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Intestinal metaplasia,dysplasia and gastric cancer:a study of mucohistochemistry,immunohistochemistry and cell DNA quantitative analysis 被引量:1
作者 李春启 刘为纹 +1 位作者 王伯欧 李继昌 《Journal of Medical Colleges of PLA(China)》 CAS 1992年第2期192-196,共5页
One hundred and sixty-eight specimens of intestinal metaplasia(IM)with variousaccompanying lesions in gastric mucosa were studied with mucohistochemical and ABCimmunohistochemical staining,The quantitative analysis of... One hundred and sixty-eight specimens of intestinal metaplasia(IM)with variousaccompanying lesions in gastric mucosa were studied with mucohistochemical and ABCimmunohistochemical staining,The quantitative analysis of cell DNA was done withflowcytometry for 36 specimens.The results indicated that the incidence of type Ⅱb IM wassignificantly higher in the groups of dysplasia(34.6%)and mucosa adjacent to gastric cancer(GC)(51.7%)than in the chronic atrophic gastritis(CAG)group(16.0%)(P【0.01).The expres-sion rate of monoclonal antibody MG7 related antigen(MG7-Ag)in type Ⅱb IM(473%)wasalso significantly higher than those in type la(29.7%),Ib(26.1%)and Ⅱa IM(28.3%)(P【0.05).Expression rate of MG7-Ag,DNA aneuploid rate and percentage of S phase cell werestatistically higher in the type Ⅱb IM with dysphsia(62.5%,62.5% and 143±32)than in typeⅡb 1M without dysplasia(47.3%,12.5%and12.7±2.9)(P【0.05 and P【0.01).These findingssuppor the supposed progressive process:CAG→type Ⅱb IM→dysplasia→GC,andtype Ⅱb IM with dysplasia is closely associated with GC. 展开更多
关键词 PRECANCEROUS lesions stomach neoplasms MUCIN histochemistry immunohistochemistry DNA FLOWCYTOMETRY
作者 张军峰 詹瑧 《南京中医药大学学报》 CAS CSCD 2024年第2期201-208,共8页
舌苔是舌背黏膜表面的一层苔状物,观察其颜色和性质变化是中医舌诊的重要内容。越来越多的证据显示,舌苔图像及其成分对系统性疾病具有重要的诊断价值,为中医察舌苔辅助临床辨证论治、遣方用药的科学内涵提供了现代科学证据。然而,关于... 舌苔是舌背黏膜表面的一层苔状物,观察其颜色和性质变化是中医舌诊的重要内容。越来越多的证据显示,舌苔图像及其成分对系统性疾病具有重要的诊断价值,为中医察舌苔辅助临床辨证论治、遣方用药的科学内涵提供了现代科学证据。然而,关于舌苔形成的细胞与分子生物学机制依然缺乏系统深入研究。笔者分析了免疫-神经-内分泌系统、生物毒素、物理因素对舌苔形成的调控作用,为探索舌苔微环境(微生物、免疫、内分泌、机械拉伸、温度等)调控舌苔形成的生物学机制提供了新的研究思路和技术体系,有助于推动舌诊原理的现代科学内涵和临床应用研究。 展开更多
关键词 舌苔 免疫-神经-内分泌 微环境 物理因素 调控机制
作者 谢希晖 王学芳 +1 位作者 李娟 杨新芬 《中国处方药》 2024年第1期94-97,共4页
目的探讨帕博利珠单抗引起免疫相关肺炎发生机制及处理方法,为患者优化治疗方案,保证患者治疗安全有效。方法临床药师参与1例肺癌患者使用免疫检查点抑制剂——帕博利珠单抗致重度免疫相关肺炎的治疗过程,通过分析不良反应发生的原因、... 目的探讨帕博利珠单抗引起免疫相关肺炎发生机制及处理方法,为患者优化治疗方案,保证患者治疗安全有效。方法临床药师参与1例肺癌患者使用免疫检查点抑制剂——帕博利珠单抗致重度免疫相关肺炎的治疗过程,通过分析不良反应发生的原因、梳理治疗过程,对患者后续治疗方案提供高质量的建议,并对患者提供药学监护建议。结果免疫相关肺炎为帕博利珠单抗注射液已知不良反应,其发生与免疫耐受失衡相关。对于发生3级不良反应患者应永久停止免疫治疗。对免疫治疗失败肺癌患者为防止肿瘤快速进展应尽快启动化疗及抗血管治疗。结论临床药师通过参与对患者免疫相关肺炎发生机制、治疗方案的分析,为接受免疫治疗患者提供用药参考、指导及药物监护以提高药物治疗的有效性及安全性。 展开更多
关键词 帕博利珠单抗 免疫相关肺炎 药学监护 治疗方案分析
作者 张旭东 向莉 +3 位作者 李启亮 李珍 任亦欣 王燕 《标记免疫分析与临床》 CAS 2024年第1期151-156,175,共7页
目的 以荧光酶联免疫法的Immuno CAP系统为标准方法,探讨免疫印迹法的Allergy Screen系统的检验效能及在不同系统疾病诊疗中的临床应用价值。方法 收集2017年至2022年就诊于首都医科大学附属北京儿童医院过敏反应科的过敏原致敏患者血... 目的 以荧光酶联免疫法的Immuno CAP系统为标准方法,探讨免疫印迹法的Allergy Screen系统的检验效能及在不同系统疾病诊疗中的临床应用价值。方法 收集2017年至2022年就诊于首都医科大学附属北京儿童医院过敏反应科的过敏原致敏患者血清样本4 525份,根据疾病类型分为呼吸系统疾病组、消化系统疾病组、多系统疾病组和其他系统疾病组。采用Allergy Screen系统检测血清中的户尘螨、粉尘螨、烟曲霉、猫毛、狗毛、豚草、艾蒿、葎草、鸡蛋、牛奶、蟹、虾过敏原sIgE。对Allergy Screen系统的检验效能、可靠性、级别一致性和不同疾病系统组的应用进行评价。结果 在检验效能上,Allergy Screen系统猫毛过敏原灵敏度最高为0.75,特异性为0.95。其次为蟹过敏原,灵敏度为0.57,特异性为0.89。Allergy Screen法检测各过敏原的Kappa值在0.122~0.866之间。豚草一致性好,Kappa值为0.866。Allergy Screen系统的Spearman相关分析结果显示,对粉尘螨、艾蒿、猫毛等级相关性均>0.7,关系非常紧密。其中粉尘螨相关性最佳,为0.757。Allergy Screen系统检测不同过敏原中,总体一致率为65.6%~90.3%,阴性符合率一致率为81.5%~97.9%,阳性一致率为9.1%~70.5%。在不同系统疾病组间检验效能比较,特异性在各系统组间差异无统计学意义。结论 Allergy Screen系统具有较高的诊断效能,适用于临床过敏原筛查检测。 展开更多
