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生后1h内新生儿食道异物1例报告 被引量:2
作者 黄东海 王行炜 《中国耳鼻咽喉颅底外科杂志》 CAS 2003年第5期292-292,共1页
食道异物在成人及儿童多见,但新生儿食道异物罕见且并发症多.该患儿为医源性异物,生后1 h内出现,实不多见,现报道如下,以资借鉴.
关键词 新生儿 食道异物 食道镜检查 异物取出术
老年人食道异物66例临床分析 被引量:7
作者 曹金玲 《河北医药》 CAS 2009年第15期1904-1905,共2页
目的探讨老年人食道异物的临床特点及治疗方法。方法我院1990至2006年收治老年人食道异物66例,按异物种类、停留部位、并发症、麻醉和手术方法等进行回顾性分析。结果66例异物中,鱼骨鱼刺24例,鸡鸭骨18例,猪骨11例,枣核7例,义齿6例。异... 目的探讨老年人食道异物的临床特点及治疗方法。方法我院1990至2006年收治老年人食道异物66例,按异物种类、停留部位、并发症、麻醉和手术方法等进行回顾性分析。结果66例异物中,鱼骨鱼刺24例,鸡鸭骨18例,猪骨11例,枣核7例,义齿6例。异物位于第一狭窄48例,第二狭窄10例,第三狭窄8例。于硬管食道镜下取出64例,颈侧切开取出2例,其中静脉复合全身麻醉42例,表面麻醉取出24例。并发呼吸困难2例,下咽后壁脓肿2例,无严重并发症发生。结论静脉复合全身麻醉下经硬管食道镜取异物是治疗老年人食道异物的主要方式,对难取性尖锐异物应及早采取颈侧切开或开胸途径取出。 展开更多
关键词 老年人 食道 异物 食道镜检查
202例食道异物治疗体会 被引量:1
作者 达木索 措毛 李粉菊 《中国中西医结合耳鼻咽喉科杂志》 1995年第4期187-188,共2页
关键词 食道异物 食道镜检查 麻醉方式 异物取出术
作者 唐壮 尼冬林 唐璇 《实用医学杂志》 CAS 2005年第11期1137-1137,共1页
关键词 逆行食道异物 诊断 食道镜检查 临床分析
作者 刘少英 《江西医学院学报》 1989年第4期45-45,78,共2页
患者男性,57岁,工人。因误吞鸭骨后咽痛一天,来院诊治。经间接喉镜和 X 线检查,诊断为食道异物。曾经有“慢支”史。治疗:当天下午在表麻下行食道镜检异物取出术,术中经过顺利,仅发现食道入口偏右处粘膜充血肿胀。术后患者觉咽痛无明显... 患者男性,57岁,工人。因误吞鸭骨后咽痛一天,来院诊治。经间接喉镜和 X 线检查,诊断为食道异物。曾经有“慢支”史。治疗:当天下午在表麻下行食道镜检异物取出术,术中经过顺利,仅发现食道入口偏右处粘膜充血肿胀。术后患者觉咽痛无明显改善,故住院观察,并补液,抗炎治疗。旋后患者突然气逼不能平卧,阵发性咳喇,咳白色泡沫血丝样痰。听诊右肺呼吸音明显减弱。 展开更多
关键词 食道镜检查 急性肺不张 并发症 食道异物
作者 鄢存坤 《中国临床医生杂志》 1993年第7期45-46,共2页
我科1989年4月至1992年4月保守治疗食道穿孔19例,疗效较好,现报告如下。 1 资料与方法 1.1 一般资料 19例中,男8例,女11例。年龄13~78岁,14岁以下2例,60岁以上5例。农民14例,学生3例,居民2例。19例颈段食道穿孔都为异物所致,以骨性异... 我科1989年4月至1992年4月保守治疗食道穿孔19例,疗效较好,现报告如下。 1 资料与方法 1.1 一般资料 19例中,男8例,女11例。年龄13~78岁,14岁以下2例,60岁以上5例。农民14例,学生3例,居民2例。19例颈段食道穿孔都为异物所致,以骨性异物居多。19例中食道入口穿孔7例。 展开更多
关键词 食道穿孔 颈段 食道镜检查 手术修补 胸段 大剂量抗生素 静脉内高营养 灭滴灵 硅胶管 吞咽困难
作者 高飞 《黑龙江科技信息》 2010年第6期191-191,共1页
关键词 食道异物 食道镜检查 护理
作者 蒋友荣 《浙江实用医学》 2001年第4期55-55,共1页
关键词 食道异物 耳鼻咽喉科 食道镜检查
作者 张其俊 胡顺临 《福建医药杂志》 CAS 1991年第5期63-63,共1页
延髓后外侧综合征临床上颇为罕见。该综合征可因出现声音嘶哑(声嘶)、吞咽困难等症状而被误诊为喉科疾病。现将1例报告于下。患者男,56岁。于入院前1个月无明显诱因突然出现声嘶,吞咽困难及咽疼痛等症状。发病1个月以来只能进食流质。体... 延髓后外侧综合征临床上颇为罕见。该综合征可因出现声音嘶哑(声嘶)、吞咽困难等症状而被误诊为喉科疾病。现将1例报告于下。患者男,56岁。于入院前1个月无明显诱因突然出现声嘶,吞咽困难及咽疼痛等症状。发病1个月以来只能进食流质。体检:声嘎,构词不清,呈开放性鼻音。 展开更多
关键词 吞咽困难 开放性鼻音 喉科 会厌谷 梨状窝 入气管 食道镜检查 食道吞钡检查 咽反射 颅神经麻痹
作者 杨准 梅栩彬 +1 位作者 金铮 李慧成 《中原医刊》 2005年第21期60-60,共1页
关键词 杓状软骨拨动术 环杓关节脱位 杓状软骨拔动术 食道镜检查 麻醉插管 效果满意
作者 冯永刚 李晓丽 韩春山 《中国实验诊断学》 2015年第5期852-852,共1页
食管癌是胸外科主要的常见病之一,其中颈段食管癌是食管外科领域中比较重要的课题,颈段食管癌的手术比中下段食管癌手术更为复杂、创伤大,预后差,术后生存时间短,因此该课题的研究更为重要,手术方式也需进一步改进,术后的放化疗效果也... 食管癌是胸外科主要的常见病之一,其中颈段食管癌是食管外科领域中比较重要的课题,颈段食管癌的手术比中下段食管癌手术更为复杂、创伤大,预后差,术后生存时间短,因此该课题的研究更为重要,手术方式也需进一步改进,术后的放化疗效果也不理想。 展开更多
关键词 颈段食管癌 食管鳞状细胞癌 食道镜检查 术后生存时间 胸外科 预后差 晚期食管癌 化疗效果 临床资料 出院后随访
作者 唐秀华 《临床医药实践》 2009年第9X期712-713,共2页
关键词 食管异物 食道异物 防范措施 基础疾病 喉科 食道穿孔 食道镜手术 管饲 食道镜检查 护理人员
作者 梅俊武 《实用老年医学》 CAS 1991年第2期97-97,共1页
Diemlafoy 胃溃疡是血管性的发育异常,平均发病年龄50岁,本文报道了2名老年男性的胃肠道出血,认为老人有不明原因的上消化道出血者应考虑此病,病变局限在食道胃连接处和胃的前壁上,食道镜检查其病损表现为2~5mm 的表浅侵蚀,周围伴有正... Diemlafoy 胃溃疡是血管性的发育异常,平均发病年龄50岁,本文报道了2名老年男性的胃肠道出血,认为老人有不明原因的上消化道出血者应考虑此病,病变局限在食道胃连接处和胃的前壁上,食道镜检查其病损表现为2~5mm 的表浅侵蚀,周围伴有正常粘膜。 展开更多
