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Unleashing the Potential of Unidirectional Mechanical Materials: Breakthroughs and Promising Applications
作者 Sunil Harripersad 《Materials Sciences and Applications》 2024年第4期66-86,共21页
The emergence of mechanically one-way materials presents an exciting opportunity for materials science and engineering. These substances exhibit unique nonreciprocal mechanical responses, enabling them to selectively ... The emergence of mechanically one-way materials presents an exciting opportunity for materials science and engineering. These substances exhibit unique nonreciprocal mechanical responses, enabling them to selectively channel mechanical energy and facilitate directed sound propagation, controlled mass transport, and concentration of mechanical energy amidst random motion. This article explores the fundamentals of mechanically one-way materials, their potential applications across various industries, and the economic and environmental considerations related to their production and use. 展开更多
关键词 Mechanically one-Way Materials Nonreciprocal Mechanical Responses Directed Sound Propagation Controlled Mass Transport Energy Harvesting Structural Engineering Economic Viability Environmental Impact
Least Squares One-Class Support Tensor Machine
作者 Kaiwen Zhao Yali Fan 《Journal of Computer and Communications》 2024年第4期186-200,共15页
One-class classification problem has become a popular problem in many fields, with a wide range of applications in anomaly detection, fault diagnosis, and face recognition. We investigate the one-class classification ... One-class classification problem has become a popular problem in many fields, with a wide range of applications in anomaly detection, fault diagnosis, and face recognition. We investigate the one-class classification problem for second-order tensor data. Traditional vector-based one-class classification methods such as one-class support vector machine (OCSVM) and least squares one-class support vector machine (LSOCSVM) have limitations when tensor is used as input data, so we propose a new tensor one-class classification method, LSOCSTM, which directly uses tensor as input data. On one hand, using tensor as input data not only enables to classify tensor data, but also for vector data, classifying it after high dimensionalizing it into tensor still improves the classification accuracy and overcomes the over-fitting problem. On the other hand, different from one-class support tensor machine (OCSTM), we use squared loss instead of the original loss function so that we solve a series of linear equations instead of quadratic programming problems. Therefore, we use the distance to the hyperplane as a metric for classification, and the proposed method is more accurate and faster compared to existing methods. The experimental results show the high efficiency of the proposed method compared with several state-of-the-art methods. 展开更多
关键词 Least Square one-Class Support Tensor Machine one-Class Classification Upscale Least Square one-Class Support Vector Machine one-Class Support Tensor Machine
The Toxic Effects of Strong Chlorin Disinfectant on Mangroves and Emission Thresholds
作者 Yunan Yang Nan Zhou Xinyu Liu 《Open Journal of Ecology》 2024年第2期114-124,共11页
