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全身麻醉药物对发育期大脑影响的争鸣 被引量:5
作者 钱敏 李民 +1 位作者 郭向阳 马大青 《中国药理学与毒理学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第3期363-367,共5页
麻醉药物作用于N-甲基-D-天冬氨酸(NMDA)受体和(或)γ氨基丁酸(GABA)引起发育期动物大脑神经退行性变和成年后认知功能障碍,且神经元凋亡或功能受损具有年龄、接触时间和剂量的依赖性。然而麻醉药物诱导神经细胞凋亡的假说仍存在争议。... 麻醉药物作用于N-甲基-D-天冬氨酸(NMDA)受体和(或)γ氨基丁酸(GABA)引起发育期动物大脑神经退行性变和成年后认知功能障碍,且神经元凋亡或功能受损具有年龄、接触时间和剂量的依赖性。然而麻醉药物诱导神经细胞凋亡的假说仍存在争议。麻醉药物引起的凋亡是病理性凋亡还是生理性凋亡及其与与神经认知功能障碍间的因果关系尚不清楚。动物实验中不同种属动物麻醉/镇痛所需要的药物剂量、发育易感期各不相同,因此动物实验结果不能直接应用于临床。临床上全麻药物对婴幼儿神经毒性的临床研究证据尚不充分,仍需进一步获取多中心、大样本人类研究数据,以证实麻醉药物与发育期大脑退行性变的因果关系,阐述其机制,指导临床医师的工作。本文综述了全身麻醉药物对发育期大脑影响的研究进展。 展开更多
关键词 麻醉药物 发育期大脑 神经退行性变 认知功能障碍
一氧化氮——一种特异性肺血管舒张剂研究进展及展望 被引量:1
作者 熊利泽 Young JD 曾祥龙 《国外医学(麻醉学与复苏分册)》 北大核心 1993年第3期129-132,共4页
一氧化氮是一种有害气体.低浓度吸入后可经肺泡弥散于肺血管平滑肌内,从而舒张肺循环血管.弥散于血流的一氧化氮,直接与血红蛋白结合,转化成高铁血红蛋白,使之失活.研究表明,吸入低浓度一氧化氮,可不同程度地降低肺动脉高压.在吸入一氧... 一氧化氮是一种有害气体.低浓度吸入后可经肺泡弥散于肺血管平滑肌内,从而舒张肺循环血管.弥散于血流的一氧化氮,直接与血红蛋白结合,转化成高铁血红蛋白,使之失活.研究表明,吸入低浓度一氧化氮,可不同程度地降低肺动脉高压.在吸入一氧化氮浓度低于100ppm下,未发现有明显的毒副作用.本文就其研究历史,吸入一氧化氮对肺动脉高压的作用,其选择性作用于肺循环的机理、毒副作用、吸入方法等进行了回顾,并简要地提出尚需解决的问题.一氧化氮可能会成为真正特异性肺血管舒张剂. 展开更多
关键词 血管扩张药 一氧化氮 研究 远景
重症监护中静脉应用胺碘酮:是重新评价的时候吗? 被引量:2
作者 M.Hughes A.Binning 梁黔生 《德国医学》 CAS 2001年第4期192-194,共3页
胺碘酮目前主要用作广谱抗心律失常药物.临床上普遍认为它是一种有效且短期使用无严重不良反应的药物,常作为治疗房性快速型心律失常的首选或次选药物.本篇将概述目前所知的关于胺碘酮的资料,并且对其在不同人群中的有效性及安全性进行... 胺碘酮目前主要用作广谱抗心律失常药物.临床上普遍认为它是一种有效且短期使用无严重不良反应的药物,常作为治疗房性快速型心律失常的首选或次选药物.本篇将概述目前所知的关于胺碘酮的资料,并且对其在不同人群中的有效性及安全性进行评价.令人吃惊的是,在急性发作的心房纤颤患者还少有与安慰剂的对照研究.与其他药物的比较研究表明,胺碘酮具有广泛的有效性,多数情况下是有效的.长时间使用胺碘酮后出现的毒性是一个人所共知的问题,但是最近发现危重患者短期使用后也出现了致命的肺部毒性.因此需要对危重患者使用胺碘酮的方式进行再评价. 展开更多
关键词 重症监护 疗效评价 胺碘酮 药效学 药物代谢动力学 相互作用 毒性
右美托咪定的实验研究和临床应用(英文) 被引量:120
作者 鲍勃.杨 熙赞.康 +2 位作者 斯妍娜 鲍红光 马大青 《临床麻醉学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第10期1034-1040,共7页
右美托咪定(DEX)是高选择性α2肾上腺素受体激动药,起效快,作用时间短、兼具有镇静、镇痛作用、且无呼吸抑制,近来在临床上越来越受到重视。研究证明,右美托咪定在达到并维持足够的镇静水平的同时,具有独特的易于唤醒的特点,同时可减少... 右美托咪定(DEX)是高选择性α2肾上腺素受体激动药,起效快,作用时间短、兼具有镇静、镇痛作用、且无呼吸抑制,近来在临床上越来越受到重视。研究证明,右美托咪定在达到并维持足够的镇静水平的同时,具有独特的易于唤醒的特点,同时可减少其他镇静药物的用量。右美托咪定诱导的镇静类似于非快速动眼睡眠,故可提高睡眠质量,有利于免疫系统恢复。右美托咪定的镇痛作用呈剂量依赖性,且有封顶效应。右美托咪定和阿片类药物联合应用,不仅增强阿片类药物的镇痛作用,还可以减少阿片类药物的用量,有效预防阿片类药物过量所致的不良反应。右美托咪定有血流动力学稳定作用,但也可以引起心动过缓和低血压;右美托咪定还可降低术后躁动、恶心、呕吐的发生率。右美托咪定用于长期使用阿片类药物的患者,未出现明显的撤药反应,同时可以治疗阿片类药物引起的痛觉过敏。右美托咪定和布比卡因混合液用于骶管阻滞,提供足够的镇痛作用同时,显著延长骶管阻滞时间。对于神经外科手术患者,右美托咪定不抑制体感诱发电位,不影响术中神经系统功能评估。由于右美托咪定独特的无呼吸抑制的显著特点,在众多需要保持患者自主呼吸的临床麻醉应用中是一种较理想的药物。总之,右美托咪定这些特性将使得其在未来的临床工作中有更加广阔的应用。 展开更多
关键词 临床应用 实验研究 α2肾上腺素受体激动药 外科手术患者 阿片类药物 布比卡因混合液 镇痛作用 镇静药物
Acute-on-chronic liver failure:recent update 被引量:16
作者 Azeem Alam Ka Chun Suen Daqing Ma 《The Journal of Biomedical Research》 CAS CSCD 2017年第4期283-300,共18页
Acute on chronic liver failure(ACLF) was first described in 1995 as a clinical syndrome distinct to classic acute decompensation.Characterized by complications of decompensation,ACLF occurs on a background of chronic ... Acute on chronic liver failure(ACLF) was first described in 1995 as a clinical syndrome distinct to classic acute decompensation.Characterized by complications of decompensation,ACLF occurs on a background of chronic liver dysfunction and is associated with high rates of organ failure and significant short-term mortality estimated between45%and 90%.Despite the clinical relevance of the condition,it still remains largely undefined with continued disagreement regarding its precise etiological factors,clinical course,prognostic criteria and management pathways.It is concerning that,despite our relative lack of understanding of the condition,the burden of ACLF among cirrhotic patients remains significant with an estimated prevalence of 30.9%.This paper highlights our current understanding of ACLF,including its etiology,diagnostic and prognostic criteria and pathophysiology.It is evident that further refinement of the ACLF classification system is required in order to detect high-risk patients and improve short-term mortality rates.The field of metabolomics certainly warrants investigation to enhance diagnostic and prognostic parameters,while the use of granulocyte-colony stimulating factor is a promising future therapeutic intervention for patients with ACLF. 展开更多