关键词 并发肺炎 食道镜检查 正常粘膜 消化道出血者 发育异常 发病年龄 外科手术 活动性出血
作者 李宏 《农村百事通》 2017年第7期59-59,共1页
或许你会发现这样的现象,在某些家庭中有一人患癌症,其他家庭成员可能同样患有这样的癌症,医学上将其称作为“家庭癌”。但“家庭癌”到底是怎么一回事呢?癌症真的会传染吗?有关肿瘤流行病学研究资料表明,这种“家庭癌”既可以同时发... 或许你会发现这样的现象,在某些家庭中有一人患癌症,其他家庭成员可能同样患有这样的癌症,医学上将其称作为“家庭癌”。但“家庭癌”到底是怎么一回事呢?癌症真的会传染吗?有关肿瘤流行病学研究资料表明,这种“家庭癌”既可以同时发生,也可先后出现,其患癌部位可以相同,也可先后出现,其患癌部位可以相同,也可不相同。 展开更多
关键词 肿瘤流行病学 食道镜检查 生活习惯 胸部不适 饮食习惯 消化道癌 高脂肪膳食 致癌因素 乙肝病毒 食物纤维
Usefulness of biodegradable stents constructed of poly-l-lactic acid monofilaments in patients with benign esophageal stenosis 被引量:30
作者 Yasuharu Saito Toyohiko Tanaka +6 位作者 Akira Andoh Hideki Minematsu Kazunori Hata Tomoyuki Tsujikawa Norihisa Nitta Kiyoshi Murata Yoshihide Fujiyama 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第29期3977-3980,共4页
AIM: To report 13 patients with benign esophagea stenosis treated with the biodegradable stent. METHODS: We developed a Ultraflex-type stent by knitting poly-/-lactic acid rnonofilaments. RESULTS: Two cases were es... AIM: To report 13 patients with benign esophagea stenosis treated with the biodegradable stent. METHODS: We developed a Ultraflex-type stent by knitting poly-/-lactic acid rnonofilaments. RESULTS: Two cases were esophageal stenosis caused by drinking of caustic liquid, 4 cases were due to surgical resection of esophageal cancers, and 7 cases were patients with esophageal cancer who received the preventive placement of biodegradable stents for postendoscopic mucosal dissection (ESD) stenosis. The preventive placement was performed within 2 to 3 d after ESD. In 10 of the 13 cases, spontaneous migration of the stents occurred between 10 to 21 d after placement. In these cases, the migrated stents were excreted with the feces, and no obstructive complications were experienced. In 3 cases, the stents remained at the proper location on d 21 after placement. No symptoms of re-stenosis were observed within the follow-up period of 7 mo to 2 years. Further treatment with balloon dilatation or replacement of the biodegradable stent was not required. CONCLUSION: Biodegradable stents were useful for the treatment of benign esophageal stenosis, particularly for the prevention of post-ESD stenosis. 展开更多
关键词 STENTS Esophageal cancer Endoscopic submucosal dissection
A new approach to endoscopic treatment of tumors of the esophagogastric junction with individually designed self-expanding metal stents 被引量:1
作者 Serhat Aymaz Arno J Dormann 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第24期3919-3921,共3页
