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Stylistic Analysis of Ezra Pound's Cathay
作者 梁春丽 《海外英语》 2014年第22期195-197,共3页
Cathay by Ezra Pound is the masterpiece in modern poetry in the West,and it contains nineteen Chinese poems.Based on literary stylistic theory,Pound’s translation style in Cathay is analyzed from lexical categories,a... Cathay by Ezra Pound is the masterpiece in modern poetry in the West,and it contains nineteen Chinese poems.Based on literary stylistic theory,Pound’s translation style in Cathay is analyzed from lexical categories,aspects of syntax and figures of speech etc.It is found that the vocabulary and sentences in Cathay are very simple and brief,and the language is rich of images,which is the exact reflection of Pound’s idea of Imagism. 展开更多
The Function of Colour in Ezra Pound's Imagist Poetry
作者 于质洁 《海外英语》 2012年第14期196-197,共2页
This paper is to explore the function of colour in Ezra Pound's Imagist poetry.As the position of image in poetry is raised,colour,as a part making up image,play a much more positive role in Pound's Imagist po... This paper is to explore the function of colour in Ezra Pound's Imagist poetry.As the position of image in poetry is raised,colour,as a part making up image,play a much more positive role in Pound's Imagist poems by defining the image to be more concrete and definite and reinforcing the theme directly.Pound's Imagist poetry includes his typical short Imagist poems and his poems in Cathay. 展开更多
Yijing and Sense-Grammar as Possible Fields for Innovation of Modern English-Language Poetry,with Discussions on the Influence of Chinese Poetry on Ezra Pound and Imagism
作者 黎志敏 《英美文学研究论丛》 CSSCI 2018年第1期172-190,共19页
尽管庞德和他的同伴们从中国传统诗歌中学到了不少东西,并且因此推动英语诗歌取得了巨大的创新成就,他们还是忽视了中国诗学中的许多精华,这限制了他们在创新方面的进一步发展。中国传统诗学中极有可能进一步推动英语诗歌发展的两个概... 尽管庞德和他的同伴们从中国传统诗歌中学到了不少东西,并且因此推动英语诗歌取得了巨大的创新成就,他们还是忽视了中国诗学中的许多精华,这限制了他们在创新方面的进一步发展。中国传统诗学中极有可能进一步推动英语诗歌发展的两个概念是:"意境"与"会意语法"。"意境"乃是由一群巧妙构思的意象所构成的一种五维诗意世界,而不是单个意象或者几个叠置意象,也不是几个按照时间顺序松散连接的意象。"会意语法"所反映的是人们在日常生活以及常识的基础上所形成的一种超越语法局限的对语言的理解能力。"会意语法"是创作好诗的关键所在,尤其是创作有深厚蕴涵的意境的诗歌的关键所在。 展开更多
关键词 中国诗歌与诗学 庞德 意境 会意语法
From the Poem ‘Blue,blue is the Grass’ to Explore the impact of Chinese Classical Poetry on Ezra Pound
作者 王新 《科技信息》 2011年第12期181-182,共2页
Blue,blue is the grass,Ezra Pound's version of a classical Chinese poetry,has enjoyed great popularity in the English reading public since its coming out in 1915.Through his translation Pound brought freshness int... Blue,blue is the grass,Ezra Pound's version of a classical Chinese poetry,has enjoyed great popularity in the English reading public since its coming out in 1915.Through his translation Pound brought freshness into English poetry on the one hand,and disseminated Chinese culture on the other.And these verses happened to be a great stimulus as the Renaissance from the Greeks to the imagist poetry movement.This paper aims at a penetrating analysis of the impact of Chinese classical poetry on imagist poet Ezra Pound. 展开更多
关键词 英语 古典 诗歌 中国
Ezra Pound's Conversion to Confucianism 被引量:2
作者 TAN Xiao-cui 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2014年第3期165-173,共9页
关键词 儒家思想 精神生活 基督教 儒学 现代人 社会 道德 自然
意象:Ezra Pound的意象诗与中国古典诗歌的语言比较
作者 庞军 《河池师专学报》 1998年第3期81-82,42,共3页
关键词 ezra POUND 意象诗 中国 古典诗歌 语言 比较 庞德
The Major Western Cultural Influences on the Incubating Process of Ezra Pound's Early Poetics
作者 WEI Shu 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2013年第4期213-223,共11页
