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作者 张亚男 杨迎 +3 位作者 韩雪 李俊秋 李民 霍健伟 《继续医学教育》 2024年第1期142-145,共4页
随着医学影像学的迅速发展,其在临床应用中的地位越来越重要。为了适应中医现代化的发展需求及当前医学教育趋势,中医影像诊断学教学大纲的修订十分必要且重要。首都医科大学附属北京中医医院放射科对影像诊断学教学大纲进行全面细致的... 随着医学影像学的迅速发展,其在临床应用中的地位越来越重要。为了适应中医现代化的发展需求及当前医学教育趋势,中医影像诊断学教学大纲的修订十分必要且重要。首都医科大学附属北京中医医院放射科对影像诊断学教学大纲进行全面细致的梳理及修订,总结了一些经验及方法。首先明确中医学五年制专业学生为培养对象,针对其特点,对教学大纲的修订既要守正,也要创新;其次保证教学内容全面覆盖,并适当增加影像学的新进展,跟上时代发展的步伐;然后充分突出学生的主体地位,融合翻转课堂、问题及病例驱动等多种教学方法,以岗位胜任力为导向,培养学生知识、能力及素质全面发展,塑造中医新型人才;最后,引入形成性评价,全面且详细地评估教学效果。 展开更多
关键词 中医专业 影像诊断学 教学大纲 教学方法 翻转课堂 形成性评价
作者 李波 连颖颖 《教育理论与实践》 北大核心 2024年第3期52-55,共4页
高等数学是诸多师范专业必修的公共基础课,对于培养学生的专业学科素养和思维能力发挥着不可替代的作用。师范院校高等数学教学存在教学大纲一刀切,教学方法因循守旧,评价方式单一的问题,应对教学大纲进行优化调整,细化到每个学院的每... 高等数学是诸多师范专业必修的公共基础课,对于培养学生的专业学科素养和思维能力发挥着不可替代的作用。师范院校高等数学教学存在教学大纲一刀切,教学方法因循守旧,评价方式单一的问题,应对教学大纲进行优化调整,细化到每个学院的每个专业;改进教学方法,以线上线下的混合式教学模式代替单一的线下教学模式,同时将翻转课堂引进高数课堂;建立以专业为导向的多元、科学、有效的课程评价方式,以更大程度上促进高等数学课程目标的实现。 展开更多
关键词 师范院校 高等数学 教学改革 教学大纲 教学方法 教学模式 课程评价方式
作者 杨柳 任艳平 任斌 《高等理科教育》 2024年第2期16-22,共7页
文章剖析了实验教学目标设定、教学效果考量等要素建设多以“教”为主的深层次原因,结合厦门大学等高校的理科实验教学改革实践,提出“以学为中心”推进实验教学改革的系统框架和多元路径,介绍了实验教学目标重构、实验教学体系搭建、... 文章剖析了实验教学目标设定、教学效果考量等要素建设多以“教”为主的深层次原因,结合厦门大学等高校的理科实验教学改革实践,提出“以学为中心”推进实验教学改革的系统框架和多元路径,介绍了实验教学目标重构、实验教学体系搭建、模块化教学大纲设定、自搭建仪器教学和开放式问题牵引“先做后教”等在激发学习热情,培养学生创新思维和自主学习能力方面的系列举措,以期为国内外其他高校的实验教学改革提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 靶向性课程目标 实验教学体系 模块化教学大纲 项目式教学 先做后教
在线Syllabus的评价标准模型研究 被引量:1
作者 吕慧强 古辉 +1 位作者 陈庆章 肖刚 《浙江工业大学学报》 CAS 2004年第4期377-382,共6页
随着高等学校教学规模越来越大,教学手段亟待提高是当务之急。理论课程在线教育已经越来越显重要。为了提高在线课程质量和可用性,有必要给出评价形式和评价内容标准模型。本文提出在线syllabus的评价标准模型。越来越多的理论课程开发... 随着高等学校教学规模越来越大,教学手段亟待提高是当务之急。理论课程在线教育已经越来越显重要。为了提高在线课程质量和可用性,有必要给出评价形式和评价内容标准模型。本文提出在线syllabus的评价标准模型。越来越多的理论课程开发了在线教育,也就越来越需要评价形式和内容来提高它们的质量和可用性。在线syllabus评价方法可以被用作开发和评价有效的在线大纲的指南。 展开更多
关键词 在线syllabus 学习进阶模型 在线资源 在线关联 高等学校 在线教育
高质量的课堂教学来自于精心设计——美国林肯大学Syllabus剖析 被引量:14
作者 吴绍春 《高等工程教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2001年第3期76-78,81,共4页
美国林肯大学课堂教学有一个小小文件—— Syllabus。本文通过对 Syllabus比较详细的说明和分析 ,透视出提高课堂教学质量和效果的一个重要思想
关键词 教学设计 教学文件 教学质量 课堂教学 教学效果 美国 林肯大学 syllabus剖析
采用Syllabus概念建立互动式课程教学计划 被引量:2
作者 王文琴 秦福高 《电脑知识与技术(过刊)》 2012年第6X期4180-4183,共4页
Syllabus可以用来鼓励学生积极参与课程学习和建立一个有效的课堂气氛,但其有效设计方法和使用的讨论却很少出现。该文在目前Syllabus研究理论的基础上,分析了Syllabus基本概念、以学生为中心编制Syllabus的方法和步骤以及对我校中外合... Syllabus可以用来鼓励学生积极参与课程学习和建立一个有效的课堂气氛,但其有效设计方法和使用的讨论却很少出现。该文在目前Syllabus研究理论的基础上,分析了Syllabus基本概念、以学生为中心编制Syllabus的方法和步骤以及对我校中外合作办学专业教学和学习过程产生积极影响的因素。 展开更多
关键词 syllabus 课程教学计划 互动
作者 冷雨航 曾毅平 《华文教学与研究》 2024年第2期48-58,共11页
大陆《国际中文教育中文水平等级标准词表》与《台湾华语文能力基准词表》共有词约73%,差异词约27%。选词的情境类属有差异。情境主题下,共有词跨等交错分布,主要为日常生活类词语;情境主题外的独有词可据其典型特征分为“双方同类”和... 大陆《国际中文教育中文水平等级标准词表》与《台湾华语文能力基准词表》共有词约73%,差异词约27%。选词的情境类属有差异。情境主题下,共有词跨等交错分布,主要为日常生活类词语;情境主题外的独有词可据其典型特征分为“双方同类”和“单方独类”两种类型。独有词差异与两岸不同收词原则相关,词频在独有词增减整合中发挥重要作用。两岸词表存在融通趋势。 展开更多
关键词 中文词表 海峡两岸 对比
采用Syllabus概念 建立课程教学计划制度 被引量:7
作者 冯源 《大学教育科学》 2006年第5期50-53,共4页
介绍了西方传统教育理论的课程教学计划(syllabus)概念。以实例为基础,把现行的课程教学大纲、课程进度计划和课程教学计划的功能进行了比较,指出前两者不能代替后者。对课程教学计划的内容和形式进行了说明,建议采用传统的syllabus概念... 介绍了西方传统教育理论的课程教学计划(syllabus)概念。以实例为基础,把现行的课程教学大纲、课程进度计划和课程教学计划的功能进行了比较,指出前两者不能代替后者。对课程教学计划的内容和形式进行了说明,建议采用传统的syllabus概念,建立和完善我国的大学课程教学计划制度。 展开更多
关键词 课程与教学 教学改革 课程教学计划 课程教学大纲 专业教学计划 专业教学大纲
On Task-based Syllabus
作者 毕会英 张琦 《海外英语》 2011年第10X期174-175,共2页
Task-based syllabus (TBS) is organized around tasks. The basic theoretical foundation of TBS is Krashen's acquisition theory.from the L2 acquisition theory. The characteristic of TBS is focus of process of learnin... Task-based syllabus (TBS) is organized around tasks. The basic theoretical foundation of TBS is Krashen's acquisition theory.from the L2 acquisition theory. The characteristic of TBS is focus of process of learning. TBS can improve communicative competence of learners, but it ignores grammar learning and teaching. The application of TBS in China is wide and the author provides an example. 展开更多