The incidence of adenocarcinoma of the esophago-gastric junction is constantly increasing. Curative treatment is no longer possible at the time of diagnosis in more than 50% of patients with esophageal carcinoma,and p... The incidence of adenocarcinoma of the esophago-gastric junction is constantly increasing. Curative treatment is no longer possible at the time of diagnosis in more than 50% of patients with esophageal carcinoma,and palliative treatment focusing on eliminating dysphagia is required. Endoscopic therapy with stent implantation is an established method of achieving this. It can be carried out quickly,with a low rate of early complications,and leads to fast symptomatic improvement,assessed using the dysphagia score. The relatively high rate of late complications such as stent migration,hemorrhage,and gastroesophageal mucosal prolapse has led to recent debate on the role of metal stents in palliative therapy. We present here a new type of stent design for transcardial application,which is intended to prevent bleeding due to mechanical mucosal lesions caused by the distal end of the stent extending into the stomach. The further intention of this case report is to force the discussion on individually designed nitinol stents in special anatomic conditions. 展开更多
关键词 Esophagus cancer TREATMENT Palliativetherapy Endoscopic therapy STENT Cardiac cancer
Candida esophagitis:Risk factors in non-HIV population in Pakistan 被引量:2
作者 Javed Yakoob Wasim Jafri +5 位作者 Shahab Abid Nadeem Jafri Muhammad Islam Saeed Hamid Hasnain A Shah Akbar S Hussainy 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2003年第10期2328-2331,共4页
AIM:Candida esophagitis is a frequent infection in immunocompromised patients. This study was designed to determine its characteristics in non- human immune deficiency virus (HIV) infected patients attending a teachin... AIM:Candida esophagitis is a frequent infection in immunocompromised patients. This study was designed to determine its characteristics in non- human immune deficiency virus (HIV) infected patients attending a teaching hospital.METHODS: Clinical records of all patients coded by international classification of diseases 9th revision with clinical modifications'(ICD-9-CM), with candida esophagitis diagnosed by esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD) and histopathology over a period of 5 years were studied.RESULTS: Fifty-one patients (27 males, 24 females, range 21-77 years old and mean age 52.9 years) fulfilled the criteria (0.34% of the EGD). The common predisposing factors were carcinoma (OR 3.87, CI 1.00-14.99) and diabetes mellitus (OR 4.39, CI 1.34-14.42). The frequent clinical symptoms were retrosternal discomfort, dysphagia and epigastric abdominal pain with endoscopic appearance of scattered mucosal plaques. Another endoscopic lesion was associated with candida esophagitis in 15% patients.CONCLUSION: Carcinomas, diabetes mellitus, corticosteroid and antibiotic therapy are major risk factors for candida esophagitis in Pakistan. It is an easily managed complication that responds to treatment with nystatin. 展开更多
关键词 Adult Aged CANDIDIASIS Endoscopy ESOPHAGITIS Female HIV Infections Hepatitis B Hepatitis C Humans HYPERPLASIA Incidence Lymphocyte Count Male Middle Aged NEUTROPHILS Pakistan Risk Factors