关键词 肝功能 衰竭 急性 粒细胞集落刺激因子 ACLF 病理生理学 分类体系 代谢组学
Hepatic ischemia-reperfusion injury in liver transplant setting:mechanisms and protective strategies 被引量:14
作者 Sanketh Rampes Daqing Ma 《The Journal of Biomedical Research》 CAS CSCD 2019年第4期221-234,共14页
Hepatic ischemia-reperfusion injury is a major cause of liver transplant failure,and is of increasing significance due to increased use of expanded criteria livers for transplantation.This review summarizes the mechan... Hepatic ischemia-reperfusion injury is a major cause of liver transplant failure,and is of increasing significance due to increased use of expanded criteria livers for transplantation.This review summarizes the mechanisms and protective strategies for hepatic ischemia-reperfusion injury in the context of liver transplantation.Pharmacological therapies,the use of pre-and post-conditioning and machine perfusion are discussed as protective strategies.The use of machine perfusion offers significant potential in the reconditioning of liver grafts and the prevention of hepatic ischemia-reperfusion injury,and is an exciting and active area of research,which needs more study clinically. 展开更多
Perioperative"remote"acute lung injury:recent update 被引量:7
作者 Zhaosheng Jin Ka Chun Suen Daqing Ma 《The Journal of Biomedical Research》 CAS CSCD 2017年第3期197-212,共16页
Perioperative acute lung injury(ALI) is a syndrome characterised by hypoxia and chest radiograph changes.It is a serious post-operative complication,associated with considerable mortality and morbidity.In addition to ... Perioperative acute lung injury(ALI) is a syndrome characterised by hypoxia and chest radiograph changes.It is a serious post-operative complication,associated with considerable mortality and morbidity.In addition to mechanical ventilation,remote organ insult could also trigger systemic responses which induce ALI.Currently,there are limited treatment options available beyond conservative respiratory support.However,increasing understanding of the pathophysiology of ALI and the biochemical pathways involved will aid the development of novel treatments and help to improve patient outcome as well as to reduce cost to the health service.In this review we will discuss the epidemiology of peri-operative ALI;the cellular and molecular mechanisms involved on the pathological process;the clinical considerations in preventing and managing perioperative ALI and the potential future treatment options. 展开更多
关键词 尖锐的肺损害 intraoperative care/adverse 效果 手术后的复杂并发症 发炎 麻药 一般 液体治疗
Dementia and osteoporosis in a geriatric population: Is there a common link? 被引量:6
作者 Candice L Downey Adam Young +4 位作者 Emily F Burton Simon M Graham Robert J Macfarlane Eva-Maria Tsapakis Eleftherios Tsiridis 《World Journal of Orthopedics》 2017年第5期412-423,共12页
AIM To determine the existence of a common pathological link between dementia and osteoporosis through reviewing the current evidence base. METHODS This paper reviews the current literature on osteoporosis and dementi... AIM To determine the existence of a common pathological link between dementia and osteoporosis through reviewing the current evidence base. METHODS This paper reviews the current literature on osteoporosis and dementia in order to ascertain evidence of a common predisposing aetiology. A literature search of Ovid MEDLINE(1950 to June 2016) was conducted. The keywords "osteoporosis", "osteoporotic fracture", "dementia" and "Alzheimer's disease"(AD) were used to determine the theoretical links with the most significant evidence base behind them. The key links were found to be vitamins D and K, calcium, thyroid disease, statins, alcohol and sex steroids. These subjects were then searched in combination with the previous terms and the resulting papers manually examined. Theoretical, in vitro and in vivo research were all used to inform this review which focuses on the most well developed theoretical common causes for dementia(predominantly Alzheimer's type) and osteoporosis.RESULTS Dementia and osteoporosis are multifaceted disease processes with similar epidemiology and a marked increase in prevalence in elderly populations. The existence of a common