关键词 西方文化 早期 孵化过程 现代主义 传统文化 继承传统 象征主义 诗歌
The Travelling Muse Cathay and the Influence of Chinese Classical Poems on Ezra Pound's Poetics*
《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2013年第9期547-552,共6页
关键词 诗歌创作 古典 中国 旅行 地铁车站 浪漫主义 早期 航空
Confucian Thoughts in Ezra Pound's The Pisan Cantos
作者 WANG Gui-ming 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2013年第10期601-610,共10页
关键词 儒家思想 中国文化 西方
作者 姚成贺 崔放 《燕山大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2024年第1期39-46,共8页
庞德《华夏集》中的多数汉诗译作超越了中国本土学者的译作,在美国成为了经典。其汉诗译作最重要的特点便是对原作的解构与重构。通过对庞德译作中解构与重构现象的分析,发现这是庞德个人诗学与社会诗学相结合的过程。同时,一些其他因... 庞德《华夏集》中的多数汉诗译作超越了中国本土学者的译作,在美国成为了经典。其汉诗译作最重要的特点便是对原作的解构与重构。通过对庞德译作中解构与重构现象的分析,发现这是庞德个人诗学与社会诗学相结合的过程。同时,一些其他因素如赞助人也推动了其汉诗译作的经典化。其经典化过程,给当下的翻译活动带来一定的借鉴与启发。 展开更多
关键词 庞德 个人诗学 社会诗学 诗歌翻译
From Luminous Detail to Luminous Debris: Ezra Pound, Gustaf Sobin, and the Modernist Imaginary of Ruins
作者 Patrick Pritchett 《Journal of Foreign Languages and Cultures》 2018年第1期8-20,共13页
关键词 ezra POUND Gustaf Sobin PROVENCE ruins LUMINOUS DETAIL
The Questing,Passive Gaze:Ezra Pound’s“Yeux Glauques,”John Ruskin,and the Pre-Raphaelite Moment
作者 Mark Scroggins 《Journal of Foreign Languages and Cultures》 2019年第1期49-56,共8页
“Yeux Glauques,”the sixth poem of Ezra Pound’s 1920 Hugh Selwyn Mauberley,has been read as an indictment of Victorian viewers’and readers’rejection of Pre-Raphaelite art and poetry,a rejection proleptic of Georgi... “Yeux Glauques,”the sixth poem of Ezra Pound’s 1920 Hugh Selwyn Mauberley,has been read as an indictment of Victorian viewers’and readers’rejection of Pre-Raphaelite art and poetry,a rejection proleptic of Georgian readers’rejection of Pound’s own innovations.This is largely accurate.But the poem’s citation(in its first stanza)of John Ruskin’s“Of Kings’Treasuries”can be read as directing readers’attention to Ruskin’s 1864 lecture,in part an exhortation to examine the etymologies of the words of the texts they read.Such an etymological examination of“glauques”in the poem’s title in effect reinforces a secondary implication of the poem as a whole:that the Pre-Raphaelite movement suffered from its members’failure to convincingly or feelingly represent active female subjectivity. 展开更多
关键词 ezra Pound John Ruskin Pre-Raphaelites Hugh Selwyn Mauberley women in poetry
Ezra Pound's Zhi Ren and Confucian Self-cultivation
作者 Tan Xiaocui 《比较文学与跨文化研究》 2020年第1期80-98,共19页
Ezra Pound quoted the Chinese characters zhi ren知人seven times in his stimulating book Guide to Kulchur.However,such frequently-recurring characters haven’t received enough attention from Pound scholars at home and ... Ezra Pound quoted the Chinese characters zhi ren知人seven times in his stimulating book Guide to Kulchur.However,such frequently-recurring characters haven’t received enough attention from Pound scholars at home and abroad.The paper first illustrates the copious meanings of zhi ren and then explores Pound’s self-cultivation so as to reach the ideal state of human being—Ren仁.It proves that the seemingly insignificant Chinese characters zhi ren知人start Pound’s real exploration of the humanist ideology and deep contemplation of human nature. 展开更多
关键词 ezra Pound zhi ren知人 Confucian self-cultivation Ren仁
Review and Analysis: Did the United States Transport, Off-Load and Use Commercial 2,4,5-T Herbicides with Unknown Amounts of Dioxin TCDD on Military Base Grounds in Panama Canal Zone between 1948 and 1999?
