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作者 李保国 黄知涛 +2 位作者 王翔 张敏 孙丽婷 《电气电子教学学报》 2024年第1期54-57,共4页
为适应新时代信息化战争对军事智能人才的迫切需求,在电子对抗方向的课程改革中引入智能化案例,按照金课标准,结合部队实际需求,建设了面向智能电子对抗的案例库。利用智能化案例库牵引教学内容和教学模式改革以及教师队伍建设。改革的... 为适应新时代信息化战争对军事智能人才的迫切需求,在电子对抗方向的课程改革中引入智能化案例,按照金课标准,结合部队实际需求,建设了面向智能电子对抗的案例库。利用智能化案例库牵引教学内容和教学模式改革以及教师队伍建设。改革的根本目的在于培养学员军事智能及认知电子战思维,使其快速适应岗位需求,成为部队新质化作战力量的重要组成。 展开更多
关键词 智能化 案例 电子对抗
作者 刘峰 郭林峰 +1 位作者 张建明 王蕾 《煤炭学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第1期1-15,共15页
煤炭工业是支撑我国经济社会高速发展和保障国家能源安全的压舱石与稳定器,承担着能源保供与支撑新能源稳定发展的时代使命,煤炭工业的高质量发展既是落实我国能源安全新战略与产业体系变革的关键,也是推进能源产业可持续发展与促进国... 煤炭工业是支撑我国经济社会高速发展和保障国家能源安全的压舱石与稳定器,承担着能源保供与支撑新能源稳定发展的时代使命,煤炭工业的高质量发展既是落实我国能源安全新战略与产业体系变革的关键,也是推进能源产业可持续发展与促进国家高质量发展的基础。当前我国煤炭工业高质量发展已取得阶段成效,能源保供成绩显著,产业结构不断优化,科技创新能力显著提高,绿色开发与清洁高效利用持续推进。但当前煤炭工业仍面临诸多挑战,发展水平与中国式现代化的国家需求差距较大,可持续发展受多重因素制约,数字技术与煤炭开发利用尚未深度融合,智能化建设仍处于示范培育阶段,绿色化发展不平衡且矛盾突出,煤炭工业的转型升级仍然任重道远。结合当前煤炭工业发展现状与挑战,提出了数字化、智能化、绿色化(三化)协同的发展模式,明确了煤炭新质生产力的核心内涵,构建了三化协同发展煤炭新质生产力的总体架构,阐述了通过数字化变革生产要素创新配置、智能化引领关键技术跨越突破、绿色化主导传统产业深度转型三大要素催生煤炭新质生产力的技术路径,提出了六大技术体系:通过研发全产业链数据高效采集与深度治理技术体系,打通煤炭产—运—储—销—用全流程的数据壁垒;通过研发构建煤炭行业知识图谱与智能决策管控技术体系,深度挖掘煤炭产业上下游各业务场景的关联关系与价值,为煤炭生产利用全流程的自主决策与智能控制奠定基础;开展煤炭资源智能-绿色-高效开发技术体系、煤炭产业安全协同保障技术体系、矿区生态智能监测-预警-修复技术体系、煤炭柔性开发与清洁低碳利用技术体系研究,实现煤炭开发利用全产业链、全流程的三化协同发展,培育形成煤炭新质生产力,为煤炭工业的整体形象带来根本性变革提升。 展开更多
关键词 数字化 智能化 绿色化 三化协同 煤炭新质生产力 “双碳”目标
作者 潘昶 《舰船电子工程》 2024年第2期25-28,共4页
随着试验难度密度加大,装备状态转换快,指挥控制决策压力剧增。论文对面向任务的智能指挥决策系统进行研究。充分利用汇集于指控中心的测控数据,从数据传输格式自动化检查、处理结果的正确性分析、异常故障快速定位、装备效能评估几个... 随着试验难度密度加大,装备状态转换快,指挥控制决策压力剧增。论文对面向任务的智能指挥决策系统进行研究。充分利用汇集于指控中心的测控数据,从数据传输格式自动化检查、处理结果的正确性分析、异常故障快速定位、装备效能评估几个方面建立方法模型,构建了面向任务的智能化指挥控制系统架构[10]。 展开更多
关键词 指挥决策 智能化 试验评估
作者 赖茂生 《科技情报研究》 2024年第2期1-10,共10页
[目的/意义]梳理知识组织领域的发展脉络及其演化规律和演化的驱动因素,阐述大数据时代科技情报机构知识组织的新需求、新任务和科技情报界的创新探索。[方法/过程]初步调研了近年来在知识组织数智化方面的研究进展、面临的挑战和短板,... [目的/意义]梳理知识组织领域的发展脉络及其演化规律和演化的驱动因素,阐述大数据时代科技情报机构知识组织的新需求、新任务和科技情报界的创新探索。[方法/过程]初步调研了近年来在知识组织数智化方面的研究进展、面临的挑战和短板,预测了未来的发展趋势和思路,强调要走专业精英与草根相结合、人智与数智相结合的道路。[结果/结论]图书情报界的知识组织发展需要重视和加强的几个领域,即数据标注、数据集的组织与检索以及数据管理中的元数据问题。 展开更多
关键词 知识组织 分类 主题标引 演化 数智化
作者 荣明芹 《鞋类工艺与设计》 2024年第2期174-176,共3页
关键词 广州市 养老 智能化 居住空间
Recent Progress in Reinforcement Learning and Adaptive Dynamic Programming for Advanced Control Applications 被引量:1
作者 Ding Wang Ning Gao +2 位作者 Derong Liu Jinna Li Frank L.Lewis 《IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica》 SCIE EI CSCD 2024年第1期18-36,共19页
Reinforcement learning(RL) has roots in dynamic programming and it is called adaptive/approximate dynamic programming(ADP) within the control community. This paper reviews recent developments in ADP along with RL and ... Reinforcement learning(RL) has roots in dynamic programming and it is called adaptive/approximate dynamic programming(ADP) within the control community. This paper reviews recent developments in ADP along with RL and its applications to various advanced control fields. First, the background of the development of ADP is described, emphasizing the significance of regulation and tracking control problems. Some effective offline and online algorithms for ADP/adaptive critic control are displayed, where the main results towards discrete-time systems and continuous-time systems are surveyed, respectively.Then, the research progress on adaptive critic control based on the event-triggered framework and under uncertain environment is discussed, respectively, where event-based design, robust stabilization, and game design are reviewed. Moreover, the extensions of ADP for addressing control problems under complex environment attract enormous attention. The ADP architecture is revisited under the perspective of data-driven and RL frameworks,showing how they promote ADP formulation significantly.Finally, several typical control applications with respect to RL and ADP are summarized, particularly in the fields of wastewater treatment processes and power systems, followed by some general prospects for future research. Overall, the comprehensive survey on ADP and RL for advanced control applications has d emonstrated its remarkable potential within the artificial intelligence era. In addition, it also plays a vital role in promoting environmental protection and industrial intelligence. 展开更多
