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作者 王先霈 《三峡大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 2001年第1期25-28,共4页
关键词 音情 沉郁 清壮 顿挫
作者 李荀华 《中国韵文学刊》 2007年第4期8-14,共7页
韵,是诗歌区别于其它文学体裁的重要标志。因此,对始初诗歌的确定和以后文学体裁的分类都以此作为依据。在此前提下学界论证了人类最早的文学形式是诗歌,汉民族第一部诗歌选集是《诗经》。《诗经》韵式灵活自由,不拘一格,它有五种主要... 韵,是诗歌区别于其它文学体裁的重要标志。因此,对始初诗歌的确定和以后文学体裁的分类都以此作为依据。在此前提下学界论证了人类最早的文学形式是诗歌,汉民族第一部诗歌选集是《诗经》。《诗经》韵式灵活自由,不拘一格,它有五种主要韵式——富韵式、密韵式、中韵式、疏韵式、易韵式。陈第说:"毛诗之韵,动于天机,不费雕刻,难与后世同日而论矣。"(《毛诗古音考》)不同的韵式有不同的存在状态,不同的存在状态有不同的韵律效应,以及不同的韵律效应所揭示的美学意义。 展开更多
关键词 诗经 韵律 音情
音情之悲与词体之尊——李清照《词论》新探 被引量:10
作者 彭玉平 《中山大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2007年第3期24-30,共7页
李清照《词论》梳理词史,从本质上说,并非要做一种文学史层面的学术考察,而是为她提出词“别是一家”的尊体观念蓄势。音律问题只是李清照勘察唐五代北宋词史的学术基础,而在音乐和歌词中抒发悲哀情感和张扬凄美意识,才是李清照心目中... 李清照《词论》梳理词史,从本质上说,并非要做一种文学史层面的学术考察,而是为她提出词“别是一家”的尊体观念蓄势。音律问题只是李清照勘察唐五代北宋词史的学术基础,而在音乐和歌词中抒发悲哀情感和张扬凄美意识,才是李清照心目中的填词高境,而李清照自己的词也是以带有文人气质的悲音悲情和深意远韵为主导的,以此可见李清照理论与创作的一致性。李清照强烈的女性意识和尊体观念,决定了她的批评只能是以否定为基本方式。李清照不取传统文学批评“摘句”的批评模式,而注重在清理词史的过程中来论定词人得失,更具理论的涵盖力。她的著述视野既有创作者的理论自审,也有接受者的审美需求和研究者的条贯分析,其中更融入了女性的冷静细密和恢复词体本原之尊的使命意识。 展开更多
关键词 李清照 词论 词史 别是一家 尊体 女性意识
出伊甸园长路漫漫 跨四十载乡音情浓
作者 汪海涛 《新东方英语(中英文版)》 2008年第4期26-26,共1页
从"Tequila Sunrise"到"Lying Eyes",再到"Hotel California",超级乡村摇滚乐队The Eagles(老鹰乐队)以质朴的歌声写就了流行音乐史上一段不巧的辉煌。在经历了二十几年沉浮之后,乐队推出了新专辑——Lon... 从"Tequila Sunrise"到"Lying Eyes",再到"Hotel California",超级乡村摇滚乐队The Eagles(老鹰乐队)以质朴的歌声写就了流行音乐史上一段不巧的辉煌。在经历了二十几年沉浮之后,乐队推出了新专辑——Long Road out of Eden.其保持了Eagles早期的乡村民谣风格,曲曲动听。看来有四十年唱龄的老鹰,风采依旧。这里选择了一首柔情似水的"Do Something"与大家分享。 展开更多
关键词 伊甸园 长路 努力 音情 还没有 放弃 结束 狂颠 信仰 流浪
借歌抒怀 音情并茂——读刘禹锡三首听歌七绝
作者 周懋昌 《文史知识》 北大核心 1994年第7期55-58,共4页
曾随织女渡天河,记得云间第一歌。休唱贞元供奉曲,当年朝士已无多。——听归宫中乐人穆氏唱歌二十余年别帝京,重闻天乐不胜情,旧人唯有何戡在,更与殷勤唱《渭城》。——与歌者何戡唱得《凉州》意外声,旧人唯有米嘉荣。近来时世轻先辈,... 曾随织女渡天河,记得云间第一歌。休唱贞元供奉曲,当年朝士已无多。——听归宫中乐人穆氏唱歌二十余年别帝京,重闻天乐不胜情,旧人唯有何戡在,更与殷勤唱《渭城》。——与歌者何戡唱得《凉州》意外声,旧人唯有米嘉荣。近来时世轻先辈,好染髭须事后生。 展开更多
关键词 刘禹锡 天乐 永贞革新 七绝 音情 贞元 意外 云间 凉州 乐人
声与音融 情与音和——谈演唱中的声音及情感定位 被引量:1
作者 孙芳 《黄河之声》 2008年第23期118-119,共2页
人类精神生活中最为重要的莫过于传递彼此之间的情感,自古人们表情达意的方式也是多种多样,有语言表达、有肢体表述还有书信传情,更有一种美妙的表达方式使人们倍感亲切,这即是以歌唱的方式来表现内心世界千变万化的各种情感。音乐能够... 人类精神生活中最为重要的莫过于传递彼此之间的情感,自古人们表情达意的方式也是多种多样,有语言表达、有肢体表述还有书信传情,更有一种美妙的表达方式使人们倍感亲切,这即是以歌唱的方式来表现内心世界千变万化的各种情感。音乐能够使人得到心灵的净化,而声乐艺术则更加能够突出人类声音所独具的音乐魅力。 展开更多
关键词 声乐艺术 传承者 浪漫曲赏析 声与
作者 孙芳 《黄河之声》 2007年第17期36-37,共2页
关键词 声乐艺术 传承者 浪漫曲赏析 声与
《指环王》主题音乐分析 被引量:4
作者 姚琦 《电影评介》 北大核心 2006年第24期30-32,共3页
关键词 主题 音情结合 声声结合 画织体
Research on Multi-modal In-Vehicle Intelligent Personal Assistant Design
作者 WANG Jia-rou TANG Cheng-xin SHUAI Liang-ying 《印刷与数字媒体技术研究》 CAS 北大核心 2024年第4期136-146,共11页
Intelligent personal assistants play a pivotal role in in-vehicle systems,significantly enhancing life efficiency,driving safety,and decision-making support.In this study,the multi-modal design elements of intelligent... Intelligent personal assistants play a pivotal role in in-vehicle systems,significantly enhancing life efficiency,driving safety,and decision-making support.In this study,the multi-modal design elements of intelligent personal assistants within the context of visual,auditory,and somatosensory interactions with drivers were discussed.Their impact on the driver’s psychological state through various modes such as visual imagery,voice interaction,and gesture interaction were explored.The study also introduced innovative designs for in-vehicle intelligent personal assistants,incorporating design principles such as driver-centricity,prioritizing passenger safety,and utilizing timely feedback as a criterion.Additionally,the study employed design methods like driver behavior research and driving situation analysis to enhance the emotional connection between drivers and their vehicles,ultimately improving driver satisfaction and trust. 展开更多
