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Colloidal quantum dot lasers and hybrid integrations
作者 Jianjun Chen 《Journal of Semiconductors》 EI CAS CSCD 2019年第5期11-12,共2页
Colloidal quantum dots (CQDs) are semiconductor nanocrystalswith diameters about 2 to 20 nm. At such nanoscales,the CQDs exhibit obvious quantum and dielectric confinementeffects[1]. The CQDs are usually composed of I... Colloidal quantum dots (CQDs) are semiconductor nanocrystalswith diameters about 2 to 20 nm. At such nanoscales,the CQDs exhibit obvious quantum and dielectric confinementeffects[1]. The CQDs are usually composed of II–VI, III–V,and IV–VI semiconductors fabricated by the low-cost wet chemicalsynthetic methods. The emission wavelengths of CQDs,which can be easily tuned by the sizes, shapes, and compositions,have already covered the whole range of the visible andnear-infrared (NIR) spectra (from 440 to 1530 nm). Owing tothe low-cost fabrications, high quantum yields (QYs^100%), tunableemission wavelengths, and outstanding stability, the solution-processable CQDs can act as the nanoscale buildingblocks with large gains, and they have attracted enormous attentionin the lasing applications in the past decade. 展开更多
节能标准扩展至外接电源,Power Integrations展示解决方案
《现代电子技术》 2005年第3期36-36,共1页
关键词 产品 供应商 制造商 integrations公司 模拟芯片 能源 解决方案 外接电源 MP3播放机 移动电话
电源:Power Integrations LinkSwitch系列新增廉价芯片
《电子产品世界》 2003年第06B期99-99,共1页
关键词 POWER integrations公司 LinkSwitch系列 LNK500 开关电源
Power Integrations宣布采用Inno Switch3 IC的适配器设计已成功通过USBPD标准认证
《世界电子元器件》 2018年第8期13-14,共2页
设计符合USB PD 3.0+PPS标准;可动态设定的Inno Switch3-Pro IC助力智能手机、笔记本电脑和平板电脑快速充电深耕于高压集成电路高能效电源转换领域的知名公司Power Integrations公司(纳斯达克股票代号:POWI)今日宣布基于Power Integrat... 设计符合USB PD 3.0+PPS标准;可动态设定的Inno Switch3-Pro IC助力智能手机、笔记本电脑和平板电脑快速充电深耕于高压集成电路高能效电源转换领域的知名公司Power Integrations公司(纳斯达克股票代号:POWI)今日宣布基于Power Integrations的Inno Switch?3-Pro和Inno Switch3-CP IC的一系列适配器设计已通过USB功率传输(PD) 3.0标准认证。 展开更多
关键词 标准认证 PD 笔记本电脑 平板电脑 POWER integrations 适配器
Power Integrations推出LYTSwitch-6 LED驱动器IC,可实现高效率和极低待机功率
《世界电子元器件》 2018年第3期40-40,共1页
高效率、高可靠性LED驱动器IC领域的业界领导者Power Integrations公司今日推出LYTSwitch?-6系列安全隔离型LED驱动器IC,为智能照明应用再添新选择。新IC可提供65 W无闪烁输出,效率可高达94%,并且待机功率低至15 m W,同时提供支持两级... 高效率、高可靠性LED驱动器IC领域的业界领导者Power Integrations公司今日推出LYTSwitch?-6系列安全隔离型LED驱动器IC,为智能照明应用再添新选择。新IC可提供65 W无闪烁输出,效率可高达94%,并且待机功率低至15 m W,同时提供支持两级或单级PFC的配置选项。LYTSwitch-6 IC针对家用和商用照明以及薄型天花板凹槽灯应用而设计。 展开更多
关键词 待机功率 Power integrations 驱动器 LYTSwitch-6 LED IC
Power Integrations推出高集成度DPA—Swtich
《世界产品与技术》 2002年第8期85-85,共1页
关键词 DPA-SWITCH POWER integrations公司 功率转换IC DC-DC转换器
Power Integrations推出LYTSwitch-6 LED驱动器IC,可实现高效率和极低待机功率
《世界电子元器件》 2018年第2期31-31,共1页
高效率、高可靠性LED驱动器IC领域的业界领导者Power Integrations公司今日推出LYTSwitchTM-6系列安全隔离型LED驱动器IC,为智能照明应用再添新选择。新IC可提供65 W无闪烁输出,效率可高达94%,并且待机功率低至15 mW,同时提供支持两级... 高效率、高可靠性LED驱动器IC领域的业界领导者Power Integrations公司今日推出LYTSwitchTM-6系列安全隔离型LED驱动器IC,为智能照明应用再添新选择。新IC可提供65 W无闪烁输出,效率可高达94%,并且待机功率低至15 mW,同时提供支持两级或单级PFC的配置选项。LYTSwitch-6 IC针对家用和商用照明以及薄型天花板凹槽灯应用而设计。 展开更多
关键词 待机功率 Power integrations 驱动器 LYTSwitch-6 LED IC
Power Integrations与Casambi Technologies联合推出调光调色智能照明参考设计
《世界电子元器件》 2017年第8期10-10,共1页
