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Geological and Engineering‘Sweet Spots'in the Permian Lucaogou Formation,Jimusar Sag,Junggar Basin
作者 LAI Jin BAI Tianyu +5 位作者 LI Hongbin PANG Xiaojiao BAO Meng WANG Guiwen LIU Bingchang LIU Shichen 《Acta Geologica Sinica(English Edition)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2023年第4期1214-1228,共15页
Unconventional oil and gas resources require petrophysical logs to answer the question of how best to optimize geological and engineering‘sweet spots'.Therefore,the establishment of a key well with comprehensive ... Unconventional oil and gas resources require petrophysical logs to answer the question of how best to optimize geological and engineering‘sweet spots'.Therefore,the establishment of a key well with comprehensive descriptions of lithology,reservoir properties,hydrocarbon-bearing properties,electronic well log responses,source rock properties,brittleness,and in situ stress magnitude and direction is important for the effective exploration and production of unconventional hydrocarbon resources.Cores,thin sections,scanning electron microscopy(SEM)and comprehensive well log suites are used to build a key well for the Permian Lucaogou Formation,Jimusar Sag of the Junggar Basin.The results show that there are three main types of lithologies,including siltstone,mudstone and dolostone.Lithologies can be predicted using the combination of conventional well and image logs.The pore spaces consist of interparticle pores,intragranular dissolution pores and micropores.Nuclear Magnetic Resonance(NMR)T_(2)components longer than 1.7 ms are superposed as effective porosity.Permeability is calculated using the Coates model from NMR T_(2)spectra.The ratio of T_(2)components>7.0 ms to T_(2)components>0.3 ms is used to calculate oil saturation.TOC is calculated using theΔlog R method.Brittleness index is calculated using Poisson-Young's method,ranging from 13.42%-70.53%.In situ stress direction is determined,and in situ stress magnitudes(maximum horizontal stress SH_(max),minimum horizontal stress Sh_(min),vertical stress S_(v))are calculated using density and sonic logs.The strike-slip stress type(SH_(max)>S_(v)>Sh_(min))is encountered.The key well which comprehensively includes the above seven properties is established.Geological and engineering(geomechanical)‘sweet spots'are then optimized from the key well by fully analyzing lithology,reservoir property,oilbearing potential,in situ stress magnitude and brittleness.It is hoped that the results support engineers'and geologists'decisions for the future exploitation of unconventional hydrocarbon resources. 展开更多
关键词 key well unconventional oil and gas resources ‘sweet spot' well logs Lucaogou Formation Jimusar Sag
作者 杨硕 李文辉 +2 位作者 张文超 黄慧 王乐 《中国实验诊断学》 2023年第9期1034-1038,共5页
目的探讨胸腔积液腺苷脱氨酶(ADA)与外周血结核感染T细胞斑点试验(T-SPOT.TB)联合检测对于儿童结核性胸腔积液鉴别诊断的意义。方法回顾性分析河北省儿童医院139例因胸腔积液入院患儿资料,根据最终诊断分为结核性胸腔积液组(结核组)66... 目的探讨胸腔积液腺苷脱氨酶(ADA)与外周血结核感染T细胞斑点试验(T-SPOT.TB)联合检测对于儿童结核性胸腔积液鉴别诊断的意义。方法回顾性分析河北省儿童医院139例因胸腔积液入院患儿资料,根据最终诊断分为结核性胸腔积液组(结核组)66例与肺炎旁胸腔积液组(肺炎组)73例。应用受试者工作曲线(ROC)分析ADA及T-SPOT.TB对结核组与肺炎组及不同年龄亚组(0~<6岁组55例、6~<11岁组56例、11~<16岁组28例)的灵敏度、特异度及曲线下面积(AUC)等,根据约登指数确定儿童结核性胸腔积液ADA最佳临界值。结果患儿胸腔积液ADA水平结核组[49.50(19.50)U/L]显著高于肺炎组[38.00(35.50)U/L],差异有统计学意义(P=0.002);0~<6岁及6~<11岁患儿ADA水平结核组与肺炎组[47.50(14.75)U/L与41.00(43.00)U/L,50.00(23.00)U/L与44.00(28.50)U/L]相比差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05),11~<16岁结核组[58.00(19.00)U/L]显著高于肺炎组[22.00(21.50)U/L],差异有统计学意义(P=0.001)。总体患儿、0~<6岁、6~<11岁及11~<16岁组ADA最佳临界值分别为38.5、24.5、38.5及43.0,AUC为0.655、0.566、0.630及0.844,灵敏度为83.3%、100.0%、87.0%及80.0%,特异度为50.7%、37.0%、39.4%及84.6%。ADA与T-SPOT.TB并联试验时,各组灵敏度为98.5%、100%、100%及100%;特异度分别为49.3%、37%、36.4%及84.6%;AUC分别为0.739、0.685、0.682及0.923。串联试验时,灵敏度分别为81.8%、92.9%、87%及80%;特异度分别为93.2%、96.3%、90.9%及92.3%;AUC分别为0.875、0.946、0.889及0.862。结论ADA对11岁以上患儿鉴别诊断结核性胸腔积液与肺炎旁胸腔积液具有一定价值,其联合外周血T-SPOT.TB可显著提高11岁以下患儿的诊断效能,具有临床意义。 展开更多