关键词 过敏原 特异性免疫球蛋白E Allergy Screen immuno CAP
Rapidcal. Immuno在骨髓脱钙中的应用 被引量:5
作者 谢燕 黄晓楠 陈红 《诊断病理学杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2012年第5期399-399,共1页
近年来血液病呈高发趋势,骨髓穿刺活检更广泛地应用于临床。骨髓活检标本制片的质量及免疫组化染色的准确表达,对骨髓病理诊断起着极其重要的作用。骨髓组织中含有丰富的钙盐、脂肪及大量造血细胞,成分复杂,软硬程度不一致。在去除不利... 近年来血液病呈高发趋势,骨髓穿刺活检更广泛地应用于临床。骨髓活检标本制片的质量及免疫组化染色的准确表达,对骨髓病理诊断起着极其重要的作用。骨髓组织中含有丰富的钙盐、脂肪及大量造血细胞,成分复杂,软硬程度不一致。在去除不利于制片的钙盐成分的同时,又要保证造血细胞形态的完好及其免疫原性的完整保留。 展开更多
关键词 Rapidcal. immuno 骨髓 脱钙
作者 郭婷婷 赵佳 +7 位作者 马爽 陈杨 樊鹏程 毕涛旭 楚电峰 郭梦娇 吴艳涛 张小荣 《中国家禽》 2024年第4期113-119,共7页
为评价不同方法对鸡滑液囊支原体(MS)活疫苗免疫和非免疫状态鸡群的监测效果,研究分别采用HI、SPA与ELISA三种抗体检测方法和qPCR方法同步对某养殖场A、B和C三组鸡群进行MS感染和抗体水平监测,其中A鸡群23日龄免疫MS活疫苗(MS-H株),B、... 为评价不同方法对鸡滑液囊支原体(MS)活疫苗免疫和非免疫状态鸡群的监测效果,研究分别采用HI、SPA与ELISA三种抗体检测方法和qPCR方法同步对某养殖场A、B和C三组鸡群进行MS感染和抗体水平监测,其中A鸡群23日龄免疫MS活疫苗(MS-H株),B、C鸡群不免疫MS疫苗。结果显示:三种血清学检测方法所测MS抗体阳性率趋势基本一致,HI抗体效价变化规律和ELISA抗体效价变化规律相似,但血清学方法相对于qPCR方法具有一定的滞后性,qPCR可以最早发现MS野毒感染,且在使用活疫苗免疫的情况下对疫苗和野毒进行鉴别检测。研究提示:在条件允许的情况下,qPCR可以作为MS首选的监测方法;当检测条件受限时,上述三种血清学方法同样也可以用于评估MS野毒感染状况,但对结果的判断受母源抗体水平、疫苗免疫状况、野毒感染时间等多重因素的影响,在结果判断时应进行综合分析。 展开更多
关键词 鸡滑液囊支原体 血凝抑制试验 血清平板凝集试验 酶联免疫吸附试验 qPCR
作者 费发珠 芦佳骏 +2 位作者 张帅 李浩 任宾 《实用医学杂志》 CAS 2024年第6期738-742,共5页
肝细胞癌(HCC)已成为全球癌症相关所致死亡的第二大原因。由于早期症状不明显,多数患者确诊时已是晚期,手术切除与肝动脉化疗栓塞、射频消融等治疗手段的临床受益十分有限。近年来,免疫靶向疗法的出现使得晚期HCC患者的全身和系统治疗... 肝细胞癌(HCC)已成为全球癌症相关所致死亡的第二大原因。由于早期症状不明显,多数患者确诊时已是晚期,手术切除与肝动脉化疗栓塞、射频消融等治疗手段的临床受益十分有限。近年来,免疫靶向疗法的出现使得晚期HCC患者的全身和系统治疗取得了革命性的突破,然而,目前临床缺乏针对特殊人群包括携带人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)感染者、活动性自身免疫性疾病、失代偿性肝硬化(Child B或C级)、糖尿病相关代谢综合征患者、门静脉高压、血管侵犯、肝移植(LT)患者免疫及靶向治疗安全性及有效性的强有力证据。本文就目前免疫及靶向药物在特殊人群中的治疗研究进展做一综述。 展开更多
关键词 肝细胞癌 免疫靶向治疗 特殊人群
作者 李永强 杨小霞 +2 位作者 张京萍 杨艳丽 方强恩 《草业科学》 CAS CSCD 2024年第3期675-683,共9页
矩镰荚苜蓿(Medicago archiducis-nicolai)分布于青藏高原东缘高寒地区,具有极强的抗寒能力。为了探明矩镰荚苜蓿地下器官的越冬抗寒机理,本研究采用常规石蜡切片法,对自然越冬过程中根、根颈和地下茎贮藏组织中淀粉粒的变化进行动态观... 矩镰荚苜蓿(Medicago archiducis-nicolai)分布于青藏高原东缘高寒地区,具有极强的抗寒能力。为了探明矩镰荚苜蓿地下器官的越冬抗寒机理,本研究采用常规石蜡切片法,对自然越冬过程中根、根颈和地下茎贮藏组织中淀粉粒的变化进行动态观测。结果显示:矩镰荚苜蓿越冬过程中,淀粉主要贮藏在地下器官的髓和栓内层薄壁细胞中,少量存在于木质部薄壁细胞,根颈与根内淀粉粒分布较为密集;地下不同器官中淀粉数量在越冬前后变化趋势基本一致,总体呈现出先减少后增加的变化规律,越冬前期淀粉在地下器官中大量积累,越冬中期逐渐消失,后期又逐渐积累起来;各地下器官中根颈对温度变化响应最快,地下茎对低温最敏感。研究发现,矩镰荚苜蓿地下茎除具有扩展、繁殖能力外,还兼具贮藏与抗寒等能力,是该植物不同于其他苜蓿属物种的特殊地下器官;越冬期矩镰荚苜蓿地下器官抗寒力形成的不同步性,可能是其应对高寒环境的适应性策略。 展开更多
关键词 解剖结构 组织化学 越冬 薄壁组织 青藏高原 地下茎 淀粉粒
骨免疫与骨代谢 被引量:2
作者 郭曹培 程飘涛 +4 位作者 杨成兵 宫首航 彭家泽 张琳 彭笳宸 《中国组织工程研究》 CAS 2024年第14期2261-2266,共6页
背景:骨质疏松症中骨密度和结构破坏,增加骨骼脆性引起骨折,导致高的临床致残率和死亡率。目的:综述骨免疫在骨代谢相关生理和病理过程中作用的研究进展,为骨免疫在相关骨骼疾病方面的研究及临床应用提供思路。方法:第一作者于2022年11... 背景:骨质疏松症中骨密度和结构破坏,增加骨骼脆性引起骨折,导致高的临床致残率和死亡率。目的:综述骨免疫在骨代谢相关生理和病理过程中作用的研究进展,为骨免疫在相关骨骼疾病方面的研究及临床应用提供思路。方法:第一作者于2022年11月应用计算机在Pub Med和中国知网数据库以“骨免疫,免疫-骨骼界面,骨代谢,淋巴细胞,免疫因子”为中文检索词,以“osteoimmunology,immuno-skeletal interface,bone metabolism,skeletal metabolism,lymphocyte,immune factor”为英文检索词进行检索,检索时间范围为2010年1月至2022年11月,同时纳入少量经典远期文献。通过阅读文题和摘要进行初步筛选;排除中英文重复性研究、低质量期刊及内容不相关的文献,最后纳入81篇文献进行综述。结果与结论:(1)骨免疫学(osteoimmunology)指骨细胞和免疫细胞共享的微环境并相互作用,共同执行“骨免疫系统”,该系统包含骨髓中所有细胞;(2)免疫-骨骼界面在生理条件下对骨骼具有保护作用,但在病理作用下,免疫-骨骼界面可能会导致骨质破坏;(3)骨保护素主要来源于B细胞,很好地抑制了破骨代谢;然而当机体处于炎症情况下,T细胞和B细胞会产生促骨质吸收的协同作用;此外白细胞介素1、白细胞介素6、肿瘤坏死因子α等在体内调节核因子κB受体活化因子配体的表达影响骨代谢;(4)在大多数临床疾病中(如类风湿关节炎、雌激素缺乏症、人类免疫缺陷病毒感染、甲状旁腺功能亢进等)免疫-骨骼界面都与骨免疫系统产生相互作用,从而产生对骨代谢的调控;(5)在临床前景方面,研究骨免疫与骨代谢的相互作用,旨在为减少骨折风险的治疗性干预提出新的策略。 展开更多