link between the two has been suggested despite a lack of clear pathological overlap in our current understanding. Research to date has tended to be fragmented and relatively weak in nature with multiple confounding factors reflecting the difficulties of in vivo experimentation in the population of interest. Despite exploration of various possible mechanisms in search for a link between the two pathologies, this paper found that it is possible that these associations are coincidental due to the nature of the evidence available. One finding in this review is that prior investigation into common aetiologies has found raised amyloid beta peptide levels in osteoporotic bone tissue, with a hypothesis that amyloid beta disorders are systemic disorders resulting in differing tissue manifestations. However, our findings were that the most compelling evidence of a common yet independent aetiology lies in the APOE4 allele, which is a well-established risk for AD but also carries an independent association with fracture risk. The mechanism behind this is thought to be the reduced plasma vitamin K levels in individuals exhibiting the APOE4 allele which may be amplified by the nutritional deficiencies associated with dementia, which are known to include vitamins K and D. The vitamin theory postulates that malnutrition and reduced exposure to sunlight in patients with AD leads to vitamin deficiencies. CONCLUSION Robust evidence remains to be produced regarding potential links and regarding the exact aetiology of these diseases and remains relevant given the burden of dementia and osteoporosis in our ageing population. Future research into amyloid beta, APOE4 and vitamins K and D as the most promising aetiological links should be welcomed. 展开更多
Postoperative sleep disorders and their potential impacts on surgical outcomes 被引量:9
作者 Sanketh Rampes Katie Ma +2 位作者 Yasmin Amy Divecha Azeem Alam Daqing Ma 《The Journal of Biomedical Research》 CAS CSCD 2020年第4期271-280,共10页
Postoperative sleep disturbance is a common occurrence with significant adverse effects on patients including delayed recovery,impairment of cognitive function,pain sensitivity and cardiovascular events.The developmen... Postoperative sleep disturbance is a common occurrence with significant adverse effects on patients including delayed recovery,impairment of cognitive function,pain sensitivity and cardiovascular events.The development of postoperative sleep disturbance is multifactorial and involves the surgical inflammatory response,the severity of surgical trauma,pain,anxiety,the use of anesthetics and environmental factors such as nocturnal noise and light levels.Many of these factors can be managed perioperatively to minimize the deleterious impact on sleep.Pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatment strategies for postoperative sleep disturbance include dexmedetomidine,zolpidem,melatonin,enhanced recovery after surgery(ERAS) protocol and controlling of environmental noise and light levels.It is likely that a combination of pharmacological and non-pharmacological therapies will have the greatest impact;however,further research is required before their use can be routinely recommended. 展开更多
关键词 POSTOPERATIVE sleep disturbance surgical outcomes
Open versus laparoscopic right hemicolectomy in the elderly population
作者 Aaron J Quyn Osama Moussa +2 位作者 Fergus Millar David M Smith Robert JC Steele 《World Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery》 SCIE CAS 2013年第6期187-191,共5页
AIM:To compare short term outcomes of elective laparoscopic and open right hemicolectomy(RH) in an elderly population.METHODS:All patients over the age of 70 undergoing elective RH at Ninewells Hospital and Perth Roya... AIM:To compare short term outcomes of elective laparoscopic and open right hemicolectomy(RH) in an elderly population.METHODS:All patients over the age of 70 undergoing elective RH at Ninewells Hospital and Perth Royal Infirmary between January 2006 and May 2011 were included in our analysis.Operative details,hospital length of stay,morbidity and mortality was collected by way of proforma from a dedicated