关键词 儿童 结核 胸膜 腺苷脱氨酶 结核感染T细胞斑点试验
作者 高巍 杨雪 《教师教育论坛》 2023年第7期65-74,83,共11页
SPOT(Student Participation Observation Tool)是美国加利福利亚州的圣何塞州立大学发布的大学STEM课堂观察工具,用于评价大学STEM课堂上教师促进学生主动学习的教学行为及其质量。为了验证该观察工具的有效性,工具开发者针对五所大学... SPOT(Student Participation Observation Tool)是美国加利福利亚州的圣何塞州立大学发布的大学STEM课堂观察工具,用于评价大学STEM课堂上教师促进学生主动学习的教学行为及其质量。为了验证该观察工具的有效性,工具开发者针对五所大学的STEM课堂举办了一个系列的研讨会,结果显示:SPOT可以促使教师反思他们的教学方法和课堂上的学生活动,而不是课程内容或课程组织形式,教师能够使用SPOT观察课堂教学并获得可靠的数据,以反思和改变他们的课堂实践,进而实现自身的专业发展。基于对SPOT的阐释与研究,我国大学教学尤其要从如何促进教师专业发展的角度,关注师生的课堂参与行为,促进教师的教学反思。 展开更多
关键词 专业发展 spot观察工具 大学STEM课堂
作者 黄丹 颜琪 +5 位作者 陈吉 李蕊 吴竹健 竺慧 张佩斌 刘虎 《国际眼科杂志》 CAS 北大核心 2023年第12期2026-2030,共5页
目的:基于2021版美国斜视与小儿眼科协会(AAPOS)《儿童视力筛查指南》,修订SPOT屈光筛查仪在6岁以下儿童的转诊标准,并评估其准确性。方法:纳入2022-01/2023-04在南京市雨花台区妇幼保健所就诊的儿童,进行SPOT屈光筛查仪、睫状肌麻痹检... 目的:基于2021版美国斜视与小儿眼科协会(AAPOS)《儿童视力筛查指南》,修订SPOT屈光筛查仪在6岁以下儿童的转诊标准,并评估其准确性。方法:纳入2022-01/2023-04在南京市雨花台区妇幼保健所就诊的儿童,进行SPOT屈光筛查仪、睫状肌麻痹检影验光等检查,并根据AAPOS指南定义具有弱视危险因素(ARFs)及有临床意义屈光不正(VSRE)的目标人群。使用受试者工作曲线计算最佳转诊标准,并与厂商标准、吴标准、Peterseim标准进行对比。结果:共有959名儿童接受检查,其中<4岁组342人,≥4岁组617人。<4岁组的最佳转诊标准为:近视≤-2.75D、远视≥+2.25D、散光≤-2.75D、屈光参差≥1.00D;≥4岁组为近视≤-1.75D、远视≥+2.00D、散光≤-2.25D、屈光参差≥1.00D;其约登指数分别为0.38与0.52,均高于其他标准。结论:采用新的6岁以下儿童屈光筛查转诊标准,其准确性较高,优于既往其他标准,能为儿童眼保健工作提供有益参考。 展开更多
关键词 弱视 屈光筛查 儿童 spot屈光筛查仪
初治肺结核患者血清CA125、IL-18、T-SPOT.TB检测及临床意义 被引量:2
作者 刘玉霞 史健 +2 位作者 王卫平 孙征 邓宽国 《临床和实验医学杂志》 2023年第1期94-98,共5页
目的 探讨初治肺结核(TB)患者血清癌抗原125(CA125)、白细胞介素-18(IL-18)、结核感染T细胞斑点试验(T-SPOT.TB)检测及临床意义。方法 回顾性选取2019年1月至2021年1月东营市中医院收治的70例初治肺结核患者纳入初治肺结核组,根病情轻... 目的 探讨初治肺结核(TB)患者血清癌抗原125(CA125)、白细胞介素-18(IL-18)、结核感染T细胞斑点试验(T-SPOT.TB)检测及临床意义。方法 回顾性选取2019年1月至2021年1月东营市中医院收治的70例初治肺结核患者纳入初治肺结核组,根病情轻重、病程长短和肺部病灶范围将其分为轻症组(n=31)和重症组(n=39),另选取同期于东营市中医院行健康体检者70名作为健康对照组。分别于入院次日清晨和体检当日清晨,采用化学发光法检测两组血清CA125水平,采用酶联免疫吸附试验检测血清IL-18水平,同时进行T-SPOT.TB检测。比较初治肺结核组和健康对照组血清CA125、IL-18水平和T-SPOT.TB阳性检出率;以病理组织学结果为金标准,评估T-SPOT.TB检测诊断初治肺结核的敏感度、特异度;比较不同疾病严重程度初治肺结核患者血清CA125、IL-18水平及T-SPOT.TB阳性检出率;受试者工作特征(ROC)曲线评估血清CA125、IL-18及T-SPOT.TB检测结果对初治肺结核诊断和病情严重程度的诊断价值。结果 初治肺结核组血清CA125、IL-18水平、T-SPOT.TB阳性检出率为(45.68±4.93)U/mL、(245.71±39.42)ng/L、89.71%,均显著高于健康对照组[(11.52±3.95)U/mL、(50.71±6.38)ng/L、0],差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。T-SPOT.TB检测诊断初治肺结核的敏感度、特异度为96.87%、66.67%,与病理组织学结果一致性较好(Kappa=0.635)。CA125、IL-18及T-SPOT.TB联合检测诊断初治肺结核的曲线下面积(AUC)为0.935。重症组初治肺结核患者CA125、IL-18水平和T-SPOT.TB阳性检出率为(47.03±4.97) U/mL、(260.67±39.11) ng/L、97.44%,均显著高于轻症组[(43.98±4.52) U/mL、(226.89±36.52) ng/L、77.42%],差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。血清CA125、IL-18水平及T-SPOT.TB联合检测诊断初治肺结核患者病情严重程度的AUC为0.825。结论 血清CA125、IL-18水平及T-SPOT.TB联合检测对初治肺结核具有较好的诊断价值,可作为患者病情严重程度评估的可靠评估指标。 展开更多
关键词 初治肺结核 癌抗原125 白细胞介素-18 结核感染T细胞斑点试验 诊断价值 病情严重程度
Spot Fluroscopy在TACE治疗中辐射剂量应用研究
作者 胡小明 张佳英 +2 位作者 毕蒙蒙 贺铨求 罗来树 《江西医药》 CAS 2023年第10期1111-1113,1177,共4页
目的探讨Spot Fluroscopy(靶向透视)功能在TACE治疗中辐射剂量的应用价值。方法选取我科2021年1月至2021年12月60例肝癌患者进行介入治疗,采用经导管肝动脉化疗栓塞术(TACE)。随机分为2组,其中TACE对照组31例,TACE实验组29例;通过对比... 目的探讨Spot Fluroscopy(靶向透视)功能在TACE治疗中辐射剂量的应用价值。方法选取我科2021年1月至2021年12月60例肝癌患者进行介入治疗,采用经导管肝动脉化疗栓塞术(TACE)。随机分为2组,其中TACE对照组31例,TACE实验组29例;通过对比分析随机记录的辐射参数,并通过辐射数据差异对比分析常规透视和Spot Fluroscopy的优缺点,进而确定Spot Fluroscopy的应用价值。结果对照组介入治疗患者接受的平均透视手术时间为(11.67±6.44)min,造影次数(5.29±1.68)次,累积剂量(Cumlative dose,CD)为(851.99±328.25)mGy,面积剂量乘积(Dose area product,DAP)为(29680.17±15614.00)μGym^(2)。实验组平均透视时间为(9.67±6.44)min,造影次数(4.29±1.68)次,CD为(203.58±97.26)mGy,DAP为(7861.29±4128.36)μGym^(2)。结论TACE治疗中Spot Fluroscopy患者较常规患者辐射剂量降低38%,介入医师的辐射剂量降低28%,为常规透视的72%,说明Spot Fluroscopy具有明显降低辐射剂量作用,具有辐射防护、医学应用及社会健康等价值。 展开更多
关键词 靶向透视 经导管肝动脉化疗栓塞术 辐射剂量 放射防护 低剂量介入
T-SPOT.TB在涂阴活动性肺结核诊断中的临床价值 被引量:2
作者 梁志勇 《罕少疾病杂志》 2023年第9期43-45,共3页
目的 探讨结核感染T细胞斑点试验(T-SPOT.TB)在涂阴活动性肺结核诊断中的应用价值。方法 于2021年11月-2022年11月本院接收的涂阴活动性肺结核患者中选取46例,设为观察组,另选取同期在本院体检的健康人员46例设为对照组,均行T-SPOT.TB... 目的 探讨结核感染T细胞斑点试验(T-SPOT.TB)在涂阴活动性肺结核诊断中的应用价值。方法 于2021年11月-2022年11月本院接收的涂阴活动性肺结核患者中选取46例,设为观察组,另选取同期在本院体检的健康人员46例设为对照组,均行T-SPOT.TB、结核抗体(TB-AB)检测。对比两组患者T-SPOT.TB、TB-AB阳性检出结果,并分析观察组与对照组两种检测方法的诊断情况。结果 观察组T-SPOT.TB阳性检出率是86.96%,比对照组的19.57%高,观察组TB-AB阳性检出率是80.43%,比对照组的34.78%高(P<0.05);在观察患者中,T-SPOT.TB诊断符合率是95.65%,敏感度是77.5 6%,特异度是80.00%,比TB-AB的82.61%、90.00%、50.00%高(P<0.05);在对照组患者中,T-SPOT.TB诊断符合率是97.83%,敏感度是97.62%,特异度是100.00%,比TB-AB的89.13%、90.00%、42.86%高(P<0.05)。结论 在涂阴活动性肺结核诊断中,T-SPOT.TB诊断效能良好,诊断符合率、敏感度、特异度均较高,临床上可积极选用。 展开更多
