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基于KPI与AHP的生态环境统计工作绩效评估研究 被引量:1
作者 方奕 吴晓蔚 +2 位作者 李锦菊 费青青 蔡鋆琳 《环境科学与管理》 CAS 2024年第3期27-32,共6页
生态环境统计工作的综合评价过程涉及多指标、多层次,具有范围广、因素多的特点,其中多类指标无法直接量化,且高度依赖经验累积,长期以来地方主管部门对此工作重视程度不高,导致生态环境统计数据质量不高、应用不广。此研究以关键绩效指... 生态环境统计工作的综合评价过程涉及多指标、多层次,具有范围广、因素多的特点,其中多类指标无法直接量化,且高度依赖经验累积,长期以来地方主管部门对此工作重视程度不高,导致生态环境统计数据质量不高、应用不广。此研究以关键绩效指标(KPI)和层次分析法(AHP)为基础,以上海市为例,尝试建立生态环境统计工作绩效评价指标体系,探讨建立工作绩效的评价体系,以此对地方生态环境主管部门的工作绩效进行量化评价,从而有利于创新管理部门的绩效评估方法,提高管理的实效,进而实现生态环境统计数据质量提升。 展开更多
关键词 生态环境统计 工作绩效评价 kpi AHP
基于KPI的企业绩效管理体系优化研究 被引量:2
作者 马洪丽 《现代商业》 2024年第1期153-156,共4页
近几年来随着时代的不断变化和发展,市场的不稳定性和环境的不确定性也日益增强,这对于企业发展来讲都会带来一定的影响,为了提高市场竞争力,除了要进行科学的绩效管理之外,还要制定合理的企业战略,并将二者有效的融合在一起,有助于促... 近几年来随着时代的不断变化和发展,市场的不稳定性和环境的不确定性也日益增强,这对于企业发展来讲都会带来一定的影响,为了提高市场竞争力,除了要进行科学的绩效管理之外,还要制定合理的企业战略,并将二者有效的融合在一起,有助于促进企业绩效水平得到提高,实现发展战略目标。本文基于KPI(关键绩效指标)的企业绩效管理体系展开研究,并对KPI在绩效管理中的主要作用展开分析,希望本文观点可以为相关人员提供借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 kpi 企业 绩效管理 体系 优化研究
作者 梁晶晶 《经济师》 2024年第6期151-152,共2页
文章以高校行政管理人员考核特点为切入点,探索分析了行政管理岗位考核中存在的问题,提出了采用关键绩效指标(KPI)与360度评估相结合进行考核的意见,并构建了行政管理人员绩效考核的指标体系,其中岗位职责履行、工作业绩考核以KPI为主,... 文章以高校行政管理人员考核特点为切入点,探索分析了行政管理岗位考核中存在的问题,提出了采用关键绩效指标(KPI)与360度评估相结合进行考核的意见,并构建了行政管理人员绩效考核的指标体系,其中岗位职责履行、工作业绩考核以KPI为主,工作态度考核评价等则以360度评估为主。 展开更多
关键词 高校 行政管理人员 kpi 360度评估 考核
基于KPI的企业绩效管理体系优化研究 被引量:1
作者 张秉 《中国市场》 2024年第4期100-103,共4页
KPI绩效管理在企业管理体系中的作用是非常明显的,确定企业战略发展目标,以KPI指标体系为纽带,下放KPI要素,将其落实到各层级、各部门、各员工的具体工作中,通过KPI指标体系的设定实现“目标一致、行动一致”,提升劳动生产率,带动企业... KPI绩效管理在企业管理体系中的作用是非常明显的,确定企业战略发展目标,以KPI指标体系为纽带,下放KPI要素,将其落实到各层级、各部门、各员工的具体工作中,通过KPI指标体系的设定实现“目标一致、行动一致”,提升劳动生产率,带动企业快速发展,实现经济增长和员工收入提升,使企业快速达成战略与绩效目标,达到企业及员工的能力提升与绩效回报的双向共赢。同时,从客观的角度对员工绩效进行追踪与分析,是企业公平性的体现,有助于企业留住优秀人才。 展开更多
关键词 基于kpi 企业绩效管理 体系优化研究
基于KPI的企业绩效考核管理策略研究 被引量:1
作者 李南叶 《现代商业》 2024年第5期141-144,共4页
市场经济高度发达的今天,企业间的竞争异常激烈。企业考核体系的构建,对于有效提升企业经济效益、最大程度地鼓励企业员工发挥其最大潜力,将起到一定的积极作用。在诸多的考核体系的构建方法中,KPI绩效考核作为一种较为有效的激励方式,... 市场经济高度发达的今天,企业间的竞争异常激烈。企业考核体系的构建,对于有效提升企业经济效益、最大程度地鼓励企业员工发挥其最大潜力,将起到一定的积极作用。在诸多的考核体系的构建方法中,KPI绩效考核作为一种较为有效的激励方式,受到了许多企业管理层的青睐。本文以物流企业作为研究对象,首先分析了物流企业KPI绩效考核现状及问题,提出了解决问题的思路,并提出了改进建议,期望本文研究能够对物流企业改进KPI绩效考核有促进作用。 展开更多
关键词 物流行业 kpi绩效考核
三级公立医院绩效考核管理中KPI的应用进展 被引量:3
作者 杨天宇 王迪 《中国医院》 北大核心 2024年第5期59-63,共5页
随着薪酬制度和绩效考核改革在全国深入开展,在现有体系的基础上完善绩效考核指标有助于保证考核的公平性和合理性。关键绩效指标(keyperformanceindicator,KPI)可以将医院总发展目标层层分解细化成具体的、可实现的阶段性目标,并与个... 随着薪酬制度和绩效考核改革在全国深入开展,在现有体系的基础上完善绩效考核指标有助于保证考核的公平性和合理性。关键绩效指标(keyperformanceindicator,KPI)可以将医院总发展目标层层分解细化成具体的、可实现的阶段性目标,并与个人发展和薪酬相挂钩,从而调动医务人员的积极性,对于提高工作效率和实现整体战略目标具有重要价值意义。如何编制以目标为导向的KPI绩效考核体系已成为近年来研究的热点话题。基于此,笔者以政策制度改革为背景,总结传统绩效考核体系中有待改进的问题,指出考核指标改革的现实意义和重要性;综述现阶段KPI的应用领域及优势,对现存问题进行梳理,为今后医院绩效考核指标体系的构建提供借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 关键绩效指标 绩效考核 绩效薪酬 三级公立医院
作者 苏志华 王妍 +4 位作者 罗云清 易涛 王喜月 张于宝 王晓童 《全面腐蚀控制》 2024年第9期16-23,共8页
本文运用KPI考核方法,将设备完整性管理的持续改进理念、全面腐蚀管理思路、量化考核评比方法等内容应用于炼化企业设备防腐管理工作之中。通过研究KPI相关理论知识与炼化企业的实际生产情况,合理设定了能覆盖现在前沿的炼化设备防腐监... 本文运用KPI考核方法,将设备完整性管理的持续改进理念、全面腐蚀管理思路、量化考核评比方法等内容应用于炼化企业设备防腐管理工作之中。通过研究KPI相关理论知识与炼化企业的实际生产情况,合理设定了能覆盖现在前沿的炼化设备防腐监检测手段和腐蚀完整性管理系统的12个设备防腐管理KPI考核指标,并给出了详细的指标考核方法和排名规则,明确了考核原则和考核要求。通过在国内某炼化企业开展设备防腐管理KPI指标考核方法的试点和推广工作,证明了12个设备防腐管理KPI考核指标在试点试验和推广应用阶段实施的有效性。设备防腐管理KPI考核指标的设定和实施可以形成专业级的设备完整性管理体系绩效指标,对炼化企业的设备防腐管理水平提升具有积极的借鉴意义和参考价值。 展开更多
关键词 kpi指标考核方法 炼化设备防腐管理 设备完整性管理体系 设备全生命周期 考核参考值
作者 陈小琬 卢京京 梁志杰 《铁道运输与经济》 北大核心 2024年第5期155-160,共6页