prospective database.An extracorporeal anastomosis was performed routinely in the laparoscopic group.The primary endpoints for analysis were morbidity and mortality.Our secondary endpoints were operative duration,length of hospital stay and discharge destination.RESULTS:Two hundred and six patients were included in our analysis.One hundred and twenty-five patients underwent an open resection and 81 patients had a laparoscopic resection.The mean operating time was significantly longer in the laparoscopic group(139 ± 36 min vs 197 ± 53 min,P = 0.001).The mean length of hospital stay was similar in both groups(11.2 ± 7.8 d vs 9.6 ± 10.7 d,P = 0.28).The incidence of postoperative morbidities was 27% in the open group and 38% in the laparoscopic group(P = 0.12).Overall inhospital mortality was 0.8% in open procedures vs 1% in laparoscopic.CONCLUSION:Laparoscopic RH was associated with a significantly longer operative time compared to open RH.In our study,laparoscopic RH was not associated with reduced post-operative morbidity or significantly shorter length of hospital stay. 展开更多
Peri-Operative Hearing Impairment
作者 Vinodkumar Singh Ayush Sinha Rashmi Madan 《Open Journal of Anesthesiology》 2012年第4期176-177,共2页
Peri-operative hearing impairment is a poorly reported morbidity following any type of anaesthesia. We report a case where the patient developed temporary hearing impairment after a gynaecological surgery. This recove... Peri-operative hearing impairment is a poorly reported morbidity following any type of anaesthesia. We report a case where the patient developed temporary hearing impairment after a gynaecological surgery. This recovered in a couple of week time. The causes of such hearing impairment in various types of anaesthesia are discussed. 展开更多
Magnesium: The Neglected Electrolyte? A Clinical Review
作者 Pranev Sharma Christine Chung Marcela Vizcaychipi 《Pharmacology & Pharmacy》 2014年第7期762-772,共11页
Magnesium, Mg2+, is the second most abundant intracellular cation after potassium and the fourth most abundant in the body. It was first isolated in 1808 by the English chemist, Sir Humphrey Davy. Magnesium is essenti... Magnesium, Mg2+, is the second most abundant intracellular cation after potassium and the fourth most abundant in the body. It was first isolated in 1808 by the English chemist, Sir Humphrey Davy. Magnesium is essential to numerous biochemical reactions. It modulates key physiological processes such as metabolic biochemistry, nucleic acid synthesis, receptor-binding and ion flux. The western diet falls short of the recommended daily allowance of 4.5 mg/Kg/day and important dietary sources are seeds, grains, nuts and green vegetables. It is used as a therapeutic agent in a broad range of pathologies: neurological, cardiovascular, respiratory, gastrointestinal and obstetric. The pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of magnesium, as a drug, are not well understood. Despite its fundamental importance to human physiology, it remains an electrolyte that is not routinely measured as part of the “urea & electrolytes” test and is the most overlooked electrolyte deficiency in hospital inpatients. This review will summarise the importance of magnesium homeostasis, its pharmacological effects and clinical applications. 展开更多
Evaluation and Design of Alphabetic Communication Boards
作者 David John Williams 《Applied Mathematics》 2016年第2期125-129,共5页
Communication boards provide a low-cost means of facilitating communication with patients who are unable to speak;however the process is slow and frustrating. A computer model was used to calculate the cumulative freq... Communication boards provide a low-cost means of facilitating communication with patients who are unable to speak;however the process is slow and frustrating. A computer model was used to calculate the cumulative frequency-weighted path length for letter selection (“chart index”) for three conventional communication boards using different search strategies;and exhaustively generate and evaluate designs for a novel communication board based on a frequency-ordered arrangement of letters. For all arrangements, a 46% to 53% reduction in chart indices was achieved when “2 Dimensional” (2D) rather than “1 Dimensional” (1D) search strategies were employed. A further 23% to 30% reduction in chart indices was achieved through use of frequency-ordered sequences with optimal row groupings. Conventional communication boards can be used more efficiently by employing a 2D search strategy. Novel communication boards based on optimised arrangements of frequency-ordered letter sequences potentially provide a faster means of communication than conventional communication boards. 展开更多