12 W LED筒灯设计支持借助智能手机应用程序通过蓝牙进行先进的调光和色彩管理高效率、高可靠性LED驱动器IC领域的世界领导者Power Integrations公司与Casambi Technologies OY联合发布一款全新的参考设计(DER—612)。这是一款适用于智... 12 W LED筒灯设计支持借助智能手机应用程序通过蓝牙进行先进的调光和色彩管理高效率、高可靠性LED驱动器IC领域的世界领导者Power Integrations公司与Casambi Technologies OY联合发布一款全新的参考设计(DER—612)。这是一款适用于智能照明应用的具备功率因数校正的恒压(CV)、恒流(CC)12 展开更多
关键词 调光 Power integrations 智能照明 Casambi Technologies 参考设计
Power Integrations IC瞄准非绝缘AC/DC设备
《电子设计应用》 2004年第4期104-104,共1页
关键词 IC 集成电路 设计 非绝缘AC/DC设备 POWER integrations公司
Power Integrations离线式小功率变换器IC LinkSwitch-XT2系列
《世界电子元器件》 2017年第1期28-28,共1页
Power Integrations推出Link Switch-XT2系列离线式小功率变换器IC,新器件可提供高精度、高效率以及出色的空载性能。Link Switch-XT2 IC适用于要求对输出电压和输出电流提供精确调整的隔离及非隔离反激式应用。新IC在宽输入范围设计中... Power Integrations推出Link Switch-XT2系列离线式小功率变换器IC,新器件可提供高精度、高效率以及出色的空载性能。Link Switch-XT2 IC适用于要求对输出电压和输出电流提供精确调整的隔离及非隔离反激式应用。新IC在宽输入范围设计中可提供6.1W的输出功率,在230VAC敞开式应用中可提供9.2W的输出功率。Link Switch-XT2产品系列适用于反激式拓扑结构。 展开更多
关键词 功率变换器 IC LinkSwitch-XT2 Power integrations 离线式
Power Integrations推出全新5A峰值电流门极驱动器,可降低系统复杂度及成本
《世界电子元器件》 2017年第12期64-64,共1页
中高压逆变器应用领域IGBT和MOSFET驱动器技术的领导者Power Integrations推出SCALE-i Driver?IC家族最新成员SID1102K——采用宽体e SOP封装的单通道隔离型IGBT和MOSFET门极驱动器。新器件具有5 A峰值驱动电流,在不使用推动级的情况下... 中高压逆变器应用领域IGBT和MOSFET驱动器技术的领导者Power Integrations推出SCALE-i Driver?IC家族最新成员SID1102K——采用宽体e SOP封装的单通道隔离型IGBT和MOSFET门极驱动器。新器件具有5 A峰值驱动电流,在不使用推动级的情况下可驱动300 A开关器件;可以使用外部推动级以高性价比的方式将门极电流增大到60 A峰值。 展开更多
关键词 驱动器 Power integrations
Power Integrations推出无需中线连接的墙壁开关方案,可实现对智能家居照明的无线控制
《世界电子元器件》 2017年第10期35-35,共1页
适用于现有布线及LED照明应用的单极智能墙壁开关参考设计高效率、高可靠性LED驱动器IC领域的世界领导者Power Integrations近日发布一款全新的参考设计DER-622。这是一款可兼容住宅改造中最常见的布线条件的智能墙壁开关。出他们的产... 适用于现有布线及LED照明应用的单极智能墙壁开关参考设计高效率、高可靠性LED驱动器IC领域的世界领导者Power Integrations近日发布一款全新的参考设计DER-622。这是一款可兼容住宅改造中最常见的布线条件的智能墙壁开关。出他们的产品。通常,具备无线连接、人体感应传感和/或语音控制功能的智能墙壁开关都需要中线连接为装置供电,这种要求在对现有线路进行改造的情况下有时难以满足。 展开更多
关键词 墙壁开关 Power integrations
作者 钟万勰 朱建平 《Applied Mathematics and Mechanics(English Edition)》 SCIE EI 1995年第8期705-711,共7页
RETHINKINGTOFINITEDIFFERENCETIME-STEPINTEGRATIONSZhongWanxie(钟万勰)(ReseartchInstituteofEngineeringMechanics,D... RETHINKINGTOFINITEDIFFERENCETIME-STEPINTEGRATIONSZhongWanxie(钟万勰)(ReseartchInstituteofEngineeringMechanics,DalianUniversityof... 展开更多
Combination of Loosely and Compactly Coupled Integrations of CAD Tools and Its Applications In SAW D
作者 Peigang Li Jiaqin Zhang & Yuquan Hao(Institute 23 of the Second Academy of China National Aerospace Corporation P. O. Box 3923, N.37, Beijing 100854, China,) e-mail: zengxy9@hns.cjfh.ac.cn.(Received March 20, 1996) 《Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics》 SCIE EI CSCD 1996年第2期87-96,共10页
CombinationofLooselyandCompactlyCoupledIntegrationsofCADToolsandItsApplicationsInSAWDevicesDesignandFabricat... CombinationofLooselyandCompactlyCoupledIntegrationsofCADToolsandItsApplicationsInSAWDevicesDesignandFabricationPeigangLi;Jiaq... 展开更多
关键词 SAW device simulation CAD TOOLS integration DATABASE MASK pattern MS-WINDOWS Knowledge base
Efficiency analysis of numerical integrations for finite element substructure in real-time hybrid simulation 被引量:3
作者 Wang Jinting Lu Liqiao Zhu Fei 《Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration》 SCIE EI CSCD 2018年第1期73-86,共14页