随着我国经济发展水平的不断提高,交通运输行业的竞争格局呈现出新的变化,铁路企业面临日渐激烈的市场竞争,应充分认识到资金管理绩效的重要性。在现金流成为企业生命线的普遍共识下,铁路企业应采取切实可行的措施,充分利用经营过程中... 随着我国经济发展水平的不断提高,交通运输行业的竞争格局呈现出新的变化,铁路企业面临日渐激烈的市场竞争,应充分认识到资金管理绩效的重要性。在现金流成为企业生命线的普遍共识下,铁路企业应采取切实可行的措施,充分利用经营过程中的现金流的优势,实现市场竞争中的优势地位。在对当前铁路企业资金管理现状问题分析的基础上,基于KPI理论,构建了以财务管理、资金预算、会计信息质量、实际支出和存量资金为主要考核内容的资金管理绩效考核体系。同时,针对构建的资金管理绩效考核体系,提出了建立资金管理绩效考核信息系统等4条落实资金管理绩效考核制度的实施路径,为铁路企业全面推进资金管理更加科学化和精细化提供帮助。 展开更多
关键词 kpi 铁路企业 绩效管理 资金管理 考核体系
基于KPI考核体系的企业人力资源管理研究 被引量:1
作者 黄爱嵋 《现代商业》 2024年第14期86-89,共4页
随着我国经济的发展及经济全球化的不断推进,为企业带来了新的机遇与挑战。对企业来说,要想提升自身经营效率,促进自身可持续发展,需要重视自身人力资源管理。人力资源管理是企业运营发展的重点,通过高效的人力资源管理能够为企业发掘... 随着我国经济的发展及经济全球化的不断推进,为企业带来了新的机遇与挑战。对企业来说,要想提升自身经营效率,促进自身可持续发展,需要重视自身人力资源管理。人力资源管理是企业运营发展的重点,通过高效的人力资源管理能够为企业发掘高质量的人才,提升员工工作的责任心与积极性,从而优化企业的发展运营。在人力资源管理中,KPI考核体系的应用能够大大促进人力资源管理的有效性,通过KPI考核体系为企业人力资源管理提供依据,因此本文将对KPI考核体系下的人力资源管理进行研究。 展开更多
关键词 kpi考核体系 人力资源管理 有效性
Progress in the Study of Laboratory Indicators Related to Acute Pancreatitis
作者 Jiacheng Song Xiaoping Tan 《Journal of Biosciences and Medicines》 2024年第1期7-18,共12页
Acute pancreatitis (AP) is one of the more common gastrointestinal diseases in clinics and is characterized by rapid progression, many complications, and high mortality. When it develops into severe pancreatitis, its ... Acute pancreatitis (AP) is one of the more common gastrointestinal diseases in clinics and is characterized by rapid progression, many complications, and high mortality. When it develops into severe pancreatitis, its prognosis is poor. Therefore, early assessment of the degree of inflammatory response plays a crucial role in the treatment plan and prognosis of patients. More and more studies have shown that the levels of D-dimer (D-D), angiotensin-2 (Ang-2), phosphate, heparin-binding protein (HBP), retinol-binding protein-4 (RBP4), and osteoblastic protein (OPN) are closely related to the severity of acute pan-creatitis and can be used as effective indicators for early assessment of AP. In this paper, the research progress of the above indicators in assessing the severity of AP is summarized. 展开更多
关键词 Acute Pancreatitis Laboratory indicators PROGRESSION ASSESSMENT
Citation distributions and research evaluations:The impossibility of formulating a universal indicator
作者 Alonso Rodríguez-Navarro 《Journal of Data and Information Science》 CSCD 2024年第4期24-48,共25页
Purpose:To analyze the diversity of citation distributions to publications in different research topics to investigate the accuracy of size-independent,rank-based indicators.The top percentile-based indicators are the... Purpose:To analyze the diversity of citation distributions to publications in different research topics to investigate the accuracy of size-independent,rank-based indicators.The top percentile-based indicators are the most common indicators of this type,and the evaluations of Japan are the most evident misjudgments.Design/methodology/approach:The distributions of citations to publications from countries and journals in several research topics were analyzed along with the corresponding global publications using histograms with logarithmic binning,double rank plots,and normal probability plots of log-transformed numbers of citations.Findings:Size-independent,top percentile-based indicators are accurate when the global ranks of local