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Environmental Conditions of Barchan Dune and Barchan Chain-A Case Study from the Hexi Desert Area of Gansu 被引量:2
作者 Chang Zhaofeng Wang Qiangqiang +5 位作者 Zhang Jianhui Xi Junqiang Wang Qi Zhang Dekui Tang Jinnian Zhang Huiwen 《Animal Husbandry and Feed Science》 CAS 2015年第6期383-388,共6页
[Objective] The paper was to discuss why the top of tall barchan dunes and barchan chains widespread in single prevailing wind area had not been leveled by wind erosion. [Method] Based on the preliminary survey of dis... [Objective] The paper was to discuss why the top of tall barchan dunes and barchan chains widespread in single prevailing wind area had not been leveled by wind erosion. [Method] Based on the preliminary survey of distribution status,the morphological characteristics and environmental conditions of barchan dunes and barchan chains in Hexi desert area of Gansu were investigated in details. The significance of difference between samples and significance of correlation between indicators were examined via variance test. [Result] Barchan dunes and barchan chains in Hexi desert area of Gansu distributed at the leeward direction of desert fringe,generally in patch distribution. The distribution area was gravelly beach or cohesive gravel beach,with broader dune slack; winds in distribution area of barchan dunes and barchan chains blew obviously from one direction,while winds at other directions were light or occasionally strong but with low frequency;the barchan dune in the desert fringe of Hexi desert area of Gansu was relatively tall,while barchan chain was even more taller and larger. Coincidence or separation of the dune peak and the sand ridge might be related to distribution frequency of dominant prevailing wind or wind at opposite direction and the observation seasons.[Conclusion]Studying top stability of barchan dune has an important academic value in revealing blowing sand movement rule at desert fringe,invasion of sand flow,and expansion of desert. 展开更多
关键词 BARCHAN DUNE MORPHOLOGICAL characteristics REGIONAL environment Wind speed and direction Hexi DESERT area of gansu
作者 Wang Shuangxu, Zhang Xi, Zhang Sixin and Xue Fuping (Second Crust Monitoring and Application Center, CEA, Xi’an 710054 China) 《大地测量与地球动力学》 CSCD 2003年第B12期94-100,共7页
By processing and analyzing geodetic data of vertical deformation, fault deformation and horizontal deformation by GPS in Gansu Ningxia Qinghai area and by comparing them with geological structures and many medium to ... By processing and analyzing geodetic data of vertical deformation, fault deformation and horizontal deformation by GPS in Gansu Ningxia Qinghai area and by comparing them with geological structures and many medium to strong earthquake activities in this area, some features