关键词 结核感染T细胞斑点试验 涂阴活动肺结核 诊断 特异度 敏感度
The Role of Mediterranean Spotted Fever in the Spectrum of Pediatric Fever with Rashes
作者 Elda Skenderi Admir Sulovari +3 位作者 Gjeorgjina Kuli-Lito Alberta Shkembi Artemisa Shehu Alma Babo 《Journal of Biosciences and Medicines》 CAS 2023年第1期143-149,共7页
When febrile illnesses develop a rash in children, parents are very concerned about a serious disease. Many rashes associated with fever are caused by infectious diseases. Rashes are generally nonspecific and play a s... When febrile illnesses develop a rash in children, parents are very concerned about a serious disease. Many rashes associated with fever are caused by infectious diseases. Rashes are generally nonspecific and play a supportive role in differential diagnosis, but for some diseases, the appearance of the rash is essential in making a diagnosis. Here is presented the case of a 4-year-old boy with high fever, headache, abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, and a generalized maculo-papular rash including palms and soles. On physical examination were found a black eschar, cervical lymphadenopathy, and hepatosplenomegaly. Laboratory findings resulted in moderate leukocytosis and moderate involvement of the liver and renal function. Based on this finding, a diagnosis of Mediterranean Spotted Fever was performed. The child recovered after medication with azithromycin. Because there is no reliable test that can confirm MSF in its early stages, the diagnosis is commonly made on the basis of clinical findings, so a high index of suspicion should be maintained while evaluating a child with fever and rash. 展开更多
关键词 FEVER RASH ESCHAR CHILDREN Rickettsiosis Mediterranean spotted Fever
The Yellow Spot Pattern of Salamander (Salamandra infraimmaculata) in Various Habitats at the Southern Border of Its Distribution in Israel
作者 Gad Degani Gad Ish Am +6 位作者 Amit Biran Ish Am Neria Yatom Amir Marshansky Sivan Margalit Eitan Nissim Hava Goldstein Niva Shaked 《Open Journal of Animal Sciences》 CAS 2023年第1期114-125,共12页
The present study describes the different color-pattern phenotypes of yellow spots on the black back of Salamandra infraimmaculata in various habitats at the southern border of its distribution in Israel. At Tel Dan, ... The present study describes the different color-pattern phenotypes of yellow spots on the black back of Salamandra infraimmaculata in various habitats at the southern border of its distribution in Israel. At Tel Dan, we photographed 454 salamanders in moist habitats where water flows year round;100 of these were sampled to measure the percentage of yellow and black color on the back, and the number of spots on the head. At Kibbutz Sasa, 201 salamanders were photographed, of which 62 were sampled for the measurements. In Kibbutz Yehiam, 200 salamanders were photographed, and 60 were sampled for the measurements. At all sites, about a third of the salamanders were photographed more than once. For all three populations, yellow spots on the salamander back were found in one row, two rows or scattered. For two indices (proportion of yellow/black and number of spots on the head), the Dan population (under wet, running water all year round conditions) differed from the two other populations of salamanders (under semi-arid mountain conditions). The number of yellow spots on the head of the salamanders in the three populations varied from 1 to 7. In all populations, 4 spots pattern was the most common. In the Dan population, there were significantly more salamanders with 1 to 3 spots on their head than in the Sasa or Yehiam populations. No difference was found in the number of head spots for Sasa vs. Yehiam salamanders. The percentage of yellow on the black back was significantly larger for the Dan salamanders vs. the two other populations. The main question examined was whether there is an effect of the habitat conditions in isolated populations on the spot pattern on the salamander back. The answer is positive and is supported by previous studies. 展开更多