作者 Kenneth R. Olson 《Open Journal of Soil Science》 2023年第11期490-515,共26页
The 84 km Panama Canal connecting the Atlantic and Pacific oceans has historically been a strategic waterway for shipping and the location of United States (US) military bases. Since the construction of Lake Gatun res... The 84 km Panama Canal connecting the Atlantic and Pacific oceans has historically been a strategic waterway for shipping and the location of United States (US) military bases. Since the construction of Lake Gatun reservoir, canal locks and navigation channel through the Isthmus of Panama tropical forests in the 1910s, chemicals, pesticides, and herbicides have been essential for controlling upland and wetland vegetation as well as managing mosquito-borne diseases. Chemicals and pesticides flowed into Lake Gatun via land surface runoff and subsurface drainage either attached to the sediment or in solution during the rainy season. Lake Gatun and the Panama Canal was the drinking water source for most of the civilian and military population living in the Panama Canal Zone. Between 1948 and 1999, US military base commanders had the ability to order, from the Federal Supply Catalog, commercially available herbicide 2,4,5-T with unknown amounts of dioxin TCDD for use on the military base grounds in the Panama Canal Zone. The herbicide 2,4,5-T was transported to Panama Canal Zone ports, including the ports Cristobal on the Caribbean and Balboa on the Pacific, and distributed to the US military bases in Panama by rail or truck. The US National Toxicology Program and the International Agency for the Research on Cancer listed dioxin and TCDD as known human carcinogens. Dioxins are endocrine disrupters and can cause certain chloracne, cancers, developmental and reproductive effects. In 1985, the United States government banned the manufacture of the herbicide 2,4,5-T, with unknown amounts of dioxin TCDD, after it was shown to cause cancer in animals. The objectives of this study are to determine: 1) the fate of dioxin TCDD, a contaminant in the herbicide 2,4,5-T, sprayed on the US military base vegetation in the Panama Canal Zone from 1948 to 1999, 2) the transport of dioxin TCDD rich sediment via soil erosion and overland flow into Lake Gatun and Panama Canal waterways and 3) the human health impacts of dioxin TCDD, a known carcinogen, on US military and Panamanian civilians exposed to dioxin TCDD in the Panama Canal Zone. 展开更多
关键词 DIOXIN TCDD Agent Orange 2 4 5-T Panama Canal Zone Commercial Herbicides US Department of Defense Fort Sherman Monsanto ezra Kraus
作者 魏春莲 《湖州职业技术学院学报》 2023年第2期52-56,共5页