of recent tectonic deformation anomaly and the development of medium to strong earthquakes are studied. The results show that: ①Near the main faults tectonic deformations are relatively large. The amount of vertical movement and the deformation status evolve with time. The horizontal movement and deformation show obvious compressional strike slip character. ②The dominant stress of tectonic deformation and seismic development in this area comes from the persistent northeastward compression of Qinghai Tibet block;The time spatial distribution evolution of tectonic deformation and seismic activities are closely related to dynamic evolution of block motion and regional tectonic stress field. ③The abnormal uplift and high gradient deformation belts and remarkable fault deformation anormaly on the borders of regional tectonic blocks are indicators of developing moderate to strong earthquakes but earthquakes may not necessarily take place in the position of maxium deformation, it usually occurred in the region where fault deformation anormaly shows “trend accumulation acceleration turn ” variation character or nearby. On the basis of above study, a preliminary prediction for strong earthquake risk in this area is given. 展开更多
关键词 甘肃-宁夏-青海地区 纵向变形场 横向变形发展 断层活动异常 地震预报 区域数据处理
作者 杨志奇 刘晓东 +3 位作者 张喜平 赵尚文 吕莉莉 周小芹 《现代农业科技》 2024年第9期13-17,共5页
为解决区域内春玉米—冬油菜一膜两用技术中秸秆利用不合理、土壤有机质含量低、有机肥投入不足、化肥施用不合理、土壤水分利用不足、肥料利用率较低等一系列问题,在天水市旱作区开展了春玉米—冬油菜秸秆带膜翻压还田栽培模式研究,以... 为解决区域内春玉米—冬油菜一膜两用技术中秸秆利用不合理、土壤有机质含量低、有机肥投入不足、化肥施用不合理、土壤水分利用不足、肥料利用率较低等一系列问题,在天水市旱作区开展了春玉米—冬油菜秸秆带膜翻压还田栽培模式研究,以期为区域内化肥减施、地力提升和农业可持续发展提供依据。结果表明,秸秆粉碎带膜翻压还田可以提高玉米籽粒产量7.96%、冬油菜籽粒产量9.91%,增加0~20 cm土壤有机质、全磷、有效磷含量(分别增加2.53 g/kg、0.08 g/kg、10.93 mg/kg),缓冲土壤pH值,影响土壤速效钾、硝态氮和铵态氮水平。 展开更多
关键词 春玉米 冬油菜 一膜两用 秸秆带膜翻压还田 产量 土壤养分 旱作区 甘肃天水
作者 宋谦 马淑梅 +3 位作者 张兰 余小亮 杨晓 杜文华 《中国饲料》 北大核心 2024年第7期140-145,共6页
为筛选出适宜在陇东地区与秋播小黑麦复种的青贮玉米品种,本试验连续2年对12个青贮玉米品种的农艺性状、鲜草产量和干草产量进行研究,以筛选出最佳适宜于秋播小黑麦复种的青贮玉米品种,从而为该区推广秋播小黑麦茬后复种青贮玉米“一年... 为筛选出适宜在陇东地区与秋播小黑麦复种的青贮玉米品种,本试验连续2年对12个青贮玉米品种的农艺性状、鲜草产量和干草产量进行研究,以筛选出最佳适宜于秋播小黑麦复种的青贮玉米品种,从而为该区推广秋播小黑麦茬后复种青贮玉米“一年两作”饲草高效生产技术提供理论依据。结果表明:秋播小黑麦茬后复种禾玉36和北农青贮208的鲜草产量分别为74.83、72.58 t/hm2,干草产量分别为24.59、22.85 t/hm2,而且2个年份均能够表现出高产、稳产的优势。因此,禾玉36和北农青贮208可作为陇东地区秋播小黑麦复种生产优质饲草的主推品种。 展开更多
关键词 陇东地区 复种 青贮玉米 农艺性状 草产量
作者 王雨晨 《保山学院学报》 2024年第2期91-97,共7页
包车旅游游客满意度的研究体现了旅游交通研究方向由跟团游、自驾游向新方式转变的趋势。以青海和甘肃为研究区域,包车旅游游客为研究主体,飞猪旅行网的游客评论为数据来源,基于扎根理论,经过三重编码,建立了包车旅游游客满意度影响因... 包车旅游游客满意度的研究体现了旅游交通研究方向由跟团游、自驾游向新方式转变的趋势。以青海和甘肃为研究区域,包车旅游游客为研究主体,飞猪旅行网的游客评论为数据来源,基于扎根理论,经过三重编码,建立了包车旅游游客满意度影响因素的理论模型。结果表明:影响包车旅游游客满意度的主要因素有42项并可概括为5个核心范畴,以此构建出“出游准备—旅行社服务体验—司导服务体验—目的地吸引物体验—游后积极评价”5个维度组成的包车旅游游客满意度影响因素理论模型。其中,出游准备是理论模型的前提条件,旅行社服务体验、司导服务体验和目的地吸引物体验是核心影响因素,游后积极评价是满意的表现,其中重游意愿、重选意愿、推荐意愿、经验分享等会产生新的出游准备。 展开更多
关键词 包车旅游 游客满意度 影响因素 扎根理论 青甘地区
作者 罗淑宇 李红 《咸阳师范学院学报》 2024年第2期75-79,共5页