关键词 骨免疫 骨代谢 免疫-骨骼界面 骨质负性重塑 骨保护素 淋巴细胞 免疫因子 骨质疏松
Myelin histology:a key tool in nervous system research
作者 Óscar Darío García-García Víctor Carriel Jesús Chato-Astrain 《Neural Regeneration Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2024年第2期277-281,共5页
The myelin sheath is a lipoprotein-rich,multilayered structure capable of increasing conduction velocity in central and peripheral myelinated nerve fibers.Due to the complex structure and composition of myelin,various... The myelin sheath is a lipoprotein-rich,multilayered structure capable of increasing conduction velocity in central and peripheral myelinated nerve fibers.Due to the complex structure and composition of myelin,various histological techniques have been developed over the centuries to evaluate myelin under normal,pathological or experimental conditions.Today,methods to assess myelin integrity or content are key tools in both clinical diagnosis and neuroscience research.In this review,we provide an updated summary of the composition and structure of the myelin sheath and discuss some histological procedures,from tissue fixation and processing techniques to the most used and practical myelin histological staining methods.Considering the lipoprotein nature of myelin,the main features and technical details of the different available methods that can be used to evaluate the lipid or protein components of myelin are described,as well as the precise ultrastructural techniques. 展开更多
关键词 fluorescence microscopy HISTOLOGY light microscopy lipid histochemistry metallographic techniques myelin histochemistry myelin immunohistochemistry myelin structure&composition myelin ultrastructural evaluation tissue fixation&processing
作者 韦美菊 赵若蓓 +3 位作者 徐苑珊 罗宇珍 杨桢华 潘玲 《内科》 2024年第1期1-6,共6页
目的筛选在免疫球蛋白A肾病(IgAN)的诊断中具有临床价值的尿液足细胞生物标志物,并分析其与临床病理特征的相关性。方法选取129例IgAN患者作为IgAN组,60例特发性膜性肾病(IMN)患者作为IMN组,63例健康志愿者作为健康组。检测并比较上述... 目的筛选在免疫球蛋白A肾病(IgAN)的诊断中具有临床价值的尿液足细胞生物标志物,并分析其与临床病理特征的相关性。方法选取129例IgAN患者作为IgAN组,60例特发性膜性肾病(IMN)患者作为IMN组,63例健康志愿者作为健康组。检测并比较上述三组研究对象尿液中c‑Maf诱导蛋白(CMIP)、Ras同源基因家族成员A(RhoA)、丝切蛋白‑1(cofilin‑1)、可溶性尿激酶型纤溶酶原激活物受体(suPAR)、α‑klotho蛋白、肾病蛋白(nephrin)和足盂蛋白(PCX)的水平。应用受试者工作特征(ROC)曲线分析尿液足细胞生物标志物诊断IgAN的临床价值,应用Pearson或Spearman相关法分析尿液足细胞生物标志物与IgAN患者临床指标的相关性。结果IgAN与IMN组间、IgAN与健康组间的cofilin‑1和suPAR水平均存在差异(均P<0.05)。suPAR诊断IgAN的ROC曲线下面积为0.730,suPAR联合cofilin‑1诊断IgAN的ROC曲线下面积为0.772(均P<0.05)。相关性分析结果提示,suPAR与收缩压、24 h尿蛋白、总胆固醇、高密度脂蛋白、牛津病理评分E呈正相关,与白蛋白呈负相关;cofilin‑1与收缩压和舒张压均呈正相关,与估算肾小球滤过率呈负相关。结论IgAN患者的尿液足细胞生物标志物suPAR和cofilin‑1水平特异性升高,suPAR联合cofilin‑1在IgAN的无创诊断中有一定的价值。 展开更多
关键词 可溶性尿激酶型纤溶酶原激活物受体 丝切蛋白‑1 足细胞生物标志物 免疫球蛋白A肾病 无创诊断
Overview of cytokines and nitric oxide involvement in immuno-pathogenesis of inflammatory bowel diseases 被引量:30