publications fit a power law,but deviations in the least cited papers are frequent in countries and occur in all journals with high impact factors.In these cases,a single indicator is misleading.Comparisons of the proportions of uncited papers are the best way to predict these deviations.Research limitations:This study is fundamentally analytical,and its results describe mathematical facts that are self-evident.Practical implications:Respectable institutions,such as the OECD,the European Commission,and the U.S.National Science Board,produce research country rankings and individual evaluations using size-independent percentile indicators that are misleading in many countries.These misleading evaluations should be discontinued because they can cause confusion among research policymakers and lead to incorrect research policies.Originality/value:Studies linking the lower tail of citation distribution,including uncited papers,to percentile research indicators have not been performed previously.The present results demonstrate that studies of this type are necessary to find reliable procedures for research assessments. 展开更多
关键词 SCIENTOMETRICS Research assessment Research indicators Citation distribution Rank analysis
Estimating wheat spike-leaf composite indicator(SLI)dynamics by coupling spectral indices and machine learning
作者 Haiyu Tao Ruiheng Zhou +6 位作者 Yining Tang Wanyu Li Xia Yao Tao Cheng Yan Zhu Weixing Cao Yongchao Tian 《The Crop Journal》 SCIE CSCD 2024年第3期927-937,共11页
The contribution of spike photosynthesis to grain yield(GY)has been overlooked in the accurate spectral prediction of yield.Thus,it’s essential to construct and estimate a yield-related phenotypic trait considering s... The contribution of spike photosynthesis to grain yield(GY)has been overlooked in the accurate spectral prediction of yield.Thus,it’s essential to construct and estimate a yield-related phenotypic trait considering spike photosynthesis.Based on field and spectral reflectance data from 19 wheat cultivars under two nitrogen fertilization conditions in two years,our objectives were to(i)construct a yield-related phenotypic trait(spike–leaf composite indicator,SLI)accounting for the contribution of the spike to photosynthesis,(ii)develop a novel spectral index(enhanced triangle vegetation index,ETVI3)sensitive to SLI,and(iii)establish and evaluate SLI estimation models by integrating spectral indices and machine learning algorithms.The results showed that SLI was sensitive to nitrogen fertilizer and wheat cultivar variation as well as a better predictor of yield than the leaf area index.ETVI3 maintained a strong correlation with SLI throughout the growth stage,whereas the correlations of other spectral indices with SLI were poor after spike emergence.Integrating spectral indices and machine learning algorithms improved the estimation accuracy of SLI,with the most accurate estimates of SLI showing coefficient of determination,root mean square error(RMSE),and relative RMSE values of 0.71,0.047,and 26.93%,respectively.These results provide new insights into the role of fruiting organs for the accurate spectral prediction of GY.This high-throughput SLI estimation approach can be applied for wheat yield prediction at whole growth stages and may be assisted with agronomical practices and variety selection. 展开更多
