生活
作者 方雪松 《安庆师范学院学报(社会科学版)》 1993年第3期41-45,共5页
词发展到宋代便已繁荣昌盛。名家迭出,佳制纷呈;传之苏辛,词已非复“诗之余”,内容广阔,举凡国事、家事、情事,均可囊括;且博采文、赋、诗的写作技法,使词在艺术上更臻精妙。本文从对具体作品的把握入手,择要对宋词的创作技法,进行一点... 词发展到宋代便已繁荣昌盛。名家迭出,佳制纷呈;传之苏辛,词已非复“诗之余”,内容广阔,举凡国事、家事、情事,均可囊括;且博采文、赋、诗的写作技法,使词在艺术上更臻精妙。本文从对具体作品的把握入手,择要对宋词的创作技法,进行一点探索和归纳。一、曼声之法“曼声”是一种反复回荡的表情达意法。作者胸中蟠结的缠绵悱恻、回肠荡气的情感,或者种种甜酸苦辣的情绪,如网膜似的纠结交织,在长言咏叹之中,借动作、景物等客观描写,曲折宛转地表现出来。作者虽不言一“情”字,但作品无一字不含情,无一景不有情,所谓不言情而处处皆情,无我之境皆着我之色,只不过作家将强烈的情感隐藏在貌似冷静的笔触之中罢了。这种曼声表情法的结果,使作品感情回旋起伏,情、景相互交融。 展开更多
关键词 表情法 客观描写 无我之境 张炎 长言 创作技法 周邦彦 离思 瑞鹤仙 离人
Pacing and predictors of performance during cross-country skiing races:A systematic review 被引量:8
作者 Thomas Stogg Barbara Pellegrini Hans-Christer Holmberg 《Journal of Sport and Health Science》 SCIE 2018年第4期381-393,共13页
Background: Cross-country skiing (XCS) racing, a popular international winter sport, is complex and challenging from physical, technical, and tactical perspectives. Despite the vast amount of research focusing on t... Background: Cross-country skiing (XCS) racing, a popular international winter sport, is complex and challenging from physical, technical, and tactical perspectives. Despite the vast amount of research focusing on this sport, no review has yet addressed the pacing strategies of elite XCS racers or the factors that influence their performance. The aim was to review the scientific literature in an attempt to determine the effects of pacing strategy on the performance of elite XCS racers. Methods: Four electronic databases were searched using relevant subject headings and keywords. Only original research articles published in peerreviewed journals and the English language and addressing performance, biomechanics, physiology, and anthropometry of XCS racers were reviewed. Results: All 27 included articles applied correlative designs to study the effectiveness of different pacing strategies. None of the articles involved the use of an experimental design. Furthermore, potential changes in external conditions (e.g.,weather, ski properties) were not taken into consideration. A comparable number of studies focused on the skating or classical technique. In most cases, positive pacing was observed, with certain indications that higher-level athletes and those with more endurance and strength utilized a more even pacing strategy. The ability to achieve and maintain a long cycle length on all types of terrain was an important determinant of performance in all of the included studies, which was not the case for cycle rate. In general, uphill performance was closely related to overall race performance, with uphill performance being most closely correlated to the success of female skiers and performance on flat terrain being more important for male skiers. Moreover, pacing was coupled to the selection and distribution of technique during a race, with faster skiers employing more double poling and kick double poling, less diagonal stride, and more V2 (double dance) than V1 (single dance) skating across a race. Conclusion: We propose that skiers at all levels can improve their performance with more specific training in techniques (i.e., maintaining long cycles without compromising cycle rate and selecting appropriate techniques) in combination with training for endurance and more strength. Furthermore, we would advise less experienced skiers and/or those with lower levels of performance to apply a more even pacing strategy rather than a positive one (i.e., starting the race too fast).2018 Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of Shanghai University of Sport. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license. (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/). 展开更多
关键词 Classic style Competition Cycle characteristics Positive pacing SKATING
Prediction of Canola Seed Longevity in the Drying Process
作者 Armando Kazuo Fujii Jose Tadeu Jorge Juliana Aparecida Fracarolli 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(B)》 2017年第5期326-331,共6页