抗战时期,陕甘宁边区存在为数颇多的“二流子”群体,他们败坏社会风气、影响经济建设,不利于边区的政权稳定与发展。边区政府采取多种措施对“二流子”展开全面改造,使其从游离于社会主流的“旧人”转变为参与边区建设的革命性力量。深... 抗战时期,陕甘宁边区存在为数颇多的“二流子”群体,他们败坏社会风气、影响经济建设,不利于边区的政权稳定与发展。边区政府采取多种措施对“二流子”展开全面改造,使其从游离于社会主流的“旧人”转变为参与边区建设的革命性力量。深入研究边区政府改造“二流子”的成功举措及经验,对于当今推动乡村建设和加强乡村社会治理具有重要的历史借鉴意义。 展开更多
关键词 陕甘宁边区 “二流子” 改造
作者 黄晓月 屈潇影 《咸阳师范学院学报》 2024年第2期70-74,共5页
抗日战争时期,为了改善生态环境、解决生存问题、赢得革命的胜利,中国共产党在陕甘宁边区通过制定植树造林计划、开展植树造林活动、探索科学护林办法、颁发植树造林政策法规、宣传树木保护方法等方式开展生态环境保护的实践,在思想教... 抗日战争时期,为了改善生态环境、解决生存问题、赢得革命的胜利,中国共产党在陕甘宁边区通过制定植树造林计划、开展植树造林活动、探索科学护林办法、颁发植树造林政策法规、宣传树木保护方法等方式开展生态环境保护的实践,在思想教育、发展理念、人才培养、法治思维、资源开发方面为新时代中国特色社会主义生态文明建设提供了现实借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 中国共产党 陕甘宁边区 生态环境保护
作者 秦文 《榆林学院学报》 2024年第3期41-49,共9页
创造性转化和创新性发展中华优秀传统文化和革命文化,深度提炼革命根据地时期的红色法治基因并加以传承弘扬,是构建中国式法治现代化的题中之义。延安时期,党的领导人、边区老一辈法学家探索建立一种符合中国国情的、新型的法治文明,在... 创造性转化和创新性发展中华优秀传统文化和革命文化,深度提炼革命根据地时期的红色法治基因并加以传承弘扬,是构建中国式法治现代化的题中之义。延安时期,党的领导人、边区老一辈法学家探索建立一种符合中国国情的、新型的法治文明,在批判地继承工农民主政权时期法治经验的基础上,从解决实际问题出发,将巩固革命政权与根据地治理统一纳入法治的轨道,构建了以宪法性法律文件为核心的法律法令制度体系,从理论和实践中探索建立一个人民满意的民主法治政府,创新实践非诉纠纷解决方式,努力为人民群众提供高效便捷的司法资源,由此开创了陕甘宁边区安定团结、和谐有序的社会局面。系统总结梳理延安时期陕甘宁边区法治建设的经验,对于当下中国式法治现代化道路的探索提供了诸多有益的参考和镜鉴。 展开更多
关键词 延安时期 陕甘宁边区 法治建设 法治现代化
作者 杨立富 杨勇 +1 位作者 张瀛丹 孙旭伟 《环境生态学》 2024年第3期8-14,共7页
甘南黄河水源补给区是黄河流域重要水源补给生态功能区,也是青藏高原生态屏障的重要组成部分,具有十分重要的生态系统服务功能。长期以来,受自然因素和人为因素的共同作用,生态系统经历了不同程度的退化,并导致水源涵养功能有所减弱。自... 甘南黄河水源补给区是黄河流域重要水源补给生态功能区,也是青藏高原生态屏障的重要组成部分,具有十分重要的生态系统服务功能。长期以来,受自然因素和人为因素的共同作用,生态系统经历了不同程度的退化,并导致水源涵养功能有所减弱。自2000年以来,国家在此开展了一系列生态保护工程建设,生态环境得到恢复和改善。通过对生态系统现状及变化特征的监测,可实现对生态工程实施成效的评价和主要生态问题的识别,有助于提升生态保护规划建设及管护决策的科学性。本研究以多源遥感数据为信息源,在提取2000—2020年生态系统类型与质量参数的基础上,系统分析甘南黄河水源补给区生态系统结构、质量现状和变化特征。结果表明,近20年甘南黄河水源补给区生态系统整体以高盖度植被为主,生态系统状况良好。整体上生态系统结构和质量的多年变化幅度均较小,生态系统基本稳定,生态保护和建设工程取得了明显成效。但局部地区草原退化、沙化和沼泽面积萎缩等生态问题依然存在,生态保护与建设仍处于关键阶段,建议针对生态系统退化区域加大力度实施生态保护和建设工程。 展开更多
关键词 甘南黄河 水源补给区 生态功能 生态成效 遥感
作者 刘涛 王伟 +2 位作者 何佳军 耿海军 韩栋昱 《矿产与地质》 2024年第1期87-97,共11页
红石泉矿床是甘肃省龙首山地区重要的铀矿床,但以往的研究对红石泉地区热液蚀变研究往往局限于定性分析,为了定量确定其对铀成矿作用的影响,本次研究首次引入质量平衡算法,通过对红石泉地区新鲜伟晶状花岗岩与蚀变伟晶状花岗岩的对比分... 红石泉矿床是甘肃省龙首山地区重要的铀矿床,但以往的研究对红石泉地区热液蚀变研究往往局限于定性分析,为了定量确定其对铀成矿作用的影响,本次研究首次引入质量平衡算法,通过对红石泉地区新鲜伟晶状花岗岩与蚀变伟晶状花岗岩的对比分析,在本地区热液蚀变对铀矿床的形成起到的作用进行了定量研究。研究表明,红石泉矿床铀成矿经历了至少二次成矿作用,其中部分矿段热液蚀变迁入的U元素达到原生的36倍以上,说明热液蚀变对铀成矿起到了至关重要的作用;同时从机理上阐述了热液蚀变产生的赤铁矿化等蚀变可以作为找矿指示标志的原因。 展开更多
关键词 红石泉铀矿床 热液蚀变 质量平衡计算 元素迁移 甘肃龙首山
作者 周娇阳 《晋城职业技术学院学报》 2024年第2期18-22,共5页
关键词 陕甘宁边区 模范区 实践路径 黄克功案 肖玉璧案 启示
Emergy-based study on eco-economic system of arid and semi-arid region:a case of Gansu province,China 被引量:5
作者 Xue, Bing Chen, XingPeng +3 位作者 Geng, Yong Yang, Mian Yang, FuXia Hu, XiaoFen 《Journal of Arid Land》 SCIE 2010年第3期207-213,共7页