Educational Linguistics and College English Syllabus Design
作者 刘吉欣 《海外英语》 2016年第1期207-209,共3页
The direct application of linguistic theories to syllabus design gives rise to frequent change of syllabus type in the history of syllabus development, which makes language teachers feel difficult to adapt to, to adop... The direct application of linguistic theories to syllabus design gives rise to frequent change of syllabus type in the history of syllabus development, which makes language teachers feel difficult to adapt to, to adopt and to implement. The recognition and popularization of the new-born discipline educational linguistics servers as a method to ease the situation, especially in the college English syllabus design in China. The development and application of the fruitful achievements in educational linguistics is bound to provide us with a more scientific approach to syllabus design in the future. 展开更多
关键词 LINGUISTIC theories syllabus design syllabus TYPE EDUCATIONAL LINGUISTICS
A Study on Task-based Language Teaching Syllabus Design
作者 王振庆 《海外英语》 2013年第11X期64-65,83,共3页
Task-based teaching syllabus becomes more and more popular in modern English teaching. It is widely used in the English teaching from junior to senior high school and even to collage and university education. This pap... Task-based teaching syllabus becomes more and more popular in modern English teaching. It is widely used in the English teaching from junior to senior high school and even to collage and university education. This paper is mainly studies the relevant research on task-based teaching syllabus and offers some tips on task-based syllabus design. 展开更多
Syllabus Design for Aviation Basic English Based on ESP
作者 蒋曙 《海外英语》 2012年第13期132-133,共2页
The needs analysis of Aviation Basic English course on ESP teaching is emphasized and the syllabus is designed here to instruct the better pre-job training for the students in the major of aircraft manufacturing techn... The needs analysis of Aviation Basic English course on ESP teaching is emphasized and the syllabus is designed here to instruct the better pre-job training for the students in the major of aircraft manufacturing technology. 展开更多
关键词 AVIATION Basic ENGLISH needs analysis syllabus DES
Analysis of Task-based Syllabus
作者 马进胜 《海外英语》 2011年第12X期97-98,共2页
Task-based language teaching is very popular in the modern English teaching.It is based on the Task-based Syllabus. Task-based Syllabus focuses on the learners' communicative competence,which stresses learning by ... Task-based language teaching is very popular in the modern English teaching.It is based on the Task-based Syllabus. Task-based Syllabus focuses on the learners' communicative competence,which stresses learning by doing. From the theoretical assumption and definitions of the task,the paper analysizes the components of the task, then points out the merits and demerits of the syllabus. By this means the paper may give some tips to teachers and students when they use the tsk-based language teaching. 展开更多
Course Design of College English Listening with Content-based syllabus
作者 纪亚品 《科技信息》 2009年第33期T0171-T0172,T0022,共3页
关键词 问卷调查 需求分析 基于内容的教学大纲 主题教学模式
Needs Analysis and Syllabus of English Teaching:A Case Study 被引量:1
作者 覃方颖 《海外英语》 2011年第7X期139-140,150,共3页