Acute esophageal necrosis and liver pathology,a rare combination 被引量:1
作者 AmirMaqbulKhan RangitHundal +2 位作者 VijayaRamaswamy MarkKorsten SunilDhuper 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2004年第16期2457-2458,共2页
Acute esophageal necrosis (AEN) or 'black esophagus' is a clinical condition found at endoscopy. It is a rare entity the exact etiology of which remains unknown. We describe a case of 'black esophagus'... Acute esophageal necrosis (AEN) or 'black esophagus' is a clinical condition found at endoscopy. It is a rare entity the exact etiology of which remains unknown. We describe a case of 'black esophagus', first of its kind, in the setting of liver cirrhosis and hepatic encephalopathy. 展开更多
关键词 Diagnosis Differential Esophageal Diseases ESOPHAGUS Hepatic Encephalopathy Humans Liver Liver Diseases MALE Middle Aged NECROSIS
Simplified criteria for diagnosing superficial esophageal squamous neoplasms using Narrow Band Imaging magnifying endoscopy 被引量:10
作者 Akira Dobashi Kenichi Goda +7 位作者 Noboru Yoshimura Tomohiko R Ohya Masayuki Kato Kazuki Sumiyama Masato Matsushima Shinichi Hirooka Masahiro Ikegami Hisao Tajiri 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS 2016年第41期9196-9204,共9页
AIM To simplify the diagnostic criteria for superficial esophageal squamous cell carcinoma(SESCC) on Narrow Band Imaging combined with magnifying endoscopy(NBI-ME).METHODS This study was based on the post-hoc analysis... AIM To simplify the diagnostic criteria for superficial esophageal squamous cell carcinoma(SESCC) on Narrow Band Imaging combined with magnifying endoscopy(NBI-ME).METHODS This study was based on the post-hoc analysis of a randomized controlled trial. We performed NBI-ME for 147 patients with present or a history of squamous cell carcinoma in the head and neck, or esophagus between January 2009 and June 2011. Two expert endoscopistsdetected 89 lesions that were suspicious for SESCC lesions, which had been prospectively evaluated for the following 6 NBI-ME findings in real time: "intervascular background coloration"; "proliferation of intrapapillary capillary loops(IPCL)"; and "dilation", "tortuosity", "change in caliber", and "various shapes(VS)" of IPCLs(i.e., Inoue's tetrad criteria). The histologic examination of specimens was defined as the gold standard for diagnosis. A stepwise logistic regression analysis was used to identify candidates for the simplified criteria from among the 6 NBI-ME findings for diagnosing SESCCs. We evaluated diagnostic performance of the simplified criteria compared with that of Inoue's criteria.RESULTS Fifty-four lesions(65%) were histologically diagnosed as SESCCs and the others as low-grade intraepithelial neoplasia or inflammation. In the univariate analysis, proliferation, tortuosity, change in caliber, and VS were significantly associated with SESCC(P < 0.01). The combination of VS and proliferation was statistically extracted