Taking Gansu province as a model case,this study provides an integrated analysis on the eco-economic system of arid and semi-arid region based on emergy synthesis theory. Through calculating the values of renewable em... Taking Gansu province as a model case,this study provides an integrated analysis on the eco-economic system of arid and semi-arid region based on emergy synthesis theory. Through calculating the values of renewable emergy flow,non-renewable resources,imported emergy,exported emergy,waste emergy,and total emergy during the period of 1978-2007,the performance of Gansu eco-economic system was analyzed. The results indicated that the renewable emergy flow within the province basically remained steady state which was estimated at 2.99×1022 solar emjoules (sej) from 1978 to 2007. The imported emergy and exported emergy were estimated at 3.75×1017 sej and 2.99×1020 sej in 1978 and increased to 1.07×1022 sej and 1.44×1022 sej respectively in 2007. The nonrenewable emergy flow was estimated at 1.62×1022 sej and increased to 1.85×1023 sej,with annual growth rate of 8.7%,while the estimated total emergy was 4.58×1022 sej in 1978 and increased to 2.11×1023 sej in 2007,with annual growth rate of 5.41%. Our results indicate a deteriorate situation between economic development and environmental protection in the region. The rapid economic growth in the past thirty years was based on a great consumption of nonrenewable resource and caused continuous decrease in the capacity of sustainable development. The environmental loading ratio was 0.53 in 1978,increased to 6.06 in 2007,indicating a rapid degradation of the regional environment quality. We calculated that the actual population was 1.53 times the renewable resource population in 1978,increased to 7.06 times in 2007. During the period of 1978-2007,the emergy rose from 2.45×1015 sej/(capita·a) to 8.07×1015 sej/(capita·a). Our analysis revealed that the emergy density presented a trend of gradual increase,and then the emergy currency ratio in Gansu decreased from 7.08×1013 sej/Chinese Yuan to 7.82×1012 sej/Chinese Yuan. 展开更多
关键词 EMERGY analysis economic GEOGRAPHY REGIONAL sustainable development ARID and SEMI-ARID area gansu province
A Study of the Thermal Conductivity Property of the High-level Radioactive Waste Repository:The Case of Beishan Preselected Site,Gansu Province 被引量:1
作者 Honggang Zhao,Ju Wang,Yuemiao Liu Beijing Research Institute of Uranium Geology,Beijing 100029,China. 《地学前缘》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第S1期186-186,共1页
The research and development of high-level radioactive waste(HLW)repository is a long-term systematic engineering project.Normally,it involves such stages as foundation study,site selection and assessment,underground ... The research and development of high-level radioactive waste(HLW)repository is a long-term systematic engineering project.Normally,it involves such stages as foundation study,site selection and assessment,underground research laboratory testing, and the design,construction,operation,and close of the repository.The key issue in repository design 展开更多