关键词 Intelligent personal assistants Multi-modal design User psychology In-vehicle interaction Voice interaction Emotional design
作者 颜昌均 《建设科技(重庆)》 2000年第2期7-7,16,共2页
关键词 锻工 音情 职业病 锻工车间 噪声治理 预防 病例
作者 邓永旺 曾祖标 梁柱 《广播歌选》 2011年第1期72-72,共1页
关键词 音情 民歌 蜂舞 茶花 红山 采茶 种茶 下川
论声乐演唱中的“声”与“情” 被引量:7
作者 刘越洋 《北方音乐》 2011年第7期13-14,共2页
声乐演唱是表现艺术范围的一种呈现,声乐演唱中语言情感艺术完美的体现则在于艺术魅力与美感效应。 声情并茂、以声传情,即用情作为声乐演唱中语言艺术的基础,继而由“声”和“情”的完美结合来表达人们对艺术的审美情感。 在艺术... 声乐演唱是表现艺术范围的一种呈现,声乐演唱中语言情感艺术完美的体现则在于艺术魅力与美感效应。 声情并茂、以声传情,即用情作为声乐演唱中语言艺术的基础,继而由“声”和“情”的完美结合来表达人们对艺术的审美情感。 在艺术表现中,声与情能充分的相互依托,椎l辅相成,才有所谓的“情不真而声不美”,“声不美而情不真”。歌唱的一种自然规律是以情带声,以情唱字,以情行腔。所谓“情”,就是对音乐作品的一种感受和呈现,所谓“声”,就是运用声音的技巧。声乐演唱中应恰当的处理好“声”与“情”在歌唱中的艺术表现力。 本文通过对语言词意的充分分析,情感基调的亲自体验和声乐演唱语言情感的表现进行深层的研究。 声音是感情的载体,感情也是声音的运载体,感情是音乐的灵魂,感情是音乐的生命,因此,感情与声音在表演中相互依存.相辅相成。 展开更多
关键词 并茂 之所至之所生 声乐演唱
探索情境教学 创设高质量课堂教学 被引量:1
作者 郑卫红 《当代教研论丛》 2014年第6期34-34,共1页
高质量课堂教学创设情境教学模式,是依据语文学科的特点及学生心理需要而构建的。语文教材中每篇文章都是作者心底真实感情的倾诉和流露,情境教学模式提供与课文内容相融洽的氛围或场景,把学生带入一种我在情境中,情境就在我眼前的状态... 高质量课堂教学创设情境教学模式,是依据语文学科的特点及学生心理需要而构建的。语文教材中每篇文章都是作者心底真实感情的倾诉和流露,情境教学模式提供与课文内容相融洽的氛围或场景,把学生带入一种我在情境中,情境就在我眼前的状态。我在运用这一教学模式过程中,以"情"为经,将被淡化了的情感、态度重新确定为语文教学的有机组成部分,将学生的兴趣、爱好放在语文教学应有的位置上;以"境"为纬,通过各种生动具体的语言环境的创设,拉近语言学习与学生现实的距离,使死板的语言变成活跃的生活,情感激发与认知活动相结合,收到良好效果。 展开更多
关键词 境教学 入境 以言绘境重形悟境
作者 周春光 《环球市场信息导报(理论)》 2011年第3期93-93,85,共2页
在音乐教育中教师的语言表述是完成教学内容的主要手段。由于音乐的特性,教师的语言艺术是决定教学成功与否的关键。音乐教学要求教师的教学语言要象音乐美一样,字正腔圆、生动形象,音发于情,使学生在教师清晰、准确的讲授之中心灵... 在音乐教育中教师的语言表述是完成教学内容的主要手段。由于音乐的特性,教师的语言艺术是决定教学成功与否的关键。音乐教学要求教师的教学语言要象音乐美一样,字正腔圆、生动形象,音发于情,使学生在教师清晰、准确的讲授之中心灵得到美的陶冶。 展开更多
关键词 基本功 准确 精致 生动形象 发于 声动形态 和谐运用
作者 赵璐 《音乐探索》 2004年第2期20-24,共5页
关键词 《闲偶寄·演习部·调熟字 演唱艺术 吐字方法 民族声乐 字头 字尾 慢曲 快曲
Support vector machines for emotion recognition in Chinese speech 被引量:8
作者 王治平 赵力 邹采荣 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2003年第4期307-310,共4页
Support vector machines (SVMs) are utilized for emotion recognition in Chinese speech in this paper. Both binary class discrimination and the multi class discrimination are discussed. It proves that the emotional fe... Support vector machines (SVMs) are utilized for emotion recognition in Chinese speech in this paper. Both binary class discrimination and the multi class discrimination are discussed. It proves that the emotional features construct a nonlinear problem in the input space, and SVMs based on nonlinear mapping can solve it more effectively than other linear methods. Multi class classification based on SVMs with a soft decision function is constructed to classify the four emotion situations. Compared with principal component analysis (PCA) method and modified PCA method, SVMs perform the best result in multi class discrimination by using nonlinear kernel mapping. 展开更多
关键词 speech signal emotion recognition support vector machines
A novel speech emotion recognition algorithm based on combination of emotion data field and ant colony search strategy 被引量:3
作者 查诚 陶华伟 +3 位作者 张昕然 周琳 赵力 杨平 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2016年第2期158-163,共6页