作者 Imene Soufli Ryma Toumi +1 位作者 Hayet Rafa Chafia Touil-Boukoffa 《World Journal of Gastrointestinal Pharmacology and Therapeutics》 CAS 2016年第3期353-360,共8页
Inflammatory bowel diseases(IBDs), including Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis are complex disorders with undetermined etiology. Several hypotheses suggest that IBDs result from an abnormal immune response ag... Inflammatory bowel diseases(IBDs), including Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis are complex disorders with undetermined etiology. Several hypotheses suggest that IBDs result from an abnormal immune response against endogenous flora and luminal antigens in genetically susceptible individuals. The dysfunction of the mucosal immune response is implicated in the pathogenesis of IBD. The balance between pro-inflammatory cytokines [tumor necrosis factor(TNF)-α, interleukin(IL)-1b, IL-8, and IL-17A], anti-inflammatory cytokines(IL-4 and IL-13), and immunoregulatory cytokines(IL-10 and transforming growth factors b) is disturbed. Moreover, evidence from animal and clinical studies demonstrate a positive correlation between an increased concentration of nitric oxide(NO) and the severity of the disease. Interestingly, proinflammatory cytokines are involved in the up-regulation of inducible oxide synthase(iN OS) expression in IBD. However, anti-inflammatory and immunoregulatory cytokines are responsible for the negative regulation of iN OS. A positive correlation between NO production and increased pro-inflammatory cytokine levels(TNF-α, IL-6, IL-17, IL-12, and interferon-γ) were reported in patients with IBD. This review focuses on the role of cytokines in intestinal inflammation and their relationship with NO in IBD. 展开更多
作者 刘源富 张业怀 +2 位作者 凌丁 吕南 张小勤 《养殖与饲料》 2024年第3期7-11,共5页
[目的]为中药在养禽业上“减抗”“替抗”的推广应用提供参考。[方法]选取56日龄341 g左右的灵山麻鸡200羽,随机分为4组,每组10羽鸡、每组5个重复,对照组饲喂基础日粮,试验组在基础日粮上分别添加0.5%、1.0%、2.0%木棉花超微粉,饲养试验... [目的]为中药在养禽业上“减抗”“替抗”的推广应用提供参考。[方法]选取56日龄341 g左右的灵山麻鸡200羽,随机分为4组,每组10羽鸡、每组5个重复,对照组饲喂基础日粮,试验组在基础日粮上分别添加0.5%、1.0%、2.0%木棉花超微粉,饲养试验为42 d,测定试验鸡的生长性能、腹泻率、肠道菌群、血清免疫球蛋白等指标。[结果]与对照组相比,木棉花超微粉对试验鸡的平均日采食量、血清免疫球蛋白IgA、IgM均无显著影响,但均能不同程度地提高平均日增质量,中剂量试验组增加最多(12.67%);试验组灵山麻鸡血清中IgG含量分别显著提高36.13%、55.35%、26.18%,且中剂量试验组效果最好。[结论]在饲料中添加木棉花超微粉可促进灵山麻鸡生长,同时降低肠道菌群的丰度和腹泻率,显著提高血清免疫球蛋白IgG的含量,且以1%木棉花超微粉效果最佳。 展开更多
关键词 木棉花超微粉 木棉花 灵山麻鸡 生长性能 血清免疫球蛋白 肠道菌群 腹泻
Rice bran hydrolysates induce immunomodulatory effects by suppression of chemotaxis, and modulation of cytokine release and cell-mediated cytotoxicity 被引量:2
作者 Suphanthip Phusrisom Laddawan Senggunprai +5 位作者 Auemduan Prawan Sarinya Kongpetch Upa Kukongviriyapan Supawan Thawornchinsombut Ronnachai Changsri Veerapol Kukongviriyapan 《Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine》 SCIE CAS 2020年第10期470-478,共9页