关键词 Wheat spike photosynthesis Yield-related phenotypic trait Spectral indices Machine learning Estimation
Risk Prediction Model for Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy Based on Routine Laboratory Indicators and Risk Factors: A Retrospective Analysis
作者 Yiqv Zeng Yu Cai 《Open Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology》 2024年第9期1303-1321,共19页
Background: Hypertensive disorder of pregnancy (HDP) is a group of diseases in which pregnancy and elevated blood pressure coexist. There is still a lack of reliable clinical tools to predict the incidence of HDP. The... Background: Hypertensive disorder of pregnancy (HDP) is a group of diseases in which pregnancy and elevated blood pressure coexist. There is still a lack of reliable clinical tools to predict the incidence of HDP. The purpose of this study was to establish and validate a nomogram prediction model for assessing the risk of HDP in pregnant women based on laboratory indicators and HDP risk factors. Method: A total of 307 pregnant women who were hospitalized in the obstetrics and gynecology department of our hospital were included in this study, and were randomly divided into a training cohort and validation cohort at a ratio of 7:3. Univariate and multivariate logistic regression analyses were performed to identify independent risk factors for the development of HDP on laboratory indicators as well as risk factors for HDP in the training cohort of patients. The results of the multivariate regression model were visualized by forest plots. A nomogram was constructed based on the results of multivariate logistic regression to predict the risk of HDP in pregnant women. The validity of the risk prediction model was evaluated by the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC), the consistency index (C-index), the calibration curve and the decision curve analysis (DCA). Results: BMI ≥ 25 Kg/m2, total cholesterol in early pregnancy, uric acid and proteinuria in late pregnancy were independent risk factors for HDP. The AUC and C-index of the nomogram constructed by the above four factors were both 0.848. The calibration curve is closely fitted with the ideal diagonal, showing a good consistency between the nomogram prediction and the actual observation of HDP. The DCA has demonstrated the great clinical utility of nomogram. Internal verification proves the reliability of the predicted nomograms. Conclusion: The BTUP nomogram model based on laboratory indicators and risk factors proposed in this study showed good predictive value for the risk assessment of HDP. It is expected to provide evidence for clinical prediction of the risk of HDP in pregnant women. 展开更多
关键词 Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy NOMOGRAM Laboratory indicators Risk Factors
Evidence-Based Nursing Practice of Reducing Immune-Related Skin Toxicity of Tumor Patients Guided by Sensitive Indicators
作者 Lingling Tang Qiong Wen 《Journal of Biosciences and Medicines》 2024年第4期210-215,共6页