Particle Size of Barchan Dune in Hexi Desert Area and Its Relationship with Wind Speed
作者 Chang Zhaofeng Han Shenghui +4 位作者 Tang Jinnian Wang Qi Zhang Dekui Zhang Jianhui Wang Qiangqiang 《Animal Husbandry and Feed Science》 CAS 2016年第4期239-245,共7页
[Objective] The paper was to study the particle size characteristics of barchan dune and its formation mechanism in Hexi desert area of Gansu. [Method] Through particle size measurement and wind speed flow field obser... [Objective] The paper was to study the particle size characteristics of barchan dune and its formation mechanism in Hexi desert area of Gansu. [Method] Through particle size measurement and wind speed flow field observation of dune,the particle size differences of various sampling plots and various parts of dune were analyzed using analysis of variance,and the relationship between particle size and wind speed was analyzed using correlation coefficient method. [Result]( 1) Barchan dune and barchan chains in Hexi desert area of Gansu were mainly consisted of fine sands and medium sands at the depth of 0- 5 cm: the sand particle in Gulang desert area was fine,which had significant difference with that in Jinchang,Linze,Jinta and Minqin desert areas.( 2) Medium sands gradually increased from the bottom of windward slope to the dune peak in both barchan dune and barchan chain. On the windward slope of barchan dune,fine sands gradually increased from the middle to both sides,while coarse sands and medium sands gradually decreased. On the windward slope of barchan chain,fine sands first decreased then increased from the middle to NE side,but first increased then decreased from the middle to SW side.( 3) In terms of particle size,there were great variations between fine sands and coarse sands; for dune parts,there were great variations between dune peak and leeward slope toe; for dune types,the variation of fine sands in various parts of barchan chain was greater than that of barchan dune,while differentiation degree of medium sands and fine sands was greater than that of barchan dune. The particle size of fine sands was positively correlated with wind speed,and that of medium sands was negatively correlated with wind speed.[Conclusion]The formation environment of particle size of barchan dune mainly included sand source and dynamic source,and wind speed was the dynamic source for particle size distribution of barchan dune. 展开更多
关键词 Barchan dune Barchan chain Particle size Wind speed Heixi desert area of gansu
近30年甘肃省主要湖泊面积变化及其影响因素分析 被引量:1
作者 程玉菲 王军德 +1 位作者 鱼腾飞 李莉 《高原气象》 CSCD 北大核心 2023年第1期150-162,共13页