Off-Pump CABG for Mulitvessel Coronary Artery Disease-Safe Incorporation into Surgical Practice
作者 Catharina Nesselmann Sadia Aftab +1 位作者 Manikandan Chandran Fraser W. H. Sutherland 《Open Journal of Thoracic Surgery》 2012年第3期78-86,共9页
Introduction: Since its revival two decades ago development of the surgical technique, along with evidence and clinical outcomes of off-pump coronary artery bypass surgery (OPCAB) were brought into focus. Methods: We ... Introduction: Since its revival two decades ago development of the surgical technique, along with evidence and clinical outcomes of off-pump coronary artery bypass surgery (OPCAB) were brought into focus. Methods: We report a single surgeon, single center experience of the first 37 consecutive patients undergoing off-pump surgery. Patients were selected for OPCAB (study group) individually and matched retrospectively to a control group of 113 patients performed over an identical time frame. Data were retrieved from a hospital data base (TOMCAT). Results: Mean Logistic European System of Cardiac Operative Risk Stratification (EuroSCORE) was slightly higher in the off-pump group (3.8% versus 2.9%). One patient died during the study and this was in the off-pump CAB group (OPCAB-30 day mortality 2.7%). Operating time was slightly shorter in the off-pump group (3 hours 28 minutes versus 3 hours 49 minutes, p = 0.15). After exclusion of outliers, total hospital stay was significantly shorter for off-pump cases (mean 6.8 days versus 8.37 days), while Intensive Care Unit (ICU) stay (1.2 versus 1.4 days) and ventilation time were only slightly shorter (9.35 hours versus 10.6 hours) for off-pump cases. Chest tube drainage was significantly lower in the off-pump group (484 ml versus 744 ml, p = 0.04) with correspondingly slightly lower transfusion requirements and significantly increased discharge haemoglobin concentrations in OPCAB. There was one cerebrovascular accident (CVA) in the off-pump group and none in the on-pump group. Conclusion: In this study we show short term outcomes for introduction of off-pump into surgical technique. Length of ICU stay, ventilation times, chest tube drainage, transfusion re0 quirements and pre-discharge haemoglobin concentration all appeared superior in the off pump group. The off-pump technique was safely introduced into the surgeon`s service with relatively little mortality. Experience of surgeon was considered advantageous for fast adaption of the technique. However, numbers were too small to make strong inferences. With practice more patients should benefit from the technique. 展开更多
Roux-en-Y gastric bypass or sleeve gastrectomy for obstructive sleep apnea:A systematic review and meta-analysis 被引量:1
作者 Hussein Al-Rubaye Emma Rose McGlone +8 位作者 Borna Farzaneh Livyar Mustafa Mae Johnson Ajit Kayal Caroline-Louise English Vasha Kaur Myutan Kalendran Marcus Reddy Omar A.Khan 《Laparoscopic, Endoscopic and Robotic Surgery》 2019年第3期53-58,共6页