Purpose research on nursing sensitive indicators in tumor Patients application effect in immune-related skin toxicity management. Method select our hospital April to June, 202360 cases patients with immune therapy set... Purpose research on nursing sensitive indicators in tumor Patients application effect in immune-related skin toxicity management. Method select our hospital April to June, 202360 cases patients with immune therapy settings as the control group. August-October, 2023 60 cases the patients treated with immune therapy were the experimental group. The control group adopted regular nursing methods, while the experimental group sensitive Indicators, evidence-based give preventive care. The social situation, psychological state, physical function, quality of life score, incidence of skin toxicity caused by immune checkpoint inhibitors, moderate and above of the two groups of patients were compared. Incidence of skin toxicity. Result: experience group SAS score, SDS score higher than the control group, the difference was statistically significant (P < 0.05);The incidence of skin toxic reactions caused by immune checkpoint inhibitors and the incidence of moderate and above skin toxic reactions in the experimental group are lower than those in the control group, and the difference is statistically significant (P < 0.05). Conclusion: sensitive indicator guidance evidence-based preventive care can reduce the degree of immune-related skin toxicity, improve the psychological state and quality of life of tumor patients treated with immune therapy and reduce the incidence of adverse reactions, improve nursing quality and patient satisfaction. 展开更多
关键词 Sensitive indicators Immune-Related Skin Toxicity Evidence-Based Practice TUMOR
Investigating the causal associations between five anthropometric indicators and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease:Mendelian randomization study
作者 Xian-Pei Xiao Yong-Jun Dai +4 位作者 Yu Zhang Meng Yang Jian Xie Guo Chen Zheng-Jun Yang 《World Journal of Clinical Cases》 SCIE 2024年第7期1215-1226,共12页
BACKGROUND Although the etiology of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease(NAFLD)has not been thoroughly understood,the emerging roles of anthropometric indicators in assessing and predicting the risk of NAFLD have been hig... BACKGROUND Although the etiology of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease(NAFLD)has not been thoroughly understood,the emerging roles of anthropometric indicators in assessing and predicting the risk of NAFLD have been highlighted by accumulating evidence.AIM To evaluate the causal relationships between five anthropometric indicators and NAFLD employing Mendelian randomization(MR)design.METHODS The Anthropometric Consortium provided genetic exposure data for five anthropometric indicators,including hip circumference(HC),waist circumference(WC),waist-to-hip ratio(WHR),body mass index(BMI),and body fat percentage(BF).Genetic outcome data for NAFLD were obtained from the United Kingdom Biobank and FinnGen Consortium.Genome-wide significant single nucleotide polymorphisms were chosen as instrumental variables.Univariable MR(UVMR)and multivariable MR(MVMR)designs with analytical approaches,including inverse variance weighted(IVW),MR-Egger,weighted median(WM),and weighted mode methods,were used to assess the causal relationships between anthropometric indicators and NAFLD.RESULTS Causal relationships were revealed by UVMR,indicating that a higher risk of NAFLD was associated with a perunit increase in WC[IVW:odds