In order to effectively conduct emotion recognition from spontaneous, non-prototypical and unsegmented speech so as to create a more natural human-machine interaction; a novel speech emotion recognition algorithm base... In order to effectively conduct emotion recognition from spontaneous, non-prototypical and unsegmented speech so as to create a more natural human-machine interaction; a novel speech emotion recognition algorithm based on the combination of the emotional data field (EDF) and the ant colony search (ACS) strategy, called the EDF-ACS algorithm, is proposed. More specifically, the inter- relationship among the turn-based acoustic feature vectors of different labels are established by using the potential function in the EDF. To perform the spontaneous speech emotion recognition, the artificial colony is used to mimic the turn- based acoustic feature vectors. Then, the canonical ACS strategy is used to investigate the movement direction of each artificial ant in the EDF, which is regarded as the emotional label of the corresponding turn-based acoustic feature vector. The proposed EDF-ACS algorithm is evaluated on the continueous audio)'visual emotion challenge (AVEC) 2012 dataset, which contains the spontaneous, non-prototypical and unsegmented speech emotion data. The experimental results show that the proposed EDF-ACS algorithm outperforms the existing state-of-the-art algorithm in turn-based speech emotion recognition. 展开更多
关键词 speech emotion recognition emotional data field ant colony search human-machine interaction
Auditory attention model based on Chirplet for cross-corpus speech emotion recognition 被引量:1
作者 张昕然 宋鹏 +2 位作者 查诚 陶华伟 赵力 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2016年第4期402-407,共6页
To solve the problem of mismatching features in an experimental database, which is a key technique in the field of cross-corpus speech emotion recognition, an auditory attention model based on Chirplet is proposed for... To solve the problem of mismatching features in an experimental database, which is a key technique in the field of cross-corpus speech emotion recognition, an auditory attention model based on Chirplet is proposed for feature extraction.First, in order to extract the spectra features, the auditory attention model is employed for variational emotion features detection. Then, the selective attention mechanism model is proposed to extract the salient gist features which showtheir relation to the expected performance in cross-corpus testing.Furthermore, the Chirplet time-frequency atoms are introduced to the model. By forming a complete atom database, the Chirplet can improve the spectrum feature extraction including the amount of information. Samples from multiple databases have the characteristics of multiple components. Hereby, the Chirplet expands the scale of the feature vector in the timefrequency domain. Experimental results show that, compared to the traditional feature model, the proposed feature extraction approach with the prototypical classifier has significant improvement in cross-corpus speech recognition. In addition, the proposed method has better robustness to the inconsistent sources of the training set and the testing set. 展开更多
关键词 speech emotion recognition selective attention mechanism spectrogram feature cross-corpus
