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作者 易继红 《财会通讯》 北大核心 2024年第7期111-116,共6页
国家审计与内部审计协同是推动审计全覆盖进程中的重要一环。因此,本文将研究方向置于审计协同方面,同时,引入SFIC协同治理模型,进一步明确了SFIC模型的起始条件、催化领导、制度设计以及协同过程四要素,为国家审计与内部审计协同提供... 国家审计与内部审计协同是推动审计全覆盖进程中的重要一环。因此,本文将研究方向置于审计协同方面,同时,引入SFIC协同治理模型,进一步明确了SFIC模型的起始条件、催化领导、制度设计以及协同过程四要素,为国家审计与内部审计协同提供了重要的实施方向与技术路径。最后,依托于实际案例企业,深入分析了国家审计机关与国企内部审计的审计协同路径,从保障协同基础条件、发挥审计机关的领导与凝聚力等方面出发,确保国家审计与内部审计协同工作顺利展开,对完善国家治理现代化体系具有重要意义。 展开更多
关键词 国家审计 内部审计 协同审计 sfic模型
作者 叶雨昕 唐文熙 +3 位作者 李帅龙 邢倩 刁仁昌 马爱霞 《中国医院管理》 北大核心 2024年第2期15-19,共5页
信息协同是“十四五”阶段深化医药卫生体制改革,推进医疗、医保、医药“三医”协同发展与治理的重要实现路径。基于SFIC模型并在原有基础上对其适度修正,以“起始条件—外部环境—催化领导—制度设计—协同过程—成果反馈”6个要素为... 信息协同是“十四五”阶段深化医药卫生体制改革,推进医疗、医保、医药“三医”协同发展与治理的重要实现路径。基于SFIC模型并在原有基础上对其适度修正,以“起始条件—外部环境—催化领导—制度设计—协同过程—成果反馈”6个要素为分析框架,对当前“三医”信息协同与治理的协同困境进行剖析,并据此提出信息协同治理的优化路径:夯实“三医”信息协同基础,提升元治理催化领导能力,优化信息生命周期治理制度设计,重塑信息协同程序与聚焦评估反馈机制。 展开更多
关键词 三医协同发展与治理 sfic模型 信息协同 协同机制
基于SFIC模型的医院突发公共卫生事件多主体协同应对路径研究 被引量:1
作者 高点 史卢少博 +2 位作者 李婷 石曾萍 王冬 《中国医院》 北大核心 2024年第1期23-27,共5页
提高医院突发公共卫生事件协同应对能力对构建起强大的公共卫生体系具有重要意义。本研究基于SFIC模型,围绕起始条件(Staring Conditions,S)、催化领导(Facilitative Leadership,F)、制度设计(Institutional Design,I)、协同过程(Collab... 提高医院突发公共卫生事件协同应对能力对构建起强大的公共卫生体系具有重要意义。本研究基于SFIC模型,围绕起始条件(Staring Conditions,S)、催化领导(Facilitative Leadership,F)、制度设计(Institutional Design,I)、协同过程(Collaborative Process,C)4个维度剖析国内医院突发公共卫生事件应对的协同困境,据此构建医院多主体协同应对突发公共卫生事件的路径。研究发现,医院多主体协同应对突发公共卫生事件面临多主体专业应急分工缺失、协同基础薄弱,应急领导机制仍不健全,应急协同制度相对缺失、制度内容繁琐,跨主体协同机制缺位、多主体协同共参程度不足。建议归类整合不同主体、补充完善起始条件,健全应急领导机制、发挥催化领导力,完善制度设计、建构完备的协同制度集,构建跨主体应急协同机制、优化协同过程。 展开更多
关键词 sfic模型 医院 突发公共卫生事件 多主体协同
作者 姚清 毛春梅 丰智超 《生态经济》 北大核心 2024年第3期194-201,共8页
跨区域城市生态环境具有多元性、整体性和关联性特征,以行政区划为治理单元的生态治理模式无法应对跨界污染危机带来的挑战,跨域生态协同成为跨区域城市生态治理模式转型的一个新方向。论文基于SFIC理论,以长三角生态绿色一体化发展示... 跨区域城市生态环境具有多元性、整体性和关联性特征,以行政区划为治理单元的生态治理模式无法应对跨界污染危机带来的挑战,跨域生态协同成为跨区域城市生态治理模式转型的一个新方向。论文基于SFIC理论,以长三角生态绿色一体化发展示范区为例,从初始条件、干预领导、制度设计、合作过程四个方面呈现长三角协同治理图景,对长三角生态协同治理实践过程进行深入思考,建立协同行为、协同引擎与协同环境于一体的跨区域城市生态协同治理支持模型。 展开更多
关键词 sfic理论 跨域生态协同 城市生态治理 府际合作 长三角生态一体化
作者 景宗棠 张小兵 《江西警察学院学报》 2024年第2期35-41,共7页
随着“夜间经济”的兴起,以餐吧、酒馆、夜店、音乐吧等为代表的各类酒吧满足了年轻消费者的社交需求,呈现出迅猛发展的态势。然而,酒吧中产生的治安问题日趋复杂多样,治安治理工作面临严峻考验。从协同治理的视角出发,以SFIC模型为分... 随着“夜间经济”的兴起,以餐吧、酒馆、夜店、音乐吧等为代表的各类酒吧满足了年轻消费者的社交需求,呈现出迅猛发展的态势。然而,酒吧中产生的治安问题日趋复杂多样,治安治理工作面临严峻考验。从协同治理的视角出发,以SFIC模型为分析框架,可发现我国酒吧治安问题的协同治理仍面临部分主体参与动机不强、政府催化作用发挥不力、相关法律法规支撑不足、治理主体之间沟通不畅等现实困境。为此,应从夯实多维合作的协同基础、强化地方政府的催化领导、完善科学合理的制度设计、再造平等互信的协同过程等方面入手,推动酒吧行业持续健康发展。 展开更多
关键词 sfic模型 酒吧 治安问题 协同治理
耦合优化蚁群算法与P-Median model的选址模型设计
作者 顾梓程 胡新玲 《现代电子技术》 北大核心 2024年第3期109-114,共6页
为节省城建部门对于公共体育设施的投入成本以及提高城市人民生活质量,以运动场所优化选址为例,提出一种新型设施选址模型。该模型主要基于P-Median model(最小化阻抗模型)根据需求点数量从全部候选设施选址中选择设施空间位置,让用户... 为节省城建部门对于公共体育设施的投入成本以及提高城市人民生活质量,以运动场所优化选址为例,提出一种新型设施选址模型。该模型主要基于P-Median model(最小化阻抗模型)根据需求点数量从全部候选设施选址中选择设施空间位置,让用户达到离自己最近设施距离成本总和最小的目的,对选址的基本原则和实际情况提出要求,构造目标函数用于优化后蚁群算法求解进行选址工作。优化蚁群算法实现基于Python语言模块,通过改进蚁群原始信息素,提升原有算法的收敛速度,求出目标函数最优解,可以很好地模拟对于运动场所的选址。用二者耦合进行优势互补所设计的选址模型来搜寻研究区蚁群信息素浓度残留最大的栅格像元,从而确定未被已有设施点服务半径覆盖的最佳设施点建立位置。实验结果表明,该新型选址模型相较于最小化阻抗模型与最大化覆盖模型,新增优化设施点使整体服务半径覆盖率分别高出10.42%和6.95%,适合求解较为精确且小规模空间下的选址问题。 展开更多
关键词 蚁群算法 P-Median model 选址模型 GIS 运动场所 位置分配 PYTHON
Mshpy23:a user-friendly,parameterized model of magnetosheath conditions 被引量:1