from the 6 NBI-ME findings by using the stepwise logistic regression model. We defined the combination of VS and proliferation as simplified dyad criteria for SESCC. The areas under the curve of the simplified dyad criteria and Inoue's tetrad criteria were 0.70 and 0.73, respectively. No significant difference was shown between them. The sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy of diagnosis for SESCC were 77.8%, 57.1%, 69.7% and 51.9%, 80.0%, 62.9% for the simplified dyad criteria and Inoue's tetrad criteria, respectively.CONCLUSION The combination of proliferation and VS may serve as simplified criteria for the diagnosis of SESCC using NBIME. 展开更多
关键词 Simplified criteria Narrow Band Imaging Magnifying endoscopy Esophageal cancer Squamous cell carcinoma Endoscopic diagnosis Classification Superficial squamous cell carcinoma Stepwise logistic regression analysis
Barrett's oesophagus: Current controversies
作者 chidi amadi piers gatenby 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS 2017年第28期5051-5067,共17页
Oesophageal adenocarcinoma is rapidly increasing in Western countries. This tumour frequently presents late in its course with metastatic disease and has a very poor prognosis. Barrett's oesophagus is an acquired ... Oesophageal adenocarcinoma is rapidly increasing in Western countries. This tumour frequently presents late in its course with metastatic disease and has a very poor prognosis. Barrett's oesophagus is an acquired condition whereby the native squamous mucosa of the lower oesophagus is replaced by columnar epithelium following prolonged gastro-oesophageal reflux and is the recognised precursor lesion for oesophageal adenocarcinoma. There are multiple national and society guidelines regarding screening,surveillance and management of Barrett's oesophagus,however all are limited regarding a clear evidence base for a well-demonstrated benefit and cost-effectiveness of surveillance,and robust risk stratification for patients to best use resources. Currently the accepted risk factors upon which surveillance intervals and interventions are based are Barrett's segment length and histological interpretation of the systematic biopsies. Further patient risk factors including other demographic features,smoking,gender,obesity,ethnicity,patient age,biomarkers and endoscopic adjuncts remain under consideration and are discussed in full. Recent evidence has been published to support earlier endoscopic intervention by means of ablation of the metaplastic Barrett's segment when the earliest signs of dysplasia are detected. Further work should concentrate on establishing better risk stratification and primary and secondary preventative strategies to reduce the risk of adenocarcinoma of the oesophagus. 展开更多
关键词 Barrett’s oesophagus GASTROENTEROLOGY ENDOSCOPY Oesophageal adenocarcinoma DYSPLASIA
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