In this study, based on the simulated discharge results of chemical disinfectants, hypocotyl germination concentration gradient pre-test and concentration gradient determination experiment were set up respectively. La... In this study, based on the simulated discharge results of chemical disinfectants, hypocotyl germination concentration gradient pre-test and concentration gradient determination experiment were set up respectively. Laboratory cultivation was conducted to compare and analyze the root germination and germination indexes, three mangrove hypocotyls of Kandelia candel (Linn.) Druce, Ceriopstagal C.B. Rob. and Bruguiera sexangula var. Rhynchopetalas’ efficiency of cumulative root germination, cumulative germination and the cumulative expansion of the second pair of leaves, one-way analysis of variance was used to obtain the tolerance threshold of three mangrove hypocotyls to strong chlorin disinfectant. The study determined that the by-products of strong chlorin disinfectant, the toxic threshold concentrations of Kandelia candel (Linn.) Druce, Ceriopstagal C.B. Rob. and Bruguiera sexangula var. rhynchopetala are close to 0.55 mg/L, 0.55 mg/L and 0.25 mg/L, respectively. This concentration range is lower than the average concentration of 1.183 mg/L of active chlorine emitted from strong chlorine concentrate during pond clearing in high-level shrimp ponds, indicating that transient emissions of strong chlorine concentrate during pond clearing can have a toxic effect on mangrove plants. The strength of tolerance of the embryonic axes of the three mangrove species to effective chlorine contamination was, Ceriopstagal C.B. Rob. stronger than Bruguiera sexangula var. rhynchopetala, and Kandelia candel (Linn.) Druce is the weakest. 展开更多
关键词 Strong Chlorin Toxicity Threshold Germination of Mangrove Hypocotyls one-Way Analysis of Variance
作者 蓝艳 王武 +3 位作者 许文 柴琴琴 李玉榕 张勋 《光谱学与光谱分析》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第1期158-163,共6页
金线莲是一种珍贵中药材,其治疗、保健作用十分显著。金线莲培育方式主要有种植、组培等,不同培育方式的金线莲,在性状上仅表现出细微差异,但药用、市场价值差异显著,培育方式鉴别能有效保证药用疗效、维护良好市场秩序,然而由于不同品... 金线莲是一种珍贵中药材,其治疗、保健作用十分显著。金线莲培育方式主要有种植、组培等,不同培育方式的金线莲,在性状上仅表现出细微差异,但药用、市场价值差异显著,培育方式鉴别能有效保证药用疗效、维护良好市场秩序,然而由于不同品系、产地、培育时间等复合差异的影响,增加了培育方式鉴别难度与复杂度。提出一种基于改进1D-Inception-CNN模型的金线莲培育方式鉴别方法。采用近红外光谱仪采集种植、组培金线莲的光谱,首先使用合成少数类过采样技术(SMOTE)进行过采样以解决种植品、组培品样本比例不平衡问题,其次构建基于改进Inception结构的一维卷积神经网络对来自不同品系、产地、培育时间的金线莲进行种植品、组培品鉴别,最后采用贝叶斯优化方法对构建的卷积神经网络模型超参数进行优化;最终五折交叉验证平均鉴别准确率、精确率、召回率、综合评价指标高达97.95%、 96.16%、 100%、 98.02%。研究表明,实验提出的鉴别模型为快速鉴别金线莲种植品、组培品提供一种有效方法。 展开更多
关键词 金线莲 少数类过采样技术 Inception模块 一维卷积神经网络 贝叶斯优化
全健康(One Health)视角下绿色健康社区景观设计体系构建
作者 黄浩真 康宁 +2 位作者 朱怀真 阿力木·依斯马依力 李树华 《中国园林》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第1期40-46,共7页
以全健康(OneHealth)视角为出发点,保障人、环境和动物的健康对于社区健康环境规划与设计具有重要意义。在现有健康社区景观设计体系中,人、环境、物种三者关系虽被提及,但未被系统探究,健康社区建设实践也需要系统性的景观设计体系支... 以全健康(OneHealth)视角为出发点,保障人、环境和动物的健康对于社区健康环境规划与设计具有重要意义。在现有健康社区景观设计体系中,人、环境、物种三者关系虽被提及,但未被系统探究,健康社区建设实践也需要系统性的景观设计体系支持。基于全健康理念中人、环境和物种的相互关系,结合生态系统服务功能、康复景观理论和园艺疗法,进一步探讨人、环境、物种健康之间的关联途径。通过对全健康理念视角下的3个层次进行演绎发展,归纳总结了人的健康、环境健康和物种健康的组成要素及内容,构建了以人的健康需求为导向的社区健康设计框架,提出了以人与人际、人与环境和人与物种为三大圈层的健康社区景观设计体系。全健康视角为社区健康环境设计提供了一个系统性、整合性且具有操作性的框架,未来应重视健康社区体系中各类疗愈空间的设计与使用,以增进社区居民共享的健康福祉。 展开更多
关键词 风景园林 全健康(one Health) 健康社区 健康设计 园林康养 园艺疗法
“One Water”理下的城市内涝防治对策思考
作者 王贤萍 解明利 唐建国 《给水排水》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第3期53-58,64,共7页
随着极端天气频发,暴雨天气概率增加,给城市内涝防治工作带来严峻挑战。“One Water”理念是指用维度提升法来系统做好城市内涝防治工作,除了实现城市排水安全,还要实现城市水资源科学利用、水环境持续改善、水生态有效修复等综合目标... 随着极端天气频发,暴雨天气概率增加,给城市内涝防治工作带来严峻挑战。“One Water”理念是指用维度提升法来系统做好城市内涝防治工作,除了实现城市排水安全,还要实现城市水资源科学利用、水环境持续改善、水生态有效修复等综合目标。分析了导致城市内涝的三方面原因:因洪致涝、长历时和短历时强降雨致涝;探讨了“One Water”理念下城市内涝防治目标;提出了“绿、灰、蓝、管”的具体措施。 展开更多
关键词 one Water 城市内涝 内涝防治 极端天气
世界动物卫生组织One Health总体框架及最新关注方向
作者 耿庆华 廖立珊 +4 位作者 李修平 林茜茜 吴江 孙洁 刘荭 《动物医学进展》 北大核心 2024年第4期121-125,共5页