作者 Jaewoong Jung Hyunju Connor +3 位作者 Andrew Dimmock Steve Sembay Andrew Read Jan Soucek 《Earth and Planetary Physics》 EI CSCD 2024年第1期89-104,共16页
Lunar Environment heliospheric X-ray Imager(LEXI)and Solar wind−Magnetosphere−Ionosphere Link Explorer(SMILE)will observe magnetosheath and its boundary motion in soft X-rays for understanding magnetopause reconnectio... Lunar Environment heliospheric X-ray Imager(LEXI)and Solar wind−Magnetosphere−Ionosphere Link Explorer(SMILE)will observe magnetosheath and its boundary motion in soft X-rays for understanding magnetopause reconnection modes under various solar wind conditions after their respective launches in 2024 and 2025.Magnetosheath conditions,namely,plasma density,velocity,and temperature,are key parameters for predicting and analyzing soft X-ray images from the LEXI and SMILE missions.We developed a userfriendly model of magnetosheath that parameterizes number density,velocity,temperature,and magnetic field by utilizing the global Magnetohydrodynamics(MHD)model as well as the pre-existing gas-dynamic and analytic models.Using this parameterized magnetosheath model,scientists can easily reconstruct expected soft X-ray images and utilize them for analysis of observed images of LEXI and SMILE without simulating the complicated global magnetosphere models.First,we created an MHD-based magnetosheath model by running a total of 14 OpenGGCM global MHD simulations under 7 solar wind densities(1,5,10,15,20,25,and 30 cm)and 2 interplanetary magnetic field Bz components(±4 nT),and then parameterizing the results in new magnetosheath conditions.We compared the magnetosheath model result with THEMIS statistical data and it showed good agreement with a weighted Pearson correlation coefficient greater than 0.77,especially for plasma density and plasma velocity.Second,we compiled a suite of magnetosheath models incorporating previous magnetosheath models(gas-dynamic,analytic),and did two case studies to test the performance.The MHD-based model was comparable to or better than the previous models while providing self-consistency among the magnetosheath parameters.Third,we constructed a tool to calculate a soft X-ray image from any given vantage point,which can support the planning and data analysis of the aforementioned LEXI and SMILE missions.A release of the code has been uploaded to a Github repository. 展开更多
作者 杨钰雯 《环境保护科学》 CAS 2024年第1期44-49,共6页
农村河流治理是一项长期性工程,因其存在公共物品属性以及治理的复杂性,需多元主体共同参与治理。依托协同治理理论,构建SFIC模型为分析框架,基于南通市X镇生态河建设项目的个案,在深度探析其在起始条件、催化领导、制度设计、协同过程... 农村河流治理是一项长期性工程,因其存在公共物品属性以及治理的复杂性,需多元主体共同参与治理。依托协同治理理论,构建SFIC模型为分析框架,基于南通市X镇生态河建设项目的个案,在深度探析其在起始条件、催化领导、制度设计、协同过程及协同效果等方面治理困境的基础上,从构建激励机制、催化作用、保障体系、沟通交流平台和监督评估体系多角度提出完善之策,以期改善农村水环境,实现农村河流协同治理。 展开更多
关键词 农村河流 协同治理 水环境治理 sfic模型 生态河建设
作者 袁晨辉 傅贵 +1 位作者 吴治蓉 赵金坤 《中国安全科学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第1期27-34,共8页
为探究损失致因模型(LCM)原因因素定义与事故致因“2-4”模型(24Model)存在的异同和优缺点,梳理2个模型各层面原因和结果的定义,对比定义内容及其对事故原因分析等安全实务的指导作用,并以一起瓦斯爆炸事故为例加以实证分析,获得二者分... 为探究损失致因模型(LCM)原因因素定义与事故致因“2-4”模型(24Model)存在的异同和优缺点,梳理2个模型各层面原因和结果的定义,对比定义内容及其对事故原因分析等安全实务的指导作用,并以一起瓦斯爆炸事故为例加以实证分析,获得二者分析结果之间的差异。研究结果表明:LCM是首个将管理因素纳入事故致因分析的一维事件序列模型,可明确各层面原因因素的定义和因素间的逻辑关系,但部分定义存在交叉重复的问题,并没有揭示安全工作指导思想等深层次事故致因因素;24Model作为系统性事故致因模型,对各类因素的定义均以组织为主体,描述事件、事故、安全的概念内涵,划分个体安全动作、安全能力和组织安全管理体系的类别并给出含义解析,探究组织安全文化层面的问题并以32个元素体现;2个模型的事故原因分析方法均建立在对各层级原因因素定义的基础上,并适用于模型理论体系本身。 展开更多