关键词 Salamandra infraimmaculata Color-Pattern HABITATS spotS YELLOW
Impact of Three Isolates of Cercosporidium personatum (Berk. Et M.A Curt.), a Pathogen of Late Leaf Spot, on Defoliation and Yield in Groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) under Controlled Conditions
作者 Bawomon Fidèle Neya Tobdem Gaston Dabire +7 位作者 Alassane Ouattara Amado Sawadogo Diariétou Sambakhe Kouka Hamidou Sogoba Tounwendsida Abel Nana Ibié Gilles Thio Frank Essem Kadidia Koita 《American Journal of Plant Sciences》 2023年第10期1101-1114,共14页
Late leaf spot caused by Cercosporidium personatum is one of the most widespread groundnut leaf diseases. Along with early leaf spot and rust, it is one of the main fungal diseases hampering groundnut production world... Late leaf spot caused by Cercosporidium personatum is one of the most widespread groundnut leaf diseases. Along with early leaf spot and rust, it is one of the main fungal diseases hampering groundnut production worldwide. Late leaf spot accounts for significant yield losses throughout the world where groundnuts are grown. This reduction in yield caused by the disease could result in yield losses of between 50% and 70%. In Burkina Faso, the disease is present throughout the country, with incidence varying according to region and season. Could the variability in the incidence of the disease be linked to the nature of the isolates or to the conditions from each agro-ecological zone? In this study, the aim was to assess the capacity of three isolates from three agroclimatic zones of the country to defoliate and reduce groundnut yield. To this end, three isolates of Cercosporidium personatum (Berk. Et M.A Curt.) were collected in these zones and evaluated on three contrasting groundnut varieties. A split-splot design was used for the experiment. Isolates were prepared from samples collected in farmers’ fields. After incubation in the laboratory, leaf spots showing good sporulation were scraped off with a scalpel after immersing the leaves in distilled water. Inoculations were carried out under controlled environment. After inoculation with the isolate, the percentage of defoliation and the reduction in yield of these varieties were then evaluated. Inoculation was carried out from the 30th day after sowing with Cercosporidium personatum spore suspensions at 10<sup>5</sup> spores/ml. The study showed that the percentage of defoliation (P = 0.0001) and the reduction in yield (P = 0.0001) were significant. The study revealed that, whatever the variety, isolate I3TF from the Upper Basins region in the South Sudanese zone caused the greatest defoliation and the greatest reduction in yield. The variety TS32-1, regardless of the isolate used for the treatment, recorded the best yield. The variety PC79-79, regardless of the isolate used for the treatment, recorded the lowest percentage of defoliation. The highest defoliation recorded under the effect of the isolates was of the order of 72.20%;the highest yield reduction was of the order of 87.20% compared with the water control. 展开更多
关键词 Arachis hypogaea ISOLATE Late Leaf spot Cercosporidum personatum YIELD DEFOLIATION
Interaction between a Peptide and White Spot Syndrome Virus VP28 Envelope Protein
作者 Xiaofeng Ji Yuan Zheng Jun Sheng 《Advances in Bioscience and Biotechnology》 2023年第12期545-550,共6页