Objective:Bariatric surgery has been shown to be an effective method of treatment for obstructive sleep apnea(OSA)with long-term benefits,however,the mechanisms of action and the optimum operative procedure remains un... Objective:Bariatric surgery has been shown to be an effective method of treatment for obstructive sleep apnea(OSA)with long-term benefits,however,the mechanisms of action and the optimum operative procedure remains unclear.The aim of this systemic review was to compare the efficacy of laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy(LSG)and Roux-en-Y gastric bypass(RYGB)in resolving OSA.Methods:A comprehensive search of MEDLINE,Pubmed,Embase,and OVID was performed.Studies that reported OSA resolution in obese patients with BMI>30 kg/m2 were included in the study.RCTs,comparative prospective and matched cohort studies comparing RYGB with LSG were considered for this study.Results:Five studies(309 participants)were included:4 cohort studies and 1 RCT;all with low risk of bias.At 12 months follow-up,there was a trend towards improved resolution of OSA with LSG(OR 0.47,95%CI[0.20 to 1.06];p=0.07)when compared to RYGB.In contrast,there was a trend to poorer weight loss in the LSG group(SMD 3.83,95%CI[-1.82 to 9.48];p=0.18).Similarly,at 36 months follow-up,there was a trend towards better resolution of OSA with LSG(OR 0.52,95%CI[0.16 to 1.71];p=0.28)and a significantly poorer weight loss in LSG when compared to RYGB(SMD 8.25,95%CI[2.91 to 13.58];p=0.002).Conclusion:Despite poorer weight loss following LSG,there is a trend towards increased resolution of sleep apnea post-LSG.These findings suggest the possibility of weight loss independent factors causing OSA resolution,which should be further investigated.Registration:PROSPERO:CRD42018090367. 展开更多
关键词 OBESITY Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy Laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass Obstructive sleep apnea META-ANALYSIS
Global health education in U.K. universities
作者 Adrienne Lee Matthew Quinn 《Global Health Journal》 2021年第3期155-162,共8页
Background:The coronavirus disease 2019(COVID-19)pandemic has led to a paradigm shift in global health,casting a previously niche academic discipline into a headline dominating field of research.However,accurate infor... Background:The coronavirus disease 2019(COVID-19)pandemic has led to a paradigm shift in global health,casting a previously niche academic discipline into a headline dominating field of research.However,accurate information on the delivery of global health education(GHE)at a university level is lacking.This study aims to assess current GIIE practices in U.K.universities,by identifying the availability of dedicated global health qualifications,as well as the breadth of inclusion of GHE topics across university course content.Methods:Universities selected were the top 25 recipients of MRC funding in 2015-2016,as well as universi­ties who were included in previous iterations of the“Global Health League Table”.We used the Consortium of Universities for Global Health“GHE Competencies Toolkit”to identify the presence of global health content across university global health and other course offerings.Universities were additionally judged on opportunities available in global health and on the presence of sustainable partnerships.Results:Our results showed that 20 universities(74%)offer a post-graduate global health related course,with 9(33%)offering an undergraduate global health related course.13(48%)were identified as centers of global health excellence.Just 12(44%)universities had registered sustainable partnerships with Tropical Health and Education Trust.The London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine was identified as the top deliverer of GHE,with the Universities of Leicester and the Universities of Exeter joint bottom.We were unable to standardize quality assessments in this iteration of the project,but the release of student feedback to future assessors would help to improve the reliability of this study methodology.Additionally,much of our data was based on information available online,and thus some aspects of degree courses not published publicly may not have been accounted for in our scoring.Conclusion:Those institutions wishing to improve their delivery of GHE should consider the establishment of a postgraduate or undergraduate degree course.Breadth of global health content across curricular was a major discriminating factor between institutions,and we would advise universities to consider including more global health topics across their curricular-especially in light of the intersectional impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. 展开更多
关键词 Global health Postgraduate education U.K.