关键词 “2-4”模型(24model) 损失致因模型(LCM) 事故致因模型 原因因素定义 对比研究
作者 陈聪宁 王桂艳 《宁波职业技术学院学报》 2024年第1期95-102,共8页
我国高职教育已由规模扩张进入了高质量发展阶段,对“双师型”教师的培养提出了更高要求。借助SFIC协同治理模型按照“应然—实然—应然”的思路对高职“双师型”教师的校企协同培养运行机制进行分析,首先构建理想状态下“双师型”教师... 我国高职教育已由规模扩张进入了高质量发展阶段,对“双师型”教师的培养提出了更高要求。借助SFIC协同治理模型按照“应然—实然—应然”的思路对高职“双师型”教师的校企协同培养运行机制进行分析,首先构建理想状态下“双师型”教师培养机制模型,其次围绕模型需要具备的条件对现实困境展开探讨,最后从三方面提出基于SFIC模型的“双师型”教师培养推进策略。 展开更多
关键词 sfic模型 “双师型”教师 协同运行机制
作者 娄自强 王建伟 刘鑫 《广西教育》 2024年第3期93-97,107,共6页
高校治理现代化是国家治理体系和治理能力现代化的重要体现,完善高校内部治理对提高办学水平、提升办学质量、构建高质量教育体系具有举足轻重的作用。大学生是高校内部治理的重要参与主体,研究基于SFIC协同治理模型,选取山东省部分高... 高校治理现代化是国家治理体系和治理能力现代化的重要体现,完善高校内部治理对提高办学水平、提升办学质量、构建高质量教育体系具有举足轻重的作用。大学生是高校内部治理的重要参与主体,研究基于SFIC协同治理模型,选取山东省部分高校作为样本,对调查数据采用验证性因子分析和PA-LV路径分析,从启动条件、催化领导、制度设计和协同过程等方面提出优化大学生参与高校内部协同治理的建议,为提高新时代高校治理能力提供参考和借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 sfic模型 大学生 高校内部治理 协同治理
Assessing the Performance of CMIP6 Models in Simulating Droughts across Global Drylands 被引量:1
作者 Xiaojing YU Lixia ZHANG +1 位作者 Tianjun ZHOU Jianghua ZHENG 《Advances in Atmospheric Sciences》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2024年第2期193-208,共16页
Both the attribution of historical change and future projections of droughts rely heavily on climate modeling. However,reasonable drought simulations have remained a challenge, and the related performances of the curr... Both the attribution of historical change and future projections of droughts rely heavily on climate modeling. However,reasonable drought simulations have remained a challenge, and the related performances of the current state-of-the-art Coupled Model Intercomparison Project phase 6(CMIP6) models remain unknown. Here, both the strengths and weaknesses of CMIP6 models in simulating droughts and corresponding hydrothermal conditions in drylands are assessed.While the general patterns of simulated meteorological elements in drylands resemble the observations, the annual precipitation is overestimated by ~33%(with a model spread of 2.3%–77.2%), along with an underestimation of potential evapotranspiration(PET) by ~32%(17.5%–47.2%). The water deficit condition, measured by the difference between precipitation and PET, is 50%(29.1%–71.7%) weaker than observations. The CMIP6 models show weaknesses in capturing the climate mean drought characteristics in drylands, particularly with the occurrence and duration largely underestimated in the hyperarid Afro-Asian areas. Nonetheless, the drought-associated meteorological anomalies, including reduced precipitation, warmer temperatures, higher evaporative demand, and increased water deficit conditions, are reasonably reproduced. The simulated magnitude of precipitation(water deficit) associated with dryland droughts is overestimated by 28%(24%) compared to observations. The observed increasing trends in drought fractional area,occurrence, and corresponding meteorological anomalies during 1980–2014 are reasonably reproduced. Still, the increase in drought characteristics, associated precipitation and water deficit are obviously underestimated after the late 1990s,especially for mild and moderate droughts, indicative of a weaker response of dryland drought changes to global warming in CMIP6 models. Our results suggest that it is imperative to employ bias correction approaches in drought-related studies over drylands by using CMIP6 outputs. 展开更多