关键词 Adaptive dynamic programming(ADP) advanced control complex environment data-driven control event-triggered design intelligent control neural networks nonlinear systems optimal control reinforcement learning(RL)
作者 陈天兄 范俊杰 +3 位作者 张日喜 刘建龙 柏宗春 孙建国 《中国农机化学报》 北大核心 2024年第4期45-50,共6页
中国目前的养殖水产出口量与水产产量均位于世界前列,为保证养殖水产产品的产品质量和人的饮食健康,对养殖水产进行精细化投喂,研发改进精准投喂装备就显得尤为重要。目前,产业强调水产养殖装备的精细化、数字化、智能化,通过对基于视... 中国目前的养殖水产出口量与水产产量均位于世界前列,为保证养殖水产产品的产品质量和人的饮食健康,对养殖水产进行精细化投喂,研发改进精准投喂装备就显得尤为重要。目前,产业强调水产养殖装备的精细化、数字化、智能化,通过对基于视觉、声音、被动自需式、生长环境建模决策四种不同角度的智能投喂系统研究进展综述,研究水产养殖中智能投喂系统的发展趋势,通过数字化和智能技术,投喂装备实现精准管理,提升养殖效益,强调创新对于推动水产养殖行业发展至关重要,以期为水产养殖投喂装备的数字化、精准化发展打开新思路。 展开更多
关键词 水产养殖 投喂装备 智能化 数字化 精准化
作者 罗小林 隋欣 +1 位作者 张爽 尹婧 《中国水利》 2024年第7期51-55,共5页
新阶段水利高质量发展对小水电发展提出了更高要求,亟须推进小水电智慧化管理,以加快推进实现小水电的绿色转型。阐述了我国小水电发展现状和面临的挑战,厘清了小水电智慧化管理需求,剖析了数字孪生小水电的内涵和特征;结合行业实际,提... 新阶段水利高质量发展对小水电发展提出了更高要求,亟须推进小水电智慧化管理,以加快推进实现小水电的绿色转型。阐述了我国小水电发展现状和面临的挑战,厘清了小水电智慧化管理需求,剖析了数字孪生小水电的内涵和特征;结合行业实际,提出当前我国数字孪生小水电系统基本框架和业务应用内容,解析行业内已开展的实践探索案例。针对建设行业标准、健全保障机制、加强科技支撑、推进先行先试提出建议,以期加速数字孪生技术在小水电领域的应用和推广。 展开更多
关键词 智慧化 小水电 数字孪生 技术框架 业务场景
An intelligent control method based on artificial neural network for numerical flight simulation of the basic finner projectile with pitching maneuver
作者 Yiming Liang Guangning Li +3 位作者 Min Xu Junmin Zhao Feng Hao Hongbo Shi 《Defence Technology(防务技术)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第2期663-674,共12页
In this paper,an intelligent control method applying on numerical virtual flight is proposed.The proposed algorithm is verified and evaluated by combining with the case of the basic finner projectile model and shows a... In this paper,an intelligent control method applying on numerical virtual flight is proposed.The proposed algorithm is verified and evaluated by combining with the case of the basic finner projectile model and shows a good application prospect.Firstly,a numerical virtual flight simulation model based on overlapping dynamic mesh technology is constructed.In order to verify the accuracy of the dynamic grid technology and the calculation of unsteady flow,a numerical simulation of the basic finner projectile without control is carried out.The simulation results are in good agreement with the experiment data which shows that the algorithm used in this paper can also be used in the design and evaluation of the intelligent controller in the numerical virtual flight simulation.Secondly,combined with the real-time control requirements of aerodynamic,attitude and displacement parameters of the projectile during the flight process,the numerical simulations of the basic finner projectile’s pitch channel are carried out under the traditional PID(Proportional-Integral-Derivative)control strategy and the intelligent PID control strategy respectively.The intelligent PID controller based on BP(Back Propagation)neural network can realize online learning and self-optimization of control parameters according to the acquired real-time flight parameters.Compared with the traditional PID controller,the concerned control variable overshoot,rise time,transition time and steady state error and other performance indicators have been greatly improved,and the higher the learning efficiency or the inertia coefficient,the faster the system,the larger the overshoot,and the smaller the stability error.The intelligent control method applying on numerical virtual flight is capable of solving the complicated unsteady motion and flow with the intelligent PID control strategy and has a strong promotion to engineering application. 展开更多
关键词 Numerical virtual flight Intelligent control BP neural network PID Moving chimera grid
Traffic Control Based on Integrated Kalman Filtering and Adaptive Quantized Q-Learning Framework for Internet of Vehicles
作者 Othman S.Al-Heety Zahriladha Zakaria +4 位作者 Ahmed Abu-Khadrah Mahamod Ismail Sarmad Nozad Mahmood Mohammed Mudhafar Shakir Hussein Alsariera 《Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences》 SCIE EI 2024年第3期2103-2127,共25页