Objective: To evaluate the immunomodulatory effects of rice bran hydrolysates on cultured immune cells and their underlying mechanism.Methods: Rice bran hydrolysates were prepared from pigmented rice(Oryza sativa L.) ... Objective: To evaluate the immunomodulatory effects of rice bran hydrolysates on cultured immune cells and their underlying mechanism.Methods: Rice bran hydrolysates were prepared from pigmented rice(Oryza sativa L.) by hydrothermolysis and protease digestion. Rice bran hydrolysates were assayed for phenolic content and antioxidant activity. Cell proliferation of Jurkat, THP-1 and peripheral blood mononuclear cells(PBMC) was evaluated by 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide assay. Chemotaxis was evaluated by transwell chamber methods. Immunoadherence of THP-1 was performed on cultured human umbilical vein endothelial cells(HUVEC). Cytokine released from PBMC was measured by ELISA assay kits. Lymphocyte-mediated cytotoxicity was carried out on KKU-452 cells. Proteins associated with immunomodulation were analyzed by Western immunoblotting assay. Results: Rice bran hydrolysates were rich in phenolic compounds, such as ferulic acid, catechin, quercetin, and quercetin glycosides. Rice bran hydrolysates suppressed phytohemagglutinin(PHA)-stimulated proliferation of PBMC and Jurkat cells, chemotaxis of Jurkat and THP-1 cells, and immunoadherence of THP-1 on HUVEC cultured cells. The cellular mechanism of rice bran hydrolysates involved the activation of AMPK as well as suppression of m TOR, NF-κB and VCAM-1. Rice bran hydrolysates potentiated PBMC on the PHA-stimulated release of IL-2, TNF-α, and IL-4, and enhanced PHA-induced non-MHC-restricted cytotoxicity on KKU-452 cancer cells. Conclusions: The immunomodulatory effect of phytochemicals derived from rice bran hydrolysates suggests its therapeutic potential for further investigation. 展开更多
关键词 CYTOTOXICITY immuno lysates
Effects of Natural Radiation, PAR and Artificial Ultraviolet Radiation-B on the Ultrastructure and Histochemistry of Leaf of Oryza sativa L. 被引量:1
作者 Sérgio L. de Almeida éder C. Schmidt +1 位作者 Ana C. Rodrigues Zenilda L. Bouzon 《American Journal of Plant Sciences》 2012年第10期1361-1368,共8页
Ultraviolet radiation-B (UVBR) affects plants in many important ways, including reduced growth rate, reduction of primary productivity and changes in ultrastructure. The rice (Oryza sativa) is one of the most cultivat... Ultraviolet radiation-B (UVBR) affects plants in many important ways, including reduced growth rate, reduction of primary productivity and changes in ultrastructure. The rice (Oryza sativa) is one of the most cultivated cereal in the world along with corn and wheat, representing over 50% of agricultural production. In this study, we examined O. sativa exposed to natural radiation denominated which “ambient samples”, plants cultivated which photosynthetically active radiation (PAR), denominated with PAR-only and plants cultivated with PAR + UVBR for 2 h per day during 30 days of cultivation in vitro. The samples were processed for electron microscopy and histochemistry analysis. PAR + UVBR caused changes in the ultrastructure of leaf of O. sativa, mesophyll cells, which included increased thickness of the cell wall and plastoglobuli, reduced intracellular spaces, changes in the cell contour, and destruction of chloroplast and mitochondria internal organization. The exposure to PAR + UVBR led to changes in guard and subsidiary cells, and the stomata and papillae were with irregular shape. The reduction of epicuticular wax that covered the leaf, was observed. Taken together, these ?ndings strongly suggested that PAR + UVBR negatively affects the ultrastructure and morphology and growth rates, of leaf of O. sativa and, in the long term, their economic viability. 展开更多