近年来,人兽共患病在全球越来越多的地方影响人类和动物的健康。在此背景下,由联合国粮食及农业组织(FAO)、世界卫生组织(WHO)和世界动物卫生组织(WOAH)三方国际组织提出了“One Health”的概念。2021年底,FAO、WOAH、WHO和联合国环境... 近年来,人兽共患病在全球越来越多的地方影响人类和动物的健康。在此背景下,由联合国粮食及农业组织(FAO)、世界卫生组织(WHO)和世界动物卫生组织(WOAH)三方国际组织提出了“One Health”的概念。2021年底,FAO、WOAH、WHO和联合国环境规划署(UNEP)共同成立了One Health高级别委员会(One Health High Level Expert Panel,OHHLEP),并将“One Health”重新定义。论文就“One Health”的概念、提出的背景、重要发展进程、总体框架和协调机制以及未来应用展望进行了全面的介绍和阐述,为我国进一步深入了解“One Health”理念,实践并更好地应用“One Health”方法,从而解决我国人兽共患病、抗生素耐药等对人类、动物和环境危害严重的问题提供思路和参考。 展开更多
关键词 one health 发展进程 总体框架 协调机制 未来应用
作者 夏春芬 《湖北开放大学学报》 2024年第1期59-64,共6页
新时代职业教育掀起“课堂革命”,以“学生的全面发展”为目标,重构教学内容,重组课堂资源,重立师生关系,重建评价体系,培养出既“红”又“专”的新型高级技能型人才。以高职院校“Python程序设计”课程为例,针对传统程序设计语言类课... 新时代职业教育掀起“课堂革命”,以“学生的全面发展”为目标,重构教学内容,重组课堂资源,重立师生关系,重建评价体系,培养出既“红”又“专”的新型高级技能型人才。以高职院校“Python程序设计”课程为例,针对传统程序设计语言类课堂中存在的思政元素不够、学生学习动力不足、教师整体水平需提升、教学内容存在理论和实践脱节、教学手段单一、教学资源不足、教学评价方式单一等问题,提出“一体两翼三融合”课堂改革思路,开展“OBE+课程思政”双课堂下浸润式的教学课堂改革。通过系列改革举措,课程教学目标达成良好,学生素质培养成果显著,“双师型”教师团队初具规模,社会服务成效凸显,为高职程序设计语言类课堂教学改革提供了参考价值。 展开更多
关键词 课堂改革 一体两翼三融合 Python程序设计 双课堂
作者 陈昕 杨刘丙 《临床医学研究与实践》 2024年第7期45-48,共4页
目的观察一期后外侧入路联合前正中入路(一次性完成手术操作)治疗复杂Pilon骨折的可行性及效果。方法回顾性选取河南省中医院急救创伤中心骨伤病科2016年9月至2019年11月收治的9例复杂Pilon骨折患者,均在适当准备后经后外侧入路联合前... 目的观察一期后外侧入路联合前正中入路(一次性完成手术操作)治疗复杂Pilon骨折的可行性及效果。方法回顾性选取河南省中医院急救创伤中心骨伤病科2016年9月至2019年11月收治的9例复杂Pilon骨折患者,均在适当准备后经后外侧入路联合前正中入路一次性完成手术操作,随访观察疗效。结果术后3个月进行Burwell-Charnley影像学评价,结果为优7例,良2例,差0例。以各自最后一次随访时美国矫形足踝协会(AOFAS)踝-后足评分为计,优5例,良3例,中1例,差0例。骨折复位及踝关节功能恢复满意。结论经过适当准备,选择合适的病例,复杂Pilon骨折可选择一期前后联合入路方案且优势明显。 展开更多
关键词 复杂PILon骨折 一期前后联合入路 踝关节功能
作者 崔万秋 蔡飞虎 朱警生 《Journal of Wuhan University of Technology(Materials Science)》 SCIE EI CAS 1992年第4期11-17,共7页
With positron annihilation radiation onedimension angular-correlation device,it ismeasured that positron annihilation radiationone dimension angular-correlation curves ofpolycrystal sodium ion conductor Na<sub>5... With positron annihilation radiation onedimension angular-correlation device,it ismeasured that positron annihilation radiationone dimension angular-correlation curves ofpolycrystal sodium ion conductor Na<sub>5</sub>Y<sub>1-x</sub>Cr<sub>x</sub>Si<sub>4</sub>O<sub>12</sub>(NYCS)system.After electronmomentum distribution curves arenormalized,linear parameters arecalculated.The parameters H,W and Sshow the change of Na<sup>+</sup> ion vacancyconcentration in NYCS series samples.Theresults show that parameters H,W and S ofone dimension angular-correlation curves ofthose samples vary greatly with Cr<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub>contents.With Cr<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub> content increasing,Hand S parameters increase,but W decreases,and reaches extremes at x=0.05;then withCr<sub>2</sub>0<sub>3</sub> adding continually,parameters H andS decrease gradually,parameter W increasesgradually.This shows that,in addtion toCr<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub>,the conductivity has close 展开更多
关键词 POLYCRYSTAL Na+ ion conductor POSITRon ANNIHILATIon one dimension angular-correlation RADIATIon
Integral Representations for the Solutions of the Generalized Schroedinger Equation in a Finite Interval
作者 Anar Adiloglu Nabiev Rauf Kh. Amirov 《Advances in Pure Mathematics》 2015年第13期777-795,共19页