Intelligent traffic control requires accurate estimation of the road states and incorporation of adaptive or dynamically adjusted intelligent algorithms for making the decision.In this article,these issues are handled... Intelligent traffic control requires accurate estimation of the road states and incorporation of adaptive or dynamically adjusted intelligent algorithms for making the decision.In this article,these issues are handled by proposing a novel framework for traffic control using vehicular communications and Internet of Things data.The framework integrates Kalman filtering and Q-learning.Unlike smoothing Kalman filtering,our data fusion Kalman filter incorporates a process-aware model which makes it superior in terms of the prediction error.Unlike traditional Q-learning,our Q-learning algorithm enables adaptive state quantization by changing the threshold of separating low traffic from high traffic on the road according to the maximum number of vehicles in the junction roads.For evaluation,the model has been simulated on a single intersection consisting of four roads:east,west,north,and south.A comparison of the developed adaptive quantized Q-learning(AQQL)framework with state-of-the-art and greedy approaches shows the superiority of AQQL with an improvement percentage in terms of the released number of vehicles of AQQL is 5%over the greedy approach and 340%over the state-of-the-art approach.Hence,AQQL provides an effective traffic control that can be applied in today’s intelligent traffic system. 展开更多
关键词 Q-LEARNING intelligent transportation system(ITS) traffic control vehicular communication kalman filtering smart city Internet of Things
Intelligent Recognition Using Ultralight Multifunctional Nano‑Layered Carbon Aerogel Sensors with Human‑Like Tactile Perception
作者 Huiqi Zhao Yizheng Zhang +8 位作者 Lei Han Weiqi Qian Jiabin Wang Heting Wu Jingchen Li Yuan Dai Zhengyou Zhang Chris RBowen Ya Yang 《Nano-Micro Letters》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第1期172-186,共15页
Humans can perceive our complex world through multi-sensory fusion.Under limited visual conditions,people can sense a variety of tactile signals to identify objects accurately and rapidly.However,replicating this uniq... Humans can perceive our complex world through multi-sensory fusion.Under limited visual conditions,people can sense a variety of tactile signals to identify objects accurately and rapidly.However,replicating this unique capability in robots remains a significant challenge.Here,we present a new form of ultralight multifunctional tactile nano-layered carbon aerogel sensor that provides pressure,temperature,material recognition and 3D location capabilities,which is combined with multimodal supervised learning algorithms for object recognition.The sensor exhibits human-like pressure(0.04–100 kPa)and temperature(21.5–66.2℃)detection,millisecond response times(11 ms),a pressure sensitivity of 92.22 kPa^(−1)and triboelectric durability of over 6000 cycles.The devised algorithm has universality and can accommodate a range of application scenarios.The tactile system can identify common foods in a kitchen scene with 94.63%accuracy and explore the topographic and geomorphic features of a Mars scene with 100%accuracy.This sensing approach empowers robots with versatile tactile perception to advance future society toward heightened sensing,recognition and intelligence. 展开更多
关键词 Multifunctional sensor Tactile perception Multimodal machine learning algorithms Universal tactile system Intelligent object recognition
Label Recovery and Trajectory Designable Network for Transfer Fault Diagnosis of Machines With Incorrect Annotation
作者 Bin Yang Yaguo Lei +2 位作者 Xiang Li Naipeng Li Asoke K.Nandi 《IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica》 SCIE EI CSCD 2024年第4期932-945,共14页