内陆湖泊是气候变化敏感的指示器,开展湖泊变化时空演变及成因分析,不仅对水资源利用与管理具有重要的科学价值,而且对于揭示区域气候变化,反映人类活动影响也具有十分重要的意义。本研究采用基于对象影像分析(Object-Based Image Analy... 内陆湖泊是气候变化敏感的指示器,开展湖泊变化时空演变及成因分析,不仅对水资源利用与管理具有重要的科学价值,而且对于揭示区域气候变化,反映人类活动影响也具有十分重要的意义。本研究采用基于对象影像分析(Object-Based Image Analysis,OBIA)的种子增长法,提取了甘肃省7个典型湖泊从1986-2017年的面积变化,尾闾型湖泊中,大苏干湖面积最大,1986-2017年面积均在60 km^(2)以上;青土湖面积最大达到20 km^(2)以上;小苏干湖面积维持在11~12 km^(2),变化相对稳定,干海子面积在2 km^(2)以下,波动较大。河源型湖泊中尕海面积在2.9~12.56 km^(2),面积波动较大,德勒诺尔和天池面积均在2 km^(2)以下,其中德勒诺尔面积波动较大,天池面积波动相对较小。依据湖泊面积的变化特征,通过聚类分析方法将甘肃省7个典型湖泊分成两类,第一类包括尕海、青土湖和大苏干湖,湖泊面积整体呈增加的趋势;第二类包括德勒诺尔、小苏干湖、天池和干海子,湖泊面积整体呈减小的趋势。通过相关分析可以看出,德勒诺尔、尕海、天池、青土湖和干海子的湖泊面积变化与部分气候因子呈现显著的相关关系,大苏干湖和小苏干湖的面积变化与气候因子具有一定的相关关系但并不显著。通过主成分分析可以得出,在各气候影响因子中,平均温度和相对湿度、降水量和ET0是湖泊面积变化的主要气候影响因子,平均温度和相对湿度是影响德勒诺尔湖泊面积变化的主要影响因子,ET0和平均温度是尕海面积变化的主要气候影响因子,相对湿度和降水量是天池面积变化主要气候影响因子。 展开更多
关键词 甘肃省 湖泊面积变化 种子增长法 影响因素
Two Alternating Processes of Particle Size Distribution of Barchan Dunes at the Edge of the Oasis in Hexi Corridor, Gansu
作者 CHANG Zhaofeng ZHU Shujuan +3 位作者 Duan Xiaofeng ZHANG Jianhui WANG Qi ZHANG Dekui 《Journal of Landscape Research》 2019年第6期45-50,共6页
Barchan dunes are a common type of dune. There are a lot of barchan dunes at accumulated sand-belts of the oasis edge of Hexi desert area of Gansu. What is characteristic of the particle size of barchan dunes? How is ... Barchan dunes are a common type of dune. There are a lot of barchan dunes at accumulated sand-belts of the oasis edge of Hexi desert area of Gansu. What is characteristic of the particle size of barchan dunes? How is this particle size characteristic formed? Characteristics of particle size were analyzed in this paper by comprehensive investigation and sampling in Hexi Corridor desert area, and repeated sampling and determination in Minqin desert area. The results showed that:(1) The particle size of 0.25–0.05 mm and particle size of 0.5–0.25 mm were the main ingredients at the surface 0–5 cm depth of barchan dunes and barchan dune chains in desert area in Hexi Corridor of Gansu. Sand in Gulang desert area was relatively finer and the particle size was quite different from that of Jinchang, Linze, Jinta and Minqin desert area;(2) The particle size was changed from coarse to fine from the bottom to the top of the dunes in the main wind direction(NW) process. i.e. there was the most silt at the top of the dunes, followed by the middle of the leeward slope. The bottom of the windward slope had the most coarse sand, followed by the middle of the windward slope. The barchan dunes were changed from coarse to fine, then from fine to coarse from the bottom to the top of the dunes in the reverse wind direction(SE) process, i.e. there was the most silt in the middle of the windward slope, followed by the top of sand dunes. The bottom of the windward slope had the most coarse sand, followed by the middle of the windward slope. The standard deviation and coefficient of variation of sand dune particle size in the main wind direction process