关键词 DROUGHTS hydrothermal conditions DRYLANDS CMIP6 model evaluation
作者 庄园 秦振翼 《体育科技文献通报》 2024年第3期136-138,共3页
以多元主体协同方式化解民俗体育消费场景的突出问题是民俗体育文化传承与发展的新方向。本文采用文献资料、专家访谈、逻辑分析等方法,结合场景理论探析新时代城市民俗体育品牌消费场景重构的逻辑动因、发展困囿及推进路径。结果表明,... 以多元主体协同方式化解民俗体育消费场景的突出问题是民俗体育文化传承与发展的新方向。本文采用文献资料、专家访谈、逻辑分析等方法,结合场景理论探析新时代城市民俗体育品牌消费场景重构的逻辑动因、发展困囿及推进路径。结果表明,逻辑动因:城市民俗体育品牌消费场景随着时代推进,逐步演化为从功能消费场景到文化消费场景、单一消费场景到时空消费场景、习惯消费场景到多元消费场景。发展困囿:地区资源缺乏系统性有机统筹、传统治理缺失主体间循环设计、市场引领缺少产业间破垒融合、系统功能缺欠平台内协同机制。推进路径:加强虚拟空间多维生产,促进文化服务功能转型;明确政府市场引领导向,打造复合联动协同机制;鼓励多方产业破圈融合,助推产业循环发展格局。 展开更多
关键词 sfic模型 民俗体育 消费场景 逻辑动因 系统建构
Background removal from global auroral images:Data-driven dayglow modeling 被引量:1
作者 A.Ohma M.Madelaire +4 位作者 K.M.Laundal J.P.Reistad S.M.Hatch S.Gasparini S.J.Walker 《Earth and Planetary Physics》 EI CSCD 2024年第1期247-257,共11页
Global images of auroras obtained by cameras on spacecraft are a key tool for studying the near-Earth environment.However,the cameras are sensitive not only to auroral emissions produced by precipitating particles,but... Global images of auroras obtained by cameras on spacecraft are a key tool for studying the near-Earth environment.However,the cameras are sensitive not only to auroral emissions produced by precipitating particles,but also to dayglow emissions produced by photoelectrons induced by sunlight.Nightglow emissions and scattered sunlight can contribute to the background signal.To fully utilize such images in space science,background contamination must be removed to isolate the auroral signal.Here we outline a data-driven approach to modeling the background intensity in multiple images by formulating linear inverse problems based on B-splines and spherical harmonics.The approach is robust,flexible,and iteratively deselects outliers,such as auroral emissions.The final model is smooth across the terminator and accounts for slow temporal variations and large-scale asymmetries in the dayglow.We demonstrate the model by using the three far ultraviolet cameras on the Imager for Magnetopause-to-Aurora Global Exploration(IMAGE)mission.The method can be applied to historical missions and is relevant for upcoming missions,such as the Solar wind Magnetosphere Ionosphere Link Explorer(SMILE)mission. 展开更多
关键词 AURORA dayglow modeling global auroral images far ultraviolet images dayglow removal
Use of machine learning models for the prognostication of liver transplantation: A systematic review 被引量:1
作者 Gidion Chongo Jonathan Soldera 《World Journal of Transplantation》 2024年第1期164-188,共25页