White spot syndrome virus (WSSV) is one of the most important pathogens that endanger the global shrimp aquaculture. Studies have confirmed that in the early stage of infection, VP28, the main envelope protein of WSSV... White spot syndrome virus (WSSV) is one of the most important pathogens that endanger the global shrimp aquaculture. Studies have confirmed that in the early stage of infection, VP28, the main envelope protein of WSSV, is used as a viral adhesion protein to bind PcRab7 of Penaeus chinensis, helping virus enter the host cells, resulting in shrimp infection. Hence, inhibition of envelope protein VP28 would be a novel way to deal with the infection. Peptide 2E6 was confirmed to have a high specificity and blocked virus infection. However, the mechanism by which it combines with VP28 is not clear. Clarifying the binding mechanism between peptides and VP28 is of great significance for further optimization and screening of antiviral peptides. In this research, the MD simulation and binding free energy analysis were implemented to validate and capture intermolecular interactions aims to clarify the blocking mechanism. 展开更多
关键词 White spot Syndrome Virus VP28
The Spatial Patterns of Road Traffic Crash Black Spots and Emergency Facilities in Federal Capital City
作者 Mamman Saba Jibril David Sesugh Aule Badiatu Danladi Garba 《Journal of Geoscience and Environment Protection》 2023年第2期121-134,共14页
This study aimed at determining the spatial patterns of Road Traffic Crash (RTC) black spots, Federal Road Safety Commission (FRSC) zebra points and emergency health care facilities in Federal Capital City (FCC). The ... This study aimed at determining the spatial patterns of Road Traffic Crash (RTC) black spots, Federal Road Safety Commission (FRSC) zebra points and emergency health care facilities in Federal Capital City (FCC). The aim was to provide stakeholders with information that will aid their understanding of accident prone locations and accessible rescue possibilities for accident victims on the roads in FCT. GPS Map 76S Mark (GARMIN) was used to locate and pick coordinates of data in the study area. A total of 16 possible emergency health care facilities, seventy (70) RTC black spots and Five Zebra point locations were obtained from FRSC. ArcGIS 10.0 was used to compute the data by plotting the coordinates to produce maps of the spatial relationship and to carry out Nearest Neighbour Analysis (NNA). The result was further used to determine the spatial patterns of RTC black spots as well as patterns of the emergency facilities. Generally, the result shows that the spatial trend is turning towards dispersion. However, there is less than 1% likelihood that the dispersed patterns could be the result of random chance. It was recommended that, the Federal Road Safety Commission should be staffed with trained professionals that can be responsible for accident data surveillance and analysis using geospatial techniques. 展开更多
关键词 ACCIDENT Black spot EMERGENCY Pattern Spatial Zebra Point
作者 张帆 林健 林芬 《中国卫生标准管理》 2023年第23期18-22,共5页
目的探讨肺泡灌洗液结核杆菌RNA和X-pert方法,培养、涂片检查及结核感染T细胞斑点试验(T cell spot test,T-SPOT)在菌阴肺结核诊断中的价值,并筛选出最佳的检测方法组合。方法收集2022年7月1日—2022年9月26日确诊肺结核病例患者134例... 目的探讨肺泡灌洗液结核杆菌RNA和X-pert方法,培养、涂片检查及结核感染T细胞斑点试验(T cell spot test,T-SPOT)在菌阴肺结核诊断中的价值,并筛选出最佳的检测方法组合。方法收集2022年7月1日—2022年9月26日确诊肺结核病例患者134例。对所有患者进行肺泡灌洗液结核杆菌RNA和X-pert方法,培养、涂片检查及T-SPOT等11种检测方案,并分析其在菌阴肺结核患者诊断中的阳性率、阳性预测值、阴性预测值等指标,以及各种检测方法之间的一致性。结果根据数据统计分析,T-SPOT具有最高的阳性率(82.8%)和较低的阴性预测值(17.1%),可以有效地识别出菌阴肺结核患者,但也存在较高的误诊风险。X-pert方法和菌种鉴定方法的阳性率相同(56.7%),但X-pert方法的阳性预测值和阴性预测值都比菌种鉴定方法略高一些(56.7%vs.47.0%和43.2%∶52.9%),说明X-pert方法在区分患者和非患者方面略优于菌种鉴定方法。T-SPOT、X-pert是菌阴肺结核诊断中最佳的2种检测方法,可作为诊断菌阴肺结核的重要手段。结论T-SPOT、X-pert是菌阴肺结核诊断中最佳的2种检测方法,可作为诊断菌阴肺结核的重要手段,而其他检测方法的价值相对较低,需与其他方法联合使用。 展开更多
关键词 菌阴肺结核 肺泡灌洗液 结核杆菌RNA T细胞斑点试验 X-pert 菌种鉴定
Influence of Planting Date on the Incidence and Severity of Leaf Spot Disease in Telfairia occidentalis Hook f.
作者 Agyingi Lucy Ambang Kebei Andrew Kpu Mbong Grace Annih 《Agricultural Sciences》 2023年第9期1169-1178,共10页