We reduce the initial value problem for the generalized Schroedinger equation with piecewise-constant leading coefficient to the system of Volterra type integral equations and construct new useful integral representat... We reduce the initial value problem for the generalized Schroedinger equation with piecewise-constant leading coefficient to the system of Volterra type integral equations and construct new useful integral representations for the fundamental solutions of the Schroedinger equation. We also investigate some significant properties of the kernels of these integral representations. The integral representations of fundamental solutions enable to obtain the basic integral equations, which are a powerful tool for solving inverse spectral problems. 展开更多
关键词 one Dimensional SCHROEDINGER EQUATIon Fundamental SOLUTIonS Transformation Operator Inte-gral Representation Differential EQUATIon with Discontinues Coefficient Kernel of an INTEGRAL Op-erator INTEGRAL EQUATIon Method of Successive APPROXIMATIonS
Global Strategies to Combat Antimicrobial Resistance: A One Health Perspective
作者 Steward Mudenda Billy Chabalenge +6 位作者 Victor Daka Ruth Lindizyani Mfune Kyembe Ignitius Salachi Shafiq Mohamed Webrod Mufwambi Maisa Kasanga Scott Kaba Matafwali 《Pharmacology & Pharmacy》 2023年第8期271-328,共58页
Background: Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a global health challenge that has escalated due to the inappropriate use of antimicrobials in humans, animals, and the environment. Developing and implementing strategies... Background: Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a global health challenge that has escalated due to the inappropriate use of antimicrobials in humans, animals, and the environment. Developing and implementing strategies to reduce and combat AMR is critical. Purpose: This study aimed to highlight some global strategies that can be implemented to address AMR using a One Health approach. Methods: This study employed a narrative review design that included studies published from January 2002 to July 2023. The study searched for literature on AMR and antimicrobial stewardship (AMS) in PubMed and Google Scholar using the 2020 PRISMA guidelines. Results: This study reveals that AMR remains a significant global public health problem. Its severity has been markedly exacerbated by inappropriate use of antimicrobials in humans, animals, and the broader ecological environment. Several strategies have been developed to address AMR, including the Global Action Plan (GAP), National Action Plans (NAPs), AMS programs, and implementation of the AWaRe classification of antimicrobials. These strategies also involve strengthening surveillance of antimicrobial consumption and resistance, encouraging the development of new antimicrobials, and enhancing regulations around antimicrobial prescribing, dispensing, and usage. Additional measures include promoting global partnerships, combating substandard and falsified antimicrobials, advocating for vaccinations, sanitation, hygiene and biosecurity, as well as exploring alternatives to antimicrobials. However, the implementation of these strategies faces various challenges. These challenges include low awareness and knowledge of AMR, a shortage of human resources and capacity building for AMR and AMS, in adequate funding for AMR and AMS initiatives, limited laboratory capacities for surveillance, behavioural change issues, and ineffective leadership and multidisciplinary teams. Conclusion: In conclusion, this study established that AMR is prevalent among humans, animals, and the environment. Successfully addressing AMR calls for a collaborative, multifaceted One Health approach. Despite this, some gaps remain effectively implementing strategies currently recommended to combat AMR. As a result, it is essential to reinforce the strategies that are deployed to counter AMR across the human, animal, and environmental sectors. 展开更多