Finite element(FE) is a powerful tool and has been applied by investigators to real-time hybrid simulations(RTHSs). This study focuses on the computational efficiency, including the computational time and accuracy, of... Finite element(FE) is a powerful tool and has been applied by investigators to real-time hybrid simulations(RTHSs). This study focuses on the computational efficiency, including the computational time and accuracy, of numerical integrations in solving FE numerical substructure in RTHSs. First, sparse matrix storage schemes are adopted to decrease the computational time of FE numerical substructure. In this way, the task execution time(TET) decreases such that the scale of the numerical substructure model increases. Subsequently, several commonly used explicit numerical integration algorithms, including the central difference method(CDM), the Newmark explicit method, the Chang method and the Gui-λ method, are comprehensively compared to evaluate their computational time in solving FE numerical substructure. CDM is better than the other explicit integration algorithms when the damping matrix is diagonal, while the Gui-λ(λ = 4) method is advantageous when the damping matrix is non-diagonal. Finally, the effect of time delay on the computational accuracy of RTHSs is investigated by simulating structure-foundation systems. Simulation results show that the influences of time delay on the displacement response become obvious with the mass ratio increasing, and delay compensation methods may reduce the relative error of the displacement peak value to less than 5% even under the large time-step and large time delay. 展开更多
关键词 结构基础 混合模拟 数字集成 有限元素 效率分析 即时 计算时间 计算效率
Error Control Strategies for Numerical Integrations in Fast Collocation Methods 被引量:2
作者 陈仲英 巫斌 许跃生 《Northeastern Mathematical Journal》 CSCD 2005年第2期233-252,共20页
We propose two error control techniques for numerical integrations in fast multiscale collocation methods for solving Fredholm integral equations of the second kind with weakly singular kernels. Both techniques utiliz... We propose two error control techniques for numerical integrations in fast multiscale collocation methods for solving Fredholm integral equations of the second kind with weakly singular kernels. Both techniques utilize quadratures for singular integrals using graded points. One has a polynomial order of accuracy if the integrand has a polynomial order of smoothness except at the singular point and the other has exponential order of accuracy if the integrand has an infinite order of smoothness except at the singular point. We estimate the order of convergence and computational complexity of the corresponding approximate solutions of the equation. We prove that the second technique preserves the order of convergence and computational complexity of the original collocation method. Numerical experiments are presented to illustrate the theoretical estimates. 展开更多
关键词 弗雷德霍姆积分函数 快速排列法 二次准则 误差控制
The“Two Integrations”:the Only Path and Strongest Assurance for Our Success
《Qiu Shi》 2023年第4期12-21,共10页