Telfairia occidentalis Hook f. is attacked by a destructive fungal pathogen Epicoccum sorghinum which causes leaf spot disease in the field. In Came-roon, this critically important seed and leaf vegetable is predomina... Telfairia occidentalis Hook f. is attacked by a destructive fungal pathogen Epicoccum sorghinum which causes leaf spot disease in the field. In Came-roon, this critically important seed and leaf vegetable is predominantly culti-vated under natural environmental conditions. An experiment was conducted in 2019 and 2020 during the long and short rainy seasons in Santchou to de-termine the influence of planting dates between seasons on the incidence and severity of leaf spot disease. The design used was a 2 by 4 factorial random-ized complete block design with three replications and four sowing dates. Data for disease incidence and severity documented fortnightly, were submitted to analysis of variance using SPSS version 23, and the means were separated by Duncan’s multiple range test (DMRT) at a 95% confidence interval. Statistical analysis revealed that the long rainy season registered a significantly (p p < 0.05) disease incidences and severities to other planting dates investi-gated. We established that the first three planting dates in the long rainy season could be a management practice to reduce disease prevalence. 展开更多
关键词 Leaf spot Planting Date SEASON Telfairia occidentalis
Storage of Gamma-Glutamyltransferase from Dried Serum Spots: Matrix for Field Based Studies
作者 Ram Kumar Rizwana Quraishi 《Pharmacology & Pharmacy》 2023年第11期478-481,共4页
Background: Gamma-glutamyltransferase is recognised as a biomarker to assess the harms associated with alcohol misuse. The objective ways to measure GGT in areas lacking central lab facilities are desirable. This stud... Background: Gamma-glutamyltransferase is recognised as a biomarker to assess the harms associated with alcohol misuse. The objective ways to measure GGT in areas lacking central lab facilities are desirable. This study aims to measure GGT from dried serum spots and its storage from dried serum spots. Method: The study was approved by the institutional ethical committee. One hundred and eighty (180) patients were included in the study. Their blood samples were collected. The serum samples were spotted onto filter paper (Whatman 903) dried and stored at 4°C. The GGT levels were measured on the day of collection and at various time periods to assess the effect of storage. All the analysis was performed on SPSS version 21. Result: The GGT levels measured from fresh serum GGT levels mean (SD) 286.5 (539.4) correlated well with their respective dried serum levels 287.18 (538.2) (P = 0.80). The mean recovery of GGT from dried serum was observed to be 103.3%. A sub-sample (n = 12) was stored at 4°C. The dried serum spots were found to be stable at the end of four weeks using repeated measure analysis of variance (ANOVA) (P = 0.39). Conclusion: This method has the potential to be used for epidemiological or field based studies to assess harms associated with alcohol use. 展开更多
Brazilian Spotted Fever Mortality Profile: 2018 to 2022
作者 Danielle Satie Kassada Paula Cristina Pereira da Costa +3 位作者 Gabriel Borba de Castro Isabela Cristina Nogueira Henrique Ceretta Oliveira Dalvani Marques 《Advances in Infectious Diseases》 2023年第3期498-507,共10页