Sugammadex is associated with better respiratory recovery than neostigmine following reversal of anaesthesia-associated neuromuscular blockade in the morbidly obese patients following elective laparoscopic surgery
作者 M.Johnson O.A.Khan +3 位作者 E.R.McGlone A.A.Roman J.S.Qureshi A.Kayal 《Laparoscopic, Endoscopic and Robotic Surgery》 2018年第2期33-36,共4页
Complete and reliable neuromuscular reversal is important to successful anaesthetic recovery in the morbidly obese patient undergoing laparoscopic surgery.Our goal was to determine whether sugammadex,a selective rever... Complete and reliable neuromuscular reversal is important to successful anaesthetic recovery in the morbidly obese patient undergoing laparoscopic surgery.Our goal was to determine whether sugammadex,a selective reversal agent is associated with better respiratory recovery than neostigmine following the reversal of anaesthesia-associated neuromuscular blockade by rocuronium in the morbidly obese.Peak Expiratory Flow Rate a surrogate marker for respiratory function,was the primary outcome measured and secondary outcome measures included post-operative nausea and vomiting,pain and head lifting.We found that patients reversed with sugammadex had a significantly higher post-operative PEFR as compared to those reversed with neostigmine and glycopyrrolate group. 展开更多
关键词 SUGAMMADEX Laparoscopic surgery Neuromuscular blockade Morbidly obese
Epidemiology and risk factors for mortality in critically ill patients with pancreatic infection
作者 Marie Dejonckheere Massimo Antonelli +24 位作者 Kostoula Arvaniti Koen Blot Ben CreaghBrown Dylan Wde Lange Jan De Waele Mieke Deschepper Yalim Dikmen George Dimopoulos Christian Eckmann Guy Francois Massimo Girardis Despoina Koulenti Sonia Labeau Jeffrey Lipman Fernando Lipovestky Emilio Maseda Philippe Montravers Adam Mikstacki JoseArtur Paiva Cecilia Pereyra Jordi Rello JeanFrancois Timsit Dirk Vogelaers Stijn Blot the Abdominal Sepsis Study(AbSeS)group on behalf of the Trials Group of the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine 《Journal of Intensive Medicine》 CSCD 2024年第1期81-93,共13页
Background:The AbSeS-classification defines specific phenotypes of patients with intra-abdominal infection based on the(1)setting of infection onset(community-acquired,early onset,or late-onset hospital-acquired),(2)p... Background:The AbSeS-classification defines specific phenotypes of patients with intra-abdominal infection based on the(1)setting of infection onset(community-acquired,early onset,or late-onset hospital-acquired),(2)presence or absence of either localized or diffuse peritonitis,and(3)severity of disease expression(infection,sepsis,or septic shock).This classification system demonstrated reliable risk stratification in intensive care unit(ICU)patients with intra-abdominal infection.This study aimed to describe the epidemiology of ICU patients with pancreatic infection and assess the relationship between the components of the AbSeS-classification and mortality.Methods:This was a secondary analysis of an international observational study(“AbSeS”)investigating ICU patients with intra-abdominal infection.Only patients with pancreatic infection were included in this analysis(n=165).Mortality was defined as ICU mortality within 28 days of observation for patients discharged earlier from the ICU.Relationships with mortality were assessed using logistic regression analysis and reported as odds ratio(OR)and 95%confidence interval(CI).Results:The overall mortality was 35.2%(n=58).The independent risk factors for mortality included older age(OR=1.03,95%CI:1.0 to 1.1 P=0.023),localized peritonitis(OR=4.4,95%CI:1.4 to 13.9 P=0.011),and persistent signs of inflammation at day 7(OR=9.5,95%CI:3.8 to 23.9,P<0.001)or after the implementation of additional source control interventions within the first week(OR=4.0,95%CI:1.3 to 12.2,P=0.013).Gramnegative bacteria were most frequently isolated(n=58,49.2%)without clinically relevant differences in microbial etiology between survivors and non-survivors.Conclusions:In pancreatic infection,a challenging source/damage control and ongoing pancreatic inflammation appear to be the strongest contributors to an unfavorable short-term outcome.In this limited series,essentials of the AbSeS-classification,such as the setting of infection onset,diffuse peritonitis,and severity of disease expression,were not associated with an increased mortality risk. 展开更多