The success of deep transfer learning in fault diagnosis is attributed to the collection of high-quality labeled data from the source domain.However,in engineering scenarios,achieving such high-quality label annotatio... The success of deep transfer learning in fault diagnosis is attributed to the collection of high-quality labeled data from the source domain.However,in engineering scenarios,achieving such high-quality label annotation is difficult and expensive.The incorrect label annotation produces two negative effects:1)the complex decision boundary of diagnosis models lowers the generalization performance on the target domain,and2)the distribution of target domain samples becomes misaligned with the false-labeled samples.To overcome these negative effects,this article proposes a solution called the label recovery and trajectory designable network(LRTDN).LRTDN consists of three parts.First,a residual network with dual classifiers is to learn features from cross-domain samples.Second,an annotation check module is constructed to generate a label anomaly indicator that could modify the abnormal labels of false-labeled samples in the source domain.With the training of relabeled samples,the complexity of diagnosis model is reduced via semi-supervised learning.Third,the adaptation trajectories are designed for sample distributions across domains.This ensures that the target domain samples are only adapted with the pure-labeled samples.The LRTDN is verified by two case studies,in which the diagnosis knowledge of bearings is transferred across different working conditions as well as different yet related machines.The results show that LRTDN offers a high diagnosis accuracy even in the presence of incorrect annotation. 展开更多
关键词 Deep transfer learning domain adaptation incorrect label annotation intelligent fault diagnosis rotating machines
Cooperative User-Scheduling and Resource Allocation Optimization for Intelligent Reflecting Surface Enhanced LEO Satellite Communication
作者 Meng Meng Bo Hu +1 位作者 Shanzhi Chen Jianyin Zhang 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2024年第2期227-244,共18页
Lower Earth Orbit(LEO) satellite becomes an important part of complementing terrestrial communication due to its lower orbital altitude and smaller propagation delay than Geostationary satellite. However, the LEO sate... Lower Earth Orbit(LEO) satellite becomes an important part of complementing terrestrial communication due to its lower orbital altitude and smaller propagation delay than Geostationary satellite. However, the LEO satellite communication system cannot meet the requirements of users when the satellite-terrestrial link is blocked by obstacles. To solve this problem, we introduce Intelligent reflect surface(IRS) for improving the achievable rate of terrestrial users in LEO satellite communication. We investigated joint IRS scheduling, user scheduling, power and bandwidth allocation(JIRPB) optimization algorithm for improving LEO satellite system throughput.The optimization problem of joint user scheduling and resource allocation is formulated as a non-convex optimization problem. To cope with this problem, the nonconvex optimization problem is divided into resource allocation optimization sub-problem and scheduling optimization sub-problem firstly. Second, we optimize the resource allocation sub-problem via alternating direction multiplier method(ADMM) and scheduling sub-problem via Lagrangian dual method repeatedly.Third, we prove that the proposed resource allocation algorithm based ADMM approaches sublinear convergence theoretically. Finally, we demonstrate that the proposed JIRPB optimization algorithm improves the LEO satellite communication system throughput. 展开更多
关键词 convex optimization intelligent reflecting surface LEO satellite communication OFDM
Predicting Traffic Flow Using Dynamic Spatial-Temporal Graph Convolution Networks
作者 Yunchang Liu Fei Wan Chengwu Liang 《Computers, Materials & Continua》 SCIE EI 2024年第3期4343-4361,共19页