BACKGROUND Liver transplantation(LT)is a life-saving intervention for patients with end-stage liver disease.However,the equitable allocation of scarce donor organs remains a formidable challenge.Prognostic tools are p... BACKGROUND Liver transplantation(LT)is a life-saving intervention for patients with end-stage liver disease.However,the equitable allocation of scarce donor organs remains a formidable challenge.Prognostic tools are pivotal in identifying the most suitable transplant candidates.Traditionally,scoring systems like the model for end-stage liver disease have been instrumental in this process.Nevertheless,the landscape of prognostication is undergoing a transformation with the integration of machine learning(ML)and artificial intelligence models.AIM To assess the utility of ML models in prognostication for LT,comparing their performance and reliability to established traditional scoring systems.METHODS Following the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis guidelines,we conducted a thorough and standardized literature search using the PubMed/MEDLINE database.Our search imposed no restrictions on publication year,age,or gender.Exclusion criteria encompassed non-English studies,review articles,case reports,conference papers,studies with missing data,or those exhibiting evident methodological flaws.RESULTS Our search yielded a total of 64 articles,with 23 meeting the inclusion criteria.Among the selected studies,60.8%originated from the United States and China combined.Only one pediatric study met the criteria.Notably,91%of the studies were published within the past five years.ML models consistently demonstrated satisfactory to excellent area under the receiver operating characteristic curve values(ranging from 0.6 to 1)across all studies,surpassing the performance of traditional scoring systems.Random forest exhibited superior predictive capabilities for 90-d mortality following LT,sepsis,and acute kidney injury(AKI).In contrast,gradient boosting excelled in predicting the risk of graft-versus-host disease,pneumonia,and AKI.CONCLUSION This study underscores the potential of ML models in guiding decisions related to allograft allocation and LT,marking a significant evolution in the field of prognostication. 展开更多
关键词 Liver transplantation Machine learning models PROGNOSTICATION Allograft allocation Artificial intelligence
Progressive fragmentation of granular assemblies within rockslides: Insights from discrete-continuous numerical modeling
作者 JIANG Hui ZHOU Yuande +2 位作者 WANG Jinting DU Xiuli HUANG Hailong 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2024年第4期1174-1189,共16页
Rock fragmentation plays a critical role in rock avalanches,yet conventional approaches such as classical granular flow models or the bonded particle model have limitations in accurately characterizing the progressive... Rock fragmentation plays a critical role in rock avalanches,yet conventional approaches such as classical granular flow models or the bonded particle model have limitations in accurately characterizing the progressive disintegration and kinematics of multi-deformable rock blocks during rockslides.The present study proposes a discrete-continuous numerical model,based on a cohesive zone model,to explicitly incorporate the progressive fragmentation and intricate interparticle interactions inherent in rockslides.Breakable rock