ratio(OR)=2.67,95%CI:1.42-5.02,P=2.25×10^(−3)],and BF was causally associated with an increased risk of NAFLD(WM:OR=2.23,95%CI:1.07-4.66,P=0.033).The presence of causal effects of WC on the decreased risk of NAFLD was supported by MVMR after adjusting for BMI and smoking.However,no causal association between BF and NAFLD was observed.In addition,other causal relationships of HC,WHR(BMI adjusted),and BMI with the risk of NAFLD were not retained after FDR correction.CONCLUSION This study establishes a causal relationship,indicating that an increase in WC is associated with a higher risk of NAFLD.This demonstrates that a suitable decrease in WC is advantageous for preventing NAFLD. 展开更多
关键词 Anthropometric indicator Waist circumference Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease Mendelian randomization Genetic variant
Study on Temperature Disaster Indicators of Passion Fruit in Southwest Fujian, China
作者 Shiyun Mou Ping Shao +2 位作者 Yuchen Shi Shujie Yuan Lixin Su 《Journal of Geoscience and Environment Protection》 2024年第1期1-12,共12页
In China, meteorological forecasting relies on meteorological data obtained from regional and national stations. However, there were discrepancies between the data collected from the meteorological station at the pass... In China, meteorological forecasting relies on meteorological data obtained from regional and national stations. However, there were discrepancies between the data collected from the meteorological station at the passion fruit growing base and the data from regional and national stations. Consequently, the high and low temperature disaster indicators determined by the meteorological station at the passion fruit growing base cannot be applied to meteorological forecasting. To address this issue and facilitate the monitoring and early warning of high and low temperature disasters in passion fruit cultivation in Fujian, China, we used multi-source hourly temperature data (including the data from meteorological observation stations in passion fruit growing bases, the nearest regional stations, and national surface conventional meteorological observation stations) in three cities in southwestern Fujian (Longyan, Sanming, and Zhangzhou) spanning the years 2020 to 2022. By employing comprehensive statistical analysis methods (0.5 interval division and Cumulative frequency), we identified that passion fruit in southwestern Fujian was susceptible to high temperature disasters during the blooming-fruiting period, as well as low temperature disasters during the sprouting period. Consequently, we developed high and low temperature disaster indicators based on data from regional and national stations for different phenological periods of passion fruit in this region. 展开更多
关键词 Passion Fruit High Temperature Disaster indicator Low Temperature Disaster indicator Disaster Frequency Disaster Degree
Influence of reduced-port laparoscopic surgery on perioperative indicators, postoperative recovery, and serum inflammation in patients with colorectal carcinoma
作者 Hong-Biao Wu Dong-Fang Liu +2 位作者 Ye-Lei Liu Xiao-Feng Wang Yue-Peng Cao 《World Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery》 SCIE 2024年第6期1734-1741,共8页