Traffic flow prediction plays a key role in the construction of intelligent transportation system.However,due to its complex spatio-temporal dependence and its uncertainty,the research becomes very challenging.Most of... Traffic flow prediction plays a key role in the construction of intelligent transportation system.However,due to its complex spatio-temporal dependence and its uncertainty,the research becomes very challenging.Most of the existing studies are based on graph neural networks that model traffic flow graphs and try to use fixed graph structure to deal with the relationship between nodes.However,due to the time-varying spatial correlation of the traffic network,there is no fixed node relationship,and these methods cannot effectively integrate the temporal and spatial features.This paper proposes a novel temporal-spatial dynamic graph convolutional network(TSADGCN).The dynamic time warping algorithm(DTW)is introduced to calculate the similarity of traffic flow sequence among network nodes in the time dimension,and the spatiotemporal graph of traffic flow is constructed to capture the spatiotemporal characteristics and dependencies of traffic flow.By combining graph attention network and time attention network,a spatiotemporal convolution block is constructed to capture spatiotemporal characteristics of traffic data.Experiments on open data sets PEMSD4 and PEMSD8 show that TSADGCN has higher prediction accuracy than well-known traffic flow prediction algorithms. 展开更多
关键词 Intelligent transportation graph convolutional network traffic flow DTW algorithm attention mechanism
Wireless Positioning:Technologies,Applications,Challenges,and Future Development Trends
作者 Xingwang Li Hua Pang +4 位作者 Geng Li Junjie Jiang Hui Zhang Changfei Gu Dong Yuan 《Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences》 SCIE EI 2024年第5期1135-1166,共32页
The development of the fifth-generation(5G)mobile communication systems has entered the commercialization stage.5G has a high data rate,low latency,and high reliability that can meet the basic demands of most industri... The development of the fifth-generation(5G)mobile communication systems has entered the commercialization stage.5G has a high data rate,low latency,and high reliability that can meet the basic demands of most industries and daily life,such as the Internet of Things(IoT),intelligent transportation systems,positioning,and navigation.The continuous progress and development of society have aroused wide concern.Positioning accuracy is the core demand for the applications,especially in complex environments such as airports,warehouses,supermarkets,and basements.However,many factors also affect the accuracy of positioning in those environments,for example,multipath effects,non-line-of-sight,and clock synchronization errors.This paper provides a comprehensive review of the existing works about positioning for the future wireless network and discusses its key techniques and algorithms,as well as the current development and future directions.We first outline the current traditional positioning technologies and algorithms,which are discussed and analyzed with the relevant literature.In addition,we also discuss application scenarios for wireless localization.By comparing different positioning systems,the challenges and future development directions of existing wireless positioning systems are prospected. 展开更多
关键词 5G wireless positioning reconfigurable intelligent surface Internet of Vehicles
Privacy-Preserving Federated Deep Learning Diagnostic Method for Multi-Stage Diseases
作者 Jinbo Yang Hai Huang +2 位作者 Lailai Yin Jiaxing Qu Wanjuan Xie 《Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences》 SCIE EI 2024年第6期3085-3099,共15页
Diagnosing multi-stage diseases typically requires doctors to consider multiple data sources,including clinical symptoms,physical signs,biochemical test results,imaging findings,pathological examination data,and even ... Diagnosing multi-stage diseases typically requires doctors to consider multiple data sources,including clinical symptoms,physical signs,biochemical test results,imaging findings,pathological examination data,and even genetic data.When applying machine learning modeling to predict and diagnose multi-stage diseases,several challenges need to be addressed.Firstly,the model needs to handle multimodal data,as the data used by doctors for diagnosis includes image data,natural language data,and structured data.Secondly,privacy