Background: Spotted Fever (SF) is an acute febrile zoonosis of variable severity that typically occurs in an endemic manner with worldwide distribution. Considering that SF is a disease of significant public health im... Background: Spotted Fever (SF) is an acute febrile zoonosis of variable severity that typically occurs in an endemic manner with worldwide distribution. Considering that SF is a disease of significant public health importance, this study aims to identify the mortality profile due to SF in Brazil from 2018 to 2022. Methods: Quantitative and descriptive cross-sectional approach. Data were collected from Brazilian Spotted Fever (BSF) cases registered in the Notifiable Diseases Information System (SINAN-DATASUS) across all regions of Brazil. The data collected includes information on the following variables: year of symptom, evolution, sex, race, environment of infection, region of notification, and age group. Subsequently, the data was entered into Microsoft Excel to create tables and graphs. The chi-square test was then applied to statistically analyze the associations between qualitative variables. A modified Poisson regression model with robust variance was constructed to analyze the age group data and determine which categories had different probabilities of death. The results show the estimates obtained for prevalence ratios, as well as their respective confidence intervals and p-values. The statistical software SAS version 9.4 was used to perform the analysis and a significance level of 5% was considered. Results: From 2018 to 2022, a total of 1126 cases of BSF were reported. Out of these cases, 59.3% (668) were cured, 32.4% (364) resulted in death, 1.1% (13) died from other causes and 7.2% (81) had no recorded outcome. Regarding the region with the highest death rate, the Southeast region led with 99.45% (362) of cases, followed by the Northeast region with 0.45% (2). As for the age group, the majority (63.7%) fell between the ages of 20 and 59 years old. In terms of race/color, 52.7% of the population identified as white. Regarding the contamination environment, 39.3% were in leisure areas. The outcome of death by BSF showed statistically significant associations with sex (p-value = 0.03) and age group (p-value = 0.003). Conclusion: The profile of deaths from Brazilian Spotted Fever primarily affects individuals from the Southeast region of the country, particularly men, and whites aged 20 years or older being contaminated mainly in leisure environments. This study provides a detailed understanding of the pattern of BSP-related deaths, providing crucial information for public health authorities. These insights provide valuable support for formulating informed policies and effective BSP control and prevention strategies. 展开更多
关键词 Brazilian spotted Fever MORTALITY Communicable Diseases Disease Notification
Quantitative and Comprehensive Prediction of Shale Oil Sweet Spots in Qingshankou Formation, Songliao Basin
作者 Tiantian Wu Xin Bai +9 位作者 Fei Shang Haiyan Zhou Lan Wang Xuexian Zhou Zhi Zhong Zhi Yang Jinyou Zhang Xinyang Cheng Peiyu Zhang Ruiqian Chen 《Journal of Geoscience and Environment Protection》 2023年第5期290-315,共26页
The mud shale of Qingshankou Formation in Songliao Basin is the main rock source and contains rich shale oil resources. The successful development of shale oil depends on evaluating and optimizing the “sweet spots”.... The mud shale of Qingshankou Formation in Songliao Basin is the main rock source and contains rich shale oil resources. The successful development of shale oil depends on evaluating and optimizing the “sweet spots”. To accurately identify and optimize the favorable sweet spots of shale oil in Qingshankou Formation, Songliao Basin, the original logging data were preprocessed in this paper. Then the thin mud shale interlayer of Qingshankou Formation was identified effectively by using the processed logging data. Based on the artificial neural network method, the mineral content of mud shale in Qingshankou Formation was predicted. The lithofacies were identified according to the mineral and TOC content. Finally, a three-dimensional (3-D) model of total organic carbon (TOC), vitrinite reflectance (Ro), mineral content, and rock of Qingshankou Formation in Songliao Basin was established to evaluate and predict the favorable sweet spots of shale oil in the study area. The results show that there are a lot of calcareous and siliceous thin interlayers in Qingshankou Formation, and TOC content is generally between 2% and 3%. Ro is the highest in Gulong sag, followed by Sanzhao sag. The lithofacies mainly consists of felsic shale and mixed shale, mainly in the first member of Qingshankou Formation. Comprehensive analysis shows that shale oil development potential is enormous in the eastern part of Sanzhao Sag and the northern part of Gulong Sag. 展开更多