granular assemblies are released along an inclined plane and flow onto a horizontal plane.The numerical scenarios are established to incorporate variations in slope angle,initial height,friction coefficient,and particle number.The evolutions of fragmentation,kinematic,runout and depositional characteristics are quantitatively analyzed and compared with experimental and field data.A positive linear relationship between the equivalent friction coefficient and the apparent friction coefficient is identified.In general,the granular mass predominantly exhibits characteristics of a dense granular flow,with the Savage number exhibiting a decreasing trend as the volume of mass increases.The process of particle breakage gradually occurs in a bottom-up manner,leading to a significant increase in the angular velocities of the rock blocks with increasing depth.The simulation results reproduce the field observations of inverse grading and source stratigraphy preservation in the deposit.We propose a disintegration index that incorporates factors such as drop height,rock mass volume,and rock strength.Our findings demonstrate a consistent linear relationship between this index and the fragmentation degree in all tested scenarios. 展开更多
关键词 Rock fragmentation ROCKSLIDE Numerical modelling Discrete-continuous modelling RUNOUT Cohesive zone model
作者 全君彦 《中阿科技论坛(中英文)》 2024年第1期129-133,共5页
SFIC模型作为协同治理理论的经典分析模型,有利于解决高职院校二级学院学籍管理工作中的诸多问题。文章在协同治理理论的指导下,运用SFIC模型对高职院校二级学院学籍管理多主体协同管理困境进行分析,指出在学籍管理运行过程中存在协同... SFIC模型作为协同治理理论的经典分析模型,有利于解决高职院校二级学院学籍管理工作中的诸多问题。文章在协同治理理论的指导下,运用SFIC模型对高职院校二级学院学籍管理多主体协同管理困境进行分析,指出在学籍管理运行过程中存在协同管理意识薄弱、领导作用发挥不足、制度更新滞后、沟通协作不畅等问题,并针对性提出强化协同管理意识、拓宽指导培训途径、及时修订管理制度、畅通沟通协作路径等具体对策。 展开更多
关键词 sfic模型 高职院校 二级学院 学籍管理
PAL-BERT:An Improved Question Answering Model
作者 Wenfeng Zheng Siyu Lu +3 位作者 Zhuohang Cai Ruiyang Wang Lei Wang Lirong Yin 《Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences》 SCIE EI 2024年第6期2729-2745,共17页
In the field of natural language processing(NLP),there have been various pre-training language models in recent years,with question answering systems gaining significant attention.However,as algorithms,data,and comput... In the field of natural language processing(NLP),there have been various pre-training language models in recent years,with question answering systems gaining significant attention.However,as algorithms,data,and computing power advance,the issue of increasingly larger models and a growing number of parameters has surfaced.Consequently,model training has become more costly and less efficient.To enhance the efficiency and accuracy of the training process while reducing themodel volume,this paper proposes a first-order pruningmodel PAL-BERT based on the ALBERT model according to the characteristics of question-answering(QA)system and language model.Firstly,a first-order network pruning method based on the ALBERT model is designed,and the PAL-BERT model is formed.Then,the parameter optimization strategy of the PAL-BERT model is formulated,and the Mish function was used as an activation function instead of ReLU to improve the performance.Finally,after comparison experiments with traditional deep learning models TextCNN and BiLSTM,it is confirmed that PALBERT is a pruning model compression method that can significantly reduce training time and optimize training efficiency.Compared with traditional models,PAL-BERT significantly improves the NLP task’s performance. 展开更多