was larger, and the standard deviation and coefficient of variation of sand dune particle size in the reverse wind direction process was smaller;(3) The two processes of the main wind direction(NW) and the reverse wind direction(SE) led to alternating changes in particle size in various parts of the dunes. Two different conclusions on particle size distribution of barchan dunes in windward slope were due to the observation season differences. 展开更多
关键词 BARCHAN DUNE Particle size Wind speed Hexi DESERT area of gansu
情理断案、调解与简约治理--以陕甘宁边区的婚姻司法为中心 被引量:2
作者 胡永恒 《华中师范大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 北大核心 2023年第3期50-61,共12页
陕甘宁边区的法制在中国近代法制史中占据重要地位。与南京国民政府模仿西方法治的“据法审判”不同,边区有意识地探索与中国国情更为吻合的司法之路。以边区的婚姻司法为例,由于法律规定的婚姻自由原则相对于边区社会来说过于超前,在... 陕甘宁边区的法制在中国近代法制史中占据重要地位。与南京国民政府模仿西方法治的“据法审判”不同,边区有意识地探索与中国国情更为吻合的司法之路。以边区的婚姻司法为例,由于法律规定的婚姻自由原则相对于边区社会来说过于超前,在实践中引发了不少始料未及的问题,边区在改进立法的同时,也积极寻求司法中的变通方式。在判决中运用情理做出判决的“情理断案”,以及推广相对灵活、不拘法律条文的调解模式,即是边区在司法中进行变通的产物。“简约治理”模式符合当时精兵简政的潮流,以有限的司法资源维持了边区社会秩序的稳定。它既体现了边区对中国古代司法传统的继承和超越,也体现了对南京国民政府司法模式的反思与改进,是中国共产党探索新型法制道路的可贵尝试。 展开更多
关键词 陕甘宁边区 民事审判 婚姻自由 司法传统 治理模式
16个燕麦品种在甘肃陇中地区的适应性评价与筛选 被引量:9
作者 景芳 任生兰 +2 位作者 边芳 刘彦明 张成君 《中国草地学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2023年第1期68-76,共9页
为筛选适宜甘肃陇中地区种植的饲用燕麦品种,采用田间随机区组试验,对16个燕麦品种的生长特性、产量性状、倒伏情况以及病害发生情况进行测定,并利用主成分分析法对差异显著的13个农艺性状进行综合分析。结果表明:在甘肃陇中地区,16个... 为筛选适宜甘肃陇中地区种植的饲用燕麦品种,采用田间随机区组试验,对16个燕麦品种的生长特性、产量性状、倒伏情况以及病害发生情况进行测定,并利用主成分分析法对差异显著的13个农艺性状进行综合分析。结果表明:在甘肃陇中地区,16个燕麦品种鲜草产量最高的是猛士1号,可达70000.00 kg/hm^(2),干草产量最高的是牧王,为23333.33 kg/hm^(2),种子产量范围为828.57~2428.57 kg/hm^(2)。主成分分析得出牧王在该地区生产适应性最好,魁北克、猛士1号的表现也很突出,锋利则不适合在本地种植;本地自育品种定燕2号综合得分排名12。综合抗倒伏性和抗病性,蓝鸟1号的抗逆性最强。 展开更多
关键词 燕麦 甘肃陇中地区 生产性能 主成分分析 抗倒伏性 红叶病 白粉病
作者 魏玉明 杨发荣 +5 位作者 黄杰 刘文瑜 王国栋 杨芳萍 杜文华 张燕 《饲料研究》 CAS 北大核心 2023年第11期133-138,共6页
试验旨在研究10个小黑麦品种(系)生长特性及全株营养品质。运用灰色关联分析法对小黑麦进行综合评价。结果表明,10个小黑麦品种(系)均完成了生育周期,生育期在118~148 d。小黑麦鲜、干草产量分别为20.00~27.55 t/hm^(2)、11.14~16.55 t/... 试验旨在研究10个小黑麦品种(系)生长特性及全株营养品质。运用灰色关联分析法对小黑麦进行综合评价。结果表明,10个小黑麦品种(系)均完成了生育周期,生育期在118~148 d。小黑麦鲜、干草产量分别为20.00~27.55 t/hm^(2)、11.14~16.55 t/hm^(2)。T-138鲜、干草产量最高,T-133蛋白质产量最高。小黑麦的干、鲜草产量与植株分蘖数和枝条数呈极显著正相关(P<0.01);全株蛋白质产量与穗粒数呈极显著负相关(P<0.01);中性洗涤纤维、酸性洗涤纤维与鲜干比呈显著负相关(P<0.05)。研究表明,T-133和T-138小黑麦品系综合性状较优,在试验区适应性表现较好,可作为陇中半干旱区优质饲草开发。 展开更多
关键词 陇中半干旱区 小黑麦 生产性能 营养品质
作者 张芳霖 高乐乐 《农业考古》 北大核心 2023年第4期106-113,共8页
抗战时期,为了扫盲,中共在陕甘宁边区推行了新文字运动,而这个运动大部分是在农村地区。然而,新文字运动在陕甘宁边区遭遇了响应与抵制的双重境遇。一方面,新文字易学易用的特征契合了部分农村群众希冀快速实现“文化翻身”的夙愿,受到... 抗战时期,为了扫盲,中共在陕甘宁边区推行了新文字运动,而这个运动大部分是在农村地区。然而,新文字运动在陕甘宁边区遭遇了响应与抵制的双重境遇。一方面,新文字易学易用的特征契合了部分农村群众希冀快速实现“文化翻身”的夙愿,受到响应与支持;另一方面,在战时环境下,物质需求远比文化供给更能吸引边区群众,加之字母式的新文字完全迥异于作为民族文化载体的方块汉字,部分边区群众出现排斥学习的心理。对此,中共通过新文字与汉字并举、干部示范、多样化教育引导等方式进行了调适,在一定程度上消解了政党与群众的冲突。中共推行新文字的过程,彰显了自上而下动员群众与自下而上群众运动相结合的动员逻辑,实现了政党与农村社会的良性互动。 展开更多
关键词 新文字运动 扫盲 陕甘宁边区 农村 抵制 调适
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