关键词 Songliao Basin Qingshankou Formation Shale Oil Sweet spot Artificial Neural Network
Developing Blue Spots Model for Tennessee Using GIS, and Advanced Data Analytics: Literature Review
作者 Fasesin Kingsley 《Journal of Geoscience and Environment Protection》 2023年第6期145-154,共10页
Climate change and global warming results in natural hazards, including flash floods. Flash floods can create blue spots;areas where transport networks (roads, tunnels, bridges, passageways) and other engineering stru... Climate change and global warming results in natural hazards, including flash floods. Flash floods can create blue spots;areas where transport networks (roads, tunnels, bridges, passageways) and other engineering structures within them are at flood risk. The economic and social impact of flooding revealed that the damage caused by flash floods leading to blue spots is very high in terms of dollar amount and direct impacts on people’s lives. The impact of flooding within blue spots is either infrastructural or social, affecting lives and properties. Currently, more than 16.1 million properties in the U.S are vulnerable to flooding, and this is projected to increase by 3.2% within the next 30 years. Some models have been developed for flood risks analysis and management including some hydrological models, algorithms and machine learning and geospatial models. The models and methods reviewed are based on location data collection, statistical analysis and computation, and visualization (mapping). This research aims to create blue spots model for the State of Tennessee using ArcGIS visual programming language (model) and data analytics pipeline. 展开更多
关键词 Blue spots Floods Risks and Management GIS Hydrological Models GEOSPATIAL Model Builder LiDAR Data Remote Sensing Data Analytics Pipe-line
作者 范晨子 孙冬阳 +3 位作者 赵令浩 袁继海 胡明月 赵明 《岩矿测试》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第1期87-100,共14页
锂、铍是当前全球战略性关键金属,采用激光剥蚀电感耦合等离子体质谱(LA-ICP-MS)建立分析方法可以实现微区原位定量分析天然矿物样品中的锂、铍元素含量,为锂铍资源高效利用以及赋存状态的研究提供分析技术支撑。锂辉石和绿柱石等矿物... 锂、铍是当前全球战略性关键金属,采用激光剥蚀电感耦合等离子体质谱(LA-ICP-MS)建立分析方法可以实现微区原位定量分析天然矿物样品中的锂、铍元素含量,为锂铍资源高效利用以及赋存状态的研究提供分析技术支撑。锂辉石和绿柱石等矿物是提取锂、铍元素的主要原料,微区分析常用的电子探针方法对于能量较低的轻元素难以准确定量,而LA-ICP-MS方法亟待改进降低非基体匹配校准带来的基体效应提高分析的准确度和精密度。本文探讨了仪器工作条件(同位素选择及计数模式、载气He气流速、样品气Ar气流速、束斑直径、能量密度大小)和数据处理方法(外部标准物质、内标元素)对定量结果精密度和准确度的影响。实验结果表明:He和Ar气体流速不仅会影响锂、铍信号强度,而且适当降低载气He流速(0.6L/min)可以减小相对误差。增加束斑直径虽可以将数据精密度提高10%以上,但是对于准确度影响不大;对于绿柱石这类硬度高的透明矿物应提高能量密度(相对强度>75%,通量>2.7J/cm^(2))以保证产生稳定剥蚀信号。测定7Li时选择现有标准物质中含量较高的GSE-1G校准、9Be选择NIST610校准,以Al作为内标补偿元素,计算结果相对误差较小。LA-ICP-MS方法通过调整仪器工作条件和数据处理方法,可以降低基体差异,提高数据准确度,解决微区原位准确定量分析锂、铍轻元素的难题,为锂、铍资源的勘探开发和高效利用提供有力的技术支撑。但是也亟待开发高锂、铍含量的微区标准物质,解决因现有标准物质与样品中含量差异造成的基体效应来进一步提高数据质量。 展开更多
关键词 LA-ICP-MS 锂矿物 铍矿物 气体流速 束斑直径
作者 覃建华 李映艳 +4 位作者 杜戈峰 周阳 邓远 彭寿昌 肖佃师 《新疆石油地质》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第3期317-326,共10页
吉木萨尔凹陷芦草沟组页岩油水平井产能差异大,各井产水率区别明显,其主控因素尚不清楚,现有甜点分类标准无法满足该区页岩油精细开发的需要,基于核磁共振测井截止值的含油性及可动性解释难以精细识别页岩油甜点。以核磁共振测井和实验... 吉木萨尔凹陷芦草沟组页岩油水平井产能差异大,各井产水率区别明显,其主控因素尚不清楚,现有甜点分类标准无法满足该区页岩油精细开发的需要,基于核磁共振测井截止值的含油性及可动性解释难以精细识别页岩油甜点。以核磁共振测井和实验室核磁共振测试为基础,基于分频处理、分流体核磁共振测井孔隙结构表征、弹性能排油模拟等技术,精细表征页岩油层中不同类型流体分布;分别刻画油水赋存孔径,建立可动油量评价模型,对流体赋存、孔径分布、可动油量等进行定量表征;结合单井试油和生产数据,明确水平井产能控制因素。研究表明:大孔轻质组分占比、可动油孔隙度与水平井产能的相关性明显优于孔隙度、含油饱和度和核磁可动油孔隙度;水影响指数则反映地层水对页岩油流动的影响程度,该值越小,相同可动油孔隙度下水平井产能越高、含水率越低。以大孔轻质组分占比、水影响指数和可动油孔隙度为指标,将页岩油油层划分为3类,由Ⅰ类至Ⅲ类油层,日产油量快速减小,含水率明显升高,可作为芦草沟组页岩油甜点精细评价的依据。 展开更多
关键词 吉木萨尔凹陷 芦草沟组 页岩油 核磁共振 产能 甜点评价
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