关键词 PAL-BERT question answering model pretraining language models ALBERT pruning model network pruning TextCNN BiLSTM
作者 张民波 闫瑾 +3 位作者 黄强勇 牛艺骁 李峰 钟子逸 《安全与环境工程》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第1期1-8,24,共9页
煤矿安全事故对人身安全和周围环境构成严重威胁。为研究煤矿安全事故的致因因素构型,通过搜集、筛选出数据真实且事故原因明确的26起典型煤矿安全事故案例,利用24Model事故致因模型,从不安全行为、不安全物态、习惯性行为、安全管理体... 煤矿安全事故对人身安全和周围环境构成严重威胁。为研究煤矿安全事故的致因因素构型,通过搜集、筛选出数据真实且事故原因明确的26起典型煤矿安全事故案例,利用24Model事故致因模型,从不安全行为、不安全物态、习惯性行为、安全管理体系以及安全文化5个维度提取煤矿安全事故致因因素,并通过清晰集定性比较分析(csQCA)方法对煤矿安全事故致因因素的组态构型进行了分析。结果表明:采用24Model与csQCA相结合的方法分析煤矿安全事故的组态构型,能够说明煤矿安全事故致因因素与事故之间存在多重并发因果关系,并存在6种典型的组态构型,可归纳为煤矿单位管理不严型、企业安全文化建设缺失型、工作人员安全意识淡薄型、组织安全行为异化型。根据各种组态构型的特点剖析煤矿安全事故的发生机制,可为煤矿安全生产和管理工作提供对策和建议,以保障煤矿行业安全和推动经济发展。 展开更多
关键词 煤矿安全事故 组态构型 24model 清晰集定性比较分析(csQCA) 安全管理
An improved interval model updating method via adaptive Kriging models
作者 Sha WEI Yifeng CHEN +1 位作者 Hu DING Liqun CHEN 《Applied Mathematics and Mechanics(English Edition)》 SCIE EI CSCD 2024年第3期497-514,共18页
Interval model updating(IMU)methods have been widely used in uncertain model updating due to their low requirements for sample data.However,the surrogate model in IMU methods mostly adopts the one-time construction me... Interval model updating(IMU)methods have been widely used in uncertain model updating due to their low requirements for sample data.However,the surrogate model in IMU methods mostly adopts the one-time construction method.This makes the accuracy of the surrogate model highly dependent on the experience of users and affects the accuracy of IMU methods.Therefore,an improved IMU method via the adaptive Kriging models is proposed.This method transforms the objective function of the IMU problem into two deterministic global optimization problems about the upper bound and the interval diameter through universal grey numbers.These optimization problems are addressed through the adaptive Kriging models and the particle swarm optimization(PSO)method to quantify the uncertain parameters,and the IMU is accomplished.During the construction of these adaptive Kriging models,the sample space is gridded according to sensitivity information.Local sampling is then performed in key subspaces based on the maximum mean square error(MMSE)criterion.The interval division coefficient and random sampling coefficient are adaptively adjusted without human interference until the model meets accuracy requirements.The effectiveness of the proposed method is demonstrated by a numerical example of a three-degree-of-freedom mass-spring system and an experimental example of a butted cylindrical shell.The results show that the updated results of the interval model are in good agreement with the experimental results. 展开更多
关键词 interval model updating(IMU) non-probabilistic uncertainty adaptive Kriging model surrogate model grey number
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