关键词 Antimicrobial Resistance Antimicrobial Stewardship AWaRe Classification one Health Approach one Health Perspective STRATEGIES SURVEILLANCE
Bayes Prediction of Future Observables from Exponentiated Populations with Fixed and Random Sample Size
作者 Essam K. AL-Hussaini M. Hussein 《Open Journal of Statistics》 2011年第1期24-32,共9页
Bayesian predictive probability density function is obtained when the underlying pop-ulation distribution is exponentiated and subjective prior is used. The corresponding predictive survival function is then obtained ... Bayesian predictive probability density function is obtained when the underlying pop-ulation distribution is exponentiated and subjective prior is used. The corresponding predictive survival function is then obtained and used in constructing 100(1 – ?)% predictive interval, using one- and two- sample schemes when the size of the future sample is fixed and random. In the random case, the size of the future sample is assumed to follow the truncated Poisson distribution with parameter λ. Special attention is paid to the exponentiated Burr type XII population, from which the data are drawn. Two illustrative examples are given, one of which uses simulated data and the other uses data that represent the breaking strength of 64 single carbon fibers of length 10, found in Lawless [40]. 展开更多
关键词 PREDICTIVE Density And Survival Functions one- And Two-Sample Schemes BAYES PREDICTIon Exponentiated Population. Exponentiated BURR Type XII Distribution Data Of Carbon Fibers
打通国际旅行信息谷仓--通用数字身份(ONE ID)的架构及应用
作者 张弛 《特区经济》 2024年第2期122-127,共6页
促进数字技术与无纸化通关深度融合,是后疫情时代国际民航业数字化转型的主要发展方向之一。国际航空运输协会为实现无纸化的行业愿景,解决旅客在出入境流程中重复出示旅行凭证的问题,设计、开发了通用数字身份。本文以信息谷仓为理论视... 促进数字技术与无纸化通关深度融合,是后疫情时代国际民航业数字化转型的主要发展方向之一。国际航空运输协会为实现无纸化的行业愿景,解决旅客在出入境流程中重复出示旅行凭证的问题,设计、开发了通用数字身份。本文以信息谷仓为理论视角,在回顾通用数字身份开发动因和历程的基础上,从法律政策、技术、流程等方面分析该解决方案架构,并对国际航空运输协会旅行通行证的运行逻辑进行总结,进而为中国建设智慧民航、推动国际旅行全流程无纸化提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 通用数字身份 无纸化 信息谷仓 出入境检查 国际航空运输协会
One-Step-Installation of Offshore Wind Turbine on Large-Scale Bucket-Top-Bearing Bucket Foundation 被引量:16
作者 丁红岩 练继建 +1 位作者 李爱东 张浦阳 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 2013年第3期188-194,共7页
In 2010,the first offshore wind turbine with integrated installation was established in Qidong sea area of Jiangsu Province,China,which led to the implementation phase of one-step-installation technique based on the d... In 2010,the first offshore wind turbine with integrated installation was established in Qidong sea area of Jiangsu Province,China,which led to the implementation phase of one-step-installation technique based on the design and construction of large-scale bucket-top-bearing (LSBTB) bucket foundation.The critical technique of LSBTB bucket foundation included self-floating towing,penetration with adjustment of horizontal levelness,removability and one-step-installation.The process of one-step-installation included the prefabrication of LSBTB bucket foundation in onshore construction base,installation and debugging of wind power,overall water transportation of foundation and wind power system,and installation of foundation and offshore wind turbine on the appointed sea area.The cost of one-step-installation technique was about 5 000 Yuan/kW,which was 30%-50% lower than that of the existing technique.The prefabrication of LSBTB bucket foundation took about two months.During the one-step-installation process,the installation and debugging of wind power and overall water transportation need about one to two days in sea area within 35 m depth.After the proposed technique is industrialized,the cost will be further reduced,and the installation capacity is expected to be up to 500 wind turbines per year. 展开更多