The foundation of any teaching program should be the needs of the students.A syllabus can be successful only if it meets the needs of the particular group of students for whom it is intended.However,close needs analys... The foundation of any teaching program should be the needs of the students.A syllabus can be successful only if it meets the needs of the particular group of students for whom it is intended.However,close needs analysis has been absent in some English classes.The present study aimed to solve the problem of the possible mismatch between English learners and teachers especially in the intensive English training class.To identify the English students' needs in an intensive English training class,the questionnaires designed by the researcher were administered to the students.It was found that the English teaching would be based on real communication.Finally,the tentative syllabus was designed for English teaching based on the result of the need analysis. 展开更多
The Training and Performance of Emergency Physicians as Anesthetists for International Medical Surgical Response Teams: The Emergency Physician’s General Anesthesia Syllabus (EP GAS) 被引量:2
作者 Richard Skupski Mark Walsh +18 位作者 Manar Jbara Donald Zimmer Bhavesh M. Patel Michael T. McCurdy James Lantry Braxton Fritz Patrick Davis Harsha Musunuru Anne Newbold Art Toth Richard Frechette Tiffany Alexander Madhura Sundararajan John Lovejoy Dan Hottinger Joe Capannari Rachel Kurcz Gerard Bernard Harold Previl 《Open Journal of Anesthesiology》 2014年第2期53-61,共9页
Background: The availability of an anesthesiologist is often a limiting factor in the number of operations that can be performed by International Medical Surgical Response Teams (IMSuRT). Because emergency physicians ... Background: The availability of an anesthesiologist is often a limiting factor in the number of operations that can be performed by International Medical Surgical Response Teams (IMSuRT). Because emergency physicians (EPs) possess skills in airway control, management of moderate and deep sedation, and ventilator management, we propose that with proper training in general anesthesia, EPs can serve as anesthetists for IMSuRT with anesthesiologist supervision. Methods: During a 10-week period, a board-certified EP administered general anesthesia to 60 patients prior to a surgical medical mission trip. The breakdown of surgical cases was: 11 orthopedic, 2 genitourinary, 20 ear, nose, and throat, 8 obstetrics and gynecological, 13 general surgery, and 6 vascular. A simplified protocol for induction, maintenance, and emergence was adhered to for all cases. Results: Fourteen orthopedic cases using general anesthesia were performed in a one-week period in Haiti. These cases involved open reduction and internal fixation (ORIF), hemiarthoplasty, hardware removal, tendon transfer and external fixation of fractured bone. Conclusion: We demonstrate the feasibility of a model curriculum to train EPs in the basics of anesthesia. The EP can safely and effectively deliver general anesthesia for major cases on surgical medical mission trips under the auspices of an anesthesiologist in an austere environment. 展开更多
关键词 Emergency Physicians General ANESTHESIA syllabus INTERNATIONAL MEDICAL SURGICAL Response TEAMS Anesthetists Induction Maintenance Emergence ANESTHESIA
A Discussion of Which Type of Syllabus Could Most Appropriately be Used by Those Wishing to Adopt a Communicative Approach to Language Teaching
作者 张颖 《疯狂英语(教师版)》 2011年第4期116-121,共6页
Different teaching approaches may apply to different types of syllabus.Before the emergence of communicative approach in language teaching in the 1970s,most of the language teaching approaches at that time have used a... Different teaching approaches may apply to different types of syllabus.Before the emergence of communicative approach in language teaching in the 1970s,most of the language teaching approaches at that time have used a structural syllabus,or "grammatical" syllabus (in Nunan,1988,the two terms are interchangeable).In communicative approach of language teaching,there are several types of syllabuses that stress the importance of communication in language teaching and learning may be applied to it.But which type is the most suitable one for this teaching approach? This is the goal of this article.In this essay the author will try to find out the answer and provide arguments through analysis of and comparison between them. 展开更多