of patients’data needs to be protected,as these data contain the most sensitive and private information.Lastly,considering the practicality of the model,the computational requirements should not be too high.To address these challenges,this paper proposes a privacy-preserving federated deep learning diagnostic method for multi-stage diseases.This method improves the forward and backward propagation processes of deep neural network modeling algorithms and introduces a homomorphic encryption step to design a federated modeling algorithm without the need for an arbiter.It also utilizes dedicated integrated circuits to implement the hardware Paillier algorithm,providing accelerated support for homomorphic encryption in modeling.Finally,this paper designs and conducts experiments to evaluate the proposed solution.The experimental results show that in privacy-preserving federated deep learning diagnostic modeling,the method in this paper achieves the same modeling performance as ordinary modeling without privacy protection,and has higher modeling speed compared to similar algorithms. 展开更多
关键词 Vertical federation homomorphic encryption deep neural network intelligent diagnosis machine learning and big data
Resource Allocation for IRS Assistedmm Wave Wireless Powered Sensor Networks with User Cooperation
作者 Yonghui Lin Zhengyu Zhu 《Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences》 SCIE EI 2024年第1期663-677,共15页
In this paper,we investigate IRS-aided user cooperation(UC)scheme in millimeter wave(mmWave)wirelesspowered sensor networks(WPSN),where two single-antenna users are wireless powered in the wireless energy transfer(WET... In this paper,we investigate IRS-aided user cooperation(UC)scheme in millimeter wave(mmWave)wirelesspowered sensor networks(WPSN),where two single-antenna users are wireless powered in the wireless energy transfer(WET)phase first and then cooperatively transmit information to a hybrid access point(AP)in the wireless information transmission(WIT)phase,following which the IRS is deployed to enhance the system performance of theWET andWIT.We maximized the weighted sum-rate problem by jointly optimizing the transmit time slots,power allocations,and the phase shifts of the IRS.Due to the non-convexity of the original problem,a semidefinite programming relaxation-based approach is proposed to convert the formulated problem to a convex optimization framework,which can obtain the optimal global solution.Simulation results demonstrate that the weighted sum throughput of the proposed UC scheme outperforms the non-UC scheme whether equipped with IRS or not. 展开更多
关键词 Intelligent reflecting surface millimeter wave wireless powered sensor networks user cooperation resource allocation
Channel Estimation for Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface Aided Multiuser Millimeter-Wave/THz Systems
作者 Chu Hongyun Pan Xue Li Baijiang 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2024年第3期91-103,共13页
It is assumed that reconfigurable intelligent surface(RIS)is a key technology to enable the potential of mmWave communications.The passivity of the RIS makes channel estimation difficult because the channel can only b... It is assumed that reconfigurable intelligent surface(RIS)is a key technology to enable the potential of mmWave communications.The passivity of the RIS makes channel estimation difficult because the channel can only be measured at the transceiver and not at the RIS.In this paper,we propose a novel separate channel estimator via exploiting the cascaded sparsity in the continuously valued angular domain of the cascaded channel for the RIS-enabled millimeter-wave/Tera-Hz systems,i.e.,the two-stage estimation method where the cascaded channel is separated into the base station(BS)-RIS and the RIS-user(UE)ones.Specifically,we first reveal the cascaded sparsity,i.e.,the sparsity exists in the hybrid angular domains of BS-RIS and the RIS-UEs separated channels,to construct the specific sparsity structure for RIS enabled multi-user systems.Then,we formulate the channel estimation problem using atomic norm minimization(ANM)to enhance the proposed sparsity structure in the continuous angular domains,where a low-complexity channel estimator via Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers(ADMM)is proposed.Simulation findings demonstrate that the proposed channel estimator outperforms the current state-of-the-arts in terms of performance. 展开更多