关键词 ORYZA SATIVA Ultraviolet Radiation-B histochemistry ULTRASTRUCTURE
Defensins couple dysbiosis to primary immunodeficiency in Crohn's disease 被引量:5
作者 Mathias Chamaillard Rodrigue Dessein 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第5期567-571,共5页
Antimicrobial peptides,including defensins,are essential effectors in host defence and in the maintenance of immune homeostasis.Clinical studies have linked the defective expression of both α-and β-defensin to the r... Antimicrobial peptides,including defensins,are essential effectors in host defence and in the maintenance of immune homeostasis.Clinical studies have linked the defective expression of both α-and β-defensin to the reduced killing of certain microorganisms by the intestinal mucosa of patients suffering from ileal and colonic Crohn's disease(CD),respectively.Only recently have the events leading to defective expression of defensins in CD been further elucidated,and are discussed herein.These events may account for CD-associated alterations in the microbiome and may subsequently precipitate the development of granulomatous inflammatory lesions in genetically-predisposed patients.We also address how these discoveries may pave the way for the development of a molecular medicine aimed at restoring gut barrier function in CD. 展开更多
关键词 免疫缺陷 防御素 TIAL基 宿主防御 肠道黏膜 分子医学 屏障功能 微生物
A Study of Histology and Enzymatic Histochemistry on Rabbit's Retina in Acute Ocular Hypertension 被引量:1
作者 Weirong Sun, Shumei Wang, Guiqiu Zhao, Jianlu Gao, Fangyi LiuThe Department of Ophthalmology, The Affilliated Hospital of Qingdao Medical College Qingdao 266003, China 《眼科学报》 1994年第3期144-150,共7页
The changes of activities of enzymes relating to energy metabolism in rabbit's retina in acute ocular hypertension were observed. The activities of succinate dehydrogenase and adenosine triphosphatase were found t... The changes of activities of enzymes relating to energy metabolism in rabbit's retina in acute ocular hypertension were observed. The activities of succinate dehydrogenase and adenosine triphosphatase were found to be reduced, while the activities of the lactatic dehydrognease and glucose-6-phosphatase increased. The results revealed the metabolic disturbance of energy in retina after acute ocular hypertension might be the underlying factors relating to the defects of the functions and structures of the... 展开更多
关键词 acute ocular hypertension retina enzymes histochemistry
Ultrastructure and histochemistry of rat myocardial capillary endothelial cells in response to diabetes and hypertension 被引量:4
作者 Ludmila OKRUHLICOVA Narcis TRIBULOVA1 +1 位作者 Peter WEISMANN Ruzena SOTNIKOVA 《Cell Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第7期532-538,共7页