关键词 syllabus COMMUNICATIVE approach
Critique of an Existing Language Syllabus
作者 刘可 《海外英语》 2013年第2X期232-233,共2页
This article is intended for exploration and critique of some issues of the syllabus for Certificate in English for Business. The issues examined are what ideologies are behind the design, what types of the syllabus a... This article is intended for exploration and critique of some issues of the syllabus for Certificate in English for Business. The issues examined are what ideologies are behind the design, what types of the syllabus are and whether it is likely to develop the communicative competence. In addition, the comparison between the learning outcomes and objectives of the education program is also included. Next, the process-oriented syllabus which is different from the category of the teaching plan is taken into consideration as well. Finally, minor problems on whether the design is likely to meet the learners'needs and motivate the learners, whether it is likely for the teacher to the implement the plan are covered, being discussed briefly. 展开更多
Male and Female Attitude Toward Research Course Syllabus and the Relationship Between Work Setting Preference and Usefulness Rating of a Research Course Among Chinese Graduate Students
作者 XIAN Huihui 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2018年第8期406-409,共4页
The purpose of this study is to(a)examine graduate students to see whether the syllabus of a research course is more important to male or female students and(b)determine whether graduate students who prefer educationa... The purpose of this study is to(a)examine graduate students to see whether the syllabus of a research course is more important to male or female students and(b)determine whether graduate students who prefer educational work settings rate the usefulness of a research course higher than those who prefer non-educational work settings.Data were collected from a survey that was distributed to the subjects.These subjects included 57 graduate students enrolled in four classes of the same research course and all of them responded.The findings indicated that female graduate students considered the syllabus of this research course more important than the male graduate students did(p<0.5).The study also found that there was not a significant difference(p>0.05)between graduate students who prefer to work in the educational settings and those who prefer non-educational work settings rating the usefulness of a research course. 展开更多
关键词 ATTITUDE research course syllabus Chinese GRADUATE students
On Syllabus Design for the Specialty of Electromechanical Equipment Maintenance and Management in Vocational College
作者 YU Jun-ping, YAN He-feng Zhejiang Electromechanical Vocational Technical College, Hangzhou 310012,P. R. China 《International Journal of Plant Engineering and Management》 2001年第2期110-112,共3页
We carried out researches on the syllabus design for the specialty of electromechanical equipment maintenance & management in vocational college. Our researches involve the following aspects: (1) The training obje... We carried out researches on the syllabus design for the specialty of electromechanical equipment maintenance & management in vocational college. Our researches involve the following aspects: (1) The training objective of the specialty; (2) the curriculum system; (3) The teaching methodology; and (4) Field training. 展开更多
关键词 VOCATIONAL EDUCATION syllabus design equipment maintenance and management
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