BACKGROUND Conventional five-port laparoscopic surgery,the current standard treatment for colorectal carcinoma(CRC),has many disadvantages.AIM To assess the influence of reduced-port laparoscopic surgery(RPLS)on perio... BACKGROUND Conventional five-port laparoscopic surgery,the current standard treatment for colorectal carcinoma(CRC),has many disadvantages.AIM To assess the influence of reduced-port laparoscopic surgery(RPLS)on perioperative indicators,postoperative recovery,and serum inflammation indexes in patients with CRC.METHODS The study included 115 patients with CRC admitted between December 2019 and May 2023,52 of whom underwent conventional five-port laparoscopic surgery(control group)and 63 of whom underwent RPLS(research group).Comparative analyses were performed on the following dimensions:Perioperative indicators[operation time(OT),incision length,intraoperative blood loss(IBL),and rate of conversion to laparotomy],postoperative recovery(first postoperative exhaust,bowel movement and oral food intake,and bowel sound recovery time),serum inflammation indexes[high-sensitivity C-reactive protein(hs-CRP),tumor necrosis factor-α(TNF-α),and interleukin-6(IL-6)],postoperative complications(anastomotic leakage,incisional infection,bleeding,ileus),and therapeutic efficacy.RESULTS The two groups had comparable OTs and IBL volumes.However,the research group had a smaller incision length;lower rates of conversion to laparotomy and postoperative total complication;and shorter time of first postoperative exhaust,bowel movement,oral food intake,and bowel sound recovery;all of which were significant.Furthermore,hs-CRP,IL-6,and TNF-αlevels in the research group were significantly lower than the baseline and those of the control group,and the total effective rate was higher.CONCLUSION RPLS exhibited significant therapeutic efficacy in CRC,resulting in a shorter incision length and a lower conversion rate to laparotomy,while also promoting postoperative recovery,effectively inhibiting the inflammatory response,and reducing the risk of postoperative complications. 展开更多
关键词 Reduced-port laparoscopic surgery Colorectal carcinoma Perioperative indicators Postoperative recovery Serum inflammation indexes
作者 高玉婷 《集成电路应用》 2024年第2期148-149,共2页
关键词 高科技企业 绩效考核 kpi
作者 李莉 《现代商业》 2024年第14期66-69,共4页
近年来,国家倡导大力发展旅游业,旅游消费需求整体呈上升趋势,很多地区依靠旅游业使得地区的经济迅速发展,旅游服务业的地位变得日益突出。绩效管理工作如今已然成为各行业企业管理人员、管理战略目标以及管理日常运营的一种有效手段。... 近年来,国家倡导大力发展旅游业,旅游消费需求整体呈上升趋势,很多地区依靠旅游业使得地区的经济迅速发展,旅游服务业的地位变得日益突出。绩效管理工作如今已然成为各行业企业管理人员、管理战略目标以及管理日常运营的一种有效手段。但是就实际情况而言,由于很多旅游服务企业对绩效管理的认知较为模糊,导致绩效管理过程中出现了许多不规范、不合理的行为,成为制约旅游产业健康发展的瓶颈。本文将基于实践研究,就绩效管理和KPI(关键绩效指标)考核进行了概念性阐述,结合当前旅游服务企业绩效管理工作中存在的共性问题,对以KPI为核心的旅游服务企业绩效管理体系构建路径进行详细分析,希望能为旅游服务企业的绩效管理工作开展提供一定的参考价值。 展开更多
关键词 kpi 绩效管理 旅游服务业 应用
作者 李昌睿 《全国流通经济》 2024年第20期67-70,共4页
为了深入研究企业基于关键绩效指标(Key Performance Indicator,简称KPI)理论的绩效管理应用,以迪卡侬公司为例,采用文献研究、案例分析等方法,研究迪卡侬公司的KPI理论概述、公司概况、基于KPI的绩效管理现状、体系优势及存在问题,并... 为了深入研究企业基于关键绩效指标(Key Performance Indicator,简称KPI)理论的绩效管理应用,以迪卡侬公司为例,采用文献研究、案例分析等方法,研究迪卡侬公司的KPI理论概述、公司概况、基于KPI的绩效管理现状、体系优势及存在问题,并提出改进建议。结果表明,迪卡侬公司的KPI体系紧密围绕战略目标构建,具有绩效评估客观性、员工激励与发展及促进内部沟通协作等优势,但也存在KPI指标设定复杂、部分指标缺乏动态调整、绩效评估沟通不足及对创新激励有限等问题。针对这些问题,提出简化与优化KPI指标体系、建立动态的KPI调整机制、加强绩效评估过程中的沟通及增加对创新的激励措施等建议,以完善迪卡侬公司的绩效管理体系,提升公司整体绩效和竞争力,同时也为其他企业提供参考借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 kpi理论 绩效管理 迪卡侬公司
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