关键词 one-step-installation TECHNIQUE LARGE-SCALE bucket-top-bearing BUCKET foundation self-floating towing penetration TECHNIQUE with adjustment of horizontal levelness removability TECHNIQUE construction and INSTALLATIon cost
Detection of 3D Human Posture Based on Improved Mediapipe
作者 Yiqiao Lin Xueyan Jiao Lei Zhao 《Journal of Computer and Communications》 2023年第2期102-121,共20页
Based on the continuous development of motion capture technology for ordinary video images, unmarked optical motion capture has become the fastest human posture recognition technology. Compared with other technical pr... Based on the continuous development of motion capture technology for ordinary video images, unmarked optical motion capture has become the fastest human posture recognition technology. Compared with other technical products, Google’s 3D human body recognition framework—Mediapipe is the most mature representative in this field. However, Mediapipe also has many defects in the detection of 3D human posture. In this paper, firstly, to solve the problem of inaccurate detection of human posture by Mediapipe, the accuracy of 2D human posture detection is improved through the speed threshold correction method for each joint;According to the problem that the monocular camera can not detect the depth Z value in the human posture data accurately, the Z value of the joint point is corrected for the human tilt angle through statistics;Then, according to the inaccurate recognition of Z value caused by large body posture, the accurate correction of Z value of human posture under different body posture is realized by normalizing the simulation proportion of each body limb;Finally, in order to solve the problem of jitter, lag problem and periodic noise in multiple frames caused by the speed change of human joints, one euro filtering and mean filtering of joint data are carried out. This paper verifies that the accuracy of 3D human posture detection based on the improved Mediapipe is more than 90% through the multi-pose recognition test for people of different heights, weights, ages and gender. 展开更多
关键词 Mediapipe Inaccurate Recognition of Z Value Speed Threshold Method Statistical Method Limb Simulation one Euro Filtering Mean Filtering
Synthesis, Structural Characterization and Antimicrobial Activity of a Novel Cobalt(II) Complex Based on 3-Methyl-1-Phenyl-4-(2-Thienoyl)-Pyrazol-5-One
作者 Emeline Sorelle Mefouegang Claudelle Sybilline Anensong Djadock +5 位作者 Golngar Djimassingar Gabriel Tchuente Kamsu Donald Raoul Tchuifon Tchuifon Alain Charly Tagne Kuate Dirk Bockfeld Jean Ngoune 《Journal of Materials Science and Chemical Engineering》 2023年第8期109-126,共18页
New cobalt(II) complex, [Co(O<sub>2</sub>C<sub>15</sub>H<sub>11</sub>N<sub>2</sub>S)<sub>2</sub>(OH<sub>2</sub>)<sub>2</sub>]∙2H<s... New cobalt(II) complex, [Co(O<sub>2</sub>C<sub>15</sub>H<sub>11</sub>N<sub>2</sub>S)<sub>2</sub>(OH<sub>2</sub>)<sub>2</sub>]∙2H<sub>2</sub>O (1∙2H<sub>2</sub>O), has been synthesized upon reaction of cobalt chloride hexahydrate (Co(Cl)<sub>2</sub>∙6H<sub>2</sub>O) with 3-methyl-1-Phenyl-4-(2-thienoyl)-pyrazol-5-one (referred as HL) in ethanol at room temperature. Single crystal X-ray diffraction (XRD), spectroscopic methods, and microelemental analyses were used to characterize 1∙2H<sub>2</sub>O. Compound 1∙2H<sub>2</sub>O