自《华夏集》问世以来,中外学者试图多角度解读其误读、误译。美国诗人埃兹拉·庞德(以下简称庞德)在翻译《华夏集》时不懂中文,其翻译是借助厄内斯特·费诺罗萨的笔记对古诗词进行的创译。以《华夏集》中的李白译诗为研究对象... 自《华夏集》问世以来,中外学者试图多角度解读其误读、误译。美国诗人埃兹拉·庞德(以下简称庞德)在翻译《华夏集》时不懂中文,其翻译是借助厄内斯特·费诺罗萨的笔记对古诗词进行的创译。以《华夏集》中的李白译诗为研究对象,通过对原文、费氏笔记和译文的三向对比,探讨庞德的诗学主张如何使其有意偏离费氏笔记,创译了李白诗歌。庞德的创译具有世界文学性翻译诗学意义,使英语诗歌的主题、手段与意象呈现出新奇化,丰富了英语诗歌形式库,实现了目标语文化的诗学革新。中国古诗词也因此进入20世纪西方读者的视野。 展开更多
关键词 埃兹拉·庞德 《华夏集》 翻译诗学 创译
作者 梁晶 《外国语文研究》 2023年第3期86-96,共11页
李白的《长干行》深受二十世纪初美国诗人、学者们的青睐。相较于庞德《长干行》译诗的广为人知,尽管威廉斯《桂树集》中的译诗《长干行》也富于特色,但学界对其尚不够重视。倘立足庞德与威廉斯各自诗歌创作语境,会发现两版《长干行》... 李白的《长干行》深受二十世纪初美国诗人、学者们的青睐。相较于庞德《长干行》译诗的广为人知,尽管威廉斯《桂树集》中的译诗《长干行》也富于特色,但学界对其尚不够重视。倘立足庞德与威廉斯各自诗歌创作语境,会发现两版《长干行》的翻译策略迥异。庞德的“绝对节奏”译诗策略联结主体情感与智性两极,威廉斯的“可变音步”策略终极指向也是主体之“思”,但较之庞德的“绝对节奏”,威廉斯的“可变音步”意欲更有效贴合现时的现实生活世界。两种翻译策略背后,浓缩的毋宁是美国自由诗音乐性的嬗变。 展开更多
关键词 《长干行》 “绝对节奏” “可变音步” 艾慈拉•庞德 威廉•卡洛斯•威廉斯
A Cultural Analysis of Pound's Mistranslation in the Poem "Blue, blue is the Grass 被引量:1
作者 梁晓冬 杨大亮 《河南教育学院学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2001年第3期142-144,共3页
Ezra Pound is one of the founders of the American Imagist poetry, and Chinese Classic Poetry happened to be a great stimulus as the Renaissance from the Greeks to this poetry movement. Pound, who was deeply fascinated... Ezra Pound is one of the founders of the American Imagist poetry, and Chinese Classic Poetry happened to be a great stimulus as the Renaissance from the Greeks to this poetry movement. Pound, who was deeply fascinated by Chinese poetry, has rendered many into English. Yet due to cultural differences, Pound’s translation has a lot of mistakes. And this paper aims at a cultural analysis of the mistranslation on a certain text to display its influence upon the Imagist Movement in the history of American Poetry. 展开更多
关键词 ezra Pound MISTRANSLATION cultural difference
比较语境中的误读与发明——推求徐复观、叶维廉、高友工、方东美等学者重建中国美学的若干策略 被引量:3
作者 张节末 刘毅青 +2 位作者 闫月珍 徐承 李春娟 《浙江大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2007年第4期101-123,共23页
徐复观、叶维廉、高友工、方东美等中国学者在研究中不约而同地将西学作了有意无意的误读式援引、转换或整合,并指向发明中国问题,这种不免有所取舍的操作,或许可理解为这些学人为了创设发明中国问题之语境而采取的一种比较和解释的策... 徐复观、叶维廉、高友工、方东美等中国学者在研究中不约而同地将西学作了有意无意的误读式援引、转换或整合,并指向发明中国问题,这种不免有所取舍的操作,或许可理解为这些学人为了创设发明中国问题之语境而采取的一种比较和解释的策略。有意思的是,庞德和海德格尔等西方学者也是以本民族文化为本位来取用东方资源的,在资源的选择和取用目的上都受到他们自己理论目标的牵引而未必做到忠实。东西方学者在比较视野中对对方资源的取用和援引策略,形成了某种互文的效果,可以让中国人更深刻地体认到中国传统的某些特出的好处。以体为尊,在比较中互相发明,是比较语境的本质所在。 展开更多
关键词 比较语境 误读与发明 庞德 海德格尔 徐复观 叶维廉 高友工 方东美
埃兹拉·庞德对李白诗歌的西化 被引量:7
作者 朱谷强 刘筱华 《外国语文》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第6期35-39,共5页
庞德与中国古典诗歌有着密不可分的关系,而李白诗歌是影响和推动庞德发动"意象派"运动的主要动力。可以说,庞德有着深深的李白情结,李白诗歌是庞德灵感的源泉。但从另外一个角度来看,庞德对李白诗歌同样有着巨大的推动作用。... 庞德与中国古典诗歌有着密不可分的关系,而李白诗歌是影响和推动庞德发动"意象派"运动的主要动力。可以说,庞德有着深深的李白情结,李白诗歌是庞德灵感的源泉。但从另外一个角度来看,庞德对李白诗歌同样有着巨大的推动作用。庞德将李白的诗歌西化并提炼了李白的文学观,将李白的诗歌提升到了诗学理论的高度;庞德从李白的诗歌中汲取营养,将李白的诗歌技巧发挥到了极致;更重要的是,庞德扩大了李白诗歌的影响范围,将李白的诗歌从汉语领域翻译到英语领域,并使之在欧美世界广为传播。 展开更多
关键词 庞德 李白诗歌 西化
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