Insufficient growth and rarefaction of capillaries, followed by endothelial dysfunction may represent one of the mostcritical mechanisms involved in heart damage. In this study we examined histochemical and ultrastruc... Insufficient growth and rarefaction of capillaries, followed by endothelial dysfunction may represent one of the mostcritical mechanisms involved in heart damage. In this study we examined histochemical and ultrastructural changes inmyocardial capillary endothelium in two models of heart failure streptozotocin-induced diabetes mellitus (STZ) and NO-deficient hypertension in male Wistar rats. Diabetes was induced by a single i.v. dose of STZ (45 mg/kg) and chronic 9-week stage was analysed. To induce NO-deficient hypertension, animals were treated with inhibitor of NO synthase L-nitroarginine methylester (L-NAME) (40 mg/kg) for 4 weeks. Left ventricular tissue was processed for enzyme cata-lytic histochemistry of capillary alkaline phosphatase (AlPh), dipeptidyl peptidase IV (DPP IV), and endothelial NOsynthase/NADPH-diaphorase (NOS) and for ultrastructural analysis. In diabetic and hypertensive rats, lower/absentAlPh and DPP IV activities were found in focal micro-areas. NOS activity was significantly reduced and persisted onlylocally. Quantitative evaluation demonstrated reduction of reaction product intensity of AlPh, DPP and NOS by 49.50%,74.36%, 20.05% in diabetic and 62.93%, 82.71%, 37.65% in hypertensive rats. Subcellular alterations of endothelialcells were found in heart of both groups suggesting injury of capillary function as well as compensatory processes.Endothelial injury was more significant in diabetic animals, in contrast the adaptation was more evident in hypertensiveones. Concluding: both STZ-induced diabetes- and NO-deficient hypertension-related cardiomyopathy were accompa-nied by similar features of structural remodelling of cardiac capillary network manifested as angiogenesis and angiopathy.The latter was however, predominant and may accelerate disappearance of capillary endothelium contributing to myo-cardial dysfunction. 展开更多
关键词 超微结构 组织化学 小鼠 心肌疾病 毛细血管 糖尿病 高血压
Hepatocytes isolated from neoplastic liver-immunomagnetic purging as a new source for transplantation 被引量:2
作者 Aravin Gunasegaram Javed Akhter +3 位作者 Peng Yao Loreena A Johnson Stephen M Riodan David L Morris 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第32期5025-5031,共7页
AIM: To investigate whether hepatocytes isolated from macroscopically normal liver during hepatic resection for neoplasia could provide a novel source of healthy hepatocytes, including the development of reliable prot... AIM: To investigate whether hepatocytes isolated from macroscopically normal liver during hepatic resection for neoplasia could provide a novel source of healthy hepatocytes, including the development of reliable protocols for malignant cells removal from the hepatocyte preparation. METHODS: Hepatocytes were procured from resected liver of 18 patients with liver tumors using optimised digestion and cell-enrichment protocols. Suspensions of various known quantities of the HT-29 tumor cell line and patient hepatocytes were treated or not with Ep-CAM-antibody-coated immunomagnetic beads in order to investigate the effi cacy of tumor-purging by immunomagnetic depletion, using a semi-quantitative