crystallizes in the orthorhombic crystal system with a Pbca space group and with the cobalt atom being pseudo-octahedral coordinated. The broth microdilution technique was used to screen the free ligand (HL) and the complex (1∙2H<sub>2</sub>O) for antimicrobial activities. HL has a low activity (MIC > 100 μg/mL) on all microorganisms, whereas compound 1∙2H<sub>2</sub>O displayed moderate activity (10 ∙2H<sub>2</sub>O exhibited bactericidal and fungicidal activity respectively on all the bacteria and yeasts tested. These findings reveal that the antimicrobial activity of HL was enhanced upon coordination to Co(II) ion against all microorganisms (bacteria and fungus). 展开更多
关键词 COBALT ACYLPYRAZOLonE X-Ray Diffraction Antimicrobial Activity 3-Methyl-1-Phenyl-4-(2-Thienoyl)-Pyrazol-5-one
Seasonal Prediction of Tropical Cyclones and Storms over the Southwestern Indian Ocean Region Using the Generalized Linear Models
作者 Kombo Hamad Kai Yohanna Wilson Shaghude +4 位作者 Christian Bs Uiso Agnes Laurent Kijazi Sarah Osima Sara Abdalla Khamis Asya Omar Hamad 《Atmospheric and Climate Sciences》 CAS 2023年第2期103-137,共35页
Tropical cyclones (TCs) and storms (TSs) are among the devastating events in the world and southwestern Indian Ocean (SWIO) in particular. The seasonal forecasting TCs and TSs for December to March (DJFM) and November... Tropical cyclones (TCs) and storms (TSs) are among the devastating events in the world and southwestern Indian Ocean (SWIO) in particular. The seasonal forecasting TCs and TSs for December to March (DJFM) and November to May (NM) over SWIO were conducted. Dynamic parameters including vertical wind shear, mean zonal steering wind and vorticity at 850 mb were derived from NOAA (NCEP-NCAR) reanalysis 1 wind fields. Thermodynamic parameters including monthly and daily mean Sea Surface Temperature (SST), Outgoing Longwave Radiation (OLR) and equatorial Standard Oscillation Index (SOI) were used. Three types of Poison regression models (i.e. dynamic, thermodynamic and combined models) were developed and validated using the Leave One Out Cross Validation (LOOCV). Moreover, 2 × 2 square matrix contingency tables for model verification were used. The results revealed that, the observed and cross validated DJFM and NM TCs and TSs strongly correlated with each other (p ≤ 0.02) for all model types, with correlations (r) ranging from 0.62 - 0.86 for TCs and 0.52 - 0.87 for TSs, indicating great association between these variables. Assessment of the model skill for all model types of DJFM and NM TCs and TSs frequency revealed high skill scores ranging from 38% - 70% for TCs and 26% - 72% for TSs frequency, respectively. Moreover, results indicated that the dynamic and combined models had higher skill scores than the thermodynamic models. The DJFM and NM selected predictors explained the TCs and TSs variability by the range of 0.45 - 0.65 and 0.37 - 0.66, respectively. However, verification analysis revealed that all models were adequate for predicting the seasonal TCs and TSs, with high bias values ranging from 0.85 - 0.94. Conclusively, the study calls for more studies in TCs and TSs frequency and strengths for enhancing the performance of the March to May (MAM) and December to October (OND) seasonal rainfalls in the East African (EA) and Tanzania in particular. 展开更多
关键词 Tropical Cyclones and Storms Frequency Thermodynamic and Dynamic Models Skill Scores TCs/TSs Variability and Verification Leave one out Cross Validation