关键词 Pancreatic infection Intensive care unit MORTALITY Intra-abdominal infection SEPSIS
Robot-assisted single lung transplantation
作者 Wenjie Jiao Ronghua Yang +9 位作者 Yandong Zhao Nan Ge Tong Qiu Xiao Sun Yingzhi Liu Kun Li Zhiqiang Li Wencheng Yu Yi Qin Ao Liu 《Chinese Medical Journal》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2023年第3期362-364,共3页
To the Editor:Currently,lung transplantations are typically performed via a transverse thoracosternotomy or a sternotomy for double lung transplantation,or a posteriolateral thoracosternotomy for single lung transplan... To the Editor:Currently,lung transplantations are typically performed via a transverse thoracosternotomy or a sternotomy for double lung transplantation,or a posteriolateral thoracosternotomy for single lung transplantation.However,these extremely invasive approaches may contribute to early post-operative pain,delay wound healing,and cause chronic post-thoracotomy neuralgia,which can affect patient’s quality of life.[1,2]Of interest,several minimally invasive surgical methods for lung transplantation were reported.[3,4]Furthermore,robotic surgical systems are now widely used in the field of thoracic surgery.Herein,we reported a case of performing robot-assisted right single lung transplantation for a patient with end-stage chronic obstructive pulmonary disease(COPD). 展开更多
Expert consensus on difficult airway assessment
作者 Ming Xia Wuhua Ma +19 位作者 Mingzhang Zuo Xiaoming Deng Fushan Xue Denise Battaglini Vivek Aggarwal Giustino Varrassi Vladimir Cerny Ida Di Giacinto Rita Cataldo Daqing Ma Toru Yamamoto Martina Rekatsina Alessandro De Cassai Andrea Carsetti Marvin G.Chang Edwin Seet Daniel P.Davis Michael G.Irwin Yuguang Huang Hong Jiang 《Hepatobiliary Surgery and Nutrition》 SCIE 2023年第4期545-566,共22页
Background:Identifying a potentially difficult airway is crucial both in anaesthesia in the operating room(OR)and non-operation room sites.There are no guidelines or expert consensus focused on the assessment of the d... Background:Identifying a potentially difficult airway is crucial both in anaesthesia in the operating room(OR)and non-operation room sites.There are no guidelines or expert consensus focused on the assessment of the difficult airway before,so this expert consensus is developed to provide guidance for airway assessment,making this process more standardized and accurate to reduce airway-related complications and improve safety.Methods:Seven members from the Airway Management Group of the Chinese Society of Anaesthesiology(CSA)met to discuss the first draft and then this was sent to 15 international experts for review,comment,and approval.The Grading of Recommendations,Assessment,Development and Evaluation(GRADE)is used to determine the level of evidence and grade the strength of recommendations.The recommendations were revised through a three-round Delphi survey from experts.Results:This expert consensus provides a comprehensive approach to airway assessment based on the medical history,physical examination,comprehensive scores,imaging,and new developments including transnasal endoscopy,virtual laryngoscopy,and 3D printing.In addition,this consensus also reviews some new technologies currently under development such as prediction from facial images and voice information with the aim of proposing new research directions for the assessment of difficult airway.Conclusions:This consensus applies to anesthesiologists,critical care,and emergency physicians refining the preoperative airway assessment and preparing an appropriate intubation strategy for patients with a potentially difficult airway. 展开更多
关键词 Expert consensus difficult airway airway management
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