In an address at a meeting on cultural inheritance and development,General Secretary Xi Jinping noted,“Given the rich foundations of our more than 5,000-year-old civilization,the only path for pioneering and developi... In an address at a meeting on cultural inheritance and development,General Secretary Xi Jinping noted,“Given the rich foundations of our more than 5,000-year-old civilization,the only path for pioneering and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics is to integrate the basic tenets of Marxism with China’s specific realities and with its traditional culture.This systematic conclusion,drawn from our explorations of Chinese socialism is the strongest assurance for our success.”In his speech,General Secretary Xi incisively discussed the significance of integrating the basic tenets of Marxism with China’s specific realities and traditional culture(referred to as the“two integrations”)and the rich implications and practical requirements therein. 展开更多
关键词 STRONG integrating CONCLUSION
Teaching Reform of “Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics” Under the Background of New Engineering
作者 Jianxin Wang 《Journal of Contemporary Educational Research》 2024年第3期32-37,共6页
Probability theory and mathematical statistics are fundamental courses for various majors in science and engineering.In response to the current teaching situation,we should integrate theory with practice,implement tea... Probability theory and mathematical statistics are fundamental courses for various majors in science and engineering.In response to the current teaching situation,we should integrate theory with practice,implement teaching reform,and carry out teaching innovation.The article carries out blended teaching with deep integration of online and offline modes and within and outside of class,constructing innovative measures of“four integrations and four reshaping.”The article conducts diversified evaluations to stimulate learning motivation and help achieve talent cultivation goals.Through the close integration of probability theory and mathematical statistics course teaching with professional education and practical application,the“three-in-one”teaching goal of value shaping,ability cultivation,and knowledge exploration is achieved.The fundamental task of“cultivating morality and talents”is implemented. 展开更多
关键词 “Four integrations and four reshaping” BOPPPS blended teaching Classified and layered teaching Interdisciplinary integration Full nested evaluation system
新发展理念下普通高校专创融合体系构建与实践 被引量:1
作者 张爱华 张守波 《高教学刊》 2024年第3期81-86,91,共7页
高等教育以“立德树人”为办学宗旨,承担着“为党育人,为国育才”的重要历史使命。面对着长期以来我国高校培养的人才数量急剧攀升,人才因创新能力和实践能力不足遭到用人单位诟病的情况,该文以应用型高校渤海大学“双创”教育为例,分... 高等教育以“立德树人”为办学宗旨,承担着“为党育人,为国育才”的重要历史使命。面对着长期以来我国高校培养的人才数量急剧攀升,人才因创新能力和实践能力不足遭到用人单位诟病的情况,该文以应用型高校渤海大学“双创”教育为例,分析普通高校创新创业教育面临亟待解决的问题,如“专创融合、思创融合虚化、产教融合泛化、专创融合协同育人弱化”等问题。构建新发展理念下的普通高校专创融合体系,经过8年探索与实践,形成四年一贯制的“三融合一协同五跨式”专创融合教育模式,打造了“3631”共生型创新创业教育生态系统、建设了“1+1+19+X”创新创业实践平台,提升了校校、校企、校地、校所协同的创新创业人才培养质量。 展开更多
关键词 新发展理念 普通高校 专创融合 “双创”教育
作者 姚伟岸 高强 +1 位作者 谭述君 吴锋 《计算力学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第1期2-25,共24页
钟万勰院士于1991年首先提出计算矩阵指数的精细积分方法,其要点是2N类算法和增量存储。精细积分方法可给出矩阵指数在计算机意义上的精确解,为常微分方程的数值计算提供了高精度、高稳定性的算法,现已成功应用于结构动力响应、随机振... 钟万勰院士于1991年首先提出计算矩阵指数的精细积分方法,其要点是2N类算法和增量存储。精细积分方法可给出矩阵指数在计算机意义上的精确解,为常微分方程的数值计算提供了高精度、高稳定性的算法,现已成功应用于结构动力响应、随机振动、热传导以及最优控制等众多领域。本文首先介绍矩阵指数精细积分方法的提出、基本思想和发展;然后依次介绍在时不变/时变线性微分方程、非线性微分方程以及大规模问题求解中发展起来的各种精细积分方法,分析了其优缺点和适用范围;最后介绍了精细积分方法的基本思想在两点边值问题、椭圆函数和病态代数方程等问题的扩展应用,进一步展示了该思想的特色。 展开更多
关键词 精细积分方法 矩阵指数 常微分方程 时程积分
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