Profile of Pregnant Women and Success of the Uterine Test on a Uni or Bi-Scar Uterus at the Maternity Ward of Panzi Hospital, in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
作者 Prosperine Kongwa Madoli Olivier Nyakio +5 位作者 Raha Maroyi Éloge Ilunga-Mbaya Gloire Mwenze Julien Bwama Botalatala Omari Mukanga Dieudonné Sengeyi Mushengezi Amani 《Open Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology》 2023年第7期1151-1162,共12页
Introduction: Trial of labor after a previous cesarean section (TOLAC) is a method that requires strict monitoring to decrease the cesarean section (CS) rate and improve the maternal and neonatal prognosis. The object... Introduction: Trial of labor after a previous cesarean section (TOLAC) is a method that requires strict monitoring to decrease the cesarean section (CS) rate and improve the maternal and neonatal prognosis. The objective is to determine the profile and outcome of patients with one and two previous CSs who performed TOLAC at Panzi General Referral Hospital. Methodology: This is a cross-sectional study with a prospective collection of data of 111 patients with one and two previous CSs at Panzi Hospital from January 2021 to August 2022. Statistical Package for the Social Sciences SPSS version 23 software was used to analyze the collected data. The percentages of categorical variables were summarized in a frequency table. The mean or median with standard deviation was used to summarize quantitative variables. Results: The overall success rate of the TOLAC was 64%, with 63.8% following one previous CS and 64.3% following two CSs. The mean age of the patients was 27.09 years, with an age range of 25 - 34 years. They were mostly pauciparous (52.2%), married (88.3%), with a high school education (60.4%). The inter-delivery interval > 18 months was noted (64.1%) and overweight in 63.9%. More than three antenatal consultations were performed (58.6%). We found a mean gestational age of 38 (34 - 41) weeks. The perinatal mortality rate was 0.9%. However, we did not record any cases of maternal mortality during the study period. Conclusion: TOLAC after one and two previous CS is implemented in the maternity Unit of Panzi Hospital for well-selected patients. In addition, the success rate is similar after TOLAC with an acceptable maternal-neonatal prognosis. 展开更多
关键词 one Previous Caesarean Panzi General Referral Hospital Trial of Labor after Cesarean Section Two Previous Caesarean Vaginal Birth after Cesarean Sec-tion
基于LEER模式的加速康复All in One病房在老年胆囊结石围术期的应用探索 被引量:1
作者 雷泽华 赵欣 +7 位作者 谢青云 高峰畏 杨洁 李凡敏 王利 蒋康怡 龚杰 薛谦 《肝胆胰外科杂志》 CAS 2023年第5期280-284,290,共6页
目的评价基于LEER(less pain,early move,early eat,reassuring)模式的加速康复AO(All in One)病房在老年胆囊结石病围术期的应用临床价值。方法回顾性分析2022年1月至2023年2月乐山市人民医院收治的101例胆囊结石老年患者的临床资料,... 目的评价基于LEER(less pain,early move,early eat,reassuring)模式的加速康复AO(All in One)病房在老年胆囊结石病围术期的应用临床价值。方法回顾性分析2022年1月至2023年2月乐山市人民医院收治的101例胆囊结石老年患者的临床资料,根据围术期病房管理方法不同,将患者分为AO组(48例)和非AO组(n=53例),比较两种病房管理模式下围手术期结局指标。结果两组患者基线资料具有可比性。与非AO组相比,AO组手术治疗率更高(93.4%vs 71.7%,χ^(2)=8.360,P<0.001),术前住院时间更短[(3.67±1.31)d vs(5.76±1.42)d,t=7.660,P<0.001]、术后疼痛评分更低[(3.35±1.24)分vs(6.36±0.78)分,t=14.746,P<0.001]、术后胃肠道功能恢复时间更短[(1.52±1.46)d vs(2.58±0.54)d,t=4.29,P<0.001]、术后住院时间更短[(3.58±1.36)d vs(5.37±1.26)d,t=6.866,P<0.001]、外科住院费用更低[(11342.52±1124.53)元vs(14372.24±1738.24)元,t=10.281,P<0.001]、患者满意度更高[(97.25±2.15)分vs(88.73±3.06)分,t=16.033,P<0.001],差异均有统计学意义。两组在手术时间、术中出血量及术后并发症发生率方面比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论基于LEER模式建立的加速康复AO病房能够提高老年胆囊结石患者的手术治疗率,加快术后康复,缩短住院时间,提高患者满意度。 展开更多
关键词 加速康复外科 LEER模式 All in one 综合性病房
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