关键词 atomic norm minimization cascaded channel estimation convex optimization mmWave/THz reconfigurable intelligent surface(RIS) sparsity
Digital Twin Modeling and Simulation Optimization of Transmission Front and Middle Case Assembly Line
作者 Xianfeng Cao Meihua Yao +2 位作者 Yahui Zhang Xiaofeng Hu Chuanxun Wu 《Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences》 SCIE EI 2024年第6期3233-3253,共21页
As the take-off of China’s macro economy,as well as the rapid development of infrastructure construction,real estate industry,and highway logistics transportation industry,the demand for heavy vehicles is increasing ... As the take-off of China’s macro economy,as well as the rapid development of infrastructure construction,real estate industry,and highway logistics transportation industry,the demand for heavy vehicles is increasing rapidly,the competition is becoming increasingly fierce,and the digital transformation of the production line is imminent.As one of themost important components of heavy vehicles,the transmission front andmiddle case assembly lines have a high degree of automation,which can be used as a pilot for the digital transformation of production.To ensure the visualization of digital twins(DT),consistent control logic,and real-time data interaction,this paper proposes an experimental digital twin modeling method for the transmission front and middle case assembly line.Firstly,theDT-based systemarchitecture is designed,and theDT model is created by constructing the visualization model,logic model,and data model of the assembly line.Then,a simulation experiment is carried out in a virtual space to analyze the existing problems in the current assembly line.Eventually,some improvement strategies are proposed and the effectiveness is verified by a new simulation experiment. 展开更多
关键词 Transmission front and middle case assembly line digital twin(DT) simulating optimization intelligent manufacturing
Optimization of Gas-Flooding Fracturing Development in Ultra-Low Permeability Reservoirs
作者 Lifeng Liu Menghe Shi +3 位作者 Jianhui Wang Wendong Wang Yuliang Su Xinyu Zhuang 《Fluid Dynamics & Materials Processing》 EI 2024年第3期595-607,共13页
Ultra-low permeability reservoirs are characterized by small pore throats and poor physical properties, which areat the root of well-known problems related to injection and production. In this study, a gas injection f... Ultra-low permeability reservoirs are characterized by small pore throats and poor physical properties, which areat the root of well-known problems related to injection and production. In this study, a gas injection floodingapproach is analyzed in the framework of numerical simulations. In particular, the sequence and timing of fracturechanneling and the related impact on production are considered for horizontal wells with different fracturemorphologies. Useful data and information are provided about the regulation of gas channeling and possible strategiesto delay gas channeling and optimize the gas injection volume and fracture parameters. It is shown that inorder to mitigate gas channeling and ensure high production, fracture length on the sides can be controlled andlonger fractures can be created in the middle by which full gas flooding is obtained at the fracture location in themiddle of the horizontal well. A Differential Evolution (DE) algorithm is provided by which the gas injectionvolume and the fracture parameters of gas injection flooding can be optimized. It is shown that an improvedoil recovery factor as high as 6% can be obtained. 展开更多
关键词 Ultra-low permeability reservoir gas injection flooding component simulation fracture parameters intelligent optimization differential evolution
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