Speech emotion recognition via discriminant-cascading dimensionality reduction 被引量:1
作者 王如刚 徐新洲 +3 位作者 黄程韦 吴尘 张昕然 赵力 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2016年第2期151-157,共7页
In order to accurately identify speech emotion information, the discriminant-cascading effect in dimensionality reduction of speech emotion recognition is investigated. Based on the existing locality preserving projec... In order to accurately identify speech emotion information, the discriminant-cascading effect in dimensionality reduction of speech emotion recognition is investigated. Based on the existing locality preserving projections and graph embedding framework, a novel discriminant-cascading dimensionality reduction method is proposed, which is named discriminant-cascading locality preserving projections (DCLPP). The proposed method specifically utilizes supervised embedding graphs and it keeps the original space for the inner products of samples to maintain enough information for speech emotion recognition. Then, the kernel DCLPP (KDCLPP) is also proposed to extend the mapping form. Validated by the experiments on the corpus of EMO-DB and eNTERFACE'05, the proposed method can clearly outperform the existing common dimensionality reduction methods, such as principal component analysis (PCA), linear discriminant analysis (LDA), locality preserving projections (LPP), local discriminant embedding (LDE), graph-based Fisher analysis (GbFA) and so on, with different categories of classifiers. 展开更多
关键词 speech emotion recognition discriminant-cascading locality preserving projections DISCRIMINANTANALYSIS dimensionality reduction
Speech emotion recognition using semi-supervised discriminant analysis
作者 徐新洲 黄程韦 +2 位作者 金赟 吴尘 赵力 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2014年第1期7-12,共6页
Semi-supervised discriminant analysis SDA which uses a combination of multiple embedding graphs and kernel SDA KSDA are adopted in supervised speech emotion recognition.When the emotional factors of speech signal samp... Semi-supervised discriminant analysis SDA which uses a combination of multiple embedding graphs and kernel SDA KSDA are adopted in supervised speech emotion recognition.When the emotional factors of speech signal samples are preprocessed different categories of features including pitch zero-cross rate energy durance formant and Mel frequency cepstrum coefficient MFCC as well as their statistical parameters are extracted from the utterances of samples.In the dimensionality reduction stage before the feature vectors are sent into classifiers parameter-optimized SDA and KSDA are performed to reduce dimensionality.Experiments on the Berlin speech emotion database show that SDA for supervised speech emotion recognition outperforms some other state-of-the-art dimensionality reduction methods based on spectral graph learning such as linear discriminant analysis LDA locality preserving projections LPP marginal Fisher analysis MFA etc. when multi-class support vector machine SVM classifiers are used.Additionally KSDA can achieve better recognition performance based on kernelized data mapping compared with the above methods including SDA. 展开更多
关键词 speech emotion RECOGNITION speech emotion feature semi-supervised discriminant analysis dimensionality reduction
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