The probit analysis has been an important tool to predict seed longevity during storage and has been applied for seed drying simulation. Sealed aluminum pouches containing approximately 50 g of canola seed at moisture... The probit analysis has been an important tool to predict seed longevity during storage and has been applied for seed drying simulation. Sealed aluminum pouches containing approximately 50 g of canola seed at moisture range of 7% to 21% of water content web basis (%) were conditioned in water-bath at 50, 60 and 70℃ to obtain the model to evaluate the reduction of canola seed germination. This model was included in the drying simulation program and the estimated germination was compared to the experimental values of germination during drying to validate the model. Canola seeds at 21% of moisture content and germination of 93% were dried at 51℃ and 61 ℃, and the model represented significantly the drying experiments. The aim of this study was to propose a germination model to evaluate the quality of canola seeds during the drying process and to offer the seed producers an important tool to control the drying process. The experimental data validated the objectives of the proposed drying model, optimizing the process at given conditions, managing the energy consumption, according to the minimum germination or maximum moisture content limitation for seed storage. For 51℃, the drying time for canola seed would be about 6 h to maintain germination above 90% and for 61℃, 4 h of drying time maintained germination up to 89%. 展开更多
关键词 RAPESEED seed drying simulation quality parameter estimation germination.
Developing EFL Students' Comprehension and Improving Writing Through Presentations: Success in the UAE
作者 Laila S. Dahan 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2014年第7期512-518,共7页
In today's globalized world with English as the lingua franca, many countries, including the United Arab Emirates (UAE), are focusing on English as a medium of instruction (EMI). Due to the many expatriates resid... In today's globalized world with English as the lingua franca, many countries, including the United Arab Emirates (UAE), are focusing on English as a medium of instruction (EMI). Due to the many expatriates resident in the UAE English has become the main language of business, industry, and higher education. This paper looks at one of those English medium universities with an American curriculum. Since most American curriculums require substantial amounts of writing, it is important that students become competent at writing in their second language at this particular institution. This paper discusses how a novel assignment, allowing English as a foreign language (EFL) students to present readings in the classroom at an EMI university in the UAE, has helped them become both better readers and writers. Since the majority of the students are native speakers of Arabic, the project was designed with their oral traditions and proficiency in mind. 展开更多
关键词 reading comprehension presentation skills improving writing
The Realization of Politeness Strategies in Children's Refusal: A Case Study of Parents' Educational Background on Children's Utterances
作者 Chusni Hadiati 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2013年第2期137-146,共10页
Language as a means of communication is represented in two basic forms, written and spoken. Spoken is the first form mastered by language speaker, particularly children. Speech community consists of adult and children... Language as a means of communication is represented in two basic forms, written and spoken. Spoken is the first form mastered by language speaker, particularly children. Speech community consists of adult and children. In producing their utterance, children are supposed to be affected by their parents. As a result of different educational background of their parents, children may produce different utterances including refusal. Children from different parents' educational background vary their refusal. The tendency that the higher parents' educational background will result the more polite refusal produced by children is not proved. 展开更多
关键词 politeness strategy CONTEXT utterances REFUSAL CHILDREN educational background
The Applicability in Selection of American sitcoms as Materials for Teaching English listening and speaking
作者 Sun Quan 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2016年第1期26-28,共3页
English Sitcoms are widely welcomed by teachers and students, but it has been debatable whether they are suitable for teaching material in English teaching. Though in these sitcoms spoken English with full-filled humo... English Sitcoms are widely welcomed by teachers and students, but it has been debatable whether they are suitable for teaching material in English teaching. Though in these sitcoms spoken English with full-filled humor is the main feature, there is still a long distance between real and Actors' lines. Through English spoken feature, we take American popular long sitcom "Friends" and "Big Bang" as the example, combined the analysis of real spoken language in the sitcom in order to dig out the suitability when we need to select appropriate teaching material. 展开更多
关键词 APPLICABILITY American sitcom
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