RT-PCR method developed to detect tumor cells. Immunomagnetic bead-treated or bead-untreated tumor cell-hepatocyte suspensions were transplanted intra-peritoneally in Balb/C nude mice to assess the rates of tumor development. RESULTS: Mean viable hepatocyte yield was 9.3 x 106 cells per gram of digested liver with mean viability of 70.5%. Immunomagnetic depletion removed tumor cells to below the RT-PCR detection-threshold of 1 tumor cell in 106 hepatocytes, representing a maximum tumor purging efficacy of greater than 400 000-fold. Transplanted, immunomagnetic bead-purged tumor cell-hepatocyte suspensions did not form peritonealtumors in Balb/C nude mice. Co-transplantation of hepatocytes with tumor cells did not increase tumorigenesis of the tumor cells. CONCLUSION: Immunomagnetic depletion appears to be an effective method of purging contaminating tumor cells to below threshold for likely tumorigenesis. Along with improved techniques for isolation of large numbers of viable hepatocytes, normal liver resected for neoplasia has potential as another clinically useful source of hepatocytes 展开更多
关键词 肝细胞转移 肝移植 肝肿瘤 症状
Immunoregulatory Effects of Ethyl-acetate Fraction of Extracts from Tetrastigma Hemsleyanum Diels et. Gilg on Immune Functions of ICR Mice 被引量:49
作者 CAI-JU XU GANG-QIANG DING JIAN-YUN FU JIA MENG RONG-HUA ZHANG XIAO-MING LOU 《Biomedical and Environmental Sciences》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第4期325-331,共7页
Objective To evaluate the effects of ethyl-acetate fraction (EAF) of extracts from Tetrastigma hemsleyanum Diels et. Gilg (TDG) on immune functions of ICR mice. Methods ICR mice were exposed to different doses of EAF ... Objective To evaluate the effects of ethyl-acetate fraction (EAF) of extracts from Tetrastigma hemsleyanum Diels et. Gilg (TDG) on immune functions of ICR mice. Methods ICR mice were exposed to different doses of EAF for 15 or 30 days and then their immune functions were analyzed, including ConA-induced splenic lymphocyte transformation, SRBC- induced delayed type hypersensitivity response, serum hemolysin analysis, antibody-producing cells, peritoneal macrophage phagocytized chicken red blood cells, natural killer cell activity, and serum level of cytokines. Results EAF of extracts from TDG at different doses had various effects on immune functions of ICR mice. As compared with the controls, it increased the mouse spleen lymphocyte transformation induced by ConA, the left-hind voix pedis thickness and the number of plague forming cells (PFCs) at the dose of 1.82 mg/mL, 5.48 mg/mL, and 9.12 mg/mL, respectively; increased the ink clearance ability at the dose of 0.91 mg/mL, 1.82 mg/mL, 5.48 mg/mL, and 9.12 mg/mL, respectively; increased the phagocytosis index of mononuclear-macrophages and production of serum interferon-gamma (IFN-γ) at the dose of 5.48 mg/mL; and could promote the production of serum tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) at the dose of 9.12 mg/mL. Conclusion EAF of extracts from TDG can regulate mouse immune functions in vivo. 展开更多
关键词 细胞免疫学 体液免疫 人体学 生理机制
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